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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The use of genetic algorithms in the design of cable-stayed bridges

Addam, A. M. January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Post-calibration and quality management of weigh-in-motion traffic data

De Wet, Dirk Pieter Gerhardus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Process Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering at Stellenbosch University / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Weigh-in-motion (WIM) scales are installed on various higher order South African roads to provide traffic loading information for pavement design, strategic planning and law enforcement using a scientific approach. The two most respected international guideline documents for WIM systems are the American ASTM E1318 Standard and the COST 323 European Specification, yet neither are fully suited to be applied to local WIM systems. The author developed a post-calibration method for WIM data, called the Truck Tractor (TT) Method, to correct the magnitude of recorded axle loads in retrospect. It incorporates a series of powerful data quality checks. The TT Method is robust, accurate and adequately simple to be used on a routine basis. The TT Method uses the truck tractor loads of articulated 6- and 7-axle trucks with single steering- and double driving axles – these vehicle are called Eligible Trucks. Only Eligible Trucks with average axle loads between 6.5 t and 8.5 t are used in the calibration process – these vehicles are called Selected Trucks. A calibration factor, kTT, is determined using a fully automated iterative procedure, and multiplied with all axle load measurements to produce data for which the average truck tractor load of Selected Trucks, TTT, is equal to 21.8 t. The TT Method can be used for WIMs in various operating environments and is not sensitive to the extent of miss-calibration of a WIM, clipping of sensors owing to poor lane discipline or different extents of loading on different routes. The TT Method includes a series of data quality checks that can be used on a routine basis. They are summarised as follows: - The standard deviation of truck tractor loads for Selected Trucks, STTT, should always be below 2.0 t, but preferably below 1.9 t. - The standard deviation of front axle loads for Selected Trucks, SFTT, should always be below 0.9 t, but preferably below 0.8 t. - The post-calibration factor from the TT Method, kTT, should be between 0.9 and 1.1. The factor for any month should not deviate by more than 3% from the moving average of the previous five months. - The average of front axle loads of Selected Trucks, FTT, should be between 5.6 t and 6.6 t; the exact values are influenced by load transfer between the steering and driving axles. - A procedure was formulated using the Front axle / Truck tractor Ratio, FTR, to identify the percentage of Eligible Trucks that in all probability clipped the sensor. The percentage of these records must be below 10 %, but preferably below 6 %. The TT Method has the potential to significantly improve WIM data collection in South Africa. The calibration module of the TT Method, i.e. the procedure to calculate kTT, has already been accepted by SANRAL. Most of the data quality checking concepts associated with the TT Method were also accepted, although their threshold values are still being refined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Weeg-in-beweging (“weigh-in-motion”, WIM) skale word op talle hoë orde paaie in Suid- Afrika gebruik om op wetenskaplike wyse verkeersinligting te verskaf wat gebruik word vir plaveiselontwerp, strategiese beplanning en wetstoepassing met betrekking tot oorlading. Nie een van die twee vooraanstaande internasionale riglyne vir WIM sisteme, die ASTM E1318 Standaard en die COST 323 Europese Spesifikasie, is in geheel geskik vir Suid-Afrikaanse kondisies nie. Die outeur het ‘n unieke kalibrasie metode, genaamd die TT Metode, ontwikkel wat ’n reeks roetine kwaliteitsbeheertoetse vir WIM data insluit. Die TT Metode is eenvoudig, akkuraat en toepaslik vir ’n wye verskeidenheid WIM sisteme in Suid-Afrika. Die massa van trekkers van geartikuleerde 6- en 7-as vragmotors met enkel stuur- en dubbel dryf-aste en ’n gemiddelde asmassa tussen 6.5 en 8.5 ton (ook genoem Geselekteerde Vragmotors) word as verwysingsmassa gebruik. ’n Iteratiewe prosedure word gevolg vir die bepaling van die kalibrasie faktor, kTT. Dieselfde faktor word met alle asmassas in die data vir die analise periode vermenigvuldig, met die einddoel dat die gemiddelde trekker massa van die Geselekteerde Vragmotors, TTT, gedryf word na die teikenwaarde van 21.8 ton. Die TT Metode is ewe toepaslik ongeag die tipiese belading van trokke op ’n roete, hoe goed die WIM sisteem oorspronklik gekalibreer was of hoe goed laandissipline by die WIM sensor is. Die kwaliteitsbeheertoetse kan op ’n roetine basis toegepas word as deel van die uitvoering van WIM kalibrasie prosedure, en word soos volg saamgevat: - Die standaard afwyking van trekker massas van Geselekteerde Vragmotors, STTT, behoort altyd laer as 2.0 ton, maar verkieslik laer as 1.9 ton te wees. - Die standaard afwyking van voor-as massas van Geselekteerde Trokke, SFTT, behoort altyd laer as 0.9 ton, maar vekieslik laer as 0.8 ton te wees. - Die kalibrasiefaktor, kTT, moet verkieslik tussen 0.9 en 1.1 wees, en mag nie met meer as 3 % van die gemiddelde kTT vir die voorafgaande vyf maande verskil nie. - Die gemiddeld van voor-as massas van Geselekteerde Vragmotors, FTT, behoort tussen 5.6 ton en 6.6 ton te wees. Die presiese waarde hang af van die mate waartoe gewig tussen die voor-as en dubbel dryf-as oorgedra word weens dinamiese effekte op die trekker. - Die verhouding tussen die voor-as en dubbel dryf-as, bekend as die FTR, kan gebruik word as ‘n aanduiding of ’n trok weens swak laandissipline slegs gedeeltelik oor die WIM sensor gery het. Die persentasie gedeeltelike metings moet laer as 10%, maar verkieslik laer as 6 % wees. Die TT Metode het die potensiaal om die insameling en kwaliteit van verkeersdata deur middel van WIM sisteme noemenswaarding te verbeter. Die kalibrasie module van die TT Metode, m.a.w. die prosedure om kTT te bereken, is reeds deur SANRAL aanvaar. Die meeste van die kwaliteitsbeheerkonsepte wat met die TT Metode gepaard gaan is ook aanvaar, maar die drempelwaardes hiervoor word nog verfyn.

