Spelling suggestions: "subject:"troughs"" "subject:"roughs""
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Auslegung von Parabolrinnen für Solarkraftwerke im OriginalmaßstabForman, Patrick, Stallmann, Tobias, Mark, Peter, Schnell, Jürgen 21 July 2022 (has links)
Das Erkenntnistransferprojekt baut auf die im SPP-Projekt „Leichte Verformungsoptimierte Schalentragwerke aus mikrobewehrtem UHPC am Beispiel von Parabolrinnen solarthermischer Kraftwerke“ (s. S. 536 ff .) erzielten Ergebnisse der ersten Förderperiode auf. Der Fokus liegt auf der Entwicklung von linienartig verstärkten, vollwandigen Parabolschalen mit zur bestehenden Kraftwerkstechnik passenden EuroTrough-Rinnenabmessungen. Es sollten die bisherigen Erkenntnisse zusammen mit professionellen
Anwendungspartnern vorwettbewerblich ausgebaut werden, so dass sie Grundlage für eine Serienfertigung bilden können. Dementsprechend setzten sich die Kooperationspartner aus dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR (Systemführer für linienfokussierende Solarkraftwerke), der Fa. Solarlite CSP (Hersteller von Solaranlagen in Parabolrinnentechnik), der INNOGRATION GmbH (Hersteller von Stahlbetonfertigteilen) und der Fa. Dyckerhoff Zement (Hersteller von Ausgangsstoffen
für Hochleistungsbetone) zusammen.
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Optimization of a SEGS solar field for cost effective power outputBialobrzeski, Robert Wetherill 10 July 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents and demonstrates procedures to model and optimize the collector field of a parabolic trough solar thermal power plant. The collector field of such a plant is universally organized into parallel loops of solar collectors. Heat transfer fluid returning from the energy conversion plant is heated to a moderately high temperature in the field. Typically fluid enters a collector loop around 270 °C and leaves at 380 °C. The fluid is then returned to the plant to generate steam. In the first part of this thesis, the collector field and the energy conversion system of a typical parabolic trough solar thermal power plant are modeled. The model is compared with actual performance data and is enhanced and verified as necessary.
Originally, the collectors in the plants under consideration were provided with evacuated tube receivers of the highest feasible efficiency without much regard for cost effectiveness. In practice, these receivers have failed at an unexpected rate and need replacement. It is unlikely that a very expensive evacuated tube receiver is now the most cost effective for every location in a collector loop. In particular, a receiver optimized for 270 °C operation may not be optimal at 380 °C. For example, a relatively inexpensive receiver with a flat black absorber and no vacuum may be more cost effective in the lower temperature segments of a loop. In the second part of this thesis, a procedure for the optimum deployment of collectors is developed and demonstrated. The results of this research should be directly applicable to the refurbishment and upgrading of several of the largest solar energy plants in the world.
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Punktfokussierende Heliostaten aus HochleistungsbetonForman, Patrick, Penkert, Sebastian, Mark, Peter, Schnell, Jürgen 21 July 2022 (has links)
aus dem Inhalt:
„Die im Teilprojekt Mark/Schnell des SPP 1542 erbrachten Entwicklungen an Parabolrinnen (siehe S. 536 ff . des vorliegenden Buches) haben gezeigt, wie aussichtsreich die Verwendung von Feinkornbetonen für die Herstellung hochpräziser, formstabiler Bauteile ist [1], [2]. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und die Nachfrage aus der Solartechnik ermutigen zur Übertragung auf verwandte Anwendungsgebiete, nämlich auf Heliostate [3] unter der Leitidee einer weitgehend industrialisierten Präzisionsfertigung. Wegen der extrem hohen Wiederholungszahl gleicher oder sehr ähnlicher Fertigteile sind Heliostate für den Betonfertigteilbau auch unter wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten in nahezu
idealer Weise geeignet....” / from the content:
„Recent developments on parabolic troughs (see p. 536 seq. of this book) in Mark/Schnell’s project of the SPP 1542 have shown that the use of finegrained concrete is a promising alternative for the manufacture of highly precise components with low deformations [1], [2]. Their findings and requests in solar technology have encouraged
a transfer to related fields of application, namely to heliostats [3]. The guiding principle is broadly industrialized precision manufacturing. Due to an extremely high number of identical or utmost similar precast elements, heliostats seem to be ideally suited for precast concrete construction from an economic point of view....”
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Braided Stream Sedimentation In The South Saskatchewan RiverCant, Douglas J. 12 1900 (has links)
<p> In the study area, the South Saskatchewan River has a sandy bed (mean diameter .3mm) with irregularly-shaped braid bars termed sand flats. These range in length from 50 to 2000 m. The river has an average discharge of 220m^3/sec, with a mean annual flood of 1450 m^3/sec. The river has been dammed upstream of the study area since 1965, but little downcutting has occured. </p>
<p> Ripples, sand waves and dunes are the equilibrium bedforms present . Ripples and dunes are well known , but sand waves are long , low bedforms with superimposed ripples, lack scour troughs, and occur at lower flow velocities than dunes . Foreset-type bars are also present , but are not equilibrium forms . They result from flow expansion around older topography. They occur at (1) channel junctions, (2) channel bends, (3) areas of channel widening, (4) places of vertical flow expansion . They deposit planar crossbeds. </p> <p> Large areas of the river have many sand flats with no major channels, and may even lack minor channels. These areas are termed sand flat complexes. Where a major channel curves around a sand flat complex, a large diagonal bar is deposited. It is mainly on the tops of these bars where new sand flats form. </p> <p> The major channels rarely exceed 5 m in depth, but may be 150m wide. They are floored by sinuous-crested dunes with sand waves and ripples along their margins. The dunes build up during floods (2 m maximum amplitude). Large dunes occur in the deeper channels. </p> <p> Three different morphologies of small sand flats, symmetric, asymmetric and side, have been recognized. Each type forms from a bar which becomes partly immobilized where it becomes emergent. The remainder of the bar front continues to advance around this emergent nucleus. The different morphologies result because of the control exerted by preexisting deposits on the shape of the initial bar. </p> <p> Larger sand flats lack these morphologies because they have been extensively modified. The major processes of modification are vertical, lateral, and upstream accretion by bars; linking of sand flats by bars; erosional action. The variable morphologies of larger sand flats reflect only their latest modification. The stratification of sand flats is mainly planar crossbed sets deposited by the bars. </p> <p> During the winter, a 60cm thick layer of ice covers the entire system. The sand flats are immobilized because their top layers of sediments are frozen. In some places, their surfaces are disrupted by fluid escape caused by high pore pressures generated by freezing. Flow proceeds down the channels under the ice. Rafting of cobbles and scouring around grounded ice blocks takes place at breakup. </p> <p> The facies sequences resulting from sedimentation in the river are mainly sandy. Those which are deposited by channels consist dominantly of trough crossbeds, but lone planar crossbed sets may be present, deposited by large bars. Facies sequences which include sand flat deposits have several sets of planar crossbeds stacked on top of one another. All sequences have a zone of small crossbeds and ripple cross-lamination near the tops, resulting from shallow water deposition. They are capped by one-half metre of muddy flood-plain deposits. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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