Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fourism. fourism"" "subject:"fourism. colourism""
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Several interpretations of the Blue Mountains : a juxtaposition of ideas over two hundred years /Young, Amanda M. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Hons.)) -- University of Western Sydney, Nepean, 1997. / Bibliography : leaves 54-56.
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Development of a map serviceHuang, Xiaotie. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Waikato, 2007. / Title from PDF cover (viewed May 15, 2009) Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-100)
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Туризам Шајкашке / Turizam Šajkaške / Tourism of ŠajkaškaKovačević Bojana 03 September 2014 (has links)
<p>Шајкашка је географски субрегион у Србији. То је југоисточни део Бачке, лоциран у средишњем делу Аутономне Покрајине Војводине. Анализом природних и друштвених атрактивности, материјалне базе неопходне за развој туризма и садашњег стања развоја селективних облика туризма дошло се до закључка да Шајкашка, поред свих потенцијала, није афирмисана туристичка дестинација, чиме је потврђена основна хипотеза рада.</p><p>У раду су дефинисани кључни туристички ресурси и приоритетни облици туризма и са сигурношћу се може констатовати да Шајкашка може одмах или релативно брзо оформити конкурентно задовољавајући ниво у вези са следећим туристичким производима: наутички, излетнички, ловни и риболовни, сеоски, салашарски и спортско-рекреативни туризам, који би требало да представљају окосницу развоја туризма на овом простору. Услов је да се на новим, научно утемељеним и у пракси доказаним сазнањима, постави такав модел развоја, који ће да осигура да се Шајкашка позиционира као препознатљива и привлачна туристичка дестинација, са прецизно одређеном структуром туристичког производа и дефинисаним маркетинг планом развoja. У раду су дефинисани планови даљег развоја и предлози за унапређење туризма Шајкашке, базирани на резултатима анкетног истраживања туристичког тржишта. Испитивање туристичке тражње спроведено је на испитаницима из Новог Сада и Зрењанина, док је за потребе истраживања на страни туристичке понуде спроведено истраживање ставова локалног становништва Шајкашке о стању и перспективама развоја туризма у њиховим насељима. Резултати истраживања указују на чињеницу на Шајкашка није препознатљива туристичка дестинација, да нема изграђен имиџ, и да више од половине испитаника није посетило природне и друштвене атрактивности које се налазе на овом простору. Најбоље оцењени елементи Шајкашке, као туристичке дестинације су гастрономија, атрактивност вода и мултикултуралност, док је најслабије оцењен елеменат материјална основа. У резултатима истраживања ставова локалног становништва дошло се до закључка да становништво има позитиван став према развоју туризма, али да није свесно локалних туристичких вредности, ни природних нити културних, те да је неопходно спровести програме туристичке едукације и подизања самосвести. Велики удео локалног становништва има магловите представе о туризму и не познаје кораке и поступке који могу од ове делатности направити сигуран извор допунске зараде. Из анализе резултата анкетног истраживања донети су важни и конкретни закључци који би могли бити од велике помоћи за даље планирање развоја туризма у Шајкашкој. У резултатима истраживања нагласак се ставља на циљне тржишне сегменте на које треба усмерити маркетинг активности, стратегије које би требало применити и предуслове које треба испунити да би туризам заиста постао један од водећих елемената свеукупног развоја овог простора, а Шајкашка постала препознатљива туристичка дестинација у Србији.</p> / <p>Šajkaška je geografski subregion u Srbiji. To je jugoistočni deo Bačke, lociran u središnjem delu Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine. Analizom prirodnih i društvenih atraktivnosti, materijalne baze neophodne za razvoj turizma i sadašnjeg stanja razvoja selektivnih oblika turizma došlo se do zaključka da Šajkaška, pored svih potencijala, nije afirmisana turistička destinacija, čime je potvrđena osnovna hipoteza rada.</p><p>U radu su definisani ključni turistički resursi i prioritetni oblici turizma i sa sigurnošću se može konstatovati da Šajkaška može odmah ili relativno brzo oformiti konkurentno zadovoljavajući nivo u vezi sa sledećim turističkim proizvodima: nautički, izletnički, lovni i ribolovni, seoski, salašarski i sportsko-rekreativni turizam, koji bi trebalo da predstavljaju okosnicu razvoja turizma na ovom prostoru. Uslov je da se na novim, naučno utemeljenim i u praksi dokazanim saznanjima, postavi takav model razvoja, koji će da osigura da se Šajkaška pozicionira kao prepoznatljiva i privlačna turistička destinacija, sa precizno određenom strukturom turističkog proizvoda i definisanim marketing planom razvoja. U radu su definisani planovi daljeg razvoja i predlozi za unapređenje turizma Šajkaške, bazirani na rezultatima anketnog istraživanja turističkog tržišta. Ispitivanje turističke tražnje sprovedeno je na ispitanicima iz Novog Sada i Zrenjanina, dok je za potrebe istraživanja na strani turističke ponude sprovedeno istraživanje stavova lokalnog stanovništva Šajkaške o stanju i perspektivama razvoja turizma u njihovim naseljima. