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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilizing Voltage-gated Calcium Channels to Assess the Activity of Cathinone Derivatives at Human Monoamine Transporters

Ruiz, Brian A 01 January 2018 (has links)
Cathinones are psychostimulant compounds heavily implicated as drugs of abuse. They exert their physiological actions at the monoamine transporters, which are responsible for maintaining synaptic neurotransmitter homeostasis. Monoamine transporters produce currents during transport and have been shown to depolarize cell membranes and activate voltage-gated calcium channels in mammalian expression systems. This phenomenon is harnessed in an assay which measures these induced calcium transients, allowing for quantification of pharmacodynamic effects of compounds at monoamine transporters. It is unknown if this electrical coupling occurs in neurons, but the implications if it does are significant. In the current work, fluorescent resonance energy transfer studies of HEK cells expressing hDAT suggest that a subpopulation of monoamine transporters and calcium channels may be interacting directly. Additionally, this work presents calcium assay data comparing several novel methcathinone analogs. Of the compounds tested, a single α-methyl substituent at the α-carbon yields the greatest potency at hDAT. The implications of these results shed light on future psychostimulant studies and further define the physiological relationship of the components of a system used to study these compounds.

Der Einfluss von Arzneistofftransportern auf die pulmonale Absorption inhalierter Arzneistoffe / The role of drug transporters in the pulmunary absorbtion of inhaled drugs

