Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brading industry"" "subject:"berading industry""
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Könsrelaterade mönster i arbetslivet : En jämförande studie mellan kvinnliga arbetstagare inom handeln och akademinLarsson, Filippa, Flyckt, Felicia January 2015 (has links)
The Swedish labour market seems to be more gender equal today than what it has been before. A gender equality intervention as the practice of an equality plan is one of the strategies that have been used in the workplace to achieve equality. This study aims to examine women’s work experiences in purpose to identify gender patterns in working life in a comparison between the trading industry and the academy. Central aspects in this paper concerns opportunities for development, space in the workplace and expectations associated to gender. Chosen previous research contains studies about equality in the academy and a report about female co-workers labour standards within the trading industry. Furthermore chosen studies show that some qualities are associated to gender and also how occupations are gendered. The theories that has been used to interpret and understand the empirical material is symbolical interactionism and Hirdman’s theories about gender. This study is based on qualitative interviews with four women from the trading industry and five women from the academy. The result indicates that it is possible to distinguish gendered patterns in both trades. The patterns are expressed in different ways but can to a certain extent be related to each other. / Den svenska arbetsmarknaden ger ett sken av att vara mer jämställt mellan kön idag än vad den tidigare har varit. Jämlikhetsinterventioner såsom tillämpandet av jämställdhetsplaner är en av de strategier som använts på arbetsplatser för att uppnå jämställdhet. Syftet med denna undersökning är att utifrån kvinnornas perspektiv identifiera könsrelaterade mönster i arbetslivet i en jämförelse mellan handeln och akademin. Centrala aspekter berör utvecklingsmöjligheter, utrymme på arbetsplatsen och förväntningar kopplade till kön. Den tidigare forskningen som valts innefattar studier kring jämställdhet inom akademin samt en rapport om kvinnliga medarbetares arbetsförhållanden inom handeln. Vidare redogörs studier som påvisar att somliga egenskaper är kopplade till kön och hur det finns en könsmärkning av yrken. De teorier som använts för att tolka och förstå det empiriska materialet är symbolisk interaktionism samt Hirdmans teorier kring genus. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra personer från handeln samt fem personer från akademin. Resultatet visar att könsrelaterade mönster går att urskilja inom respektive bransch. Dessa mönster kommer till uttryck på olika sätt men kan i viss mån relateras till varandra.
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The Case Study of Relationship Marketing for Wildlife Trading Industry: Investigating Wildlife Asia CompanyChen, Hui-fen 08 February 2009 (has links)
The characteristic of wildlife trading industry is taking the living animal as its product. Therefore, the wildlife trading process must abide by the internationals and local government laws to fit the trend of global natural convention. In addition, because of the complicated wildlife trading process, including the application of CITES permit, the import and export permits, air transportation, quarantine and customs, wildlife trading industry needs to have long-term partnership, suppliers, dealers, and brokers to make the trading process proceed smoothly and lower the trading cost. By the development of the legal wildlife trade, the animal welfare and ecological balance can be improved.
In addition, ¡§Relationship Marketing¡¨ has been one of the most popular marketing tendencies since the early 90s. As times are changed, however, the non-interaction's marketing pattern has gradually declined, and so has the ¡§Relationship Marketing¡¨. Customer service has been emphasized to understand the customers¡¦ demand to develop and maintain long-lasting relationships with customers, and consequently better marketing patterns for business have developed. In the meantime, with the development of information technology, the relationship marketing has provided more opportunities on the internet.
This research will analyze the case of ¡¨ Wildlife Asia¡¨. A domestic established international wildlife trading company, whose goal is to try to understand what its relationship marketing strategy is, and discover how it can compete successfully in the global wildlife trading market, and how it can use related strategies to carry on customer relationship management, including: Relationship Marketing strategies, Customer Relationship Management, and Internet Relationship Marketing. This research discovered: 1. This case use relationship marketing strategy to do wildlife trading business, 2. Wildlife trading industry is suitable for relationship marketing strategy. Consequently there are suggestions for this case: 1.There will be more advantage for this case to use relationship marketing strategy continuously, 2. The case can improve its CRM strategy to develop in this industry, 3. The case can use Internet relationship marketing to increase its marketing strategy.
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