Spelling suggestions: "subject:"trogoderma."" "subject:"trogodermae.""
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Reactions of the larva of the beetle Trogoderma parabile Beal (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) to relative humidityEl-Sayed, El Rasheid El Sheikh, 1934- January 1965 (has links)
No description available.
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Reactions of the larvae of Trogoderma parabile Beal (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) to certain food materials and selected organic compoundsSpangler, Hayward Gosse, 1938- January 1963 (has links)
No description available.
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Effect of elevated temperatures on Trogerma variabile Ballion life stagesRai, Purnima January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Grain Science and Industry / Bhadriraju Subramanyam / Heat treatment of grain-processing facilities involves using elevated temperatures of 50- 60˚C for 24 h or less to manage stored-product insects. Heat is an alternative to a non-ozone depleting fumigant sulfuryl fluoride, which was registered in the United States in 2004 for disinfestation of grain-processing facilities. In this study, life history traits of the warehouse beetle, Trogoderma variabile Ballion, were characterized on ground cat food at 28°C and 65% RH to facilitate harvesting life stages of a specific age for bioassays with heat. Eggs laid by females were observed for daily eclosion. Eggs hatched on days 6 through 10, and the mean proportion for egg hatching was 87%. Larvae hatching from eggs (first instars) were reared on ground cat food and their head capsule widths were measured every 2 d until all larvae became pupae. Head capsule widths indicated six instars and the total larval duration ranged from 28-40 d. Pupae became adults in 3-9 d. Newly eclosed unmated female adults lived 7 d longer than unmated males (16 d), whereas mated males lived 2 d longer than mated females (8 d). Eggs were not observed when food was not provided to male and female pairs. Females started laying eggs 2 d after pairing until the fifth day. The total number of eggs laid by mating pairs in the presence of food ranged from 30 to 135.
Exposure of eggs, young larvae, old larvae, pupae, and adults of T. variabile at 46, 50, and 54°C and 15-20% RH for four fixed time periods showed pupae to be generally more heat tolerant than other life stages. At 46, 50, and 54°C, complete mortality of all stages occurred at 1440, 120, and 30 min, respectively. Pupae also were generally more heat tolerant than other life stages during tests in pilot flour and feed mills at Kansas State University and in a commercial grain-processing facility. However, results from pilot and commercial mills were not as conclusive as the results at fixed temperatures in the laboratory.
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Studies of Trogoderma species development and starvation, and effects of their hastisetae on selected stored-product insectsKokubu, Hirotaka. January 1979 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1979 K63 / Master of Science
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Untersuchungen zur biologischen Bekämpfung von Trogoderma granarium EVERTS, Trogoderma angustum (SOLIER) und Anthrenus verbasci L. (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) mit dem Larvalparasitioden Lealius pedatus (SAY) (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae)Al-Kirshi, Abdul Gabbar 13 July 1998 (has links)
Die vorrats- und materialschädlichen Speckkäfer (Dermestidae) erlangen in vielen Ländern ein besonderes Interesse auf Grund ihrer wirtschaftliche Bedeutung in Verbindung mit den ständig wachsenden Schwierigkeiten bei ihrer Bekämpfung. Der Khaprakäfer Trogoderma granarium beispielsweise ist ein wirtschaftlich bedeutender Vertreter der Vorratsschädlinge, der in den Tropen und Subtropen vorwiegend in gelagertem Getreide vorkommt und in vielen Ländern als Quarantäne-schädling geführt wird. Der Schädling verursacht dort auf Grund der klimatischen Verhältnisse insbesondere in bäuerlichen Betrieben sehr große Verluste. Konventionelle Bekämpfungsmethoden gegen T. granarium sind wegen der Wider-standsfähigkeit der Larven gegen tiefe Temperaturen, Trockenheit und ihrer Neigung der Resistenzbildung gegen Insektizide mit erheblichen Problemen verbunden. Neben T. granarium