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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Japanese technology transfer to Brazil

Smith, Charles H., January 1900 (has links)
Revision of Thesis (Ph. D.)--George Washington University, 1979. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [159]-165) and index.

Improvement of the predictive character of test results issued from analytical methods life cycle / Amélioration du caractère prédictif des résultats associés au cycle de vie des méthodes analytiques

Rozet, Eric 29 April 2008 (has links)
Les résultats issus des méthodes analytiques ont un rôle essentiel dans de nombreux domaines suite aux décisions qui sont prises sur leur base telles que la détermination de la qualité des principes actifs, des spécialités pharmaceutiques, des nutriments ou autres échantillons tels que ceux dorigine biologique impliqués dans les études pharmacocinétiques ou de biodisponibilité et bioéquivalence. La fiabilité des résultats analytiques est primordiale dans ce contexte et surtout ils doivent être en accord avec les besoins des utilisateurs finaux. Pour sassurer de la fiabilité des résultats qui seront fournis lors des analyses de routine, la validation des méthodes analytiques est un élément crucial du cycle de vie dune méthode analytique. Par ailleurs, bien souvent une méthode analytique nest pas uniquement employée dans le laboratoire qui la développée et validée, elle est régulièrement transférée vers un autre laboratoire, comme par exemple lors du passage dun laboratoire de recherche et développement vers un laboratoire de contrôle qualité ou, vers ou depuis un sous-traitant. Le transfert de cette méthode doit permettre de garantir la fiabilité des résultats qui seront fournis par ces laboratoires receveurs. Ce sont en effet eux qui utiliseront la méthode analytique en question ultérieurement. Cest dans ce contexte que se situe notre thèse. Son objectif principal est daméliorer la fiabilité des décisions prises au moyen des résultats obtenus par des méthodes analytiques quantitatives lors de ces deux étapes de leur cycle de vie. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons dune part reprécisé lobjectif de toute méthode analytique quantitative et de sa validation. Ensuite, une revue des textes réglementaires de lindustrie pharmaceutique relatifs à la validation des méthodes a été faite, dégageant les erreurs et confusions incluses dans ces documents et en particulier leurs implications pratiques lors de lévaluation de la validité dune méthode. Compte tenu de ces constatations, une nouvelle approche pour évaluer la validité des méthodes analytiques quantitatives a été proposée et détaillées dun point de vue statistique. Elle se base sur lutilisation dune méthodologie statistique utilisant un intervalle de tolérance de type « β-expectation » qui a été transposée en un outil de décision final appelé profil dexactitude. Ce profil permet de garantir quune proportion définie des futurs résultats qui seront fournis par la méthode lors de son utilisation en routine sera bien inclue dans des limites dacceptation fixées a priori en fonction des besoins des utilisateurs. De cette manière lobjectif de la validation est parfaitement cohérant avec celui de toute méthode quantitative : obtenir des résultats exactes. Cette approche de validation a été appliquée avec succès a différents types de méthodes analytiques comme la chromatographie liquide, lélectrophorèse capillaire, la spectrophotométrie UV ou proche infra-rouge, aussi bien pour le dosage danalyte dans des matrices issues de la production de médicaments (formulations pharmaceutiques) que dans des matrices plus complexes comme les fluides biologiques (plasma, urine). Ceci démontre le caractère universel du profil dexactitude pour statuer sur la validité dune méthode. Ensuite, et afin daugmenter lobjectivité de cet outil de décision, nous avons introduit des indexes de désirabilité articulés autour de critères de validation à savoir les indexes de justesse, de fidélité, dintervalle de dosage et dexactitude. Ce dernier constitue un indexe de désirabilité global qui correspond à la moyenne géométrique des trois autres indexes. Ces différents indexes permettent de comparer et classer les profils dexactitude obtenus en phase de validation et ainsi de choisir celui qui correspond le mieux à lobjectif de la méthode, et ce de manière plus objective. Enfin, nous avons pour la première fois démontré le caractère prédictif du profil dexactitude en vérifiant que la proportion de résultats inclue dans les limites dacceptation prédite lors de létape de validation létait effectivement bien lors de lapplication en routine des diverse méthodes de dosage. Contrairement à létape de validation, le transfert de méthode analytique dun laboratoire émetteur qui a validé la méthode vers un laboratoire receveur qui utilisera la méthode en routine, est une étape qui ne bénéficie daucun texte normatif. La seule exigence réglementaire est de documenter le transfert. Dès lors toutes les approches sont possibles. Toutefois celles que lon rencontre le plus souvent ne répondent pas à lobjectif du transfert, à savoir garantir que les résultats obtenus par le laboratoire receveur seront exactes et donc fiables. Dès lors, nous avons développé une approche originale qui permet de statuer de manière appropriée quant à lacceptabilité du transfert. Cette approche basée sur le concept de lerreur totale, utilise également comme méthodologie statistique lintervalle de tolérance et tient compte simultanément de lincertitude sur lestimation de la vraie valeur fournie par le laboratoire émetteur. En effet, un intervalle de tolérance de type « β-expectation » est calculé avec les résultats du receveur puis, comparé à des limites dacceptation autour de la vraie valeur et ajustées en fonction de lincertitude associée à cette valeur de référence. Dautre part, des simulations statistiques ont permis de montrer le gain dans la gestion des risques associés à un transfert à savoir rejeter un transfert acceptable et accepter un transfert qui ne lest pas. Enfin, ladéquation et lapplicabilité de cette nouvelle approche ont été démontrées par le transfert dune méthode dédiée au contrôle de qualité dune formulation pharmaceutique et de deux méthodes bio-analytiques. Les améliorations de la qualité prédictive des méthodologies proposées pour évaluer la validité et le transfert de méthodes analytiques quantitatives permettent ainsi daugmenter la fiabilité des résultats générés par ces méthodes et par conséquent daccroître la confiance dans les décisions critiques qui en découleront.


