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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measuring Auditory Thresholds in Brushtail Possums (Trichosurus Vulpecula)

Osugi, Mizuho January 2008 (has links)
A total of 9 brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) were trained to perform a two-manipulanda, conditional discrimination task. The possums learned to press a right lever in the presence of a tone (80 dB(A)) during tone-on trials, and a left lever in the absence of the tone on tone-off trials. Overall sessions of 11 conditions contained tone frequency between 100 Hz and 35 kHz were tested. Each condition contained training and then probe sessions. In training sessions, the possums were presented with tone-on and tone-off trials, pseudo-randomly. Once the possums responded with over 90% accuracy for five consecutive sessions, then probe sessions were introduced. Probe sessions were similar to the training sessions, except that the tone intensity for tone-on trials was reduced by 8 dB(A) across blocks of 20 trials until their response accuracy in a block fall below 60% or reached 24 dB(A). Data were analysed using overall percentages correct and log d analysis. Both measures indicated that overall response accuracy decreased for all possum as tone intensity reduced. Based on these data analyses, threshold values were calculated using the criterions at 75% correct and a log d of 0.48. The threshold values for each possum and across all possums were plotted as a function of the tone frequency to produce an audiogram. A curvilinear regression was fitted for each threshold values. The functions of both measures were very similar. Both audiograms showed that the possums could hear the tones between 100 Hz and 35 kHz, and were most sensitive to tones between 15 and 20 kHz. This experiment involved many difficulties with producing and measuring tones especially outside of human hearing range. Due to these difficulties, several problems and concerns were raised during the experiment, these were discussed in this study and also recommendations for future research were then presented.

The ecology and management of the common brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula in Central Australia.