wächst im Vorratsschutz die Bedeutung anderer Dermestiden wie T. angustum und A. verbasci. Die Bedeutung von Trogoderma angustum wächst in Europa, da dieser Schädling in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine besondere Stelle als Schädling in den Vorräten, in den Wohnungen, in Geschäftsräumen und in Museen erlangte. Der Kabinettkäfer A. verbasci verursacht Beschädigungen bei eine lange Reihe von Produkten tierischer und pflanzlicher Herkunft sowie bei den Insekten-sammlungen in Museen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Suche nach alternativer Bekämpfungsmöglichkeit gegen diese Schädlinge unter der Verwendung des ektoparasitischen Gegenspielers L pedatus. Als Grundlage zur Charakterisierung des möglichen Bekämpfungs-erfolges beim Einsatz des Gegenspielers wurden Laboruntersuchungen zur Biologie und zum Verhalten von L. pedatus durchgeführt. Zur Biologie von L. pedatus - Das Weibchen von L. pedatus legt bei 15° C noch keine Eier. Der optimale Temperaturbereich, für die höchste Anzahl abgelegter Eier, liegt zwischen 25°C und 28° C. - Das Weibchen ist in der Lage sowohl bei extrem niedriger als auch bei sehr hoher relative Feuchte Eier abzulegen. Bei Feuchte unterhalb von 10 % lag die durchschnittliche Eianzahl bei etwa 62 ± 12.6 Eier je Weibchen, während bei extrem hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit diese Anzahl etwa 25 ± 8 Eier je Weibchen betrug (n = 4). - Bei 28° C und 50 - 60 % r. F. entwickelten sich ca. 80 % abgelegter Eier (n = 107) zu Imaginesi. Bei Berücksichtigung der natürlichen Mortalität in der Puppen- und Larvenstadien deutet diese daraufhin, daß die Schlüpfrate der Eier höher als 80 % ist. - Bei 28° C und 50 bis 60 % r. F. betrug die durchschnittliche Entwicklungsdauer vom Ei bis zur Imago 34,7 ± 1.1,8 Tagen (n = 150). - Ein begattetes Weibchen kann maximal zwei Wochen lang befruchtete Eier legen. Danach werden nur unbefruchtete Eier abgelegt, so daß sich aus diesen Eiern nur noch Männchen entwickeln. - Die Lebensdauer der Tiere verlängert sich bei niedrigen Temperaturen und bei zusätzlicher Versorgung der Tiere mit Nahrung. So konnten die Weibchen bei 20° C und Versorgung mit Wirtslarven und Honig bis zu 16 Wochen überleben, während bei 35° C die Lebensdauer des Weibchens weniger als drei Wochen betrug. Zum Leistungsvermögen von L. pedatus - Die Unterdrückung des Populationswachstums der Schädlinge durch L. pedatus resultiert vor allem aus: a) der Lähmung und b) der Parasitierung der Wirtslarven. - Das Weibchen kann durchschnittlich 44 ± 10 Larven von T. granarium im Vergleich zu 74 ± 20 Larven von A. verbasci lähmen. - Im Durchschnitt wurden nur ca. ein drittel der gelähmten Larven für die Eiablage benutzt. - Die Giftwirkung führte bei den gelähmten Wirtslarven von A. verbasci und T. angustum innerhalb von 3 Wochen zum Tod, während nur 60 der gelähmten Larven von T. granarium dadurch zugrunde gehen. Der Rest der Larven von T. granarium erholten sich innerhalb von 4 bis 5 Wochen nach der Lähmung und setzte seine weitere Entwicklung bis zum Käfer fort. - Die 5wöchige Lähmwirkung auf T. granarium ist auch deshalb von Bedeutung, weil die Larven in dieser Zeit nicht aktiv sind und dadurch keine Verluste von Lagerprodukten verursachen. - Die Parasitierung der Wirtslarven durch die parasitoiden Larven führte zur 100ige Mortalität. - Die gesamte Anzahl der parasitierten Wirtslarven je Weibchen über 5 Wochen betrug durchschnittlich bei T. angustum 36,75 ± 5,75 und bei A. verbasci 23,0 ± 6,0. Diese werden jeweils mit 52,25 ± 6,25 bzw. 46 ± 12,5 Eier belegt. - Insgesamt läßt sich errechnen, daß das Weibchen von L. pedatus die Larve von A. verbasci mit durchschnittlich 1,9 ± 0,1 Eier und die Larve von T. angustum mit durchschnittlich 1,5 ± 0,1 belegen kann. - Die durchschnittliche Anzahl abgelegter Eier pro Weibchen und Tag betrug 1,42 ± 0,2 bei der Verwindung von T. angustum als Wirt (n =15). - Ein Weibchen von L. pedatus ist in der Lage, eine von anderen Weibchen gelähmte oder schon mit Eiern belegte Wirtslarve für ihre eigene Eiablage zu benutzen. - L. pedatus ist in der Lage, tief in die Weizenschüttung einzudringen und die Wirtslarven in einer Tiefe von 90 cm erfolgreich zu parasitieren. - Bei einem Parasit - Wirt Verhältnis von 1 : 25 unterdrückte L. pedatus den Zuwachs an Nachkommen von T. granarium beim jemenitischen Stamm innerhalb von zwei Monaten um ca. 80 % und beim BBA-Stamm innerhalb von