Vyhodnocení protismykových vlastností povrchů vozovek na rampách dálničních křižovatek / Evaluation of Motorway Intersection Ramps Surface Skid Resistance

Kachtík, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the master´s thesis is to evaluate the current measurement of skid resistance road surface properties of selected interchanges. Assess their development depending on the type, speed and number of vehicles, type of asphalt wearing course, directional and height ratios ramps of motorway intersections.

Critical normal traffic loading for flexure of bridges according to TMH7

Malan, Andreas Dawid 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Different types of live loading due to traffic may act on bridges. The focus of this study is on normal traffic loading according to the South African specification of TMH7. Heavy vehicles are not included in normal traffic loading. TMH7 represents the code of practice for the design of highway bridges and culverts in South Africa. The aim of the study is to provide an insight into the flexural analysis of skew bridges, under the effects of normal traffic loading. The need for the study arose since the specification of TMH7 does not explicitly specify application patterns for normal traffic loading. Only the intensity of normal traffic loading is specified and it should be applied to yield the most adverse effects. For these reasons, a set of so-called standard application patterns are investigated and developed through the course of this study. The envelope of the values from the standard application patterns are compared to the most adverse application pattern for flexural effects in certain design regions of the bridge deck. Flexure, as in the context of this study, translates into the bending and twisting of the bridge deck under loads. A number of numerical experiments are performed for typical single span and multi-span continuous carriageways, where the standard application patterns are compared to the most adverse application patterns. The results from the numerical experiments are documented and compared as the angle of skew of the bridge deck increases in plan-view. For this purpose, the development of effective and specialized software was necessary. It was found that the set of standard application patterns can be used as a preliminary approximation for the most adverse effects of normal traffic loading, for specific flexural resultants in certain design regions of a bridge deck. However, for a large number of secondary flexural effects, the set of standard application patterns did not represent a good approximation for the most adverse values. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskillende tipes lewendige belasting, as gevolg van verkeer, kan op brûe inwerk. Die fokus van die studie is op normale verkeers-belasting volgens die Suid-Afrikaanse spesifikasie van TMH7. Swaar-voertuie word nie ingesluit by normale verkeers-belasting nie. TMH7 verteenwoordig die kode vir die ontwerp van padbrûe en duikers in Suid-Afrika. Die doel van die studie is om insig te verskaf in die buig-analise van skewe brûe, as gevolg van die werking van normale verkeers-belasting. Die rede vir hierdie studie ontstaan aangesien die spesifikasie van TMH7 nie eksplisiet aanwendingspatrone vir normale verkeers-belasting voorskryf nie. Slegs die intensiteit van normale verkeersbelasting word voorgeskryf en dit moet aangewend word om die negatiefste effekte te verkry. Vir hierdie redes word 'n versameling van sogenaamde standaard aanwendings-patrone deur die loop van die studie ondersoek en ontwikkel. Die omhullings-kurwe van die waardes wat deur die standaard patrone gelewer word, word vergelyk met die waarde van die aanwendings-patroon wat die negatiefste buig-effek in sekere ontwerp-areas van die brugdek veroorsaak. Buig-effekte, soos van toepassing op hierdie studie, verwys na buig en wring van die brugdek as gevolg van belastings. 'n Aantal numeriese eksperimente, vir enkel-span sowel as multi-span deurlopende brugdekke, word uitgevoer en die standaard aanwendings-patrone word vergelyk met die aanwendings-patrone wat die negatiefste waardes lewer. Die resultate van die numeriese eksperimente word gedokumenteer en vergelyk soos die hoek van skeefheid van die brugdek in plan-aansig toeneem. Vir hierdie doel is die ontwikkeling van effektiewe en gespesialiseerde sagteware dus nodig. Daar is gevind dat die standaard aanwendings-patrone, vir spesifieke buig-resultante in sekere ontwerp-areas van die brugdek, as 'n voorlopige benadering vir die negatiefste effekte van normale verkeers-belasting gebruik kan word. Dit was egter verder gevind dat vir 'n groot aantal sekondêre buig-effkte, die versameling standaard aanwendings-patrone nie as 'n goeie benadering vir die negatiefste waardes dien nie.

