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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prinos i kvalitet mladog krompira u zavisnosti od agrotehničkih mera i agroekoloških uslova proizvodnje / Yield and quality of early potato dependingTI on agricultural practices and argoecological condicions

Vujasinović Vuk 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Proizvodnja mladog krompira u Srbiji je značajna zbog obezbeđenja ove izuzetno cenjene&nbsp;i delikatesne namirnice u periodu od aprila do juna kada je u ponudi na trži&scaron;tu malo drugog&nbsp;svežeg povrća. Osim toga cena mladog krompira je uglavnom visoka, pa je značaj i po osnovu&nbsp;profitabilnosti ove kulture velik.<br />U periodu 2004-2006. godine ispitivan je efekat malčovanja polietilenskom folijom i<br />neposrednog pokrivanja biljaka sa i bez noseće konstrukcije, kao i kombinacija ovih specifičnih&nbsp;agrotehničkih mera na ranostasnost, prinos i komponente prinosa i kvalitet mladog krompira kod&nbsp;ranih sorti Cleopatra i Riviera. U cilju re&scaron;avanja postavljenog zadatka sprovedeno je istraživanje,&nbsp;na lokalitetu južno bačkog okruga (Begeč), postavljen je dvofaktorijalni ogled po split plot planu&nbsp;u pet ponavljanja.<br />Ispitivane agrotehničke mere i njihove kombinacije značajno su uticale na ranostasnost i&nbsp;prinos mladog krompira. Formiranje trži&scaron;nih krtola (krtole veće od 28 mm) bilo je za 10-15 dana&nbsp;ranije u odnosu na kontrolnu (nepokrivenu) varijantu. Najveći prinos u trogodi&scaron;njem istraživanju&nbsp;postignut je na varijanti agrotekstil+niski tunel (40,07 t/ha). U odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu,&nbsp;prinos je bio veći za 19% (u prvoj godini za 22%, drugoj za 16%, dok je u trećoj godini prinos bio&nbsp;veći za 18%).<br />Najveći broj krtola mladog krompira, u trogodi&scaron;njem istraživanju, ostvaren je na<br />kontrolnoj varijanti (9,43), stim &scaron;to je udeo trži&scaron;nih krtola (krtole veće od 28 mm) na kontroli&nbsp;iznosio 89% naspram 95% ostvaren na pokrivenim varijantama. Riviera je ostvarila veći broj&nbsp;krtola po biljci u odnosu na Cleopatru.<br />Ispitivane agrotehničke mere uticale su na povećanje mase krtola po biljci. Najveća masa&nbsp;krtola po biljci u trogodi&scaron;njem ogledu ostvaren je na tretmanima agrotekstil+niski tunel (853,17&nbsp;g) i malčovanje+agrotekstil+niski tunel (850,17 g), dok je najmanja masa zabeležena na&nbsp;kontrolnoj varijanti (640 g). Sorta Riviera je ostvarila značajno veću masu krtola u odnosu na&nbsp;Cleopatru.<br />Ispitivani tretmani su ostvarili veću prosečnu masu jedne krtole za 52% u odnosu na<br />kontrolnu varijantu.<br />Ispitivani tretmani značajno su uticali i na kvalitet mladog krompira; odnosno na<br />povećanje sadržaja suve materije, skroba, vitamina C, celuloze i pepela u krtolama, a na<br />smanjenje sadržaja &scaron;ećera i nitrata.</p> / <p>Production of early potato in Republic of Serbia is important because it provides this<br />highly valued delicates food during the period from April to June, when there is low offer of other<br />fresh vegetables on the market. Besides, price of early potato is usually high so it is important as<br />profitable crop.<br />During the period 2004-2006 effect of mulching with polyethylene foil and direct<br />coverage of plants with agrotextile and low tunnel, as well as combinations of these specific<br />agricultural measures on earliness, yield and yield components and quality of two early potato<br />varieties Cleopatra and Riviera was examined. In order to achieve given objective research was<br />conducted at the site in South Bačka District (Begeč), it set up the two-factorial experiment at<br />split plot plan in five replications.<br />The tested of agricultural measures and their combinations significantly influenced<br />earliness and yield of early potato. The forming of market tubers (tubers larger than 28 mm) was<br />10-15 days earlier than on the control variant (bare soil and uncover plants). The highest yield of<br />the three-year study has been made on the variant combination of agrotextile and low tunnel<br />(40,07 t/ha). Compared to the control variant, the yield was increased by 19% (in the first year<br />increase of 22%, second year increase was 16%, while in the third year yield increase was 18%).<br />The largest number of tubers of early potatoes, in three-year study, has been on the<br />control variant (9,43), but the share of market tubers (tubers larger than 28 mm) on the control<br />variant was 89% versus 95% achieved in covered variants. Variety Riviera has achieved greater<br />number of tubers per plant compared to variety Cleopatra.<br />The tested agricultural measures affected mass increase of tubers per plant. The<br />maximum weight of tubers per plant in the three-year experiment was realized in the treatment<br />combination of agrotextile and low tunnel (853,17 g) and combination of mulching, agrotextile<br />and low tunnel (850,17 g), while the lowest mass was recorded in the control variant (640 g).<br />Variety Riviera has achieved significantly higher tuber weight relative to Cleopatra.<br />The tested treatments have also achieved a higher average weight of a tuber of 52%<br />compared to the control variant.<br />The tested treatments significantly influenced quality of early potato; i.e. the increase the<br />content of dry matter, starch, vitamin C, cellulose and ash in the tubers and on reduction of sugar<br />and nitrate content.</p>

