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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effect of Salinity Variability on the Mesozooplankton Community of Florida Bay

Kelble, Christopher Richard 08 May 2010 (has links)
The greater Everglades ecosystem, including Florida Bay, has undergone significant anthropogenic manipulation over the past century. These actions resulted in a series of ecologically undesirable events in the Everglades ecosystem, prompting passage of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). It is necessary to understand the variability in, and relationship between, salinity and ecology to fully evaluate the potential effects of CERP on Florida Bay. A seven-year dataset on surface salinity along with eleven-year and eight-year datasets on mesozooplankton and planktivorous fish were analyzed. Overall, mean Bay-wide salinity varied from a low of 24.2 just after the passing of Hurricane Irene in October 1999 to a high of 41.8 near the end of a drought period in July 2001. Bay-wide mean salinity exhibited dramatic decreases, up to 0.5 per day, whereas increases in bay-wide salinity were slower, with a maximum rate of 0.1 per day. Meteorological phenomena, such as tropical cyclones and ENSO, dramatically altered the salinity patterns of Florida Bay on interannual time scales. There was a large degree of spatial heterogeneity in salinity between sub-regions of Florida Bay due to differing freshwater sources and geomorphology. Mesozooplankton abundance displayed interannual variability and a positive correlation with salinity. Both of these features were also closely correlated with abundance of the dominant planktivorous fish, Anchoa mitchilli, indicating the importance of top-down control. The hypersaline periods appear to provide a refuge from predators, allowing mesozooplankton to increase in abundance during periods of increased physiological stress. The interaction between mesozooplankton and A. mitchilli, along with its correlation to salinity, was further investigated through the development of a mechanistic model of the populations in Florida Bay. The model indicated predation alone was insufficient to control mesozooplankton populations; rather, it was necessary to incorporate density-dependence utilizing a logistic prey population. With both mechanisms the model was able to replicate the observed interannual variability pattern and positive correlation between mesozooplankton and salinity. A preliminary management scenario evaluation suggests a two to six-fold difference in A. mitchilli and mesozooplankton populations between targeted and general salinity reductions. This suggests alternative freshwater management scenarios could produce drastically different ecological consequences.