Modelling of the resilient and permanent deformation behaviour of subgrade soils and unbound granular materials

Soliman, Haithem 03 October 2015 (has links)
Laboratory characterization of subgrade soils and unbound granular materials is an essential component of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (Pavement ME). The design thickness and performance of a pavement structure are highly dependent on the deformation behaviour of subgrade and granular material. Specifications for granular materials vary among transportation agencies based on the availability of materials, climatic conditions, and function. Specifications aim to provide durable materials that meet design requirements and achieve the target design life with cost effective materials. The objectives of the research are to: • evaluate resilient modulus of typical fine-grained soils under traffic loading. • evaluate resilient modulus, permanent deformation, and permeability of typical unbound granular materials. • evaluate the effect of moisture and fines fraction on the performance of unbound granular materials and subgrade soil. • develop prediction models for resilient modulus to improve reliability of Level 2 inputs in the Pavement ME. • provide test data in support of updating Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation specifications for unbound granular materials to improve the performance of pavement structures. Resilient modulus tests were conducted on three types of subgrade soil (high plastic clay, sandy clay, and silty sand/sandy silt) at four levels of moisture content. Resilient modulus, permanent deformation and permeability tests were conducted on six gradations representing two types of granular material (100% crushed limestone and gravel) at two levels of moisture content. Prediction models were developed for resilient modulus and compared to the models developed under the Long Term Pavement Performance program. The proposed models provided more reliable predictions with lower root mean square error. The deformation behaviour of the granular materials was classified according to the shakedown and dissipated energy approaches. Among the tested fines contents, limestone and gravel materials with optimum fines contents of 4.5% and 9%, respectively, had better resistance to plastic deformation and higher resilient modulus. The dissipated energy approach can be used to determine the stress ratio for the boundary between post compaction and stable zones from multistage triaxial testing. Result of permeability tests showed that the hydraulic conductivity of unbound granular material increased as the fines content decreased. / February 2016

Influência da temperatura e velocidade de operação no dimensionamento de pavimentos asfálticos de corredores de ônibus. / Temperature and traffic speed influence on evaluation of asphaltic pavements for bus lanes.

