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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impactos del turismo deportivo y medidas para su manejo sostenible / Sport tourism impacts and measures for its sustainable management

Vera Cuadros, Willy Alejandro, Zumarán Ramírez, Andrea Aida 19 July 2021 (has links)
El turismo deportivo cobra gran relevancia como actividad social, ya que tanto el turismo como el deporte son actividades de ocio capaces de movilizar personas y desarrollar la economía. Sin embargo, la comprensión crítica del turismo deportivo es limitada. En esa línea, el objetivo general de esta investigación fue determinar los impactos del turismo deportivo en un destino y las medidas para su manejo sostenible. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se aplicó la metodología de investigación de revisión literaria bajo el enfoque integrador que permitió sintetizar la información de diferentes disciplinas y perspectivas sobre el turismo deportivo y sus impactos. Es así que se descubrió que el turismo deportivo genera más impactos positivos que negativos; sin embargo, esto dependerá del destino y su planificación estratégica. Además, las medidas para desarrollar el turismo deportivo con un enfoque sostenible se dividen en pre-activas, activas y post-activas, siendo las primeras las más numerosas. Finalmente, se encontró un vacío teórico sobre las medidas para desarrollar un turismo deportivo sostenible, ya que las fuentes sobre el tema son escasas por lo que se recomienda investigar sobre el tema. / Sport tourism has great relevance as a social activity because both tourism and sport are recreational activities capable of mobilizing people and developing the economy. However, a critical understanding of sport tourism is limited. Hence, the general objective of this research is to determine the impacts of sport tourism in a destination and the measures for its sustainable management. For the development of this research the literature review methodology with an integrative approach is applied to synthesize information from different disciplines and perspectives about sport tourism and its impacts. In this way, it was discovered that sport tourism generates more positive impacts than negative; however, this depends on the destination and its strategic planning. Moreover, the measures for developing a sustainable sport tourism activity are divided in pre-active, active and post-active, being the first the most numerous. Finally, a theoretical void about measures for developing a sustainable sport tourism was found because the sources of the theme are scarce; thus, it is recommended to investigate the theme. / Trabajo de investigación

Квалитет агротуризма Војводине и његов утицај на ставове локалног становништва / Kvalitet agroturizma Vojvodine i njegov uticaj na stavove lokalnog stanovništva / Quality of agritourism in Vojvodina and its impact on residents’ attitudes