Tristano, Elizabeth 01 May 2018 (has links)
Trophic interactions within aquatic ecosystems are complex, with many different pathways facilitating transfer of energy and nutrients among trophic levels and many different mechanisms that influence energy and nutrient transfer. This is illustrated in the “top down” and “bottom up” regulatory effects on aquatic food webs, through which primary producer biomass and, therefore, herbivore and carnivore densities, are influenced by both nutrient availability (bottom up) and densities of consumers at higher trophic levels (top down). In an aquatic food web, planktivore presence can directly alter zooplankton density via consumption, while indirectly shaping phytoplankton biomass via reduced herbivore abundance and the release of nutrients due to excretion, egestion, and decomposition. Novel species introduced into an established food web may have important consequences. An invasive species may impact an invaded food web through competition, predation, alteration of nutrient cycling, or, potentially, through facilitation of native species or other invasives. For example, an invasive planktivore may shift zooplankton density or community composition, thereby facilitating phytoplankton blooms. Such a planktivore may also compete with and, potentially, replace native species. Moreover, an invasive species that reaches high densities within its invaded range may serve as an important nutrient sink as it consumes a high biomass of native species or a nutrient source via excretion or decomposition. Two such invasive species with the capacity to dramatically alter native food web dynamics are bighead (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and silver carp (H. molitrix; collectively, bigheaded carp). Bigheaded carp are large-bodied, planktivorous fishes that were introduced into the United States in the 1970s and have since spread throughout much of the Mississippi River and its tributaries. These species currently threaten the Great Lakes, where they may constitute a threat to native planktivores such as gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and commercially important species such as walleye (Sander vitreus), although there remains a great deal of uncertainty surrounding their potential ecosystem impacts. Consumption of both zooplankton and phytoplankton has been observed in bigheaded carp, although their impact on primary producer biomass is not well understood. Although field observations suggest that condition and abundance of native planktivores, including gizzard shad and bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus), as well as zooplankton density, have declined following the bigheaded carp invasion, there is little direct, experimental evidence of bigheaded carp food web impacts. Therefore, I sought to examine the effects of bigheaded carp on native ecosystems through a series of mesocosm experiments at the Southern Illinois University pond facility. My primary objectives were to 1) observe potential competition between bigheaded carp and the native gizzard shad, 2) evaluate effects of bigheaded carp predation on zooplankton and phytoplankton communities, 3) assess impacts of bigheaded carp decomposition on nitrogen and phosphorus availability, and 4) measure the rate at which bigheaded carp excrete nitrogen and phosphorus. In order to elucidate the impacts of bigheaded carp on gizzard shad growth and survival, zooplankton and phytoplankton densities, and nitrogen and phosphorus availability in the pelagic and benthic pools and to determine whether gizzard shad experience a diet shift in response to bigheaded carp presence, I performed two mesocosm experiments with three treatments: gizzard shad only, gizzard shad, bigheaded carp, and fishless control (Chapter 1). I predicted that bigheaded carp would reduce zooplankton densities but that gizzard shad, which are both detritivorous and planktivorous, would be unaffected due to their ability to use detritus as an alternative food source. Additionally, both predator release via zooplankton consumption and increased nutrient availability from bigheaded carp excretion would stimulate phytoplankton. I found that gizzard shad survival was reduced by bigheaded carp presence but that surviving gizzard shad did not experience a decline in growth in the bigheaded carp plus gizzard shad treatments. This may have been due to the ability of gizzard shad to consume detritus, as foreguts of sampled gizzard shad in Experiment 2 contained mostly detritus. Moreover, phytoplankton density declined in the presence of silver carp in Experiment 2, suggesting silver carp herbivory. In addition, nitrogen and phosphorus availability in either the pelagic or benthic pools did not appear to be impacted by bigheaded carp presence. After demonstrating experimentally the overall negative impact of bigheaded planktivory on native food webs, I focused my remaining two chapters on the effects of silver carp on nutrient availability. In Chapter 2, I outline a decomposition experiment testing for potential changes in pelagic and benthic nitrogen and phosphorus availability and, in turn, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and macroinvertebrate densities in response to silver carp decomposition. Although silver carp die offs have been reported throughout the Midwest, little is known about the magnitude of those die offs and their consequences for the ecosystem. In this study, silver carp decomposition did not appear to alter nutrient availability or densities of phytoplankton or invertebrates. However, in comparison to northern streams in which salmon spawning and decomposition provide an important nutrient subsidy, the mesocosms used in this study have relatively higher background nutrient concentrations. Thus, silver carp decomposition, at least at the densities studied, may have little importance to in-stream nutrient availability. Lastly, because I am interested in how bigheaded carp, particularly silver carp, alter nutrient dynamics in invaded food webs, it is necessary to calculate silver carp nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates, as well as body nitrogen and phosphorus content (Chapter 3). Nutrient stoichiometry theory predicts a balance between the relative consumption of nutrients by an organism and the extent to which the organism retains nutrients in its tissues or excretes them. Thus, it is a useful tool in determining how an invasive species may alter nutrient availability via consumption and excretion. In Chapter 3, I describe the body and excretion N:P ratios for silver carp, which exhibit a lower body N:P ratio than excretion N:P, suggesting that these organisms may serve as a sink for phosphorus. Moreover, silver carp body excretion N:P ratios were higher than those reported for gizzard shad, suggesting that, in regions where silver carp may replace gizzard shad or lower gizzard shad population density via competition (Chapter 1), silver carp may alter nutrient cycling processes in aquatic ecosystems by shifting the overall available N:P ratio. Bigheaded carp may pose a significant threat to invaded ecosystems through their potential to compete with native species, reduce plankton densities, and alter nutrient availability. However, although bigheaded carp are expanding in range and approaching the Great Lakes, the full extent of their ecosystem impacts remain uncertain. Through my work on bigheaded carp food web impacts, particularly the influence of silver carp on native species and nutrient cycling processes, I have found that bigheaded carp have the capacity to negatively impact invaded ecosystems overall by reducing zooplankton, phytoplankton, and forage fish densities. Moreover, as bigheaded carp in particular continue to reach high densities as they expand in range, their capacity to alter relative nitrogen and phosphorus availabilities must be monitored to understand the extent of their influence. Due to their ability to disrupt top down and bottom up processes in freshwater ecosystems, bigheaded carp constitute a critical environmental issue in the Great Lakes area and throughout the Midwest and, thus, it is imperative to continue to experimentally assess how bigheaded carp interact with native species to the detriment or benefit of U.S. freshwater communities.