Deleuze, Stefan 08 September 2009 (has links)
Research on in vitro embryo production (IVP) in the equine is impeded by the limited availability of mature oocytes as the mare is mono ovulating and superovulation is still difficult (Dippert and Squires, 1994; Bezard et al., 1995; Alvarenga et al., 2001b). Despite recent improvement in IVM of equine oocytes, success rates of IVM in that species remain low in all culture media tested compared to other species (Goudet et al., 2000b). However, most studies have focused on the percentage of oocytes reaching the metaphase II stage (nuclear maturation) but few concentrated on the final oocyte competence as measured by its ability to develop into a blastocyst and further establish a pregnancy. Blastocyst production rate is influenced not only by culture environment but also by oocyte maturation conditions. Under in vitro culture conditions, oxidative modifications of cell components via increased ROS represent a major culture induced stress (Johnson and Nasr-Esfahani, 1994). Anti-oxidant systems can attenuate the deleterious effects of oxidative stress by scavenging ROS (Del Corso et al., 1994). Glutathione, a tripeptide thiol, is the major non-protein sulfydryl compound in mammalian cells that plays an important role in protecting the cell from oxidative damage (Meister and Tate, 1976; Meister and Anderson, 1983). It has been suggested that GSH content in oocytes may serve as a reservoir protecting the zygote and the early embryos from oxidative damage before genomic activation and de novo GSH synthesis occur (Furnus et al., 1998; de Matos and Furnus, 2000). The addition of GSH synthesis precursors, such as cysteamine, a thiol compound, to IVM media has been shown to improve IVP in various species (Takahashi et al., 1993; de Matos et al., 1995; Grupen et al., 1995; de Matos et al., 2002a; de Matos et al., 2002b; de Matos et al., 2003; Gasparrini et al., 2003; Oyamada and Fukui, 2004; Balasubramanian and Rho, 2007; Anand et al., 2008; Singhal et al., 2008; Zhou et al., 2008). Very little information on the use of thiol compounds in the equine is available. Conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF) has not been successful in the mare, and a repeatable IVF technique has not yet been developed (Alm et al., 2001). To overcome the limitation of conventional IVF procedures, other methods to produce embryos from oocytes, either in vivo or in vitro, have been investigated. Among these, intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has permitted efficient equine in vitro blastocyst production (Galli et al., 2002; Lazzari et al., 2002; Choi et al., 2006a; Choi et al., 2006c). However, ICSI requires specific equipment and skills. Transfer of an immature oocyte into the preovulatory follicle of an inseminated recipient mare (Intra-Follicular Oocyte Transfer, IFOT) has produced embryos but the success rate was low (Hinrichs and Digiorgio, 1991). Similarly, oocyte transfer (OT) into the oviduct of an inseminated recipient mare was investigated (McKinnon et al., 1988; Carnevale, 1996; Hinrichs et al., 1997; Carnevale et al., 2001; Carnevale et al., 2003; Carnevale, 2004), and commercial programs using OT for mares with reproductive abnormalities are now available (Carnevale et al., 2001). Unfortunately, IFOT is poorly documented in the literature and reports of OT have been published by various laboratories and under various conditions, making comparisons between results and choosing among these as substitutive techniques to ICSI or embryo transfer difficult. The first aim of the present work was to investigate if there is an influence of supplementation with 100 µM of cysteamine on conventional IVF success rate. Cumulus oocytes complexes (COCs) retrieved by transvaginal ultrasound guided aspiration were matured in vitro with or without cysteamine supplementation and were then submitted to conventional IVF using either calcium ionophore or heparin as capacitation treatment for spermatozoa. A total of 131 oocytes were evaluated for evidence of sperm penetration. Both techniques (ionophore or heparin) yielded 6% of IVF and results were similar both for the cysteamine and the control group. This success rate of IVF is low compared to some published data (Palmer et al., 1991; Dell'Aquila