Schaaf, Lisa January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Arzneistofftransporter ermöglichen endogenen und exogenen Molekülen die Überwindung von Zellmembranen und tragen dadurch zur Aufnahme, Verteilung und Elimination von Arzneistoffen bei. Inhalativ applizierte Wirkstoffe, wie Vertreter aus der Gruppe der Beta-2-Sympathomimetika oder Anticholinergika, zählen zu den Substraten wichtiger, pulmonal exprimierter Arzneistofftransporter. Trotz intensivierter Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Transporter-Expression ist diese im humanen Lungengewebe bisher wenig untersucht und deren pharmakokinetische Auswirkungen auf pulmonal verabreichte Arzneistoffe sind kaum bekannt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte der Einfluss von Arzneistofftransportern auf die pulmonale Absorption inhalierter Arzneistoffe untersucht und Erkenntnisse über deren Expressions-Profil im humanen Lungengewebe gewonnen werden. Pharmakokinetische Parameter des inhalativen Anticholinergikums Ipratropiumbromid wurden an einem ex vivo Modell der humanen Lunge untersucht. Nach vorheriger Applikation des kompetitiven OCTN1/2-Inhibitors L-Carnitin wurde keine signifikante Reduktion der absorbierten Wirkstoffmenge detektiert. Damit zeigten sich die beiden organischen Kationen/Carnitin-Transporter OCTN1 und OCTN2, anders als bisher vermutet, nicht als primär an der Absorption von Ipratropiumbromid beteiligte Transporter. Infolgedessen wurde die Beteiligung weiterer Transporter hypothetisiert. Erstmals wurden die am humanen Lungen-Perfusions-Modell gewonnenen pharmakokinetischen Daten zur pulmonalen Absorption in direkter Beziehung zur mRNA- und Protein-Expression von Arzneistofftransportern in den jeweiligen individuellen Gewebeproben betrachtet. Die pulmonale Genexpression des Multidrug Resistance-Related Protein MRP5 wies eine signifikante negative Korrelation mit der Area under the curve (AUC0 – 60 min) von Ipratropiumbromid auf (r = -0,699; p < 0,05), was die Beteiligung von MRP5 an den Umverteilungsprozessen von Ipratropiumbromid in der humanen Lunge nahelegte. Auf Protein-Ebene wurde eine positive Korrelation zwischen der Expression des organischen Kationentransporters OCT3 und der AUC0 – 60 min von Ipratropiumbromid ermittelt (r = 0,7499,p < 0,05), woraus sich eine potentielle Beteiligung von OCT3 an der Aufnahme von Ipratropiumbromid aus dem luminalen Lungenbereich ableiten ließ. Zur Untermauerung dieser Hypothese wurden Untersuchungen mit stabil transfizierten HEK293-Zellen durchgeführt. Sowohl der organische Kationentransporter OCT1 als auch OCT3 trugen dabei signifikant zu einer erhöhten zellulären Aufnahme der beiden Tritium-markierten Bronchodilatatoren Ipratropiumbromid und Salbutamol bei. Damit wurde für OCT3 zum ersten Mal eine Beteiligung an der zellulären Aufnahme dieser beiden Arzneistoffe nachgewiesen. Im Kontext der Gendermedizin sind geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Transporter-Expression von großem Interesse. Inwiefern die drei Sexualsteroidhormone Estradiol, Progesteron und Testosteron einen regulatorischen Effekt auf die mRNA-Expression von Membrantransportern haben, wurde erstmals durch in vitro Inkubationsversuche in physiologischen Hormonkonzentrationen mit der humanen Bronchialepithelzelllinie Calu-3 geprüft. Mittels intensiv optimierter und sorgfältig validierter RT-qPCR-Analytik konnten vor allem nach Inkubation mit weiblichen Sexualhormonen verglichen zu keiner Hormon-Zugabe statistisch signifikante Expressions-Unterschiede detektiert werden: Nach Behandlung mit Estradiol zeigten der Oligopeptid-Transporter PEPT2 (80,8 ± 15,6 %) und OCTN2 (82,8 ± 4,2 %) eine geringere Genexpression, das Multidrug Resistance-Related Protein MRP1 (111,6 ± 9,1 %) sowie OCTN1 (112,9 ± 10,1 %) waren nach Zugabe von Estradiol kombiniert mit Progesteron höher exprimiert als ohne Hormon-Zusatz. Da Estradiol überdies als Inhibitor des OCT1- und OCT3-vermittelten Transports gilt, wurde die Auswirkung des Hormons, unter anderem in physiologischer Konzentration, auf die Aufnahme von Tritium-markierten Ipratropiumbromid in stabil transfizierte HEK293-Zellen untersucht, wobei tatsächlich eine reduzierte zelluläre Ipratropiumbromid-Aufnahme beobachtet wurde. Somit könnte auch in vivo eine geschlechtsspezifische Inhibition der beiden Transporter stattfinden, wodurch deren Substrate einer geschlechtsspezifisch variierenden Pharmakokinetik unterliegen könnten. Darüber hinaus wurde in rund 80 humanen Lungengewebsproben die Genexpression von Arzneistofftransportern hinsichtlich geschlechts- und altersspezifischer Unterschiede überprüft. In unter 50-jährigen Männern war das Multidrug-Resistance Protein MDR1 signifikant höher exprimiert verglichen zu Männern von 50 - 60 Jahren. OCT1 war in Patienten von 50 - 60 Jahren signifikant geringer exprimiert als in über 60-Jährigen. Daneben lieferte die Analyse aller Gewebeproben das Genexpressions-Profil von Arzneistofftransportern im humanen Lungengewebe, wobei OCT3 das höchste und OCT2 das geringste mRNA-Expressions-Niveau unter den untersuchten Transportern aufwies. Eine wesentliche Beteiligung von OCT3 an Transportvorgängen im humanen Lungengewebe erschien damit wahrscheinlich. Resümierend konnte mit der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Beitrag zur Aufklärung des Einflusses von Arzneistofftransportern auf die pulmonale Absorption inhalativ verabreichter Arzneistoffe geleistet werden. Dabei konnte OCT3 erstmals als maßgeblich an der zellulären Aufnahme von Ipratropiumbromid beteiligter Transporter in der humanen Lunge identifiziert werden, womit einerseits die Beteiligung von Arzneistofftransportern an pharmakokinetischen Prozessen in vivo und andererseits die Bedeutung von Arzneistofftransportern für die inhalative Arzneimitteltherapie deutlich wurde. / Drug transporters facilitate the transport of endogenous and exogenous compounds across cell membranes. Therefore they contribute to the absorption, distribution and elimination of drugs. Pulmonary administered drugs, such as members of the drug class of betamimetics or anticholinergics, are known substrates of relevant pulmonary expressed drug transporters. Despite intensified research in the field of transporter expression few data are available about their expression in the human lung and the pharmacokinetic implications on pulmonary administered drugs. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the impact of drug transporters on the absorption of inhaled drugs and to gain insights into their expression profiles in human lung tissue. Pharmacokinetic properties of the inhaled anticholinergic ipratropium bromide were explored using an ex vivo model of the human lung. After preceding application of the competitive OCTN1/2-inhibitor L-carnitine no significant decrease of the amount of absorbed active ingredient was detected. This contradicted previous assumptions regarding the contribution of the organic cation/carnitine transporters OCTN1 and OCTN2 to the absorption of ipratropium bromide. Consequently the involvement of additional transporters was hypothesized. For the first time pharmacokinetic data of the pulmonary absorption obtained by employing the human lung perfusion model were correlated with the mRNA and protein expression of drug transporters in respective individual tissue samples. The pulmonary gene expression of the multidrug resistance–related protein MRP5 showed a significant negative correlation with the area under the curve (AUC0 – 60 min) of ipratropium bromide (r = -0,699; p < 0,05). This might indicate that MRP5 contributes to the redistribution processes of ipratropium bromide in the human lung. A positive correlation between the protein expression of the organic cation transporter OCT3 and the AUC0 – 60 min of ipratropium bromide was detected (r = 0,7499, p < 0,05) suggesting a potential involvement of OCT3 in the absorption of ipratropium bromide in the luminal lung area. Uptake assays using stably transfected HEK293 cells were performed to substantiate this hypothesis. Both organic cation transporters, OCT1 and OCT3, contributed significantly to an increased cellular uptake of the tritium labeled bronchodilators ipratropium bromide and salbutamol. Thus, the contribution of OCT3 to the cellular uptake of both pharmaceutical substances was demonstrated for the first time. Gender-specific differences of drug transporter expression are of major interest in the context of gender medicine. In vitro incubation studies with the human bronchial epithelial cell line Calu-3 for the first time elucidated whether physiological concentrations of the three sex steroid hormones estradiol, progesterone and testosterone exert a regulatory effect upon the mRNA expression of membrane transporters. By thoroughly optimized and carefully validated RT-qPCR analytics statistically significant differences in gene expression were detected primarily after incubation with female sex hormones compared to no hormone exposure: After incubation with estradiol the peptide transporter PEPT2 (80,8 ± 15,6 %) and OCTN2 (82,8 ± 4,2 %) showed decreased expression whereas the multidrug resistance–related protein MRP1 (111,6 ± 9,1 %) as well as OCTN1 (112,9 ± 10,1 %) were upregulated after addition of both estradiol and progesterone compared to no treatment. Since estradiol is also a known inhibitor of the transport mediated by OCT1 and OCT3 its impact on the uptake of tritium labeled ipratropium bromide was investigated in stably transfected HEK293 cells. Indeed, a reduced cellular uptake of ipratropium bromide was observed after incubation with estradiol, also at physiological concentrations. Therefore, a gender-specific inhibition of both transporters in vivo is conceivable and could result in gender-specific pharmacokinetic characteristics for substrates of these transporters. Moreover, the gene expression of drug transporters in approximate 80 lung tissue samples was examined regarding gender and age related differences. The multidrug resistance protein MDR1 was significantly higher expressed in men younger than 50 years compared to 50 - 60 year old men. OCT1 was significantly less expressed in 50 - 60 years old patients compared to patients older than 60 years. Furthermore, the gene expression profile of drug transporters in the human lung was analyzed. In all tissue samples OCT3 showed the highest mRNA expression level whereas OCT2 was least expressed amongst the investigated transporters. This suggested a substantial involvement of OCT3 in transport processes in human lung tissue. In conclusion, the present research contributed to the elucidation of the role of drug transporters in the pulmonary absorption of inhaled drugs. For the first time OCT3 was identified to be substantially involved in the cellular absorption of ipratropium bromide in human lungs. Hence, the data supported the involvement of drug transporters in pharmacokinetic processes in vivo and emphasized the importance of drug transporters for inhaled pharmacotherapy.

