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Aplicação de radiação UV para desinfecção de efluente da associação de reator UASB e biofiltro aerado submerso / UV radiation application for sewer disinfection of the UASB reactor association with aerated submerged biofilter (ASB)Silvia Sônia da Silva 20 September 2007 (has links)
Essa pesquisa investigou e interpretou aspectos relevantes da desinfecção por radiação ultravioleta (UV) na inativação de microrganismos indicadores. O efluente sanitário foi proveniente de tratamento anaeróbio (Reator UASB), seguido de Biofiltro Aerado Submerso, em escala real. A pesquisa foi dividida em duas etapas, sendo que na primeira foi dado destaque ao estudo das características operacionais da unidade ultravioleta. Na segunda etapa da pesquisa objetivou-se o estudo da resistência de diferentes microrganismos indicadores à radiação ultravioleta e das possíveis correlações entre as variáveis testadas. Os resultados obtidos na primeira etapa da pesquisa forneceram indicativos de que a limpeza das lâmpadas emersas pode ser feita em períodos superiores a 2 meses, devendo-se levar em consideração também a fragilidade do sistema. A limpeza do canal de desinfecção não teve relação com a eficiência de desinfecção. A operação de unidades UV é relativamente simples desde que haja treinamento dos operadores e condições ergonômicas favoráveis ao trabalho dos mesmos. O custo operacional situou-se na faixa de 0,006 R$/\'M POT.3\' de esgoto desinfetado e o custo de energia elétrica foi de 0,07 R$/\'M POT.3\' de esgoto desinfetado. As eficiências máximas de desinfecção encontradas na segunda etapa da pesquisa foram de 100% para Colifagos, 99,999% para CF (Coliformes Fecais) e 99,993% para CT (Coliformes Totais), o que demonstra que a ordem decrescente de resistência desses organismos é CT > CF > Colifagos. Os resultados indicaram que houve pouca variação da eficiência de inativação para as três lâminas de esgoto testadas (3 cm, 4 cm e 5 cm) o que sugere que a unidade é capaz de atender aumentos moderados de vazão, confirmando os pressupostos adotados no seu dimensionamento. Os dados obtidos a partir do ensaio hidrodinâmico indicaram que o reator de desinfecção testado comporta-se como um sistema composto de um reator pistonado ideal com presença de curtos circuitos hidráulicos. / This research has investigated and interpreted relevant aspects of disinfection by ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in the inativation of indicator microorganisms\' inactivation. The sanitary effluent was provided by anaerobic treatment (UASB reactor), followed by aerated submerged biofilter (ASB), on a real scale. This research was divided into two stages, whereas in the first stage, operational characteristics of the ultraviolet unit studies were highlighted. The aim of the second stage of the research was the resistance of different indicator microorganisms to ultraviolet radiation study and the possible relation among variables tested. Results obtained in the first stage of the research have provided indication that the cleaning of submerged lamps may be done in periods longer than two months, however the fragility of the system must be considered. Disinfection channel cleaning should not be related to the disinfection efficiency. The operation of UV units is relatively simple, as long as the operators are trained and work under favorable ergonomic conditions. The operational cost was set at 0.006 R$/\'M POT.3\' of disinfected sewer system and the electrical energy cost was set at 0.07 R$/\'M POT.3\'. The maximum efficiency found on the disinfection of the research second stage were 100% for Coliphages, 99.999% for FC and 99.993% for TC, which demonstrates that the resistance decreasing order of these organisms is TC > FC > Coliphages. Results indicated that there was a low inactivation efficiency variation for the three tested sewer samples (3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm), which suggests that the unit is capable of serving moderate increase of flow, confirming adopted predictions in its dimensioning. Information obtained from the hydrodynamic test indicated that the tested disinfection reactor behaves as a compound system of an ideal piston reactor with hydraulic short circuits.
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Characteristics of sunless tanning product users among sorority and fraternity studentsChristensen, Desire Kay 01 May 2011 (has links)
As skin cancer rates increase, it has become more important for at risk individuals to reduce ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure. Limited information is available on characteristics and behaviors of sunless tanning product users in populations with high sun-seeking behaviors. This information is important because use of sunless tanning products could reduce tanning through UVR exposure thereby leading to a reduction in skin cancer. Sorority and fraternity students (n=163) completed a self-administered questionnaire examining sun exposure and tanning attitudes, behaviors and beliefs. Characteristics of sunless tanning product users were compared to non-users using logistic regression accounting for potential clustering effects within sororities and fraternities.