et al., 1996; McPartlin et al., 2009) but similar to what others reported in the literature (Choi et al., 1994; Dell'Aquila et al., 1997a). Although, it seems likely that cysteamine did not significantly improve IVF rates under our conditions, our general success rates for IVF procedures may be too low for us to conclude definitely about the effect of cysteamine. As ICSI was not available to us, the second aim of this work was to determine what in vivo technique could best bypass the lack of an efficient conventional IVF procedure. We compared embryo production following transfer of in vivo recovered oocytes (1) into a recipients oviduct or (2) into her preovulatory follicle either immediately after ovum pick up or (3) after in vitro maturation. Recipients were inseminated with fresh semen of a stallion with a known normal fertility. Ten days after transfer, rates of embryos collected in excess to the number of ovulations were calculated and compared for each group. Embryo collection rates were 32.5% (13/40), 5.5% (3/55) and 12.8% (6/47) for OT, post-IVM and immediate IFOT respectively. OT significantly yielded more embryos than immediate and post-IVM IFOT did. These results show that, when ICSI is not an option, intra-oviductal oocyte transfer is to be preferred to IFOT, as an in vivo alternative, to bypass the inadequacy of conventional in vitro fertilization and to assess oocyte developmental competence. After it was established that in comparison to IFOT, OT is the most reliable in vivo alternative to in vitro fertilization where ICSI technology is not available, this technique was used to assess the effect of cysteamine supplementation on nuclear maturation and oocyte competence. The third aim of this work was to investigate the influence of supplementation with 100 µM of cysteamine on in vitro nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation by specific DNA staining and the ability of oocytes to undergo in vivo fertilization after OT. Oocytes were collected by transvaginal ultrasound guided aspiration and matured in vitro with (cysteamine group) or without (control group) cysteamine. The nuclear stage after DNA Hoechst staining and the embryo yield following OT were used as a criterion for assessing nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation, respectively. Overall maturation rate was 52%, which is rates reported in the literature ranging from 40 to 70% in the equine (Goudet et al., 1997a; Bogh et al., 2002; Hinrichs et al., 2005; Galli et al., 2007). Nuclear maturation was not statistically different (p>0.05) between oocytes cultured with or without cysteamine (55% and 47% respectively). From 57 oocytes transferred to the oviduct in each group, the number of embryos collected was 10 (17%) in the control group and 5 in the cysteamine group (9%). Those two percentages were not statistically different (p>0.05). Contrary to the data described in other domestic species, there was no effect of cysteamine on in vitro nuclear maturation, or in vivo embryonic development under our conditions. Under our conditions, the addition of 100 µM of cysteamine to a classic culture medium does not improve equine oocyte maturation or embryonic development after OT. The same dose failed to increase GSH content in the equine (Luciano et al., 2006). However, the effect of cysteamine supplementation is highly species and concentration dependant. The inadequacy of the chosen concentration may explain that equine embryo production has not been increased by the cysteamine under our conditions as opposed to what has been observed in many other species. Alternatively, we can hypothesize that some substances present in the IVM medium can interfere with GSH synthesis. This has been suggested for FSH and estradiol (Bing et al., 2001) and, although our maturation medium is not supplemented with gonadotropins or estradiol, factors contained in fetal calf serum or EGF might also have an effect on GSH synthesis. Considering its beneficial effects in many other species, supplementation with cysteamine to different IVM media should be further investigated in the equine. Ideally combining different concentrations and ICSI or OT in order to determine an optimal concentration and its effects on oocyte developmental competence.