Investigation of the Mechanism of Substrate Transport by the Glutamate Transporter EAAC1

Barcelona, Stephanie Suazo 01 January 2007 (has links)
The activity of glutamate transporters is essential for the temporal and spatial regulation of the neurotransmitter concentration in the synaptic cleft which is critical for proper neuronal signaling. Because of their role in controlling extracellular glutamate concentrations, dysfunctional glutamate transporters have been implicated in several neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders. Therefore, investigating the mechanism of substrate transport by these transporters is essential in understanding their behavior when they malfunction. A bacterial glutamate transporter homologue has been successfully crystallized revealing the molecular architecture of glutamate transporters. However, many important questions remain unanswered. In this thesis, I will address the role of D439 in the binding of Na+, and I will identify other electrogenic steps that contribute to the total electrogenicity of the transporter cycle. The role of D439 in the binding of Na+ to the transporter was explored previously in this lab. While it was proposed that the effect of D439 in Na+ binding is indirect, the results described in this thesis provides added support to this work. Here, I will show that the D439 mutation changed the pharmacology of EAAC1 such that THA was converted from a transported substrate to a competitive inhibitor. I will also show that Na+ binding to the substrate-bound mutant transporter occurred with the same affinity as that of Na+ to the substrate-bound wild-type transporter. Therefore, based on these results, D439 is not directly involved in the binding of Na+ to the substrate-bound transporter, but that its effect is rather indirect through changing the substrate binding properties. Na+ binding steps to the empty transporter and to the glutamate-bound EAAC1 contribute only 20% of the total electrogenicity of the glutamate transporter reactions cycle. While K+-induced relocation has been proposed to be electrogenic, there is no experimental evidence that supports it. In this work, I will show that the K+-induced relocation of the empty transporter is electrogenic. Moreover, the results in this work show that the K+-dependent steps are slower than the steps associated with the Na+/glutamate translocation suggesting that the K+-induced relocation determines the transporter?s properties at steady state.