The role of predators and species diversity in structuring marine ecosystems

Eger, Aaron M. 06 February 2018 (has links)
Marine ecosystems contain both highly abundant and diverse communities of vertebrates and invertebrates; however anthropogenic activity has drastically altered the species composition and diversity of these ecosystems. Specifically, human activity has targeted high trophic level species and degraded much of the biogenic habitat that faunal communities rely upon. These alterations have resulted in the loss of many marine predators and overall declines of marine biodiversity. To investigate the consequences of marine predator loss and community level species decline, I use a combination of large-scale data synthesis and in situ field observations of marine fish communities. I first use a meta-analysis approach to synthesize the consequences of marine predator loss in benthic marine ecosystems worldwide. From this synthesis, I was able to determine some of the biotic and abiotic factors that regulate the response of marine herbivores and primary producers to predator loss. Specifically, I show that marine predators have the strongest effect on populations of marine herbivores when predators and herbivores were similar in size and when larger herbivores were involved. Conversely the factors that best explained the response of the primary producer populations were related to the abiotic environment. The results show that primary producers respond the most positively to the presence of predators in high nutrient environments. While I found no link between the magnitude of change in the herbivore population and the magnitude of change in the producer population, I was able to demonstrate that primary producers are under the strongest top-down controls when nutrient concentrations are high, sea surface temperatures are low, and when the predator is larger in size than the herbivore. Finally, I use the data related to marine reserves to show that reserves are an effective tool to help reverse the trophic consequences of marine predator loss and that they are most effective when they are older in age. The third chapter examines the links between community diversity and community biomass within fish communities in eelgrass ecosystems in Northern British Columbia. After controlling for environmental variation, I found that it was the dominance of certain species within a community that resulted in the highest ecosystem function. This finding was demonstrated by both the taxonomic and functional metrics of diversity used. While previous work on this topic has shown that richness is positively correlated to function, my results are to the contrary, and suggest that further investigation into which aspects of community diversity drive ecosystem function is required. In conclusion, my results provide a new synthesis of the consequences of marine predator loss across the world and show how species diversity is linked to ecosystem function in local eelgrass fish communities. / Graduate / 2018-12-17

Estudo experimental de biomanipulação: análise dos impactos ambientais de duas espécies de predadores no controle de Tilápia, no lago Paranoá (Brasília - DF) / Experimental study of biomanipulation: analysis of environmental impact of two species of predators in the control of Tilápia, in Paranoá lake (Brasília, DF)

Ribeiro Filho, Rinaldo Antonio 26 July 2002 (has links)
O gerenciamento dos estoques pesqueiros, um dos instrumentos da biomanipulação, deve ter início com a classificação das espécies existentes e sua diversidade, a estrutura da rede alimentar e as relações reguladoras, como a relação predador-presa. O lago Paranoá (Brasília - DF) é um reservatório urbano que sofre pressões antrópicas devido a seus usos múltiplos. Após a construção enchimento, sucessivas introduções de espécies ictíicas exóticas causaram um desequilíbrio que, associado às pressões descritas acima, geraram uma aceleração no processo de eutrofização deste ambiente. Desta forma, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: avaliar os impactos ambientais da introdução das espécies predadoras sobre a cadeia trófica e a qualidade da água do reservatório; determinar a eficiência das diferentes espécies de predadores no controle das presas nas áreas marginais da represa, discutindo possíveis estratégias de manejo pesqueiro baseadas na estocagem de peixes predadores. Para tanto foram construídos 10 limnocurrais com lonas impermeáveis numa baía localizada no ETE-Norte (Estação de tratamento de esgotos - Norte). Em seu interior, após a retirada de todos os peixes, foram estocadas por um período de 28 dias, duas espécies de predadores (Cichla ocellaris e Pseudoplatytoma fasciatum) e uma comunidade simplificada de presas (Tilapia rendalli e Oreochromis niloticus), acima da capacidade do suporte do sistema, definida em 4 classes de tamanho. As biomassas de estocagem foram determinadas a partir da aplicação de retenona em uma área com dimensões conhecidas, e extrapoladas para as áreas dos limnocurrais. As variáveis físicas e químicos da água foram acompanhados semanalmente durante o experimento. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, em relação às variáveis limnológicas. Quanto ao controle das presas, o tucunaré mostrou-se um predador eficiente em relação às classes de tamanhos menores ) (2 - 6,9 cm e 7 - 12,9 cm), fato não observado para o tratamento com surubim. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, não foi comprovada a hipótese de cascata trófica devido à complexidade das interações entre os organismos em ambientes tropicais. / The managing of the fish stocks, one of the tools of the biomanipulation, must begin with the classification of the present species and their diversity, of the structure of the food web and of the regulation relations (as the relation predator-prey).The Paranoá Lake (Brasília, DF) is an urban reservoir that suffers human pressures as a result of its multiple uses. After its construction and filling, the successive introduction of many fish exotic species resulted in an unbalance that, associated with the pressures described above, generated an acceleration in the eutrophication process of the ambient. In this way, the objectives of this work were: evaluate the environmental impacts from the introduction of the species predators in food web and quality from the reservoir\'s water; decide the efficiency of the species of predators in the prey\'s control in the marginal areas from dam, discussing possible fishing strategies of management based in the Stocking of fish predators. Them, 10 limnocorrals were built with waterproof canvases in a bay located in ETE-NORTE (sewers handling Station - North). In its interior, after retreat of all fishes, by a period of 28 days, two species of predators were stocked (Cichla ocellaris and Pseudoplatystoma coruscans), and a community simplified of prey (Tilapia rendalli and Oreochromis niloticus), above from the capacity of the system, defined in 4 classes of size. The biomasses of stocking were determined from application of rotenona in an area with known dimensions, and overstepped for the areas of the limnocorrals. The physical-chemists parameters from the water were accompanied weekly during the experiment. It had no significant differences between the handlings, regarding the variables limnological. As regards the control of prey, C. ocellaris showed itself an efficient predator regarding the smallest classes of sizes (2 - 6,9 cm and 7 - 12,9 cm), fact do not observe for the handling with P. coruscans. Agreement with the results obtained, was not verified to hypothesis of trophic cascade due to the complexity of the interactions between the agencies in tropical environments.