Compact Air Separation System for Space launcher/ Système de séparation d'air compact pour lanceur spatial

Bizzarri, Didier L.G. 01 September 2008 (has links)
A compact air separator demonstrator based on centrifugally enhanced distillation has been studied. The full size device is meant to be used on board of a Two Stage To Orbit vehicle launcher. The air separation system must be able to extract oxygen in highly concentrated liquid form (LEA, Liquid Enriched Air) from atmospheric air. The LEA is stored before being used in a subsequent rocket propulsion phase by the second stage of the launcher. Two reference vehicles are defined, one with a subsonic first stage and one with a supersonic first stage. In both cases, oxygen collection is performed during a cruise phase (M 0.7 and M 2.5 respectively). The aim of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of the air separation system, investigate the separation cycle design, and assess that the separator design selected is suitable for the reference vehicles. The project is described from original base ideas to design, construction, extended testing and analysis of experimental results. Preliminary computations for a realistic layout have been performed and the motivations for the choices made during the process are explained. Test rig design, separator design and technical discussion are provided for a subscale pilot unit. Mass transport parameters and flooding limits have been estimated and experimentally measured. Performance has been assessed and shown to be sufficient for the reference Two Stage To Orbit vehicles. The technology developed is found suitable without further optimization, although some volume and mass reduction would be desirable for the supersonic first stage concept. There are many ways of optimisation that can be further investigated. The aim of this program, however, is not to fully optimize the device, but to demonstrate that a device based on a simple, robust, low-risk design is already suitable for the launch vehicles. On top of that analysis, directions for improvements are suggested and their potentials estimated. A complete assessment of those improvements requires further maturation of the technological concept through further testing and practical implementations. Directions for future work, general conclusions and a vehicle development roadmap have also been provided.

Étude de la Nitrification partielle d'eaux ammoniacales dans un bioréacteur membranaire/Partial nitrification study on ammonia solutions using a Membrane Bioreactor