Among students surveyed, 34% reported ever using sunless tanning products. Ever users of sunless tanning products were significantly more likely to be female (OR=7.5), have fair skin (OR=1.4), have used tanning beds greater than 50 times (OR=2.5), and reapply sunscreen when outside on a sunny day (OR=1.3). Ever users of sunless tanning products and those with a preference for these products because they are safer than tanning beds or sunbathing were more likely to reapply sunscreen on a sunny day in the summer. However, other sun protection behaviors (i.e. sunscreen use, amount of sunscreen used, and avoidance of midday sun while on spring break) were not more likely to be adopted by these students.
Prevention efforts could target these fair-skinned females to increase their use of sunless tanning products in combination with sunscreen use and reapplication along with avoidance of midday sun.
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Spatial and Temporal Variability of Remotely Sensed Ocean Color Parameters in Coral Reef RegionsOtis, Daniel Brooks 01 January 2012 (has links)
The variability of water-column absorption due to colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and phytoplankton in coral reef regions is the focus of this study. Hydrographic and CDOM absorption measurements made on the Bahamas Banks and in Exuma Sound during the spring of 1999 and 2000 showed that values of salinity and CDOM absorption at 440nm were higher on the banks (37.18 psu, 0.06 m^-1), compared to Exuma Sound (37.04 psu, 0.03 m^-1). Spatial patterns of CDOM absorption in Exuma Sound revealed that plumes of CDOM-rich water flow into Exuma Sound from the surrounding banks. To examine absorption variability in reef regions throughout the world, a thirteen-year time series of satellite-derived estimates of water-column absorption due to CDOM and phytoplankton were created from Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. Time series data extracted adjacent to coral reef regions showed that variability in absorption depends on oceanographic conditions such as circulation patterns and winds as well as proximity to sources of light-absorbing materials that enter the water column, such as from terrestrial runoff. Waters near reef regions are generally clear, exhibiting a lower "baseline" level of CDOM absorption of approximately 0.01 m^-1 at 443nm. The main differences between regions lie in the periods during the year when increased levels of absorption are observed, which can be triggered by inputs of terrestrially-derived material, as in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon, or wind-driven upwelling as in the Andaman Sea and eastern Pacific Ocean near Panama. The lowest CDOM absorption levels found were approximately 0.003 m^-1 at 443nm near the islands of Palau and Yap, which are removed from sources of colored materials. The highest absorption levels near reefs were associated with wind-driven upwelling during the northeast monsoon on the Andaman coast of Thailand where values of CDOM absorption at 443nm reached 0.7 m^-1. Simulations of the underwater light field based on satellite-derived absorption values revealed that changes in absorption have a strong influence on light levels to which corals are exposed, particularly in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, where CDOM is the primary absorber of light. Episodes of coral bleaching during 1998 and 2002 were found to be associated with elevated seawater temperatures as well as decreased levels of CDOM absorption, indicating that corals were exposed to light stress along with thermal stress during periods of bleaching.
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Efeito fotoquimioprotetor de quercetina incorporada em microemulsão contra os danos na pele causados pela radiação ultravioleta / Photochemoprotective effect of quercetin incorporated in microemulsion against skin damages induced by ultraviolet irradiationFabiana Testa Moura de Carvalho Vicentini 31 March 2009 (has links)
A exposição à radiação ultravioleta (RUV) pode provocar desequilíbrio no balanço oxidante/antioxidante da pele, causando prejuízos à sua integridade e levando a diversas alterações, entre as quais o envelhecimento precoce e o câncer de pele. Considerando a estreita relação entre o aumento do estresse oxidativo e os efeitos danosos causados pela RUV na pele, aliado ao fato de que estudos epidemiológicos demonstram que o uso de protetores ou bloqueadores solares não é completamente efetivo na prevenção dos diversos malefícios causados pela exposição à RUV, o uso de antioxidantes aparece como importante alternativa nas terapias de fotoproteção. A administração tópica de antioxidantes, como a quercetina, poderia afetar as alterações moleculares desencadeadas pela RUV e conseqüentemente as seqüelas biológicas e clínicas resultantes das