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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

System Analysis for Hydrostatic Transmission for Wave Energy Applications - Simulation and Validation

Dießel, Dominic, Bryans, Garth, Verdegem, Louis, Murrenhoff, Hubertus January 2016 (has links)
Wave Energy Converters (WEC) are used to transform energy stored in ocean waves into electrical energy. One type of WECs consists of buoyant bodies. To extract energy from their motion, hydraulic cylinders can be used to generate hydraulic power. For conversion into electric power various systems have been analysed in literature. However, the focus was put on efficiency and rigorous analyses of the system behaviour are still missing. In this paper an exemplary system consisting of two hydraulic cylinders, switchable check valves, accumulators and three motor-generator sets is analysed with help of simulation and measurement. This exemplary system is called WavePOD and was installed at the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls (IFAS) of RWTH Aachen University together with Aquamarine Power and Bosch Rexroth for testing. In this paper the data collected during various test phases is used for system analysis and for validating the simulation. The simulation model is presented. The system’s response to various switching operations is investigated. Comparing the simulation with measurements validates the system`s dynamic model.

Qualidade fisiológica e associação de Fusarium spp. a sementes de sorgo sacarino / Physiological quality and association of Fusarium spp. With seeds of sweet sorghum

Müller, Juceli 07 April 2017 (has links)
The present work aims to determine the physiological and sanitary quality of Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) seeds, as well as to identify pathogens associated with seed, their transmission to seedlings and the subsequent pathogenicity of isolates obtained, In addition, molecularly identify the fungal species pathogenic to this crop. The experiments were carried out in the Teaching and Seed Research Laboratory (TSRL), of the Plant Engineering Department; In the Elocy Minussi Phytopathology Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, and at the Biological Institute of São Paulo. Sweet sorghum seeds were used, all without chemical treatment. Sanitary quality was evaluated by sanity test, and physiological characteristics by germination and vigor tests (seedling length, dry mass, emergence, rate of emergence and accelerated aging). It was performed the test of transmission of the pathogens associated to the seeds and the subsequent pathogenicity of the obtained isolates, culminating with the molecular characterization of the identified pathogens, in which were sequenced the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) genomic regions and the Elongation Factor 1 - alpha (TEF1-α) gene. The design used was the completely randomized design, with four cultivars of Sweet sorghum (BRS 506, F19, BRS 511 and BRS 509); For the evaluation of pathogenicity, the factorial scheme is represented by four cultivars and three isolates of Fusarium spp., besides the witness. The seeds of the BRS 509 cultivar were considered to have lower physiological quality than the other cultivars. The DNA sequencing allowed identifying the Fusarium thapsinum species as a pathogenic agent in the sweet sorghum crop, and proven its transmission via seeds. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de cultivares de sorgo sacarino (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), bem como identificar os patógenos associados à semente, sua transmissão às plântulas e a posterior patogenicidade de isolados obtidos, além disso, identificar molecularmente as espécies fúngicas patogênicas a esta cultura. Os experimentos foram realizados no Laboratório Didático e de Pesquisas em Sementes (LDPS), do Departamento de Fitotecnia; no Laboratório de Fitopatologia Elocy Minussi, do Departamento de Defesa Fitossanitária e, no Instituto Biológico de São Paulo. Foram utilizadas sementes de sorgo sacarino, todas sem tratamento químico. A qualidade sanitária foi avaliada pelo teste de sanidade, e as características fisiológicas por meio dos testes de germinação e de vigor (comprimento de plântulas, massa seca, emergência, índice de velocidade de emergência e envelhecimento acelerado). Foi realizado o teste de transmissão dos patógenos associados à semente e a posterior patogenicidade dos isolados fúngicos obtidos, culminando com a caracterização molecular dos patógenos identificados, na qual foram sequenciadas as regiões genômicas Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) e o gene do fator de elongação 1-α (TEF1α). O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro cultivares de sorgo sacarino (BRS 506, Fepagro 19, BRS 511 e BRS 509); já para a avaliação da patogenicidade, o esquema fatorial foi representado pelas quatro cultivares e três isolados de Fusarium sp., além da testemunha. As sementes da cultivar BRS 509 foram consideradas de qualidade fisiológica inferior as demais cultivares. O sequenciamento de DNA permitiu identificar a espécie Fusarium thapsinum como agente patogênico na cultura do sorgo sacarino, sendo comprovada sua transmissão via sementes.