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na činjenicu na Šajkaška nije prepoznatljiva turistička destinacija, da nema izgrađen imidž, i da više od polovine ispitanika nije posetilo prirodne i društvene atraktivnosti koje se nalaze na ovom prostoru. Najbolje ocenjeni elementi Šajkaške, kao turističke destinacije su gastronomija, atraktivnost voda i multikulturalnost, dok je najslabije ocenjen elemenat materijalna osnova. U rezultatima istraživanja stavova lokalnog stanovništva došlo se do zaključka da stanovništvo ima pozitivan stav prema razvoju turizma, ali da nije svesno lokalnih turističkih vrednosti, ni prirodnih niti kulturnih, te da je neophodno sprovesti programe turističke edukacije i podizanja samosvesti. Veliki udeo lokalnog stanovništva ima maglovite predstave o turizmu i ne poznaje korake i postupke koji mogu od ove delatnosti napraviti siguran izvor dopunske zarade. Iz analize rezultata anketnog istraživanja doneti su važni i konkretni zaključci koji bi mogli biti od velike pomoći za dalje planiranje razvoja turizma u Šajkaškoj. U rezultatima istraživanja naglasak se stavlja na ciljne tržišne segmente na koje treba usmeriti marketing aktivnosti, strategije koje bi trebalo primeniti i preduslove koje treba ispuniti da bi turizam zaista postao jedan od vodećih elemenata sveukupnog razvoja ovog prostora, a Šajkaška postala prepoznatljiva turistička destinacija u Srbiji.</p> / <p>Šajkaška is geographical subregion in Serbia. It is located in southeastern part of Bačka, in middle part of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Through analyzes of natural and social attractiveness, material base essential for development of tourism and present condition of development of selective forms of tourism, it is concluded that Šajkaška, regardless of all its potential, is not an affirmed tourist destination, which confirms the basic hypothesis of the dissertation.</p><p>Dissertation defines key tourist resources and priority forms of tourism, and it can be ascertain that Šajkaška may now, or relatively soon form competitive satisfying level in relation with following tourist products: nautical tourism, excursion and sightseeing, hunting and fishing, rural and farm tourism, and sports-recreational tourism, which supposed to be framework for future development of tourism in this area. It is required that, on the grounds of new, scientifically based and in practice proven facts, a model of development should be created, which will ensure Šajkaška position as a recognizable and attractive tourist destination, with a precise structure of tourism product and the defined marketing plan development.</p><p>Dissertation defines plans for further development and suggestions on improving tourism of Šajkaška, based on results of survey of tourist market. Survey was conducted on respondents from Novi Sad and Zrenjanin, and for the purpose of research on the tourist offer, a survey of attitudes of local people from Šajkaška, on the status and perspectives of tourism development in their neighborhoods was conducted.</p><p>Results of survey indicates that Šajkaška is not recognizable tourist destination, it is without defined image, and more than half of respondents didn't visit natural and social attractiveness that are found in this area. Best graded elements of Šajkaška, as tourist destination is gastronomy, attractiveness of water and multiculturalism, and lowest grade was given to the material base.</p><p>Based on survey results of attitudes of local people it is concluded that they have positive attitude towards development of tourism, but unaware of local tourist <br />values, neither natural nor cultural, and that is necessary to implement a program of tourism education and raising awareness. Majority of population has wage idea of tourism and it is not familiar with procedures and steps which can make this activity secure source of additional earnings.</p><p>Based on survey findings analyze important and concrete conclusions were drawn, which could be of great assistance for further planning of development tourism in Šajkaška. Dissertation emphasizes survey findings, target market segments on which marketing activities should be focused, strategies that should be applied and preconditions that should be required in order to make tourism as one of the leading elements of entire development of this area, and Šajkaška to become recognizable tourist destination in Serbia.</p>
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Literární cestovní ruch na území Česka / Literary tourism in CzechiaUlrychová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to clarify the role of literary tourism in Czechia and to evaluate its potential and possible uses. After that, a comparison based on foreign literature and sources was made between Czechia and other countries. The places selected in this thesis have a link to the life or work of a prominent Czech writer and seek to develop literary tourism, promote literature, attract visitors, etc. These are places where the writer's birthplace is open to the public and where museums with an exhibition focusing on that writer and the writer's works have been created and where literary festivals or other thematic events are organized etc. These places were approached with the offer of being involved in the making of a game called "Build your world" and a newly created smaller competition "In the footsteps of our writers". Collector magnets have been created for those who have agreed to be involved in these games. These magnets serve as a means to support the development of literary tourism in the Czech Republic and involve local actors in a nationwide event, which will raise awareness both of important writers and of the places associated with them. Very often the places involved are less visited ones. Key words: tourism, literary tourism, potential, Build your world, In the footsteps of...