Temporal and spatial variations of cyanobacteria in Karori Reservoir, Wellington

Prentice, Matthew James January 2008 (has links)
The Lower Karori Reservoir (LKR) is a small, monomictic lake of 2.34 ha situated in the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary (KWS), Wellington. Over the past decade cyanobacterial blooms have become a common occurrence in this water body. In 2005 Anabaena planktonica was detected for the first time in the LKR and this species now forms dense blooms during summer. These blooms are problematic as they reduce aesthetic appeal and have resulted in odour problems for visitors to this high profile wildlife sanctuary. The objectives of this study were to identify key physical, chemical and biological variables influencing phytoplankton dynamics in the LKR and to use ecological models to investigate plausible management options. The key parameters investigated, that may cause bloom formation were; summer stratification, high nutrient levels, and the food web effects of a large population of European perch (Perca fluviatilis). High resolution sampling was carried out every six hours over a 72 hour period during pre-bloom, bloom and post-bloom periods in 2006/7 to elucidate short term temporal and spatial variations in biological and physico-chemical parameters. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) was used to enumerate A. planktonica populations, allowing a large number of samples to be simultaneously evaluated. Algal densities were also estimated using conventional phytoplankton enumeration and chlorophyll a analysis. Water samples were collected for nutrient analysis at discrete depths and profiles were taken for temperature, dissolved oxygen and photosynthetic active radiation. Secchi depth and pH were also measured. Weekly or fortnightly phytoplankton and zooplankton samples and physical variables have been collected at LKR since September 2005 as part of an independent sampling program carried out by the KWS, Waikato University and Cawthron Institute. In this project the 2-year data set was used to assist with analysis of lake processes and for validation of the hydrodynamic-ecological model DYRESM-CAEDYM. Between 12 and 15 February, 2007, electric fishing was undertaken within the LKR. A total of 3,946 P. fluviatilis were removed and the effects on phytoplankton and zooplankton concentrations were investigated. To increase knowledge of the physiology of A. planktonica, laboratory experiments were undertaken using cultures subjected to a range of different light intensities and temperature regimes The phytoplankton assemblage of the LKR shows very distinct temporal variations. Summer stratification occurred in the LKR for ~4 months each summer. During these periods A. planktonica comprised up to 99.9% of the surface phytoplankton population. During isothermy chlorophytes, bacillariophytes and small flagellated dinophytes are co-dominant in the phytoplankton assemblage. The results of the QPCR showed distinct diurnal vertical movement of A. planktonica, with the highest cell concentrations occurring at 1900 hours at the surface. Ammonium (NH4-N) is the dominant species of inorganic nitrogen during periods of stratification, while nitrate (NO3-N) is generally dominant during times of isothermy. Phosphate concentrations at surface and depth remained at low levels throughout the sampling period. The large surface populations of A. planktonica, are probably responsible for the elevated total nitrogen concentrations in surface waters during stratified periods. There appeared to be some short term effects of the P. fluviatilis removal with an increase in large crustaceans (e.g., Daphnia sp.) and a reduction in A. planktonica densities observed in the months following the P. fluviatilis removal. Only a small proportion of the total P. fluviatilis population was removed and it is unlikely that the effects will be long-lasting without subsequent removal steps. However, it seems likely that P. fluviatilis is one of the factors contributing to cyanobacterial blooms and management of this fish species should be considered in future lake restoration plans. Growth experiments indicated A. planktonica grow over a wide range of light intensities and temperatures, although highest growth rates were generally associated with higher temperatures (25 C) and light intensities (60 - 140 μmol m-2 s-1). Ecological and hydrodynamic trends within the LKR over a two year period were simulated with adequate success using the model DYRESM-CAEDYM. Management scenarios simulated using DYRESM-CAEDYM suggest implementation of an artificial destratification system in the LKR may be the most practical and effective means of controlling A. planktonica blooms. The addition of an artificial aeration system emitting air at a rate of approximately 50 l-1 s-1 should result in an isothermal system. Without summer stratification some of the physiological features of A. planktonica (e.g., buoyancy regulation and nitrogen-fixation) that give it a competitive advantage over other phytoplankton species will be reduced.