sechs Wochen um 75 %. Diese Laborergebnisse deuten darauf hin, daß die biologische Bekämpfung von T. granarium, T. angustum und A. verbasci mit dem Larvalparasitoiden L. pedatus erfolgversprechend ist. / Dermestide pests of stored products are widely distributed throughout the world. They infest stored animal and plant products and frequently cause great damage and losses. Even a wide range of materials can be damaged or destroyed by Infestation with dermestides. Infestations by dermestids are usually controlled by treatments with insecticides. However, insecticides may cause hazards to man and the environment. Especially in the storage of small subsistence farmers in the tropics the use of insecticides may be dangerous and their costs prohibitive. Hence, there is a need for the development of alternative methods such as biological control, an efficient component in integrated pest management. The present study was designed to assess the efficacy of the larval parasitoid L. pedatus in controlling T. granarium, T. angustum and A. verbasci. The parasitoid wasp has desirable characteristics to control these pests. The following results on the biology, behaviour and the potential of the wasp were obtained: Biological characteristics of L. pedatus - Most egg-laying activity occurred at temperatures of 25° C and 28° C. Oviposition was not possible at 15° C and below. - The egg-laying activity occurred at both low and high relative humidity. The average numbers of eggs laid at extremely low humidity levels below 10 % and at high humidity levels above 90 % at a temperature of 28° C were 62 ± 12,6 eggs and 25 ± 8 eggs per female, respectively (n = 4). - At 28° C and 50 -60 % relative humidity about 80 % of deposited eggs (n = 107) developed to adults. This number indicated, by consideration of the natural mortality of the larval and pupal stages, that the eggs hatching rate higher than 80 %. - At 28° C and 50 -60 % relative humidity the total developmental time from eggs to adults was 34,7 ± 1,8 days (n = 150) - A mated female was able to deposit fertilised eggs for a maximum period of 14 days after copulation. After that the female produced only unfertilised eggs, developing into male wasps. - Longevity of the female wasp increased with decreasing temperature down to 15° C and could also be prolonged by supplying the wasp with a diet of honey. The average life time of normally fed female lasted from 3 weeks at 35° C up to till 16 weeks at 20° C. Potential of L. pedatus - During its life span a female wasp paralysed 74 ± 20 larvae of A. verbasci compared to 44 ± 10 larvae of T. granarium. On average, only one third of the paralysed larvae of A. verbasci were used for Oviposition. - The venom of L. pedatus caused 100 % larval mortality in A. verbasci and T. angustum within 3 weeks. - The venom of L. pedatus caused only 60 % larval mortality in the Khapra beetle. - The rest of the paralysed but not parasitised larvae of T. granarium survived the venomous effect after 4 to 5 weeks and continued their development to adults - This temporarily paralysing effect on the larvae of T. granarium is also important since the pest larvae are not active and therefore cannot cause any damage during this time. - Direct parasitisation of the host larvae through the parasitoid larvae caused 100 % mortality in all three dermestids. - At 28° C and 50 - 60 % relative humidity a single female was able to deposit 52,3 ± 6,3 eggs on 36,8 ± 5,8 larvae or 46 ± 12,5 eggs on 23,0 ± 6,0 larvae of T. angustum or A. verbasci, respectively (n = 4). - The average number of eggs per female wasp and day was 1,42 ± 0,2 if larvae of T. angustum were used as host (n = 15). - The female of L. pedatus also accepted larvae which have already been paralysed by other females for it?s own egg-laying. This may lead to fights between females for the same host. - The wasp was found to penetrate into wheat and successfully parasites host larvae of T. granarium in a depth of 90 cm. - At a parasitoid : host ratio of 1 : 25, L. pedatus reduced two populations of T. granarium (Yemen field strain and culture strain of the Institute for stored Product Protection BBA Berlin) by 75 - 80 % within 6 - 8 weeks. The observed biological characteristics of L. pedatus render the wasp a suitable agent to control T. granarium, T. angustum and A. verbasci. However, field investigations in the store are needed to verify these results.
