Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1treatment plant"" "subject:"entreatment plant""
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Odpadové hospodářství kořenových čistíren odpadních vod / The waste management of the constructed treatment wetlandsMrvová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the sludge management at root sewage treatment plants with focus on volum eis highest – sludge manahement. Sludge dewatering using sludge dryiing bed is still condemned designers mainly due to their lack of experience, while at the same time enforcing technologically complex solutions. Therefore, the thesis focuses on the break down balance hydrological equation sludge drying bed, which includes all parameters affecting water balance system. The result is a proposal not only design, but in particular a description of input data and the governing equations in software Reed-Bed, which is calibrated own operational results obtainde for the two sewage treatment plants (village Dražovice and Kotenčice). Reed-Bed software will perform sevetal functions: setting the ground area of sludge bed, investment costs required for the implementation of sludge bed, return on investment, the determination of moisture contene of sludge in the sludge bed and maximum lenght of the dewatering period with regard to wetland vegetation. The second largest item within sludge system creates biomass wetland plants, so work deals with possibilities biomass processing plant at the end of the growing season. Technological processing of biomass was tested on common reed, final product pellets for heating.
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Energetická bilance městských čistíren odpadních vod / Energy balance of urban wastewater treatment plantsČížová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
The research part of the diploma thesis is focused on an issue of energy consumption in sludge treatment at wastewater treatment plants divided by the number of population equivalent. The aim of the practical part is to set indicators and propose evaluative criteria concerning energy performance of urban wastewater treatment plants. The verification of proposed criteria and energetic analysis result from data of the wastewater treatment plant in Novy Jicin.
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Sušení čistírenských kalů solární energií / Drying of sewage sludge using solar energyPrášek, Dalibor January 2011 (has links)
This Master’s Thesis deals with a question of the current methods of treatment of sewage sludge. The main objective is to compare the financial cost of conventional drying with solar drying. In the first part is described process of the treatment sludge and its disposal options. The Thesis also describes different methods of drying sewage sludge.
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Studie odkanalizování města Rokytnice nad Rokytnou / The study sewerage city Rokytnice nad RokytnouDošek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This work deals with factual building, which is a sewerage in the town of Rokytnice nad Rokytnou. The aim of this work is to propose measures to reduce inflow of redundant water to the local wastewater treatment plant. A method chosen to achieve it is an assesment the most problematic location and making a plan. This work includes among other outputs from the primary exploration and a condition survey, hydrological analysis and designing of two measures. These designs are complemented by the calculation of investment costs and their comparison. Appendix to this work contains drawings and the sheets from condition survey.
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Energetická optimalizace provozu ČOV / Energetic optimisation of WWTP´s operationČížová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The reduction in energy consumption is nowadays of increasing importance also within the field of waste water treatment. In combination with increasing requirements for the WWTP (waste water treatment plant) outlet quality, the energy optimization becomes very challenging for the plants operators. This thesis presents possible approaches to the energy optimization and summarizes technologies and measures, where some of them are in the research phase while others are already implemented successfully. In particular, the contribution of the activation tanks aeration process to the overall energy consumption of a plant is highlighted. A change in the aeration control is tested using a mathematical model of WWTP in Mikulov, South Moravia in Czech Republic. In the new setting the aeration is regulated based on the concentration of nitrogen compounds in the activation tank. There is also a brief survey of the energy consumption of the plant and an outline of other possible energy conservation measures.
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Zpětné získávání tepla v TZB / Heat recovery in Building ServicesHrabová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the optimization of sewer heat recovery. For proper design and optimization it is necessary to use three basic methods: diagnostics, heat balance calculations and modeling. In 2D software Area Calculation are simulated different types of sewer exchangers arranged in sewer pipes. Using models of software CalA and simulations will be selected optimal variant. Using software BSim, which is based on more zone numerical simulation of the energy needs of buildings in relation to indoor climate, are detected heat needs of an office building. The optimal number of sewer exchanger is designed from the identified performance heat exchangers and supplies heat for the building.
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Studie odkanalizování obce Prasklice / The study village sewer system PraskliceGembalová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the assessment of the existing condition of the sewerage system and the proposal of measures for disposal of sewage in the village Prasklice. Submits a proposal for three options for improving the condition of the drainage and resolve the disposal of sewage. Option 1. consists in the design of new separate system and reconstruction of existing stormwater, the original combined system. To this option, including the proposal of the central sewage treatment plant. Option 2. includes the design of the pumping station for the diversion of sewage effluent to wastewater treatment plant that is proposed in the next village Pačlavice. Option 3. describes the reconstruction of the existing combined system and design of the central sewage treatment plant. The individual proposed technological solutions to the drainage and treatment of waste, is created overview of the economic performance. The object is to determine what the least economically demanding variant and show how subsidies can be used. Economically least demanding option was evaluated option 3. From an operational point of view it is most advantageous to variant 1., which will prevent future operating costs. The diploma thesis brings the village Prasklice a convenient solution for sewerage and sewage disposal in the village.