mesmas. Desta forma, na presente pesquisa, sistema microemulsionado para a liberação cutânea de quercetina foi obtido, caracterizado e avaliado quanto a sua capacidade em promover maior penetração cutânea deste ativo, estabilidade, segurança e eficácia in vivo contra os danos na pele causados pela exposição à RUV. Além disso, o efeito da quercetina contra diferentes alterações moleculares induzidas pela RUV foi também avaliado, com o objetivo de investigar os possíveis mecanismos de ação fotoprotetora deste flavonóide. Os resultados demonstram que a incorporação da quercetina em sistema microemulsionado aumentou a penetração cutânea in vitro e in vivo deste flavonóide sem causar irritação, sendo, portanto, uma importante estratégia para melhorar a liberação tópica da quercetina. O estudo de estabilidade demonstra a necessidade de armazenamento deste sistema a 4°C para manutenção de sua funcionalidade. A microemulsão contendo quercetina inibiu a depleção do antioxidante endógeno GSH, assim como o aumento da atividade/secreção de proteinases e da atividade da MPO, induzidos pela exposição à RUVB. O pré-tratamento de queratinócitos com quercetina não alterou a indução pela RUV das MAP quinases, conseqüentemente não houve inibição na elevação dos níveis de c-Jun e c-Fos, assim como no aumento da produção das MMPs 1 e 3, mas por outro lado foi efetivo contra o aumento na produção das citocinas IL-1, IL-6, IL-8 e TNF-. Finalmente, demonstrou-se que a ação fotoprotetora da quercetina contra os danos na pele causados pela RUV é mediada principalmente pela inibição da via de sinalização do NF-kB, uma vez que, enquanto o pré-tratamento de queratinócitos com quercetina diminuiu a ativação deste fator de transcrição, nenhum efeito contra a indução da via de sinalização da AP-1 foi observado. Concluindo, este trabalho sugere a incorporação da quercetina em sistema microemulsionado como estratégia relevante no combate ao aparecimento de desordens cutâneas causadas pela exposição à RUV, além de contribuir para a elucidação, pelo menos em parte, do mecanismo de ação fotoprotetora da quercetina contra alterações moleculares induzidas pela RUV. / The ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposition may lead to the skin oxidant/antioxidant imbalance injuring its integrity and leading to several disorders, such as ageing and skin cancer. Considering the close relationship between the increase in oxidative stress and UV-induced skin damages, together with the fact that epidemiological studies indicate that the use of sunscreen and sun block are not completely effective in preventing UV-induced damages, the use of antioxidants arises as an important approach to photoprotection therapies. The topical use of antioxidants, such as quercetin, would affect the molecular changes induced by UV and subsequent biological and clinical sequela. Therefore, in the present study, microemulsion system for topical delivery of quercetin was obtained, characterized and evaluated with regards to its capability to increase skin penetration of quercetin, stability, toxicity and in vivo effectiveness against UV-induced skin damages. Moreover, quercetin effect against different UV-induced molecular changes was also assessed, in order to investigate the possible photoprotective mechanisms of action of this flavonoid. The results demonstrate that the incorporation of quercetin into microemulsion increased the in vitro and in vivo skin penetration of this flavonoid without causing skin irritation, being an important strategy to improve the topical delivery of quercetin. The stability study demonstrate the necessity to storage this system at 4°C to maintain its functionality. The microemulsion containing quercetin inhibited the depletion of the endogenous antioxidant GSH, as well as the increase in proteinases activity/secretion and MPO activity induced by UVB irradiation exposure. The pretreatment of keratinocytes with quercetin had no blocking effect on UV activation of MAP kinases, consequently, there was no inhibition in the c-Jun and c-Fos levels, as well as in the induction of MMPs 1 and 3, on the other hand, it was effective against the increase in the production of cytokines IL-1, IL-6, IL-8 e TNF-. Finally, it was demonstrated that the photoprotective action of quercetin against UV-induced skin damages is mediated mainly by suppression of NF-kB signaling pathway, once, while the pretreatment of keratinocytes with quercetin suppressed the activation of this transcription factor, no effect was observed against UV-induced AP-1 activation. In conclusion, the present study suggests the incorporation of quercetin into microemulsion system as a relevant strategy to prevent UV-induced skin disorders, and contribute, at least in part, to the elucidation of quercetin photoprotective mechanism of action against UV-induced molecular changes.