Petrović Marko 03 November 2014 (has links)
<p>Агротуризам&nbsp; редставља&nbsp; осебни,&nbsp; селективни&nbsp; вид&nbsp; туризма&nbsp; који&nbsp; обједињује&nbsp; скуп&nbsp; активности&nbsp; на&nbsp;сеоским&nbsp; туристичким&nbsp; домаћинствима&nbsp; и&nbsp; у&nbsp; објектима&nbsp; у&nbsp; домаћој&nbsp; радиности.&nbsp; У&nbsp; раду&nbsp; је&nbsp; дат &nbsp;преглед&nbsp; владајуће&nbsp;литературе&nbsp; о&nbsp; агротуризму&nbsp; у AП&nbsp; Војводини (Србији)&nbsp; и&nbsp; иностраним&nbsp; државама&nbsp; и&nbsp; дефинисане&nbsp; су&nbsp; основне&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; овог&nbsp; вида&nbsp; туризма.&nbsp; Приказане&nbsp; су&nbsp; туристичко-географске&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; истраживаног&nbsp;ростора,&nbsp; описана&nbsp; је&nbsp; студија&nbsp; случаја&nbsp; стања&nbsp; и&nbsp; развоја&nbsp; агротуризма&nbsp; у&nbsp; Војводини&nbsp; и&nbsp; упоређена&nbsp; са&nbsp; осталим&nbsp;деловима&nbsp; Србије&nbsp; и&nbsp; са &nbsp;примерима&nbsp; из&nbsp; иностранства.&nbsp; У&nbsp; методолошком&nbsp; делу &nbsp;приказани&nbsp; су&nbsp; инструменти, процедура&nbsp; и&nbsp; узорак&nbsp; истраживања,&nbsp; а&nbsp; остављене&nbsp; су&nbsp; и&nbsp; хипотезе&nbsp; рада.&nbsp; Кроз &nbsp;резултате&nbsp; и&nbsp; дискусију,&nbsp; хипотезе&nbsp;су &nbsp;потврђене,&nbsp; делимично &nbsp;потврђене&nbsp; или&nbsp; оповргнуте,&nbsp; уз &nbsp;помоћ&nbsp; статистичких &nbsp;прорачуна&nbsp; и&nbsp; других&nbsp; метода провере,&nbsp; док&nbsp; су&nbsp; у&nbsp; закључку&nbsp; рада &nbsp;представљени&nbsp; научни&nbsp; и &nbsp;практични&nbsp; допринос&nbsp; теоријског&nbsp; и &nbsp; теренског&nbsp;истраживања,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; ограничења&nbsp; истраживања.&nbsp; У&nbsp; овом&nbsp; сегменту&nbsp; наведени&nbsp; су&nbsp; и&nbsp; основни &nbsp;проблеми&nbsp;администрације, &nbsp;праксе&nbsp; и&nbsp; теорије&nbsp; о &nbsp;аспектима&nbsp; квалитета&nbsp; агротуризма&nbsp; у&nbsp; Војводини.&nbsp; Такође,&nbsp; изложене&nbsp; су&nbsp;идеје&nbsp; и &nbsp;предлози&nbsp; за&nbsp; будућа&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; и &nbsp;практични&nbsp; савети&nbsp; који&nbsp; имају&nbsp; за&nbsp; циљ&nbsp; да&nbsp; сугеришу&nbsp; и&nbsp; мотивишу&nbsp;окретање &nbsp;промена&nbsp; које&nbsp; могу&nbsp; довести&nbsp; до &nbsp;побољшања&nbsp; квалитeта&nbsp; агротуристичке &nbsp;понуде&nbsp; у&nbsp; Војводини&nbsp; и&nbsp;читавој Србији.</p> / <p>Agroturizam&nbsp; redstavlja&nbsp; osebni,&nbsp; selektivni&nbsp; vid&nbsp; turizma&nbsp; koji&nbsp; objedinjuje&nbsp; skup&nbsp; aktivnosti&nbsp; na&nbsp;seoskim&nbsp; turističkim&nbsp; domaćinstvima&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; objektima&nbsp; u&nbsp; domaćoj&nbsp; radinosti.&nbsp; U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; dat &nbsp;pregled&nbsp; vladajuće&nbsp;literature&nbsp; o&nbsp; agroturizmu&nbsp; u AP&nbsp; Vojvodini (Srbiji)&nbsp; i&nbsp; inostranim&nbsp; državama&nbsp; i&nbsp; definisane&nbsp; su&nbsp; osnovne&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; vida&nbsp; turizma.&nbsp; Prikazane&nbsp; su&nbsp; turističko-geografske&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; istraživanog&nbsp;rostora,&nbsp; opisana&nbsp; je&nbsp; studija&nbsp; slučaja&nbsp; stanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; razvoja&nbsp; agroturizma&nbsp; u&nbsp; Vojvodini&nbsp; i&nbsp; upoređena&nbsp; sa&nbsp; ostalim&nbsp;delovima&nbsp; Srbije&nbsp; i&nbsp; sa &nbsp;primerima&nbsp; iz&nbsp; inostranstva.&nbsp; U&nbsp; metodološkom&nbsp; delu &nbsp;prikazani&nbsp; su&nbsp; instrumenti, procedura&nbsp; i&nbsp; uzorak&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; a&nbsp; ostavljene&nbsp; su&nbsp; i&nbsp; hipoteze&nbsp; rada.&nbsp; Kroz &nbsp;rezultate&nbsp; i&nbsp; diskusiju,&nbsp; hipoteze&nbsp;su &nbsp;potvrđene,&nbsp; delimično &nbsp;potvrđene&nbsp; ili&nbsp; opovrgnute,&nbsp; uz &nbsp;pomoć&nbsp; statističkih &nbsp;proračuna&nbsp; i&nbsp; drugih&nbsp; metoda provere,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; su&nbsp; u&nbsp; zaključku&nbsp; rada &nbsp;predstavljeni&nbsp; naučni&nbsp; i &nbsp;praktični&nbsp; doprinos&nbsp; teorijskog&nbsp; i &nbsp; terenskog&nbsp;istraživanja,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; ograničenja&nbsp; istraživanja.&nbsp; U&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; segmentu&nbsp; navedeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; i&nbsp; osnovni &nbsp;problemi&nbsp;administracije, &nbsp;prakse&nbsp; i&nbsp; teorije&nbsp; o &nbsp;aspektima&nbsp; kvaliteta&nbsp; agroturizma&nbsp; u&nbsp; Vojvodini.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; izložene&nbsp; su&nbsp;ideje&nbsp; i &nbsp;predlozi&nbsp; za&nbsp; buduća&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; i &nbsp;praktični&nbsp; saveti&nbsp; koji&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; za&nbsp; cilj&nbsp; da&nbsp; sugerišu&nbsp; i&nbsp; motivišu&nbsp;okretanje &nbsp;promena&nbsp; koje&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; dovesti&nbsp; do &nbsp;poboljšanja&nbsp; kvaliteta&nbsp; agroturističke &nbsp;ponude&nbsp; u&nbsp; Vojvodini&nbsp; i&nbsp;čitavoj Srbiji.</p> / <p>Agritourism is a specific, selective type of tourism that combines a set of activities on farms and in<br />self-service&nbsp; beds&nbsp; (accomodation&nbsp; type)&nbsp; in&nbsp; rural&nbsp; areas.&nbsp; This&nbsp; paper&nbsp; presents&nbsp; a&nbsp; literature&nbsp; review&nbsp; of&nbsp; agritourism&nbsp; in<br />Vojvodina&nbsp; Province&nbsp; (Serbia)&nbsp; and&nbsp; foreign&nbsp; countries&nbsp; and&nbsp; defines&nbsp; the&nbsp; basic&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; type&nbsp; of&nbsp; tourism.&nbsp; A<br />tourist-geographical&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; study&nbsp; area&nbsp; are&nbsp; presented,&nbsp; the&nbsp; case&nbsp; study&nbsp; situation&nbsp; and&nbsp; development&nbsp; of<br />agritourism in Vojvodina are described and comparedwith other parts of Serbia and with examples from abroad. In the<br />methodological&nbsp; part,&nbsp; the&nbsp; tools,&nbsp; procedures,&nbsp; and&nbsp; sample&nbsp; surveys,&nbsp; together&nbsp; with&nbsp; working&nbsp; hypotheses&nbsp; are&nbsp; presented.<br />Throughout the results and discussion, the hypotheses are confirmed, partially confirmed or refuted, using statistical<br />calculations and other methods of testing. On the other hand, in the conclusion of the paper, a scientific and practical<br />contribution to the theory and field studies, as well as the limitations of the research are shown. Inthis segment of<br />paper, the main problems of administration, practices, and theories on quality&rsquo; aspects of agritourismin Vojvodina are<br />listed. Together with these, the ideas and suggestions for future research and practical advices aimedto motivate the<br />initiation of changes in the quality of agritourismin Vojvodina Province and in the Republic Serbia are expressed.</p>

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