The Time-Course of the Effects of Growth Hormone During Zebrafish (<i>DANIO RERIO</i>) Auditory Hair Cell Regeneration

Wang, Yajie 01 May 2012 (has links)
Growth hormone (GH) was upregulated in the zebrafish inner ear following sound exposure in a previous study. To identify the specific role of GH in hair cell regeneration and the possible cellular mechanisms of this regeneration, groups of zebrafish were divided into baseline (no sound exposure, no injection), buffer-injected and GH-injected groups. Buffer- and GH-injected fish were exposed to a 150 Hz tone at a source level of 179 dB re 1 μPa root mean squared (RMS) for 36 h. Phalloidin-staining was used to assess the effects of GH on hair cell bundle density; BrdU-labeling was used to assess the effects of GH on cellular proliferation; TUNEL-labeling was used to assess the effects of GH on apoptosis in the zebrafish inner ear following acoustic trauma. The time-course of hair cell bundle density, cell proliferation, and apoptosis was established by combining data for baseline fishes and sound-exposed fishes at post-sound exposure day 1 (psed1), psed2, and psed3. GH-injected fish exhibited greater densities of hair cells than bufferinjected controls. In addition, GH-injected fish had higher levels of cell proliferation and lower levels of apoptosis than buffer-injected controls. This suggests that GH may play an important role in zebrafish inner ear hair cell regeneration by stimulating cellular proliferation and inhibiting cellular apoptosis.


POLLYANA DE LIMA MASSARI 26 July 2017 (has links)
[pt] A questão da poluição ambiental está recebendo cada vez mais importância. Por esse motivo, os estudos relacionados a processos de dispersão de poluentes estão ganhando cada vez mais destaques. Como estudos em campo são mais custosos, os estudos realizados em laboratório, com modelos reduzidos, estão sendo mais aplicáveis, uma vez que permitem análises de problemas específicos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar um estudo exploratório em um túnel de vento do comportamento de uma pluma emitida por uma chaminé, que permita modificações nas condições de velocidade e temperatura da pluma. Para isso, foi realizada a reprodução da camada limite atmosférica, através do Método de Irwin, simulando um ambiente suburbano, em que o perfil de velocidades média foi medido com a técnica de Anemometria de Fio Quente. Foram realizados ensaios para três condições do escoamento principal e levantados os perfis de velocidade e intensidade turbulenta à jusante da chaminé. Foi realizado um estudo da inclinação da pluma, tanto pela influência da velocidade, quanto pela diferença de temperatura da pluma em relação à do escoamento principal, que foi variada em 10 e 20 graus Celsius. As análises de concentração foram possíveis através das imagens obtidas com a técnica de Velocimetria por Imagem de Partículas. Foram feitas análises do perfil de concentração a diferentes posições a sotavento da chaminé e o coeficiente de dispersão vertical obtido foi comparado com diversas literaturas conhecidas. / [en] Environmental pollution issue is becoming increasingly important. For this reason, studies related to processes of atmospheric dispersion of pollutants are gaining prominence. Since studies in situ are expensive, laboratory studies with reduced models are useful, since specific problem can be investigated. The present work performs an experimental study, in a wind tunnel, evaluating the behavior of a plume generated by a chimney. For this, the reproduction of the atmospheric boundary layer was made, using the Irwin method, simulating a suburban environment, in which the mean velocity profile was measured with the Hot Wire Anemometry technique. Tests were performed for three main flow conditions and the profiles of velocity and turbulent intensity were made upstream of the stack. A study of the bent of the plume was made, both by the influence of the velocity, and by the temperature difference between the plume and the main flow, that was varied at 10 and 20 degrees Celsius. The concentration analyzes were possible through the images obtained with the Particle Image Velocimetry technique. Concentration profile analyzes were performed at different leeward positions of the chimney and the vertical dispersion coefficient obtained was compared with several known literatures.

