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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factores que influyen en el espíritu emprendedor de una empresa tradicional / The entrepreneur and traditional companies. The role of the entrepreneurial spirit in a traditional company

Niquen Carrasco, Fernanda Guadalupe, Quispe Gamboa, Juanalí Yúrica 25 January 2022 (has links)
Esta investigación permitió analizar el valor del espíritu emprendedor en las empresas tradicionales. Para ello, se compararon posturas de distintos autores, y se analizaron 30 papers seleccionados de las plataformas de prestigiosas revistas académicas, clasificados según factores tanto externos como internos y su relevancia en el desarrollo del espíritu emprendedor de los colaboradores en las empresas tradicionales. Así, se encontraron posturas opuestas y complementarias respecto a los factores externos (económicos, sociales y familiares) relevantes y no relevantes, y factores internos (liderazgo, mentalidad emprendedora e inteligencia cultural) relevantes en el desarrollo del espíritu emprendedor. Además, se compararon posturas respecto a otros factores, como la innovación como factor determinante para la sostenibilidad en una empresa tradicional. / This research offered the possibility of analyzing the role of the entrepreneurial spirit in traditional companies. For this, the positions of different authors were compared, and 30 articles selected from the platforms of prestigious academic journals were analyzed and classified regarding their contribution in relation to external and internal factors and their relevance in the development of the entrepreneurial spirit of collaborators in traditional companies. As a result, opposite and complementary positions about relevant and not relevant external factors (economic, social and family) were found, and relevant internal factors (leadership, entrepreneurial mentality and cultural intelligence) for a group of authors in the development of the entrepreneurial spirit. In addition, positions were compared with respect to other factors, such as innovation as a determining factor for sustainability in a traditional company. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Kommunicera digitalisering i traditionella verksamheter : Lost in translation / Communicating digitalization in a traditional company : Lost in translation

Klein, Mikaela, Isaksson-Bengtsson, Niklas January 2021 (has links)
Digitaliseringen av samhället skapar ständigt nya förutsättningar för förändring. Fenomenet ställerkrav på bolag att förändras och följa med i utvecklingen, vilket skapar nya utmaningar för traditionellabolag. Förändringsinitiativ som motiveras genom att säga att man “behöver bli mer digitala”förutsätter att det finns en grundläggande förståelse för digitalisering som fenomen. Dennafenomenografiska studie behandlar hur medarbetare i ett traditionellt bolag tolkar och uppleverförändringen. Studien lyfter hur förgivettagande av att det finns en konsensus kring digitalisering kanpåverka en digital förflyttning i ett traditionellt bolag. Genom interaktiva intervjuer kartladesmedarbetarnas digitala arbetsmiljö samt upplevelser av den digitala resan. Visualisering av detta harkunnat visa olika sätt att lyfta in digitalisering som fenomen som tolkningsram för förändringar, ochvisa på hur olika förståelse för fenomenet kan visa sig i ett traditionellt tänk på produkt och affär.Risken i detta fallet ligger i hur den digitala resan kan motiveras som relevant. De riskerar att tolkaförändringen som att det handlar om “IT-avdelningen” när digitala initiativ motiveras. Slutsatsenbelyser behovet av en diskussion om det förgivettagna, som förankras i Latours resonemang om matterof concern, samt lyfter visualiseringens roll i att synliggöra detta. / The digitalization of society is constantly creating new conditions for change. The phenomenon placesdemands on companies to change and keep up with the continuous developments, which creates newchallenges for traditional companies. Initiatives for change that are motivated by saying that one“needs to become more digital” presuppose that there is a basic understanding of digitalization as aphenomenon within the organization.This phenomenographic study deals with how employees in a traditional company interpret andexperience the change. The study highlights how the presumption that there is a consensus aboutdigitalization can affect a digital journey in a traditional company. Through interactive interviews, theemployees' digital work environment and experiences of the digital journey were mapped. Visualizationof this shows different ways of elevating digitalization as an interpretive framework for change.Furthermore, the study shows how different understandings of the phenomenon can manifest themselvesin a traditional way of thinking about product and business. The risk in this case lies in how the digitaljourney can be justified as relevant to this group of employees. They risk interpreting the change asmeaning that it is concerning the "IT department" whenever digital initiatives are motivated. Theconclusion highlights the need for a discussion about the presupposed, which is anchored in Latour'sreasoning on matters of concern, and highlights the role of visualization in making this visible

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