Constitutive versus Regulated Traffic of GLUT4

Randhawa, Varinder 19 January 2009 (has links)
Glucose transporter GLUT4 allows glucose uptake into muscle and adipose cells. Insulin promotes recruitment and plasma membrane insertion of GLUT4 vesicles that can recycle constitutively. Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with defects in insulin-induced GLUT4 recruitment. Knowledge of alternative modes and steps of GLUT4 traffic in L6-GLUT4myc muscle cells may reveal possible targets for therapeutic intervention in insulin-resistant patients. Hypertonicity and Platelet Derived Growth Factor also increase surface GLUT4 levels but it was unknown if they tap on the same intracellular GLUT4 depots as insulin. We explored whether GLUT4 vesicles recycle using different compartments and mechanisms for the surface gain elicited by each stimulus. We hypothesized that all vesicle fusion steps require NSF but depend on individual v-SNAREs. Specifically, we tested effects of ATPase-deficient NSF or VAMP7 siRNA transfections, and endosomal ablation on GLUT4 traffic. We show that VAMP7 was required for basal and hypertonic recycling, while VAMP2 is exclusively used in response to insulin. As insulin action bifurcates downstream of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, we also hypothesized that the Rac-to-actin and Akt-to-AS160 branches regulate distinct GLUT4 traffic steps. For this we determined GLUT4myc localization in rounded myoblasts relative to a surface marker. Interfering with Rac, actin dynamics or actin-binding α-actinin4 maintained GLUT4 in a perinuclear region even under insulin-stimulation. Interfering with AS160 allowed significant GLUT4 accumulation beneath the membrane, but not fusion. We propose that actin dynamics and α-actinin4 are required for cortical GLUT4 tethering mechanisms, and AS160 contributes to GLUT4 docking/fusion. We confirmed that VAMP2 facilitates GLUT4 fusion, as tetanus toxin-based cleavage did not inhibit peripheral GLUT4 recruitment. Finally, AS160 targets Rab8A and Rab14 in muscle respectively affected GLUT4 availability for membrane fusion, and basal GLUT4 retention. This work will lead to future testing of strategies to selectively enhance vesicle availability, tethering, or surface fusion, for bypassing insulin resistance.

Mitochondria-penetrating Peptides: Characterization and Cargo Delivery

Yousif, Lema F. 17 February 2010 (has links)
A class of mitochondria-penetrating peptides (MPPs) was studied in an effort to optimize their applications in the delivery of bioactive cargo to this therapeutically important organelle. The sequence requirements for mitochondrial entry were monitored, and it was discovered that while an alternating cationic/hydrophobic residue motif is not required, the inclusion of a stretch of adjacent cationic amino acids can impede access to the organelle. In addition, a variety of C-terminal cargos were tested to determine if there are limitations to the lipophilicity, charge, or polarity of compounds that can be transported to mitochondria by MPPs. Furthermore, these systematic studies aided the design and synthesis of a copper-binding MPP for the delivery of copper ions to mitochondria for the potential rescue of disorders associated with copper-deficiency. The results reported demonstrate that MPPs are versatile transporters that may have a wide range of biological applications.

