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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The speech act of advice in educational contexts in Setswana

Mogase, Emily Phuti 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines data from advice-giving in Setswana relating to pragmatic theorists' argument that every human interaction, to a large extent carries with it an element of threatening one or both participants' face. The speech act of politeness has been identified as one of the most effective speech acts to be employed in giving as well as soliciting advice. Every speech act is influenced by contextual, cultural and many other background factors associated to age, gender and rank to mention a few, which contribute towards how the speech is composed. The issues relating to the theory of politeness prompted this study on the extent to which politeness plays a role in giving advice in an educational context of Setswana speaking students. The study has evaluated Brown and Levinsons' theory of politeness as a universal phenomenon against the findings of my data, in that the universality of these theorists does not quite fit with this study. The variable percentages in this data, especially in giving advice, indicate that politeness does not always exist in terms of positive and negative face in the participants' mind but other considerations related to the goal of the speech act are the main source of the speech act. In this study, politeness in the Setswana school context has demonstrated that politeness has been employed as a strategy for encoding distance between the speaker and the solicitor. The purpose of advising teachers and students through politeness behavior is to mitigate face and to create a favorable context anticipated by the solicitor. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek data oor advies-gee in Setswana wat verband hou met pragmatiekteoretici se argument dat elke menslike interaksie tot 'n groot mate 'n element het dat een, of beide, deelnemers se gesig bedreig word. Die spraakhandeling van beleefdheid is geïdentifiseer as een van die mees effektiewe spraakhandelinge wat ingespan word in die gee, sowel as die vra van advies. Elke spraakhandeling word beïnvloed deur kontekstuele, kulturele en talle ander agtergrondfaktore wat verband hou met onder andere ouderdom, gender en rang, wat bydra tot die wyse waarop die spraakhandeling saamgestel word. Die vraagstukke rakende die beleefdheidsteorie het aanleiding gegee tot hierdie studie oor die mate waartoe beleefdheid 'n rol speel in advies-gee in opvoedkundige kontekste deur Setswana-sprekende persone. Die studie evalueer Brown en Levinson se teorie van die Universele beginsels wat dit stel teenoor die bevindinge van die data verkry in die navorsing oor Setswana-sprekende studente en daar word afgelei dat Brown en Levinson se universalia nie volledig bevestig word nie. Die varieerbaarheid waargeneem ind ie data oor advies-gee dui aan dat beleefdheid nie altyd manifisteer in terme van negatiewe gesig in die deelnemers se oorwegings nie, maar dat ander oorwegings rakende die doelstelling van die spraakhandeling die hoofbron vorm van die spraakhandeling. In hierdie studie, het beleefdheid in die Setswana opvoedkundige konteks aangetoon dat beleefdheid ingespan word as 'n strategie om afstand te vestig tussen die spreker en die hoorder. Die doel van advies-gee aan onderwysers en studente deur beleefdheidsgedrag is om 'n gunstige konteks te vestig, wat verwag word deur die hoorder.

The speech act of apology in Setswana educational contexts

Mangwegape, Bridget Kesaobaka 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An apology in Setswana is offered ;when an individual has violated a social norm or want to restore any form of a complainable. When it is given, it serves as a remedial work,designed to smooth over any social disruption that was caused. Sometimes a person who is suppose to apologize may find reasons to minimize the degree of the offence. If the offence in question is big, a verbal apology may be insufficient to restore the damaged relationship. Male and female learners commit a lot of offences towards each other at school and they are obliged to apologize for such offences. In the process of apologizing, they are faced with a wide chioce of strategies to choose from. In most cases, male learners have a tendency of giving an explanation to their offences. They do not always seek for a direct apology. In the acceptance of their offences, they opt for longer strategies to apologize. Males seem to be either proud or shy to ask for an apology from females. Female learners on the other hand, do not want to use longer strategies to apologize, but they ask for forgiveness immidiately. It is not all the males who do not want to apologize directly to females, but there are some who apologize directly. They are the ones who take females as their equals and they also want to maintain a good relationship with them. The same applies with females, a minimal number of them use longer strategies to apologize. They do not use direct strategies. There are other strategies also useful to Setswana male and female learners, but their use is not so popular. Strategies like explicit acceptance of the blame and expression of self-deficiency are considered the least of manifested. An apology is usually influenced by the way the complainant shows his or her dissatisfaction. Male and female learners also differ with the way they complain. They use complaint strategies differently. Both male and female learners use direct accusation and indirect accusation extensively. But the difference comes by the fact that females are longer with their complaints than males. Females show their annoyance by involving more complaint strategies. Males do not take long to complain, they involve a few strategies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Apologie in Setswana word gedoen wanneer 'n individu 'n sosiale norm oortree het, of enige vorm van 'n klagte wil herstel. Wanneer dit gegee word, dien 'n apologie as remediële werk, ontwerp om enige sosiale ontwrigting wat veroorsaak is, uitstryk. Somtyds kan 'n persoon wat veronderstel is om 'n apologie aan te teken, redes vind om die graad van die oortreding te minimaliseer. Indien die oortreding baie groot is, kan 'n verbale apologie onvoldoende wees om die beskadigde verhouding te herstel. Manlike en vroulike Setswana-sprekende leerders pleeg talle oortredings teenoor mekaar by die skool, en hulle is verplig om apologie aan te teken teenoor mekaar. In die proses van apologie aanteken, word hulle gekonfronteer met In wye verskeidenheid strategieë waaruit hulle kan kies. In die meeste gevalle, het leerders die neiging om In verduideliking te gee vir hulle oortredings. Hulle kies nie altyd 'n direkte apologie nie. In die aanvaarding van hulle oortredings, kies hulle langer strategieë om apologie aan te teken. Manlike persone blyk óf te trots óf te skaam te wees om apologie aan te teken teenoor vroulike leerders. Vroulike leerders, hierteenoor, wil nie langer strategieë aanwend om apologie aan te teken nie, en hulle vra onmiddellik vir vergiffenis Dit is egter nie alle manlike leerders wat nie direk apologie aanteken teenoor vroulike leerders niesommige manlike leerders teken wel direk apologie aan, maar die gebruik daarvan is nie so gewild nie. Hulle is die manlike leerders wat die vroulike leerders as hulle gelykes sien en 'n goeie verhouding met hulle wil handhaaf. 'n Klein getal vroulike leerders gebruik langer strategieë om verskoning aan te teken en hulle gebruik nie direkte strategieë nie. Daar is ander strategieë wat ook bruikbaar is vir Setswana-sprekende manlike en vroulike leerders, maar die gebruik daarvan is nie so populêr nie. Strategieë soos die aanvaarding van blaam, en uitdrukking van self-tekort, word die minste gemanifesteer. 'n Apologie word gewoonlik beïnvloed deur die wyse waarop 'n klaer sy/haar ontevredenheid wys. Manlike en vroulike leerders vershil ook t.o.v. die wyse waarop hulle kla - hulle gebruik klagtestrategieë verskillend. Sowel manlike as vroulike leerders gebruik direkte en indirekte aantygings uitgebreid. Vroulike leerders neem egter langer met hulle klagtes as manlike leerders. Vroulike leerders wys hulle ontevredenheid deur meer klagte strategieë te gebruik, terwyl manlike leerders nie lank neem om te kla nie - hulle gebruik slegs 'n paar strategieë.

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