Trophic cascades: Linking ungulates to shrub-dependent birds and butterflies

Teichman, Kristine J Unknown Date
No description available.

Estudo experimental de biomanipulação: análise dos impactos ambientais de duas espécies de predadores no controle de Tilápia, no lago Paranoá (Brasília - DF) / Experimental study of biomanipulation: analysis of environmental impact of two species of predators in the control of Tilápia, in Paranoá lake (Brasília, DF)

Rinaldo Antonio Ribeiro Filho 26 July 2002 (has links)
O gerenciamento dos estoques pesqueiros, um dos instrumentos da biomanipulação, deve ter início com a classificação das espécies existentes e sua diversidade, a estrutura da rede alimentar e as relações reguladoras, como a relação predador-presa. O lago Paranoá (Brasília - DF) é um reservatório urbano que sofre pressões antrópicas devido a seus usos múltiplos. Após a construção enchimento, sucessivas introduções de espécies ictíicas exóticas causaram um desequilíbrio que, associado às pressões descritas acima, geraram uma aceleração no processo de eutrofização deste ambiente. Desta forma, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: avaliar os impactos ambientais da introdução das espécies predadoras sobre a cadeia trófica e a qualidade da água do reservatório; determinar a eficiência das diferentes espécies de predadores no controle das presas nas áreas marginais da represa, discutindo possíveis estratégias de manejo pesqueiro baseadas na estocagem de peixes predadores. Para tanto foram construídos 10 limnocurrais com lonas impermeáveis numa baía localizada no ETE-Norte (Estação de tratamento de esgotos - Norte). Em seu interior, após a retirada de todos os peixes, foram estocadas por um período de 28 dias, duas espécies de predadores (Cichla ocellaris e Pseudoplatytoma fasciatum) e uma comunidade simplificada de presas (Tilapia rendalli e Oreochromis niloticus), acima da capacidade do suporte do sistema, definida em 4 classes de tamanho. As biomassas de estocagem foram determinadas a partir da aplicação de retenona em uma área com dimensões conhecidas, e extrapoladas para as áreas dos limnocurrais. As variáveis físicas e químicos da água foram acompanhados semanalmente durante o experimento. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, em relação às variáveis limnológicas. Quanto ao controle das presas, o tucunaré mostrou-se um predador eficiente em relação às classes de tamanhos menores ) (2 - 6,9 cm e 7 - 12,9 cm), fato não observado para o tratamento com surubim. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, não foi comprovada a hipótese de cascata trófica devido à complexidade das interações entre os organismos em ambientes tropicais. / The managing of the fish stocks, one of the tools of the biomanipulation, must begin with the classification of the present species and their diversity, of the structure of the food web and of the regulation relations (as the relation predator-prey).The Paranoá Lake (Brasília, DF) is an urban reservoir that suffers human pressures as a result of its multiple uses. After its construction and filling, the successive introduction of many fish exotic species resulted in an unbalance that, associated with the pressures described above, generated an acceleration in the eutrophication process of the ambient. In this way, the objectives of this work were: evaluate the environmental impacts from the introduction of the species predators in food web and quality from the reservoir\'s water; decide the efficiency of the species of predators in the prey\'s control in the marginal areas from dam, discussing possible fishing strategies of management based in the Stocking of fish predators. Them, 10 limnocorrals were built with waterproof canvases in a bay located in ETE-NORTE (sewers handling Station - North). In its interior, after retreat of all fishes, by a period of 28 days, two species of predators were stocked (Cichla ocellaris and Pseudoplatystoma coruscans), and a community simplified of prey (Tilapia rendalli and Oreochromis niloticus), above from the capacity of the system, defined in 4 classes of size. The biomasses of stocking were determined from application of rotenona in an area with known dimensions, and overstepped for the areas of the limnocorrals. The physical-chemists parameters from the water were accompanied weekly during the experiment. It had no significant differences between the handlings, regarding the variables limnological. As regards the control of prey, C. ocellaris showed itself an efficient predator regarding the smallest classes of sizes (2 - 6,9 cm and 7 - 12,9 cm), fact do not observe for the handling with P. coruscans. Agreement with the results obtained, was not verified to hypothesis of trophic cascade due to the complexity of the interactions between the agencies in tropical environments.