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UVR Induces DNA Methylation Changes in MelanocytesAlp, Sarah January 2021 (has links)
Cutaneous malignant melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer with a rising incidence rate. Epidemiological studies show exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) cause 80% of melanomas. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms by which UVR promotes melanomagenesis are unclear. The mutagenic properties of UVR are incontrovertible; however, well-studied driver mutations of melanomagenesis (BRAF V600E and NRAS Q61L/R) do not bear UVR signature mutations and so the role UVR mutations play in the early initiation of melanoma remains controversial. This highlights the gap in knowledge of the initial critical molecular mechanisms of UVR-induced melanomas and warrant investigating non-mutational mechanisms as causal factors of UVR-induced melanomagenesis. Aberrant DNA methylation is a signature of melanoma and regulates expression of important tumor suppressors. While epigenetic dysregulation is an important aspect of melanoma etiology, it has never been investigated in the context of UVR. We hypothesize that these initial UVR-induced DNA methylation changes may sensitize a field of melanocytes to acquiring subsequent complementary spontaneous and/or UVR-induced genetic mutations and render them susceptible to melanomagenesis. My preliminary data demonstrate that UVR can modulate DNA methylation in melanocytes and suggests a pigment dependent mechanism. UVR-induced DNA methylation changes in highly pigmented melanocytes primarily in intergenic regions as areas of active transcription were protected from 5’mC changes. Additionally, UVR induced long-term transcriptional changes in both dark and light pigmented melanocytes suggesting multiple epigenetic mechanisms being altered. Evaluation of the protein regulation of the enzymes involved in writing or erasing 5’mC point towards a dysregulation in TET2. Further work is needed to determine if changes in TET2 could contribute to the observed methylation changes. To determine if these methylation changes had any significance to melanoma development, they were compared to the skin cutaneous melanoma cohort in the TCGA database which found a modest correlation in UVR-induced methylation changes and those found in melanoma patients. Interestingly, 5’mC at UVR-sensitive sites was prognostic of patient survival. A highly pigmented human melanoma cell line was UV-irradiated to see if DNA methylation can also be affected in transformed cells; however, no changes were observed. This suggests UV-induced methylation contributes to early changes in melanoma development and/or other relevant physiological changes within the melanocytes. Altogether, these data identify a novel non-mutation mechanism by which UVR may contribute of melanomagenesis. / Cancer Biology & Genetics
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Prostaglandin-E2 is produced by adult human epidermal melanocytes in response to UVB in a melanogenesis-independent manner.Gledhill, Karl, Rhodes, L.E., Brownrigg, M., Haylett, A.K., Masoodi, Mojgan, Thody, Anthony J., Nicolaou, Anna, Tobin, Desmond J. January 2010 (has links)
No / Erythema occurs in human skin following excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR), and this is in part mediated by the vasodilator prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). While keratinocytes are a major source of this pro-inflammatory eicosanoid, epidermal melanocytes (EM) also express some of the cellular machinery required for PGE2 production. The primary aim of this study is to determine whether EM can produce PGE2 and so potentially also contribute to UVR-induced skin inflammation. Furthermore, we investigate the likely pathway by which this PGE2 production is achieved and investigate whether PGE2 production by EM is correlated with melanogenic capacity. Primary cultures of EM were established from nine normal healthy individuals with skin phototype-1 (n=4) and 4 (n=5), and PGE2 production and melanogenic status were assessed. EM produced PGE2 under baseline conditions and this was increased further upon stimulation with arachidonic acid. Moreover, EM expressed cytoplasmic phospholipase A2, cyclooxygenase-1 and cytoplasmic prostaglandin E synthase. However, no EM culture expressed cyclooxygenase-2 under baseline conditions or following arachidonic acid, UVB- or H2O2 treatments. PGE2 production in response to UVB was highly variable in EM cultures derived from different donors but when pooled for skin phototype exhibited a positive correlation only with SPT-1 derived EM. Interestingly, PGE2 production by EM in response to UVB showed no correlation with baseline levels of melanin, tyrosinase expression/activity or tyrosinase-related protein-1 expression. However, there was an apparent negative correlation with baseline expression of dopachrome tautomerase (DCT), a melanogenic enzyme with reported anti-oxidant potential. These findings suggest that EM have the potential to contribute to UVR-induced erythema via PGE2 production, but that this response may be more related to oxidative stress than to their melanogenesis status. / The Wellcome Trust