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Packaging technologies for the control of stored-product insectsScheff, Deanna Sue January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Grain Science and Industry / Subramanyam Bhadriraju / Hulya Dogan / Larvae of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), have the ability to invade or penetrate packaging materials and infest the food within. Energy bars with three polypropylene packaging types were challenged with eggs (for first instars), third, and fifth instars of P. interpunctella to determine package resistance to larvae at 28°C and 65% r.h. to determine which provided the greatest protection against P. interpunctella larval penetration. Third and fifth instars showed a higher propensity to infest all packaging variations. First instars showed a reduction in package pentration abiltiy compared to third and fifth instars.
Methoprene is an insect growth regulator labeled in the USA for use as an aerosol spray, a residual surface treatment, and as a grain protectant, and recently has been impregnated into a polymer-based packing film to prevent insect infestations of packaged products. The objectives of these studies were 1) determine the effect of short term exposure time and temperature on four week old larvae, continual exposure on egg-to-adult emergence of beetles, and sub-lethal effect on adults of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and warehouse beetle, Trogoderma variabile Ballion, on the inside and outside surfaces of methoprene-treated woven packaging material at 27 and 32°C at 60% r.h.; 2) evaluate fecundity, egg hatch, and egg-to-adult emergence of T. castaneum and T. variabile, when exposed to two methoprene-impregnated polymer packaging on the inside and outside surfaces at 27 and 32°C at 60% r.h.; and 3) determine the effect of methoprene-treated foil packaging on larval emergence, penetration, and invasion ability of T. variabile and P. interpunctella at 27°C and 60% r.h.
Short term exposure results indicated that adult emergence from larvae of T. castaneum and T. variabile decreased with increasing exposure time. The number of eggs laid per female of T. castaneum and T. variabile did not vary from their controls. Continual exposure demonstrated 100% supression of T. castaneum adult emergence, irrespective of exposure to outside or inside surfaces. T. variabile exposed to inside surfaces were unaffected and normal adult emergence was reduced in those exposed to outside surfaces..
The number of T. variabile eggs laid per female was not significantly different among polymer packaging types. The methoprene-treated polyethylene terephthalate to polyethylene packaging, PET-PE reduced the number of T. castaneum eggs laid per female. Both polymer packaging reduced the percent hatch of both species. No T. castaneum adults emerged on the inside surface of PET-PE and both sides of the polyethlyene to polyethylene (PE-PE). Egg-to-adult emergence of T. variabile was arrested at the pupal stage on the outside surface of PE-PE packaging. The PET-PE packaging greatly reduced the number of normal adults by 87 to 97% when exposed to inside surfaces at both temperatures.
The foil packaging had no significant effect on hatch of either species. T. variabile were unable to penetrate/invade any foil packages. P. interpunctella invaded all packaging containing pinholes. Therefore, continual exposure of T. castaneum and T. variabile to methoprene impregnated packaging could be a vaiable tool to protect food packages.
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