Foulkes, Jeffery Neil, N/A January 2001 (has links)
This study investigates the ecology of one of the best known Australian marsupials, the Common Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula, in central Australia. Trichosurus vulpecula is one of few medium-sized mammal species that persist in arid Australia today. Its distribution within the arid zone has declined markedly since European settlement. Two populations, one within the East MacDonnell Ranges along the Hale River and the other on Irving Creek, a River Red Gum creek in the Petermann Ranges, were studied in the southern Northern Territory. Others locations in the region were visited opportunistically. Trie central Australian Trichosurus is not distinct genetically from populations elsewhere in Australia. The diet of T. vulpecula consisted of a range of leaves, flowers and fruits of perennial dicotyledonous species as well as some ephemeral herbs. Grasses were absent from the diet. Variation in the diet reflected seasonal availability in flowers and fruits. The species preferentially consumed at each site had significantly higher moisture content and dry matter digestibility than species not consumed. Preferred species included Amyema maidenii leaves (a mistletoe), Acacia spp. flowers and fruits, Santalum lanceolatum leaves (a shrub), Marsdenia australis leaves (a vine), Solarium quadriloculatum fruit (shrub) and Euphorbia spp. leaves (herb). Small amounts of invertebrate material were consumed throughout the year. Other non-plant material consumed included honeycomb and unfledged birds eg. Budgerigars. There were no significant differences in the diet between the sexes. Trichosurus vulpecula were found in six main habitats: Acacia aneura/Callitris glaucophylla on rocky hills; E. camaldulensis sandy creek-lines; mixed Acacia rocky hills, Rocky Eucalyptus creek-lines; Degraded drainage lines; and Wet gullies. Logistic regression modelling revealed a significant correlation between mistletoe species richness, higher levels of soil nitrogen and the presence of T. vulpecula. In habitats occupied by T. vulpecula species richness of mistletoes was associated with the absence of fire and the presence of reliable ground water supplies. Trichosurus vulpecula were highly mobile with mean home ranges at Hale River of 44.21 � 22.76 ha and considerably higher than those recorded in previous studies in Australia. Mean home ranges at Irving Creek were much smaller, at 4.99 � 1.46 ha and VII similar to that recorded in other studies in Australia. At both sites, males had larger home ranges and there was a high degree of overlap with other males and females. At the Hale River study site, T. vulpecula predominantly denned in caves or cavities in rocks, whereas at Irving Creek all den sites were in large Eucalyptus camaldulensis on the drainage line. Adult and pouch young sex ratios were at parity. During this study, T. vulpecula was found to breed continuously, with births recorded in almost all months. Growth of the young were more rapid than previously recorded for Trichosurus in Australia. This is interpreted as an adaptation for living in an arid environment, enabling the young to achieve independence before quality food supplies diminish. No single exotic predator or competitor was solely responsible for the decline of T. vulpecula in arid Australia, implying an interactive impact. Prey switching by dingoes from rabbits to T. vulpecula, macropods and echidnas followed the crash of rabbit populations at Hale River. Predation by dingoes on T. vulpecula was only recorded once, at the Irving Creek study site, where numbers of rabbits remained stable throughout the study. The impact of exotic herbivores occurred through habitat degradation rather than competition. Evaluation of the ecological data collected during this study generally supports current models of decline and extinction in medium-sized mammals in arid Australia, integrating the effects of predators, competitors, drought and fire. However, the importance of each factor on populations of T. vulpecula was found to vary depending on their location in the landscape. This study suggests two separate models to explain the decline of T. vulpecula in arid Australia after the arrival of Europeans. The first operates in the riparian lowlands and the second on the rocky ranges. In both models, prior to European settlement, T. vulpecula occupied refuge habitats characterised by readily available moisture for plant growth (run on areas and/or shallow water tables) and soils with higher soil nutrient concentrations. The impact of fires on these refugia was minimal, as Aboriginal burning practices protected them with mosaic burning generally preventing large-scale fires from developing. Following European settlement, the forces impacting on populations were different in the riparian lowlands from those affecting rocky ranges. In the riparian lowlands, the effects of rabbits and livestock together with predation were found to have the major impact on T. vulpecula populations. Fire was not a significant factor in these areas. In the rocky ranges, fire was the most significant factor affecting T. vulpecula populations. Introduced herbivores did not degrade these habitats as they did in the riparian lowlands because the rugged and steep nature of the ranges acted as a physical barrier. Similarly, predator numbers were lower because of the relative difficulty in moving over rough ground and the generally lower relative abundance of preferred prey such as rabbits. An adaptive management strategy needs to be implemented to determine the effects of different management regimes on T. vulpecula population viability. The key elements of a management strategy in the riparian lowlands involves the manipulation and monitoring of predators, rabbits and livestock numbers. In the rocky ranges, the key management strategy involves the implementation of a patch burning to prevent fires entering habitats occupied by T. vulpecula. Importantly, any management strategies should involve Aboriginal people. Trichosurus vulpecula is an important part of Aboriginal culture. Its decline is of great concern to many people and several of the remaining populations and potential reintroduction locations are on Aboriginal land. Because of their relationship with the land and the animals, people have both the knowledge of the animal and the skills (such as patch burning) to provide information to managers which will assist with management. To achieve these management directions a coordinated national education programme is required to inform and convince the Australian community that conservation of T. vulpecula is deserving of attention in arid and semi-arid Australia. This is particularly important given the perception that T. vulpecula is a common species throughout Australia, despite its massive decline in arid Australia since European settlement.

The impacts of possum herbivory and possum control on threatened palatable species (Pittosporum patulum, Alepis flavida and Peraxilla tetrapetala) in the Lake Ohau Catchment, South Island, New Zealand

Head, Nicholas January 2005 (has links)
The impacts of possum herbivory were assessed on 713 individual plants of the nationally endangered Pittosporum patulum and 115 individual plants of the threatened ('Gradual Decline') mistletoes (Alepis flavida & Peraxilla tetrapetala) over three years in the Temple and Huxley river valleys in the Ohau catchment, South Island New Zealand. Statistical models were used to test the influence of several explanatory variables on the probability of survival and growth rates of these rare palatable plants. Increasing defoliation levels were the most significant predictors of mortality for both P. patulum and mistletoe, and reduced growth rates in P. patulum. Mortality of P. patulum increased with plant size although smaller plants were also affected by mortality. P. patulum mortality was greater for non-forest habitats, and growth rates were greatest on warm aspects. Mistletoe mortality increased with warm aspect, steeper slopes and at lower altitudes. Plant survival and growth increased in the Temple valley following possum control. Although indicative of a positive treatment effect, other factors may have also influenced this result. Possums are the major herbivore responsible for the widespread decline of P. patulum and beech forest mistletoes throughout New Zealand, although the autecology of P. patulum predisposes it toward extinction more so than mistletoe. Monitoring in conjunction with possum control operations provide good opportunities for understanding the impacts of possums on palatable plants and ecosystems. Assessing defoliation levels on indicator species like P. patulum and mistletoes can serve as a guide for managers to assess ecosystem stress from herbivory.