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The eicosanoid response to high dose UVR exposure of individuals prone and resistant to sunburnNicolaou, Anna, Masoodi, Mojgan, Gledhill, Karl, Haylett, A.K., Thody, Anthony J., Tobin, Desmond J., Rhodes, L.E. January 2012 (has links)
No / High personal UVR doses can be gained during leisure activities, causing intense self-resolving inflammation (sunburn) of unprotected skin. UVR activates release of membrane fatty acids and upregulates their metabolism by cyclooxygenases (COX) and lipoxygenases (LOX) to different eicosanoids. While COX-derived prostaglandin (PG)E2 is a potent mediator of sunburn vasodilatation, LOX-derived 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (HETE) and its lipoxin metabolites may contribute to sunburn limitation. We explored the relationships between expression of these lipid mediators and the clinical and histological outcomes, comparing responses of individuals prone and more resistant to sunburn. An acute UVR exposure of 12 SED (standard erythema dose) was applied to buttock skin of 32 white Caucasians (n = 16 phototype I/II, n = 16 phototype III/IV), and over the subsequent 72 h assessments were made of skin erythema, immunohistochemical expression of leukocyte markers, COX-2, 12-LOX, 15-LOX and nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and eicosanoid levels by LC/ESI-MS/MS. Evidence of a significant inflammatory response was seen earlier in phototype I/II with regard to expression of erythema (4h, p < 0.001), neutrophil infiltration (24 h, p = 0.01), epidermal COX-2 (24 h, p < 0.05) and 12-LOX (24 h, p < 0.01), and dermal eNOS (24 h, p < 0.05) proteins, although CD3+ lymphocyte infiltration showed an earlier increase in phototype III/IV (24 h, p < 0.05). Although erythema was equivalent at 72 h in both groups, phototype I/II showed higher PGE2 accompanied by elevated 15-HETE, and a strong positive correlation was seen between these mediators (n = 18, r = 0.805, p = 0.0001). Hence anti-inflammatory eicosanoid 15-HETE may temper the pro-inflammatory milieu in sunburn, having greater influence in those prone to sunburn than those more resistant, given the same high UVR exposure conditions. / The Wellcome Trust
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Oral green tea catechin metabolites are incorporated into human skin and protect against UV radiation-induced cutaneous inflammation in association with reduced production of pro-inflammatory eicosanoid 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid.Rhodes, L.E., Darby, G., Massey, Karen A., Clarke, K.A., Dew, T.P., Farrar, M.D., Bennett, S., Watson, R.E.B., Williamson, G., Nicolaou, Anna 09 1900 (has links)
No / Green tea catechins (GTC) reduce UV radiation (UVR)-induced inflammation in experimental models, but human studies are scarce and their cutaneous bioavailability and mechanism of photoprotection are unknown. We aimed to examine oral GTC cutaneous uptake, ability to protect human skin against erythema induced by a UVR dose range and impact on potent cyclo-oxygenase- and lipoxygenase-produced mediators of UVR inflammation, PGE2 and 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE), respectively. In an open oral intervention study, sixteen healthy human subjects (phototype I/II) were given low-dose GTC (540 mg) with vitamin C (50 mg) daily for 12 weeks. Pre- and post-supplementation, the buttock skin was exposed to UVR and the resultant erythema quantified. Skin blister fluid and biopsies were taken from the unexposed and the UVR-exposed skin 24 h after a pro-inflammatory UVR challenge (three minimal erythema doses). Urine, skin tissue and fluid were analysed for catechin content and skin fluid for PGE2 and 12-HETE by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem MS. A total of fourteen completing subjects were supplement compliant (twelve female, median 42·5 years, range 29–59 years). Benzoic acid levels were increased in skin fluid post-supplementation (P= 0·03), and methylated gallic acid and several intact catechins and hydroxyphenyl-valerolactones were detected in the skin tissue and fluid. AUC analysis for UVR erythema revealed reduced response post-GTC (P= 0·037). Pre-supplementation, PGE2 and 12-HETE were UVR induced (P= 0·003, 0·0001). After GTC, UVR-induced 12-HETE reduced from mean 64 (sd 42) to 41 (sd 32) pg/μl (P= 0·01), while PGE2 was unaltered. Thus, GTC intake results in the incorporation of catechin metabolites into human skin associated with abrogated UVR-induced 12-HETE; this may contribute to protection against sunburn inflammation and potentially longer-term UVR-mediated damage.
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Randomized controlled trial of oral omega-3 PUFA in solar-simulated radiation-induced suppression of human cutaneous immune responses.Pilkington, S.M., Massey, Karen A., Bennett, S.P., Al-Aasswad, Naser M.I., Roshdy, K., Gibbs, N.K., Friedmann, P.S., Nicolaou, Anna, Rhodes, L.E. 30 January 2013 (has links)
No / Background: Skin cancer is a major public health concern, and the majority of cases are caused by solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure, which suppresses skin immunity. Omega-3 (n−3) PUFAs protect against photoimmunosuppression and skin cancer in mice, but the impact in humans is unknown.