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Sledování pesticidních látek ve zdroji úpravny vody Hrdibořice a možnost jejich odstranění / Monitoring of pesticides in source of water treatment Hrdibořice and possibility of their removalBouchalová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
The thesis discusses possible ways to reduce or completely eliminate pesticide compounds from drinking water that are produced at a water treatment plant Hrdibořice. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part lists kinds of pesticides that occur in water, how they are reduced or eliminated. Furthermore, this section describes the existing water treatment technologies at the Central Committee Hrdibořice, including water sources. In the practical part, pilot tests on two types of filters models with filtering bed of granular activated carbon (hereinafter GAU) were carried out. On the basis of information obtained from the literature and on findings from the pilot tests, designs of technological equipment for pesticide removal from drinking water at water treatment Hrdiborice were carried out. Next, cost estimates for the proposed variant solutions including operating costs were suggested.
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Posouzení ročního provozu ČOV Dolní Věstonice / Annual assessment the water treatment plant Dolní VěstoniceKovář, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the annual assessment of trial operation of the wastewater treatment plant in Dolní Věstonice. Th e theoretical part focuses on ways wastewater services for municipalities sizes 2001 - 10 000 EO. The following are the most frequently observed indicators which are reported in the current legislation. The practical part is focused on describing the wastewater treatment plant and to assess its condition at the time of trial operation. Calculated parameters of volume and hydraulic loads are then compared with the original proposal in the project documentation. The values of substance loads are compared with current legislation on implementation of runoff. Below are caused failures and problems in the prior operation. A conclusion is determined by energy class watched cleaners in terms of energy consumption.
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Aplicación del bioconcreto para reparar agrietamientos de los decantadores de la planta de tratamiento de agua La Atarjea - Lima / Application of bioconcrete to repair cracking of the decanters of the treatment plant of water la atarjea – limaSantos Estrada, Arnold Junior 23 February 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación se realizó en los laboratorios de: Ingeniería Civil - UPC, y laboratorio biológico - UNMSM; con el objetivo claro de experimentar y confirmar la hipótesis inicial: “Las bacterias Bacillus Subtilis añadidas en el diseño de mezcla del concreto (bioconcreto), es capaz de producir calcita, por ende, autoreparar los agrietamientos de los decantadores de la Atarjea”.
El concreto tarde o temprano se agrieta por diversas causas, ya sea, por el clima, por la humedad que existe en la ciudad donde se encuentra la obra, por el pH, por movimientos sísmicos de moderada intensidad, etc.
Esta investigación, se enfocó, a reparar con un material de construcción innovador (bioconcreto) los agrietamientos de los decantadores de la Atarjea, los cuales, son los que más gastos ocasionan en reparaciones.
Todos los datos para el desarrollo de esta investigación se consiguieron mediante la realización de diseño de protocolos: parte biológica (bacterias: aislamiento, cultivo, reproducción, esporulación), parte ingenieril (diseño de mezcla y ensayos de concreto: resistencia a la compresión, granulometría, humedad, etc.).
El bioconcreto se elaboró para un diseño de mezcla con f´c = 210 kg/cm2, con slump de 4'' y cumpliendo la Norma ACI 211.
Con esta investigación se logró verificar, que el bioconcreto, llega a su resistencia a partir de los 28 días, y autorepara las fisuras y las grietas eficazmente, con una tendencia a disminuir el ancho en 0.20 mm por mes, esto quiere decir, que la hipótesis inicial, es factible y viable. / This research project was carried out in the Civil Engineering laboratories - UPC, and the biological laboratory – UNMSM; with the clear objective of experimenting and confirming the initial hypothesis: “The Bacillus Subtilis bacteria added in concrete mix design (bioconcrete), is capable of producing calcite, accordingly, self-repair the cracking of Atarjea decanters.
The concrete sooner or later crack due to various causes, be it due to the climate, the humidity, that exists in the city where the work is located, due to the pH, due to moderate intensity seismic movements, etc.
This investigation was focused on repairing with an innovative construction material (bio-concrete) the cracks in the decanters of the Atarjea, which are the ones that cause the most expenses in repairs.
All data for the development of this research were obtained through the design of protocols: biological part (bacteria: isolation, culture, reproduction, sporulation), engineering part (mix design and concrete tests: resistance, granulometry, humidity, etc.)
The bio concrete was made for a mix design with f´c = 210 kg/cm2, with slump of 4''
and complying with the standard ACI 211.
With this investigation it was possible to verify, that bio concrete, reaches its resistance after 28 days, and self-repair fissures and cracks effectively, with a tendency to decrease the width of 0.20 mm by month, this means, that the initial hypothesis is feasible and viable. / Tesis
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