The role of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions

Russell, Benjamin Gallard, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Odour plays an important role in many predator/prey interactions. In the northern hemisphere, many mammalian prey species have been shown to respond to predator odours. It is also widely assumed that mammalian predators utilise odours to locate their prey. This thesis explores the importance of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions. Responses of native Australian species to the faecal odour of two predators; the native tiger quoll Dasyurus maculatus and the introduced red fox Vulpes vulpes, were evaluated through live-trapping and focussed behavioural studies of captive animals. Tiger quoll responses to prey olfactory cues were investigated in a captive experiment. Native rodents (bush rats Rattus fuscipes, swamp rats R. lutreolus and eastern chestnut mice Pseudomys gracilicaudatus) equally avoided traps scented with either quoll or fox faeces, and in captive experiments, bush rats and swamp rats reduced their average speed in response to both predator odours. Of the marsupial species, northern brown bandicoots Isoodon macrourus and common brushtail possums Trichosurus vulpecula were captured more frequently in quoll-scented traps than unscented traps or foxscented traps, while captures of brown antechinus Antechinus stuarttii, long-nosed bandicoots Perameles nasuta and southern brown bandicoot I. obesulus were unaffected by the either predator odour. In captive experiments, brown antechinus, long-nosed and northern brown bandicoots decreased their foraging in response to both predator odours, and spent less time in areas scented with quoll faeces. Tiger quolls didn't appear to detect odour sources from a distance of >65 cm, but they did follow scent trails and spent more time in areas scented with the urine and faeces of potential prey. Chemical analysis revealed no common components in fox and quoll odour which prey species could be responding to. Therefore, these native species have evolved to respond to fox odour since foxes were introduced to Australia 130 years ago. The stronger response of native rodents to fox odour may be a legacy of their co-evolution with canid predators prior to entering Australia. A better understanding of how odour is utilised in Australian predator/prey interactions may lead to a greater ability to protect Australia's unique mammalian fauna from introduced predators.

The role of wild deer in the epidemiology and management of bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand.

Nugent, Graham January 2005 (has links)
The eco-epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis (Tb) in wild deer (mainly red deer Cervus elaphus) in New Zealand was investigated. Bovine Tb is caused by Mycobacterium bovis. Specific aims were to clarify the likely routes of infection in deer, and to determine the status of deer as hosts of Tb, the likely rates and routes of inter- and intra-species transmission between deer and other wildlife hosts, the role of deer in spreading Tb, and the likely utility of deer as sentinels of Tb presence in wildlife. As the possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the main wildlife host of Tb, the research also included some investigation of transmission routes in possums. Patterns of infection were measured in 994 deer killed between 1993 and 2003. Tb prevalence varied between areas (range 8–36%). Few deer had generalised infection, with 21–68% of infected deer having no visible lesions, depending on the area. The retropharyngeal lymph nodes and oropharyngeal tonsils were commonly infected. No dependent fawns less than 0.75 years old were infected, indicating intra-species transmission is rare in wild deer. Where possums were not controlled, the net (cumulative) force of infection in young (1–4 y) deer was 0.10–0.24 per year in males and 0.09–0.12 per year in females, but much lower in older deer (less than 0.05 per year). Possum control reduced the net force of infection quickly, and eventually to zero. However, Tb persisted in possum-controlled areas through immigration of infected deer and, for almost a decade, through the survival of resident deer infected before possum control. Tb was lost from infected deer at an exponential rate of 0.13 per year, mostly as a result of deer recovering from infection rather than dying from it. Wild deer do die of Tb, but there was no discernible effect on age structure. The occurrence of infection in deer was not linked to the local deer or possum density at their kill sites (i.e. in their home range), but the area-wide prevalence of Tb in deer was closely correlated with Tb levels in possums, which were in turn correlated with area-wide measures of possum density. For wild deer in New Zealand, Tb is a persistent but usually inconsequential disease of the lymphatic system. It is acquired mainly by young independent deer, usually orally via the tonsils, and probably as a result of licking infected possums. Many species fed on deer carrion, including possums. Most possums encountering carrion did not feed on it, but a few fed for long periods. Other scavengers such ferrets (Mustela furo), hawks (Circus approximans), and weka (a hen-sized flightless native bird; Gallirallus australis) fed in a way that probably increased the infectivity of carrion to possums. Commercial deer hunting may have facilitated the historical establishment of Tb in possums. Scavenging (including cannibalism) and interactions with dead and dying possums are identified for the first time as potentially important routes for transmission of Tb to possums, and I develop new hypotheses involving peri- and post-mortem transmission in possums that explain many of the epidemiological patterns that are characteristic of the disease in possum. In continuous native forest, deer home range size averaged 250 hectares for six young females, and over twice that for two males. Over 90% of infected deer are likely to die within 2 km (females) or 6 km (males) of where they acquired Tb, but deer could occasionally carry Tb up to 30 km. Deer will be useful as sentinels, but only where other sentinels are rare, because the force of infection for a deer with a single infected possum in its home range is only 0.004 per year, compared to greater than 0.2 per year for deliberately released pigs. Deer are occasionally capable of initiating new cycles of infection in wildlife, but deer control is not essential to eradicate Tb from wildlife.