Objectives: We hypothesized that EPA-rich n−3 PUFA would abrogate photoimmunosuppression in humans. Therefore, a nutritional study was performed to assess the effect on UVR suppression of cutaneous cell-mediated immunity (CMI) reflected by nickel contact hypersensitivity (CHS).
Design: In a double-blind, randomized controlled study, 79 volunteers (nickel-allergic women, 22–60 y old, with phototype I or II) took 5 g n−3 PUFA–containing lipid (70% EPA plus 10% DHA) or a control lipid daily for 3 mo. After supplementation, nickel was applied to 3 skin sites preexposed on 3 consecutive days to 1.9, 3.8, or 7.6 J/cm2 of solar-simulated radiation (SSR) and to 3 unexposed control sites. Nickel CHS responses were quantified after 72 h and the percentage of immunosuppression by SSR was calculated. Erythrocyte [red blood cell (RBC)] EPA was measured by using gas chromatography.
Results: SSR dose-related suppression of the nickel CHS response was observed in both groups. Photoimmunosuppression appeared less in the n−3 PUFA group than in the control group (not statistically significant [mean difference (95% CI): 6.9% (−2.1%, 15.9%)]). The difference was greatest at 3.8 J/cm2 SSR [mean difference: 11% (95% CI: 0.5%, 21.4%)]. Postsupplementation RBC EPA was 4-fold higher in the n−3 PUFA group than in the control group (mean difference: 2.69% (95% CI: 2.23%, 3.14%), which confirmed the EPA bioavailability.
Conclusion: Oral n−3 PUFAs appear to abrogate photoimmunosuppression in human skin, providing additional support for their chemopreventive role; verification of study findings is required.
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Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and their impact upon the biosynthesis of endocannabinoids and N-acylethanolamines in human skin cells in the presence and absence of ultraviolet radiationAlmaedani, Abdalla January 2015 (has links)
Endocannabinoids are endogenous lipid mediators involved in various biological processes, and have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activities. Anandamide (arachidonoyl ethanolamine, AEA) and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) are the main representatives of this group. The endocannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 with AEA have been found in human HaCaT keratinocytes and fibroblasts, but the metabolic pathway leading to endocannabinoid production in the skin has not been fully elucidated. This study aimed to investigate the profile of endocannabinoids and their main metabolizing enzymes in human skin cells and assess whether omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) altered these profiles. In addition, an investigation was carried out to check whether UV radiation could stimulate the production of endocannabinoids and N-acylethanolamines (NAE) in human skin cells. For this purpose HaCaT keratinocytes and 46RB.1N fibroblast cells were treated with 10 and 50µM of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) or oleic acid (OA) in the presence or absence of UVR (15mJ/cm2). Data suggest that n-3 PUFA may both directly (by up-regulating NAPE-PLD levels) and indirectly (by decreasing FAAH levels) increased endocannabinoid and NAE levels in HaCaT keratinocytes and 46BR.IN fibroblasts. DHA treatment significantly decreased COX-2 expression in the absence of UVR and inhibited UVR-induced COX-2 overexpression in 46BR.IN fibroblasts. In contrast, DHA appeared to induce COX-2 up-regulation in the absence of UVR and did not prevent UVR induced COX-2 up-regulation in HaCaT keratinocytes. EPA appeared to induce COX-2 down-regulation in the absence of UVR and did not prevent UVR induced COX-2 up-regulation in both HaCaT keratinocytes and 46BR.IN fibroblasts. UVR did not have any significant effect on endocannabinoid and NAE biosynthesis. However, UVR induced endocannabinoid production in some experiments of this study. A clinical study was carried on 16 volunteers from two different ethnic groups and two different skin types. The purpose was to assess the effect of UVR on the serum endocannabinoids and NAE, therefore, the volunteers were subjected to multiple doses (1.3, SED/ 6 min) of UVR for 6 weeks. Data showed that UVR did not have major effect on human serum NAE in both skin phototypes II and V but increased 2-AG in human serum in both skin types but the more pronounced effect was evident in skin phototypes V rather than in skin phototypes II. Human serum docosahxaenoylethanolamide levels were found to be higher in White Caucasians group (skin phototypes II). Based on these it can be concluded that n-3 PUFA and UVR alter the endocannabinoids and NAE profile in HaCaT keratinocytes and 46BR.IN fibroblasts. In addition, results of the clinical study indicated that UVR has no major effects on serum endocannabinoids or NAE therefore, further studies are required to address this question in vivo.
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