Srovnání rozsahu poškození a mortality ryb jako úlovku sportovních rybářů ponechaných v klasickém vezírku a speciálním saku {--} {\clq}tunelu` / A comparison of the extent of game fish damage and mortality during their storage alive in a standard keep-net and special bag {--}`tunnel{\crq}

STRAPINA, Josef January 2009 (has links)
Práce je založena na pokusech, ve kterých se srovnával rozsah poškození a mortality kapra obecného (Cyprinus carpio, L.) ponechaného v klasickém vezírku (zpevněném i nezpevněném) a speciálním saku {--} "tunelu". Hlavním cílem práce je jednak rozšířit poznatky pro rekreační (sportovní) rybolov a především přispět k poznání správného způsobu uchovávání ulovených živých ryb, které si rybář rozhodl ponechat v živém stavu tak, aby byly minimalizovány negativní důsledky jejich držení před usmrcením a poukázat na šetrnější zacházení s rybou, ne-li zamezit jejich týrání.

Avaliação do alcance de retalho pediculado de omento maior através de túnel subcutâneo para ossos longos em cães / Evaluation of to reach of greater omentum pedicle flap througt a subcutaneous tunnel to long bones in dogs

Kelly Cristiane Ito 12 December 2008 (has links)
O omento maior tem sido utilizado com grande eficácia na medicina e em cirurgias torácicas, urogenitais, neurológicas, vasculares e respiratórias por sua natureza única, versátil e suas propriedades de imunidade, drenagem, adesão, vascularização e hemostasia bem conhecidas. Tem sido aplicado em humanos, como uma importante fonte de vascularização para áreas distantes, como flap pediculado ou livre, dentre elas, tórax, cabeça, pescoço e porções proximais de extremidades. As pesquisas com flap pediculado de omento maior, na cirurgia veterinária como indutor angiogênico e imunogênico são poucas, entretanto, suas propriedades de adesão e drenagem são conhecidas e utilizadas em procedimentos cirúrgicos com excelentes resultados. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi criar retalho pediculado de omento maior, mensurando o comprimento durante as etapas de criação e avaliando a possibilidade de alcance para ossos longos (fêmur, tíbia, úmero e rádio e ulna) através de túnel subcutâneo. Foram utilizados 30 cadáveres de cães frescos com 10 a 30 quilos de massa corpórea, sem discriminação de idade, sexo ou raça. Os resultados foram satisfatórios e 100% dos animais alcançaram a metáfise distal dos ossos avaliados. A média de comprimento do omento em camada dupla, dos 30 animais avaliados foi de 30,87 cm, da camada simples de 54,37 cm e do flap em L 92,7 cm. Com a extensão máxima do omento foi possível alcançar as metáfises distais de todos os ossos propostos (fêmur, tíbia/fíbula, úmero e rádio/ulna), com comprimento médio excedente de 29,87 cm para fêmur, 20,73 cm para tíbia/fíbula, 25,13 cm para úmero e 16,27 cm para rádio/ulna As variáveis peso flap em L avaliadas estatisticamente apresentaram correlação positiva moderada nos grupos apresentados. Concluiu-se que em cães é possível levar o flap pediculado de omento maior através de túnel subcutâneo para metáfise distal de ossos longos sem tensão e que quanto maior o peso do animal, maior o comprimento do flap em L dos animais avaliados em cada grupo. / The greater omentum has been successfully used in human medicine in different surgical approaches such as thoracic, urogenital, neurological, vascular, and respiratory. The high usefulness of omentum is due to its singular nature and versatility, as well as its known different properties such as immunologic, drainage, adhesion, angiogenic and haemostatic. It has been used in human medicine such as a pediculated or free flap as an important vascular inductor for different areas. Among the sites that it has been used to increase blood flow by its angiogenic properties, little the thorax, head and neck, and proximal and distal extremities may be sited. Research on immunogenic and angiogenics inductor properties of the flap in Veterinary Medicine have been made, however, its adhesive and draining properties are well known and have been used with excellent results in surgery. An experimental study to obtain a pediculated flap of greater