Post-dispersal seed predation in a conifer-broadleaf forest remnant : the importance of exotic mammals

Berry, Christopher J.J. January 2006 (has links)
Despite extensive international acceptance of the critical role of mammalian post-dispersal seed predation in many plant communities, in New Zealand we have limited knowledge of these predators’ influence on plant recruitment in our forests. The principle objective of my thesis was to determine the importance of exotic mammals as post-dispersal seed predators in a New Zealand conifer-broadleaf forest remnant. To address this goal, I used a series of field-based experiments where the actions of different post-dispersal seed predators were separated by wire-mesh exclosures. My study was conducted at Mount Peel Forest Park Scenic Reserve, South Canterbury, New Zealand. Being a human modified conifer forest currently dominated by broadleaf species, it is typical of forest remnants in New Zealand. This presented an opportunity to study a wide range of both potential post-dispersal seed predators and broadleaf tree species. My findings indicate that exotic mammals are not only post-dispersal seed predators at Peel Forest, but are responsible for the majority of post-dispersal predation events observed. Ship rats (Rattus rattus) were the dominant post-dispersal seed predators, while brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), house mice (Mus musculus) and native invertebrates were also important post-dispersal seed predators for several tree species. Through use of time-lapse video and cafeteria experiments I found that exotic mammalian seed predators, when compared to native invertebrate seed predators, preyed upon larger-seeded plant species and were responsible for considerable seed losses of several tree species. However, exotic mammalian seed predators do share several foraging characteristics with native invertebrate seed predators, as predators foraged in similar habitats and responded in a similar way to changes in seed density. In investigating if post-dispersal seed predation by mammals had a flow-on effect to plant recruitment, I observed natural seedling densities at Peel Forest were significantly higher in the absence of mammalian seed predators, but I found no evidence that the presence of mammals significantly altered the overall species richness. At the community level, I did not find an interaction between habitat and exotic mammals, however I present evidence that for individual plant species a significant mammal : habitat interaction occurred. Consequently, even though my cafeteria experiment implied there was no significant difference in the overall amount of seed preyed upon within different habitats, the less favourable microsite conditions for germination under an intact continuous canopy allows mammals to exacerbate habitat-related patterns of seed mortality and have a noticeable effect on seedling establishment. In an effort to validate the use of manipulative experiments to predict the long-term effect of post-dispersal seed predation on plant dynamics, I attempted to link results of my cafeteria experiment with observed seedling abundance at Peel Forest. Seven tree species were used in this comparison and a strong correlation was observed. This result shows that the level of post-dispersal seed predation determined in the cafeteria experiment provided a good predictor of the effect of mammalian post-dispersal seed predation on seedling establishment. To fully gauge the impact of mammalian post-dispersal seed predators on seedling establishment, the relationship between these seed predators and the type of recruitment limitation experienced by a plant species was also investigated. By using a combination of seed addition, plot manipulations and seed predator exclusion I was able to investigate this relationship. I found evidence that seed limitation at Peel Forest is positively correlated with seed size, and that while mammalian post-dispersal seed predators can further reduce plant recruitment of plant species experiencing seed limitation, the influence of mammals in determining plant recruitment was limited for plant species experiencing microsite limitation. My study has proven that exotic mammals are now the dominant post-dispersal seed predators at Peel Forest, the amount of seed preyed upon varies among plant species, and post-dispersal seed predation by mammalian species can lead to differences in seedling richness and abundance. I proved that the influence of exotic mammals on seedling establishment is also linked to habitat structure and recruitment limitations. When combined these observations suggest that exotic mammalian post-dispersal seed predators may play an important role in determining landscape abundance and distribution of plants at Peel Forest.

