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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extracting Reusable Design Decisions for UML-based Domain-specific Languages: A Multi-Method Study

Sobernig, Stefan, Hoisl, Bernhard, Strembeck, Mark January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
When developing domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs), software engineers have to make a number of important design decisions on the DSML itself, or on the software-development process that is applied to develop the DSML. Thus, making well-informed design decisions is a critical factor in developing DSMLs. To support this decision-making process, the model-driven development community has started to collect established design practices in terms of patterns, guidelines, story-telling, and procedural models. However, most of these documentation practices do not capture the details necessary to reuse the rationale behind these decisions in other DSML projects. In this paper, we report on a three-year research effort to compile and to empirically validate a catalog of structured decision descriptions (decision records) for UML-based DSMLs. This catalog is based on design decisions extracted from 90 DSML projects. These projects were identified - among others - via an extensive systematic literature review (SLR) for the years 2005 - 2012. Based on more than 8,000 candidate publications, we finally selected 84 publications for extracting design-decision data. The extracted data were evaluated quantitatively using a frequent-item-set analysis to obtain characteristic combinations of design decisions and qualitatively to document recurring documentation issues for UML-based DSMLs. We revised the collected decision records based on this evidence and made the decision-record catalog for developing UML-based DSMLs publicly available. Furthermore, our study offers insights into UML usage (e.g. diagram types) and into the adoption of UML extension techniques (e.g. metamodel extensions, profiles).

Analysis Pattern Of Sanliurfa Harran Plain In Uml And Its Implementation In Geodatabase

Cubuk, Ulas 01 April 2004 (has links) (PDF)
An emerging trend in GIS is the adoption of object oriented concepts for both logical and physical design phases. Extensive research has been conducted on logical design of GIS and several conceptual models have been proposed. Classical data models like the relational data model have proven to be insufficient for the conceptual modeling of spatial data. Therefore among other object oriented modeling tools, a new modeling language, Unified Modeling Language (UML) has also become a popular modeling tool in the GIS domain due to its wide acceptance in industry. In this thesis ArcInfo UML Model, which is an extension of UML and proposed by ESRI is utilized to create analysis pattern of Sanliurfa Harran Plain within the scope of GAP (In Turkish, G&uuml / neydogu Anadolu Projesi). The proposed analysis pattern mainly characterize the irrigation drainage system, social environment and irrigation management activities of the Sanliurfa Harran Plain and incorporate the interactions between, and among, features of the system. At the implementation phase ESRI&#039 / s geodatabase model is used. This is an object relational spatial database utilizing the full functionalities of the underlying relational DBMS. This hybrid approach claims to be the most promising approach to deal with the complex data types found in GIS applications and allows the storage of spatial and non-spatial data together. Besides many advantages of geodatabase, ability to implement it in a multi-user environment is the most remarkable one. In this thesis both the personal and multi-user approaches, in which the underlying DBMSs are MS access and Oracle, are tested. The multi-user geodatabase is built in three-tier architecture with ESRI&#039 / s ArcSDE (Spatial Database Engine) as the middleware.

Development Of A Library For Automated Verification Of Uml Models

Celik, Makbule Filiz 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Software designs are mostly modeled as Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams when object oriented software development is concerned. Some popular topics in the industry such as Model Driven Development, generating test cases automatically in the early phases of software development, automated generation of code from design model etc. use the benefits of UML designs. All of these topics have something in common which is the need for accuracy against the meta-model not to face problems in the latter phases of the development process. Support on the full checking of the design models is necessary for the detection of design inconsistencies. This thesis presents an approach for automated verification of UML design models and explains the implementation of the library called UMLChecker.

Stream databases

Pawluk, Przemyslaw January 2006 (has links)
One of the most important issues in contemporary database application became processing of the large amount of data. Second problem is different characteristic of the data that are processed by the system. Those data are perceived as large continuous streams of elements rather than finite sets of elements. This thesis presents new class of database systems that handles data stream processing, issues and benefits form using these systems in the context of telecommunication systems. / This thesis presents stream databases which are able to process data streams. Moreover advantages and disadvantages of those systems are presented. / przemyslaw.pawluk@pwr.wroc.pl (+48)697-958-666

An Inspection Approach For Conceptual Models Of The Mission Space In A Domain Specific Notation

Tanriover, O. Ozgur 01 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
An inspection approach is proposed for improving the quality of conceptual models developed in a domain specific notation. First, the process of identification of desirable properties of conceptual models in a domain specific notation is described. Intra- and interview properties are considered. Semantic properties are defined considering the conceptual modeling notation. A systematic inspection process is proposed for checking semantic properties of different types of diagrams and of the relations between these diagrams. This process is applied to two real mission space conceptual models. With the proposed inspection approach, it is possible to identify subtle semantic issues which are not identified by many of the contemporary UML CASE tools and other inspection methods.

Návrhové vzory pro webové aplikace / Design Patterns for Web Applications

Dudek, Jan January 2008 (has links)
With the coming of the web a brand new type of client-server applications based on standard web technologies has started to appear. These technologies are available on an overwhelming majority of client stations and don't need any additional software to be installed. As a result web applications have gained popularity among both users and developers and are currently deployed not only on the Internet, but also on company intranets. Considering present expansions of such applications it is important to summarize tested and approved approaches usable in their design. And it is this particular work that describes the chosen design patterns applicable in web applications development and demonstrates their usage on both concrete existent systems and a custom sample application.

Ambulantní systém založený na IZIP a jeho zabezpečení / Medical System Based on IZIP and Its Security

Janečka, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
The work discusses the analysis, proposal and implementation of simplified outpatient information system of general practitioner (GP), which communicates with IZIP information system. The proposal of system uses the Model-View-Controller architecture; the design patterns and subject simulated technique use UML. The way of communication with IZIP system, the structure of sent data and the communication security is also described in the work. C++ programming language is used for the implementation of the proposed system, parser Xerces-C++ for XML documents processing, toolkit Qt for graphical user's interface; and the data are stored into the Firebird relational database.

Informační systém pro vyhodnocování aktivit pracovníků ve stromové hierarchii v Caché / Information System for Employee Activity Evaluation in Tree Hierarchy Using Cache

Burget, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
At most of the times, information systems are the corner stone for companies nowadays. This document's intention is to introduce the model design phase in UML and the implementation of an information system for evaluating the activity of empolyees in a tree hierarchy. The first part is made of business' multilevel marketing principle, a description of the system's specification and a progression of the system's modeling in a CASE tool, Select Component Architect. The second part describes the implemented system through a web application, which is based on Caché, an object database.

Modelovací nástroj pro grafický návrh komponentových systémů / A Tool for Modelling of Component-Based Systems

Gál, Ivan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with component software, software frameworks for the Eclipse platform and the creation of a graphical editor for designing component systems with the usage of the Eclipse platform. After introducing the conception of UML component diagram, it describes the overview of component software, components and component technologies of major players on ground of component software: OMG, Sun, Microsoft. A significant part is dedicated to software frameworks for the Eclipse platform for manipulating with meta models. EMF, GEF and GMF are described in more detail. The main part presents the design, implementation and evaluation of a graphical editor for designing component systems with emphasis on understandability and good arrangement.

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