omentum and conduct it as far as possible through a subcutaneous tunnel in order to reach long bones (femur, tibia, umero, radius and ulna). Was designed during the experiment, the obtained different flaps were measured and the possibility of reaching proximal to distal long bone sites was checked. For the experiment 30 fresh body (10 to 30 kg of corporal weight) from dead dogs without predilection to age, or sex were used. Animals of all breeds were included except condrosdistrophics breeds. In addition, dogs with signs of abdominal surgery, abdominal adherences, or other anatomic dysfunctions of the greater omentum were excluded from the experiment. The results were satisfactor and in 100% of the cases the flap reached the distal half of the evaluated bones. The averages of the different flap lengths were: 30.87 cm when double layer was used; 54.37 cm in simple layer; and 92.7 cm when the flap was made in an L shape. With the largest extension of the omentum, it was possible to reach the distal metaphises of all studied bones (femur, tibia/fibula, humerus, and radius/ulna). The exceeding length average was 29.87 cm for the femur, 20.73 cm for the tibia/fibula, 25.13 cm for the humerus, and 16.27 cm for the radius/ulna. The variation body-weight-flap variety statistically evaluated showed moderate positive correlation on the presented groups. In conclusion, the omentum pediclulated flap may be passed through the subcutaneous tunnel until the distal metaphisis of the long bones of dogs without tension. Animals with carger bodyl weight have the largest length of the L- shaped flap.

Vodojemy - Brno, Žlutý kopec / Reservoirs - Brno, Zluty kopec (Yellow hill)

Gomboš, Michal January 2021 (has links)
After successfully avoiding of the destructive scenario with the demolition of reservoirs and replacing them with parking house, the second question arises. How to stimulate the people's interest in these underground jewels, the interest that would confirm the decision to save reservoirs. One of the possible ways, in which I see a purpose and the one that I decided to chose is to make the reservoirs accessible alongside the pathway and let the natural curiosity of human to do the rest.

Návrh ražby a primárního ostění Dřevnovického tunelu na stavbě vysokorychlostního železničního spojení Brno – Přerov / Design of excavation and primary lining of the Dřevnovický tunnel at the construction of high-speed railway connection Brno - Přerov

Bastl, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis deals with a design of a Drevnovice tunnel primary lining at planned high speed rail corridor connecting Brno and Přerov. The whole design as well as defining of the most suitable tunnel excavation method are described. Thesis also contains a breakdown of the excavation, construction technology and the scheduling of geotechnical monitoring procedures. The Plaxis 2D program, based on the finite element method, was used to create numerical models of two cross sections of the Dřevnovice tunnel. Based on mathematical modeling outputs, a static calculation of the primary lining was calculated.

Návrh dálničního tunelu Polana / Design of highway tunnel Polana

Kaderka, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The subject topic of this thesis is to establish a suitable technique of tunnel construction using New Austrian Tunnelling Method with the help of mathematical modeling. Based on the mathematical modelling output the dimensioning primary moulding model was executed.

Vodojemy - Brno, Žlutý kopec / Reservoirs - Brno, Zluty kopec (Yellow hill)

Gomboš, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
After successfully avoiding of the destructive scenario with the demolition of reservoirs and replacing them with parking house, the second question arises. How to stimulate the people's interest in these underground jewels, the interest that would confirm the decision to save reservoirs. One of the possible ways, in which I see a purpose and the one that I decided to chose is to make the reservoirs accessible alongside the pathway and let the natural curiosity of human to do the rest.