The role of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions

Russell, Benjamin Gallard, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Odour plays an important role in many predator/prey interactions. In the northern hemisphere, many mammalian prey species have been shown to respond to predator odours. It is also widely assumed that mammalian predators utilise odours to locate their prey. This thesis explores the importance of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions. Responses of native Australian species to the faecal odour of two predators; the native tiger quoll Dasyurus maculatus and the introduced red fox Vulpes vulpes, were evaluated through live-trapping and focussed behavioural studies of captive animals. Tiger quoll responses to prey olfactory cues were investigated in a captive experiment. Native rodents (bush rats Rattus fuscipes, swamp rats R. lutreolus and eastern chestnut mice Pseudomys gracilicaudatus) equally avoided traps scented with either quoll or fox faeces, and in captive experiments, bush rats and swamp rats reduced their average speed in response to both predator odours. Of the marsupial species, northern brown bandicoots Isoodon macrourus and common brushtail possums Trichosurus vulpecula were captured more frequently in quoll-scented traps than unscented traps or foxscented traps, while captures of brown antechinus Antechinus stuarttii, long-nosed bandicoots Perameles nasuta and southern brown bandicoot I. obesulus were unaffected by the either predator odour. In captive experiments, brown antechinus, long-nosed and northern brown bandicoots decreased their foraging in response to both predator odours, and spent less time in areas scented with quoll faeces. Tiger quolls didn't appear to detect odour sources from a distance of >65 cm, but they did follow scent trails and spent more time in areas scented with the urine and faeces of potential prey. Chemical analysis revealed no common components in fox and quoll odour which prey species could be responding to. Therefore, these native species have evolved to respond to fox odour since foxes were introduced to Australia 130 years ago. The stronger response of native rodents to fox odour may be a legacy of their co-evolution with canid predators prior to entering Australia. A better understanding of how odour is utilised in Australian predator/prey interactions may lead to a greater ability to protect Australia's unique mammalian fauna from introduced predators.

The role of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions

Russell, Benjamin Gallard, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Odour plays an important role in many predator/prey interactions. In the northern hemisphere, many mammalian prey species have been shown to respond to predator odours. It is also widely assumed that mammalian predators utilise odours to locate their prey. This thesis explores the importance of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions. Responses of native Australian species to the faecal odour of two predators; the native tiger quoll Dasyurus maculatus and the introduced red fox Vulpes vulpes, were evaluated through live-trapping and focussed behavioural studies of captive animals. Tiger quoll responses to prey olfactory cues were investigated in a captive experiment. Native rodents (bush rats Rattus fuscipes, swamp rats R. lutreolus and eastern chestnut mice Pseudomys gracilicaudatus) equally avoided traps scented with either quoll or fox faeces, and in captive experiments, bush rats and swamp rats reduced their average speed in response to both predator odours. Of the marsupial species, northern brown bandicoots Isoodon macrourus and common brushtail possums Trichosurus vulpecula were captured more frequently in quoll-scented traps than unscented traps or foxscented traps, while captures of brown antechinus Antechinus stuarttii, long-nosed bandicoots Perameles nasuta and southern brown bandicoot I. obesulus were unaffected by the either predator odour. In captive experiments, brown antechinus, long-nosed and northern brown bandicoots decreased their foraging in response to both predator odours, and spent less time in areas scented with quoll faeces. Tiger quolls didn't appear to detect odour sources from a distance of >65 cm, but they did follow scent trails and spent more time in areas scented with the urine and faeces of potential prey. Chemical analysis revealed no common components in fox and quoll odour which prey species could be responding to. Therefore, these native species have evolved to respond to fox odour since foxes were introduced to Australia 130 years ago. The stronger response of native rodents to fox odour may be a legacy of their co-evolution with canid predators prior to entering Australia. A better understanding of how odour is utilised in Australian predator/prey interactions may lead to a greater ability to protect Australia's unique mammalian fauna from introduced predators.