The Protein-Protein Interactome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ABC Transporters Nft1p, Pdr10p, Pdr18p and Vmr1p

Hanif, Asad 20 November 2012 (has links)
The Membrane Yeast Two-Hybrid (MYTH) technology was used in this study to find protein-protein interactors of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters Nft1p, Pdr10p, Pdr18p and Vmr1p. There were 23 interactors for Nft1p, 22 interactors for Pdr10p, 4 interactors for Pdr18p and 1 interactor for Vmr1p. The 43 unique interactors belong to a wide variety of functional categories. There were 11 interactors involved in metabolism, 9 interactors involved in transport, 8 interactors with unknown function, 4 interactors involved in trafficking and secretion, 3 interactors involved in protein folding, 2 interactors involved in stress response, and 1 interactor in each of the following categories: cell wall assembly, cytoskeleton maintenance, nuclear function, protein degradation, protein modification and protein synthesis. Follow up experiments also showed that Pdr15p and Pdr18p play an important role in zinc homeostasis because deletion of these ABC transporters results in sensitivity to zinc shock.

Mitochondria-penetrating Peptides: Characterization and Cargo Delivery

Yousif, Lema F. 17 February 2010 (has links)
A class of mitochondria-penetrating peptides (MPPs) was studied in an effort to optimize their applications in the delivery of bioactive cargo to this therapeutically important organelle. The sequence requirements for mitochondrial entry were monitored, and it was discovered that while an alternating cationic/hydrophobic residue motif is not required, the inclusion of a stretch of adjacent cationic amino acids can impede access to the organelle. In addition, a variety of C-terminal cargos were tested to determine if there are limitations to the lipophilicity, charge, or polarity of compounds that can be transported to mitochondria by MPPs. Furthermore, these systematic studies aided the design and synthesis of a copper-binding MPP for the delivery of copper ions to mitochondria for the potential rescue of disorders associated with copper-deficiency. The results reported demonstrate that MPPs are versatile transporters that may have a wide range of biological applications.

The Protein-Protein Interactome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ABC Transporters Nft1p, Pdr10p, Pdr18p and Vmr1p

Hanif, Asad 20 November 2012 (has links)
The Membrane Yeast Two-Hybrid (MYTH) technology was used in this study to find protein-protein interactors of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters Nft1p, Pdr10p, Pdr18p and Vmr1p. There were 23 interactors for Nft1p, 22 interactors for Pdr10p, 4 interactors for Pdr18p and 1 interactor for Vmr1p. The 43 unique interactors belong to a wide variety of functional categories. There were 11 interactors involved in metabolism, 9 interactors involved in transport, 8 interactors with unknown function, 4 interactors involved in trafficking and secretion, 3 interactors involved in protein folding, 2 interactors involved in stress response, and 1 interactor in each of the following categories: cell wall assembly, cytoskeleton maintenance, nuclear function, protein degradation, protein modification and protein synthesis. Follow up experiments also showed that Pdr15p and Pdr18p play an important role in zinc homeostasis because deletion of these ABC transporters results in sensitivity to zinc shock.

No Association between MTHFR C677T and Serum Uric Acid Levels among Japanese with ABCG2 126QQ and SLC22A12 258WW

No description available.

Regulation of adenosine transporter and AMPA receptor subunit localization by protein kinase CK2 in rat hippocampus

Longmuir, Nicole 25 July 2011
The control of extracellular adenosine is crucial to the regulation of synaptic transmission and neuroprotection. Equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENTs) are highly expressed in the hippocampus and widely accepted as critical regulators of adenosine tone. However, the mechanisms regulating the surface distribution and transport function of ENTs are largely unknown. Since ENT1 and ENT2 contain consensus sequences for phosphorylation by protein kinase CK2, and because this protein has been reported to regulate synaptic plasticity and ENT function in non-neuronal systems, the present thesis outlines the hypothesis that CK2-induced phosphorylation of ENTs is important for their cellular localization and thus the regulation of adenosine tone and synaptic transmission. Here, a functional interaction between adenosine CK2, ENTs and AMPA receptors in the hippocampus is reported. Western blot analysis shows that a variety of CK2 inhibitors (DMAT, TBB and DRB) significantly reduced the density of ENT1 and ENT2 proteins in hippocampal membrane fractions, suggesting that CK2-mediated phosphorylation of ENTs promotes their surface localization. In contrast, it was found that the ENT1 inhibitor NBTI significantly increased in the membrane localization of ENT1, relative to the control. Moreover, ENTs were found to immunoprecipitate with GluR1 and GluR2-containing AMPA receptors; and CK2 inhibitors caused a decrease in the membrane localization of GluR2 and GluR1 AMPA receptors. These results suggest a novel signaling complex linking CK2-regulated adenosine transport to AMPA receptor trafficking in the rat hippocampus. Although the physiological significance of these findings requires further investigation, this thesis provides insight into an adenosine regulation pathway that may be important for the regulation of synaptic transmission and neuroprotection in the rat hippocampus.

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