Síndrome do túnel do carpo: aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos e de condução nervosa em 668 casos. / Carpal tunnel syndrome: clinical, epidemiological and nerve conduction studies in 668 cases.

Kouyoumdjian, João Aris 31 July 1998 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 joaoariskouyoumdjian_dissert.pdf: 613490 bytes, checksum: d3e0f432c81a706e636cdcbf67d2676d (MD5) Previous issue date: 1998-07-31 / Carpal tunnel syndrome: clinical, epidemiological and nerve conduction studies in 668 cases Between January/89 and June/96, 1,059 carpal tunnel syndrome hands (CTS) from 668 patients were studied. None had been previously operated and all had bilateral conduction studies; peripheral neuropathy was excluded. The patients were selected with sensory median/radial difference (MRD) ³ 1.0 ms that strongly supports electrodiagnosis of CTS (standard deviation > 6) after simultaneous stimulation on wrist and recording on thumb. The age ranged from 17 to 83 years (mean 47.5) and 91.3% were female; the complaints were bilateral in 72% and nocturnal/awakening in 85.3%; pain, numbness and paraesthesia occurred in 64.4%; pain as the only symptom was rare but proximal extension was frequent (39.4%); all fingers were symptomatic in 42.5%, followed by middle, middle-ring, thumbindex- middle and then index-middle-ring ones; there was no correlation with traumatic past history on wrist. The duration CTS symptoms ranged from 1 to > 120 months without precise correlation with the severity of conduction abnormalities on median nerve. MRD ³ 1.0 ms correlates in 95% with median distal motor latency > 4.25 ms (80 mm distance) and with median distal sensory latency to index finger ³ 3.01 ms, middle finger ³ 3.14 ms and ring finger ³ 3.26 ms, all of them 140 mm distance, antidromic and onset-measured. The results have brought new values for the limit of normality in our EMG laboratory since MRD ³ 1.0 ms is very sensitive for CTS diagnosis. / Foram estudados 668 pacientes (1,059 mãos) com síndrome do túnel do carpo (stc) entre janeiro de 1989 e junho de 1996, o critério de seleção e inclusão dos pacientes baseou-se na diferença de latência sensitiva 1,0 ms entre os potenciais de ação sensitivos (pas) dos nervos mediano e radial após estimulação simultânea no punho e resgistro no i dedo (dmr), representando diferença maior que 6 desvios-padrão. Todos os casos tiveram estudo eletrofisiológico bilateral, sendo excluídos casos com cirurgia prévia ou evidência de neuropatia periférica. Nota de Resumo A idade variou de 17 a 83 anos com a média de 47,5 anos; 91,3% eram do sexo feminino; 72% referiam sintomatologia bilateral e 85,3% referiam sintomatologia bilateral e 85,3% no período noturno/matinal; dor, dormência e formigamento foram conjuntamente referidos por 64,4%, sendo que dor como sintoma isolado foi raro; além da mão, houve extensão do quadro álgico para outros territórios em 39,4%; 0s sintomas ocorreram em todos dos dedos em 42,5% seguindo do III, III-IV, I-II-III e II-III-IV dedos; não houve correlação precisa com antecedentes treumáticas no punho. A duração da sintomalogia foi ampla, variando de 1 a 120 meses; não houve correlação entre tempo de sintomatologia e gravidade da compressão do nervo mediano no campo. Valor de dmr 1,0 ms correlacionou-se em 95% dos casos com latência distal motora do nervo mediano 4,25 ms (80mm) e com latência distal sensitiva punho - ii dedo 3,14 ms (vs 44,6 m/s) e punho - iv dedo 3,26 ms (vc 42,9 m/s), todos com 140 mm de distância e latância medida no início do pas. Nota de Resumo Os resultados estabelecem novos critérios anormais para o diagnóstico eletrofisiológico de stc em uma população brasileira para a condução motora (latência distal motora do nervo mediano) e sensitiva (latência distal sensitiva do nervo mediano após dmr 1,0 ms (diagnóstico seguro de stc em praticamente 100% dos casos suspeitos).

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