Linear FEM Analysis of a Commercial Elastomer for Machine Foundations

Jakel, Roland 20 June 2024 (has links)
The presentation describes partial results from an industrial project in which a transmission test bench from ZF Prüfsysteme was decoupled from the foundation in terms of vibration using commercial PU foam material ('Sylomer' SR220 from Getzner). The presentation shows how this material was extensively tested by the manufacturer and characterized in numerous data sheets in order to enable the engineer to perform a simple, operating point-dependent dynamic design using clear diagrams and the classic equation for a single-mass oscillator. However, if a more complex analysis is to be carried out using the finite element method, e.g. to determine all 6 rigid body shapes and natural frequencies of the dynamically decoupled test rig and not just the purely vertical natural shape/frequency, the apparent elasticity and shear moduli specified in the manufacturer's data sheets must be converted into true values for the corresponding operating points, which can then be used in a linear FE calculation. For this purpose, FEM models of the elastomer test specimens are generated for different shape factors. The conversion of the apparent to the true characteristic values is then carried out using the optimizer available in the PTC software “Creo Simulate” in a so-called 'feasibility study' and the results are discussed. It can be seen that the true moduli of elasticity and transverse strain coefficients are only slightly or no longer dependent on the form factor. Depending on the density of the PU foam, the transverse strain coefficient is also significantly lower than 0.5. The true shear modulus is practically identical to the measured shear modulus, as a pure biaxial stress and strain state occurs in the shear specimens, in which strain restraints due to transverse strain plays no role - quite unlike in the specimens loaded in the normal (compression) direction, in which triaxial compression stress states occur due to transverse strain restraints. Finally, the true material properties determined in this way are used for an exemplary modal analysis of the entire, idealized test rig on the strip foundation using the finite element method. The error is evaluated if the apparent modulus of elasticity and a Poisson ratio of zero is used instead, so that a simple evaluation and error estimation of analysis results is possible in practical applications. / Der Vortrag beschreibt Teilergebnisse aus einem industriellen Projekt, in dem ein Getriebeprüfstand der ZF Prüfsysteme schwingungstechnisch über kommerzielles PU- Schaummaterial („Sylomer“ SR220 der Firma Getzner) vom Fundament abgekoppelt wurde. Der Vortrag stellt dar, wie dieser Werkstoff vom Hersteller umfangreich getestet und in zahlreichen Datenblättern charakterisiert wurde, um dem Ingenieur schließlich eine einfache, betriebspunktabhängige dynamische Auslegung mittels übersichtlicher Diagramme und der klassischen Gleichung für einen Einmassenschwinger zu ermöglichen. Soll jedoch eine aufwendigere Analyse mittels der Methode der Finiten Elemente durchgeführt werden, z.B. um alle 6 Starrkörperformen und Eigenfrequenzen des dynamisch abgekoppelten Prüfstandes zu bestimmen und nicht nur die rein vertikale Eigenform/Eigenfrequenz, müssen die in den Herstellerdatenblättern angegeben formzahlabhängigen scheinbaren Elastizitäts- und Schubmoduli in wahre Werte für die entsprechenden Betriebspunkte umgerechnet werden, die dann in einer linearen FE-Rechnung verwendet werden können. Dafür werden FEM-Modelle der Elastomer-Probekörper für verschiedene Formfaktoren erzeugt. Die Umrechnung der scheinbaren in die wahren Kennwerte wird anschließend mittels des in der PTC-Software „Creo Simulate“ vorhandenen Optimierers in einer sogenannten „Machbarkeitsstudie“ durchgeführt und die Ergebnisse diskutiert. Es zeigt sich, dass die wahren E-Moduli und Querdehnzahlen nur noch gering bzw. nicht mehr vom Formfaktor abhängen. Je nach Dichte des PU-Schaums stellt sich auch eine Querdehnzahl von deutlich kleiner als 0,5 ein. Der wahre Schubmodul ist praktisch identisch wie der gemessene Schubmodul, da in den Schubproben ein reiner zweiachsiger Spannungs- und Dehnungszustand auftritt, in dem Dehnungsbehinderung durch Querdehnung keine Rolle spielt – ganz anders als in den in Normalenrichtung (Druck-) belasteten Proben, in denen durch die Querdehnungs- behinderung dreiachsige Spannungszustände auftreten. Schließlich werden die so bestimmten wahren Werkstoffkennwerte für eine exemplarische Modalanalyse des gesamten, idealisierten Prüfstandes auf den Streifenfundamenten mittels der Methode der Finiten Elemente verwendet. Der Fehler wird bewertet, wenn man stattdessen den scheinbaren E-Modul und eine Querdehnzahl von Null verwendet, so dass in der Anwendungspraxis eine einfache Bewertung und Fehlerabschätzung von Analyseergebnissen möglich ist.

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