Indirect Food Web Interactions: Sea Otter Predation Linked to Invasion Success in a Marine Fouling Community

Jenkins, Maggie F 01 December 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Humans have caused grave ecological and economic damage worldwide through the introduction of invasive species. Understanding the factors that influence community susceptibility to invasion are important for controlling further spread of invasive species. Predators have been found to provide biotic resistance to invasion in both terrestrial and marine systems. However, predators can also have the opposite effect, and facilitate invasion. Therefore, recovery or expansion of native predators could facilitate the spread of invasive species. Needles et al. (2015) demonstrated that the threatened southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) facilitated the invasion of an exotic bryozoan, Watersipora subatra. However, the underlying mechanism was not fully understood. We tested the hypothesis that sea otter predation on Romaleon antennarium crabs indirectly facilitated the abundance of W. subatra. To do this, we collected weekly data on sea otter foraging and quantified the abundance of crabs in the sea otter diet. We also conducted a caging experiment, where we experimentally manipulated crab densities and limited otter access using exclusion cages on pier pilings in Morro Bay, CA. We used photoQuad image processing software to calculate the abundance of W. subatra on PVC panels within each treatment group. We found that crabs were the second most abundant prey item in Morro Bay, comprising 25.1% of the otter diet. Through the caging experiment, we found that W. subatra abundance significantly increased as crab densities decreased. Our results indicated that sea otters indirectly facilitated the invasion of W. subatra by reducing R. antennarium crab densities and sizes. Removal of crabs may release W. subatra from the disturbance caused by crab foraging behavior. Understanding the impacts of top predators in invaded ecosystems has important management implications, as recovery of predator populations could unintentionally benefit some non-native species. Therefore, management should focus first on prevention and second on early detection and eradication of invasive species likely to benefit from predator recovery.

The past, present, and future of ecological climate warming experiments

Speights, Cori Johanna 01 May 2020 (has links)
Predicting the net effect of climate change on communities requires understanding how increasing temperatures alter interactions between predators, herbivores, and plants. Over the last several decades, warming experiments have provided important information about how species and their interactions will respond to increasing temperatures. These studies typically examine climate warming by experimentally increasing temperature at a constant level (24 hours) or asynchronously during the daytime, relative to unwarmed control treatments. However, advances in climate models now project that increases in mean global temperatures have been disproportionately driven by increasing nighttime (minimum) temperatures rather than daytime (maximum) temperatures. The timing of warming could have important ecological implications. For example, while night warming could benefit an organism by increasing temperatures towards a more thermally-optimal environment, day warming could raise temperatures beyond a thermal optimum and induce heat-stress. Consequently, mismatching the timing of warming in experiments relative to actual temperature changes could generate misleading predictions about the effects of climate warming. My dissertation has evaluated climate-warming experiments by characterizing past methods, demonstrating present methods, and providing a foundation for future studies. I conducted a meta-analysis on past terrestrial predator-prey climate warming studies that revealed experimental temperatures rarely match model projections, and the magnitude of this mismatch correlated with increased changes in measured effects. Two experiments, one focused on predator functional traits and the other trophic cascades, showed that different types of warming treatments result in different effects of climate change. The context dependency of warming effects necessitates careful consideration of experimental treatments if studies are to accurately predict the effects of climate warming. Region specific climate data are now readily available. Moving forward, ecologists can use these models to inform their warming treatments and perform experiments with the highest level of realism.


Hickerson, Cari-Ann Marie 14 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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