The role of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions

Russell, Benjamin Gallard, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Odour plays an important role in many predator/prey interactions. In the northern hemisphere, many mammalian prey species have been shown to respond to predator odours. It is also widely assumed that mammalian predators utilise odours to locate their prey. This thesis explores the importance of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions. Responses of native Australian species to the faecal odour of two predators; the native tiger quoll Dasyurus maculatus and the introduced red fox Vulpes vulpes, were evaluated through live-trapping and focussed behavioural studies of captive animals. Tiger quoll responses to prey olfactory cues were investigated in a captive experiment. Native rodents (bush rats Rattus fuscipes, swamp rats R. lutreolus and eastern chestnut mice Pseudomys gracilicaudatus) equally avoided traps scented with either quoll or fox faeces, and in captive experiments, bush rats and swamp rats reduced their average speed in response to both predator odours. Of the marsupial species, northern brown bandicoots Isoodon macrourus and common brushtail possums Trichosurus vulpecula were captured more frequently in quoll-scented traps than unscented traps or foxscented traps, while captures of brown antechinus Antechinus stuarttii, long-nosed bandicoots Perameles nasuta and southern brown bandicoot I. obesulus were unaffected by the either predator odour. In captive experiments, brown antechinus, long-nosed and northern brown bandicoots decreased their foraging in response to both predator odours, and spent less time in areas scented with quoll faeces. Tiger quolls didn't appear to detect odour sources from a distance of >65 cm, but they did follow scent trails and spent more time in areas scented with the urine and faeces of potential prey. Chemical analysis revealed no common components in fox and quoll odour which prey species could be responding to. Therefore, these native species have evolved to respond to fox odour since foxes were introduced to Australia 130 years ago. The stronger response of native rodents to fox odour may be a legacy of their co-evolution with canid predators prior to entering Australia. A better understanding of how odour is utilised in Australian predator/prey interactions may lead to a greater ability to protect Australia's unique mammalian fauna from introduced predators.

The role of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions

Russell, Benjamin Gallard, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Odour plays an important role in many predator/prey interactions. In the northern hemisphere, many mammalian prey species have been shown to respond to predator odours. It is also widely assumed that mammalian predators utilise odours to locate their prey. This thesis explores the importance of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions. Responses of native Australian species to the faecal odour of two predators; the native tiger quoll Dasyurus maculatus and the introduced red fox Vulpes vulpes, were evaluated through live-trapping and focussed behavioural studies of captive animals. Tiger quoll responses to prey olfactory cues were investigated in a captive experiment. Native rodents (bush rats Rattus fuscipes, swamp rats R. lutreolus and eastern chestnut mice Pseudomys gracilicaudatus) equally avoided traps scented with either quoll or fox faeces, and in captive experiments, bush rats and swamp rats reduced their average speed in response to both predator odours. Of the marsupial species, northern brown bandicoots Isoodon macrourus and common brushtail possums Trichosurus vulpecula were captured more frequently in quoll-scented traps than unscented traps or foxscented traps, while captures of brown antechinus Antechinus stuarttii, long-nosed bandicoots Perameles nasuta and southern brown bandicoot I. obesulus were unaffected by the either predator odour. In captive experiments, brown antechinus, long-nosed and northern brown bandicoots decreased their foraging in response to both predator odours, and spent less time in areas scented with quoll faeces. Tiger quolls didn't appear to detect odour sources from a distance of >65 cm, but they did follow scent trails and spent more time in areas scented with the urine and faeces of potential prey. Chemical analysis revealed no common components in fox and quoll odour which prey species could be responding to. Therefore, these native species have evolved to respond to fox odour since foxes were introduced to Australia 130 years ago. The stronger response of native rodents to fox odour may be a legacy of their co-evolution with canid predators prior to entering Australia. A better understanding of how odour is utilised in Australian predator/prey interactions may lead to a greater ability to protect Australia's unique mammalian fauna from introduced predators.

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