Kouakou, N'Guessan Edouard 16 February 2007 (has links)
Nitrogen is the major component of biosphere. Paradoxically, nitrogen pollution is the concern globally. Ammonia pollution is due to its unceasing rejection into nature such as groundwater, current water and the atmosphere. This phenomenon constitutes a threat for the humanity, land and aquatic flora, and consequently disturbs the balance of natural ecosystem. Recently, that situation has lead to develop various techniques and/or technologies for ammonia removal from municipal and industrial wastewaters. Particularly in the environmental biotechnology area, two main objectives were recently aimed in many research activities: the development of new configurations of competitive bioreactors and the monitoring of partial nitrification process, which are the fundamental basis of this thesis project. In this study, the partial ammonium oxidation process, also called nitrite route, was studied in a 60 litre jet-loop submerged membrane bioreactor pilot plant. The research was organized around six chapters. An exhaustive literature review of the state-of- art of the biological nitrification process and the membrane technologies was performed. The materials and measurement methods were presented. The colorimetric method, the chromatography analysis, the biomass estimation by the suspended solids (SS), the aggregates size measurement, the gas holdup, the gas-liquid mass transfer, the bubbles gas diameter determination, the medium rheology aspects, etc., and the complete equipment of the bioreactor were studied in detail. The plant automation functioning was also studied. Membrane module (Mitsubishi Sterapore-L) characterization was carried out and three characteristic parameters were estimated: the membrane intrinsic resistance Rm, the membrane permeability Lp and the membrane porosity εm. Estimations revealed good agreement between experimental results and theoretical methods based on the Darcys law and the Carman-Kozeny law applicable in microfiltration system. Hydrodynamics and aeration aspects were studied. The mixing in the jet-loop system was characterized by the mixing time (tmix) and the circulation time (tc), respectively. The results showed that the characteristic times (tmix and tc) decrease with an increase in input gas flowrate and the circulated liquid flowrate. A model correlation involving the air and the combined liquid effects was proposed to describe the circulation time evolution. The classical non-steady state clean water test was used to determine the gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient (kLa). It was found to be influenced by the combined action of air and recirculated-liquid flowrates and a correlation has been proposed to describe their influence. The interpretation of kLa results and the system mixing data showed that the developed reactor corresponds to a near perfect mixing tank. This criterion was satisfactorily verified by literature data. The gas holdup (εg) was directly measured by the volume expansion method. In the absence of liquid circulation, εg ranged between 1 and 4% for the investigated range of gas liquid superficial velocities. It was found to increase linearly with the air superficial velocity, which corresponds to the bubbly flow regime. However, in the presence of liquid flowrate, εg slightly increased (from 1 to 6%) with increase in the superficial liquid velocity. A model has been proposed to correlate εg and the air and the recirculated-liquid velocities. The average diameter of the bubbles gas (dB) in the system was also estimated by the Leibson theoretical model based on the Reynolds number at the orifice of the gas distributor. Finally, biological aspects were studied. Respirometry measurements were conducted to characterize the process medium. The mass transfer, the gas holdup and the medium viscosity were determined. The obtained data allowed estimating the α factor and the β factor, respectively. The interaction of the growth of microorganisms into the process and the membrane performance was also investigated and a correlation model was proposed to describe membrane fouling with time. The optimal conditions for ammonium partial oxidation were determined using process monitoring and simulation. Dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature (T) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) were selected to achieve a high nitrite accumulation in the system. The results obtained showed that the selected parameters should be fixed at DO ≈ 2 mgO2.l-1, HRT ≈ 6 7 h and T = 30°C, respectively. The partial nitrification was simulated by the use of the TwoPopNitrification model included into the BioWin 2.2 software. For these simulations, a sequencing ammonia oxidation assumption was adopted: the nitrozation followed by the nitration step, respectively. The corresponding kinetics and stoichiometric constants were estimated by combining literature data and experimental nitrification results. For these estimates, the ammonium oxidation was monitored on several process samples taken at different times. The estimates were also delivered by monitoring the ammonium oxidation on the process operated in the batch mode. The plotting of simulations and experimental results revealed good agreement. In order to investigate the process performance in terms of biological stability, a long time period (≈ 600 days) was simulated. The results showed that a high stable nitrite accumulation (> 95%) could be achieved when the above optimal conditions are imposed to the system. However, after a long time, the accumulated nitrite is converted into nitrate and then the system is disrupted. For the simulated experimental conditions, the process disruption period was located between 180 and 350 days. At this period, a corresponding theoretical purge flowrate was found to range between 0.15 10-3 m3.d-1 and 3.0 10-3 m3.d-1. Simulations also showed that increasing the purge flowrate decreases the sludge retention time and then favours nitrite accumulation into the process. That is an interesting strategy to increase the performance of the biological partial nitrification process.

Compact air separation system for space launcher / Compact air separation system demonstrator for space launchers using in-fight oxygen collection

Bizzarri, Didier 01 September 2008 (has links)
A compact air separator demonstrator based on centrifugally enhanced distillation has been studied. The full size device is meant to be used on board of a Two Stage To Orbit vehicle launcher. The air separation system must be able to extract oxygen in highly concentrated liquid form (LEA, Liquid Enriched Air) from atmospheric air. The LEA is stored before being used in a subsequent rocket propulsion phase by the second stage of the launcher. Two reference vehicles are defined, one with a subsonic first stage and one with a supersonic first stage. In both cases, oxygen collection is performed during a cruise phase (M 0.7 and M 2.5 respectively). The aim of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of the air separation system, investigate the separation cycle design, and assess that the separator design selected is suitable for the reference vehicles.<p><p>The project is described from original base ideas to design, construction, extended testing and analysis of experimental results. Preliminary computations for a realistic layout have been performed and the motivations for the choices made during the process are explained. Test rig design, separator design and technical discussion are provided for a subscale pilot unit. Mass transport parameters and flooding limits have been estimated and experimentally measured. Performance has been assessed and shown to be sufficient for the reference Two Stage To Orbit vehicles. The technology developed is found suitable without further optimization, although some volume and mass reduction would be desirable for the supersonic first stage concept. There are many ways of optimisation that can be further investigated. The aim of this program, however, is not to fully optimize the device, but to demonstrate that a device based on a simple, robust, low-risk design is already suitable for the launch vehicles. On top of that analysis, directions for improvements are suggested and their potentials estimated. A complete assessment of those improvements requires further maturation of the technological concept through further testing and practical implementations.<p><p>Directions for future work, general conclusions and a vehicle development roadmap have also been provided.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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