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Questioning women's empowerment through tourism entrepreneurship opportunities : the case of Omani womenSalim Al Mazro'ei, Lubna Badar January 2017 (has links)
This thesis adopts critical feminist theory, which is a combination of both critical theory and feminist theory, to explore the nature and experiences of Omani women involved in tourism entrepreneurship with particular regard to empowerment. Several studies have identified the potential role of tourism entrepreneurship to empower women due to the many benefits that it provides. However, this potential, and the extent that it empowers women, has been questioned. A review of the literature on women in tourism entrepreneurship reveals that there are several issues that have theoretical and practical implications for women's empowerment through this activity. Furthermore, a review of the development studies literature indicates that there are many prevailing issues and debates surrounding the concept of women's empowerment thatmerit further investigation. The fieldwork for this research took place in Oman during 2013-‐2014 and included an examination of a hosting group, sewing group and a number of women tourism entrepreneurs. Participant observations and semi-structured/unstructured interviews were conducted to collect information about these women. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the collected information and to develop three ethnographic case studies. The findings of this research reveal that tourism entrepreneurship does not inevitably bring about empowerment for Omani women. It is far from being an activity for women's individual and collective empowerment, given that the scope for such remains dependent on the embedded environment and is influenced by the nature of tourism enterprise work. An empirically informed conceptual framework was developed from the data to present this phenomenon. A grounded conceptualization was also developed from the data to conceptualize the process of women's empowerment for Omani women in tourism entrepreneurship. Theoretical implications of the findings areidentified in relation to the appropriate use of the concept of women's empowerment in tourism research. Practical implications of the findings are also identified in relation to local and international tourism organisations that utilises tourism entrepreneurship opportunities for women's empowerment purposes.
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Zhodnocení kvality služeb cestovního ruchu ve vybrané lokalitě / Evaluation of the quality of provided tourism services in selected localityJENÍKOVÁ, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis provides comprehensive insight into the individual types of services of tourism. The main goal is evaluation of the quality of provided tourism services in the selected locality Hluboka nad Vltavou. In the theoretical part the concept associated with areas of tourism, services, marketing mix, quality and instruments of strategic marketing environment. In the practical part it was made detailed analysis of accommodation services, catering services, cultural services, sports services, sport and relaxation services and complementary services. In the practical part are also evaluated results of a research, which main aim was find out the satisfaction of tourism participant with a quality, level and range of tourism services, which are provided in the locality. The visitor's opinion on opportunities of cultural and sport activities is also very important. Attention was focused on the local and foreign participants of tourism in this direction. Based on the gained information and results of marketing research, the last section contains appropriate suggestions.
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Analýza potenciálu cestovního ruchu v ORP Telč / Analysis of the tourism potential in the Telč regionDOLEŽALOVÁ, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
The main objective of the master thesis was to compare municipalities within the Telč region from the perspective of rural tourism. The comparison was based on historical, sociodemographic and geographic description and analysis of their potential for tourism, including analysis of opinions of selected subjects towards tourism and its development. In the theoretical part, basic concepts of tourism or rural tourism were characterized, based on the review of pertinent professional literature. In the next section, the Telč region was characterized in terms of particular tourism-related factors, i.e. localization, selective and implementation factors. The characteristic consisted in comparing the objective data of the municipalities studied. Evaluation of tourism potential of the Telč region was based on evaluation of the factors and on the survey that addressed representatives of the municipalities with the aim to acquire their opinions on tourism and all components of tourism infrastructure.
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Vliv cestovního ruchu na podnikatelské aktivity a rozvoj města Český Krumlov / The impact of tourism on business activities and development of the city Český KrumlovŠMELC, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The objective of the diploma thesis was to evaluate the impact of tourism on business activities and development of the city Český Krumlov. Under the analysis of various statistical data the trend of the number of incoming visitors, the economical contribution of tourism on the city, private businesses and citizens were specified. To evaluate the impact of tourism on private businesses and citizens various subjects were questioned via questionnaire online and also during the field research. Under the determined results main problems of the city related to the development of tourism were specified and there were suggestions proposed for the future improvement.
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Inovace produktového portfolia cestovního ruchu v zázemí Voticka / Innovation of product portfolio tourism in hinterland VoticeVOKROUHLÍKOVÁ, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis was through the analysis of tourism products in the hinterland Voticko point out deficiencies in the offer and subsequently propose a project that would innovate product portfolio of tourism in the selected region.
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Návrh projektu rozvoje loveckého cestovního ruchu / The proposal of hunting tourism development projectKROUPOVÁ, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to propose a hunting tourism project. The project takes place in the Strakonice micro region which is characterized by relatively healthy and undamaged environment. The proposal of the project takes advantage from the natural potential and supply of the region and countryside. The proposal focused on increasing the knowledge of the tourism participants about the hunting tourism like a part of the countryside and culture.
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