Daibert, Raphael Ferreira 16 March 2015 (has links)
No Brasil os pavimentos novos de rodovias e corredores de ônibus com tráfego pesado tem sido dimensionados empregando-se métodos empíricos e avaliados estruturalmente utilizando a análise mecanicista baseada na teoria da elasticidade. Nestes procedimentos as características de deformabilidade dos revestimentos de misturas asfálticas usualmente são consideradas fixas para uma determinada temperatura e uma velocidade de carregamento. Em campo, os pavimentos estão sujeitos a uma variedade de condições climáticas e operacionais diferentes daquelas preestabelecidas no dimensionamento. Considerando que os revestimentos asfálticos são constituídos de materiais visco-elásticos, dependentes das condições operacionais, o trabalho teve por objetivo, através de estudos paramétricos e utilizando modelos comportamentais constantes na bibliografia existente, verificar a influência da variação da temperatura e da velocidade dos veículos pesados no desempenho dos pavimentos dimensionados através dos procedimentos tradicionalmente adotados pelos principais órgãos rodoviários brasileiros. O trabalho verifica ainda, embasado na análise mecanicista, a adequabilidade estrutural das espessuras mínimas de revestimento asfáltico recomendadas pelos métodos empíricos para cada nível de solicitação do tráfego, em função de eventuais alterações nas condições climáticas e operacionais que possam ocorrer durante a vida útil do pavimento em campo. / In Brazil, the new highways pavements and bus lane with heavy traffics have been dimensioned by empirical methods and structurally evaluated using mechanistic elastic theory. In these procedures the characteristics of deformability of asphalt pavements courses are usually fixed to a specific temperature and loading speed. In the fields, the pavements are exposed to a variety of different climatic and operational conditions from those previous established. Considering that the asphalt layers are made from thermo-visco-elastic and depends on the operational conditions, the aim of this current study was to verify the influence of the temperature variation also the speed of heavy vehicles in the performance of pavements through procedures traditionally adopted by road agencies and parametric studies using behavioral models in existing literature. This academic work also notes, based on mechanistic criteria, structural adequacy of the asphaltic surface course minimum thickness recommended by empirical methods for each traffic demand, due to possible changes in climatic and operational conditions that may occur during the pavement area lifecycle.

Influência da temperatura e velocidade de operação no dimensionamento de pavimentos asfálticos de corredores de ônibus. / Temperature and traffic speed influence on evaluation of asphaltic pavements for bus lanes.

Raphael Ferreira Daibert 16 March 2015 (has links)
No Brasil os pavimentos novos de rodovias e corredores de ônibus com tráfego pesado tem sido dimensionados empregando-se métodos empíricos e avaliados estruturalmente utilizando a análise mecanicista baseada na teoria da elasticidade. Nestes procedimentos as características de deformabilidade dos revestimentos de misturas asfálticas usualmente são consideradas fixas para uma determinada temperatura e uma velocidade de carregamento. Em campo, os pavimentos estão sujeitos a uma variedade de condições climáticas e operacionais diferentes daquelas preestabelecidas no dimensionamento. Considerando que os revestimentos asfálticos são constituídos de materiais visco-elásticos, dependentes das condições operacionais, o trabalho teve por objetivo, através de estudos paramétricos e utilizando modelos comportamentais constantes na bibliografia existente, verificar a influência da variação da temperatura e da velocidade dos veículos pesados no desempenho dos pavimentos dimensionados através dos procedimentos tradicionalmente adotados pelos principais órgãos rodoviários brasileiros. O trabalho verifica ainda, embasado na análise mecanicista, a adequabilidade estrutural das espessuras mínimas de revestimento asfáltico recomendadas pelos métodos empíricos para cada nível de solicitação do tráfego, em função de eventuais alterações nas condições climáticas e operacionais que possam ocorrer durante a vida útil do pavimento em campo. / In Brazil, the new highways pavements and bus lane with heavy traffics have been dimensioned by empirical methods and structurally evaluated using mechanistic elastic theory. In these procedures the characteristics of deformability of asphalt pavements courses are usually fixed to a specific temperature and loading speed. In the fields, the pavements are exposed to a variety of different climatic and operational conditions from those previous established. Considering that the asphalt layers are made from thermo-visco-elastic and depends on the operational conditions, the aim of this current study was to verify the influence of the temperature variation also the speed of heavy vehicles in the performance of pavements through procedures traditionally adopted by road agencies and parametric studies using behavioral models in existing literature. This academic work also notes, based on mechanistic criteria, structural adequacy of the asphaltic surface course minimum thickness recommended by empirical methods for each traffic demand, due to possible changes in climatic and operational conditions that may occur during the pavement area lifecycle.

Závislost protismykových vlastností povrchů vozovek na ohladitelnosti kameniva a dopravním zatížení / Dependance of pavement surface skid resistance on aggregate polishing and traffic loading

Dašková, Jaroslava January 2014 (has links)
Road safety is a complex problem. It is influenced mainly by the driver, the vehicle and the road surface. This thesis is focused on the road surface properties and especially skid resistance that directly affect the braking distance and keeping the vehicle in the horizontal curves and thus traffic accidents. The thesis deals with the durability of pavement surface skid resistance, the type of pavement layers and aggregate polishing used in wearing course. The aim of this thesis was to develop the methodology for improvement of road surfaces skid resistance durability and implementation of functional test for their assessment.

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