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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of intelligence analysis in detecting corruption in the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department

Nkhoma, Moses Thabo 01 1900 (has links)
The Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) is one of the South African institutions with growing levels of corruption. This is despite the presence of several anti-corruption strategies as well as institutions implemented to deal with this epidemic. The ineffectiveness of these strategies and institutions is attributed to, amongst others, the application of ineffective detection methods. The under-detection of corruption in the JMPD is affecting road safety, the economy, and the image of the JMPD itself. It is against this background that the researcher sought to establish how intelligence analysis could add value in detecting corruption in the JMPD. A qualitative research approach was applied to investigate this problem. As such, it has been proven that the use of hotlines and the over-reliance on whistleblowers is less effective in detecting corruption in the JMPD. The results have further shown that intelligence analysis may add value in detecting corruption in the JMPD. / Umnyango wamaphoyisa edolobha elikhulu eGoli (JMPD) ungenye yezikhungo zaseNingizimu Afrika ezithola amazinga akhulayo enkohlakalo. Lokhu kungakhathaliseki ukuthi kukhona amasu amaningi okulwa nenkohlakalo kanye nezikhungo ezisetshenziselwa ukubhekana nesifo sobunkohlakalo. Ukungafezeki kwalawa masu kanye nezikhungo kubhekwa ukuthi, phakathi kwabanye, ukusetshenziswa kwezindlela ezingafenele zokuthola. Ukutholakala kwezinkohlakalo ku-JMPD kuthinta ukuphepha komgwaqo, umnotho nomfanekiso we-JMPD uqobo. Kungokumelene nalesi sizinda ukuthi umcwaningi lufuna ukusungula ukuthi ukuhlaziywa ngobuhlakani kungasiza kanjani ekutholeni inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. Indlela yokucwaninga efanele yasetshenziswa ukuphenya le nkinga. Njengalokhu, kuye kwafakazelwa ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwama-hotlines nokuxhaswa ngokweqile kwababika ngenkohlakalo akwanele ukuthola inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. Imiphumela ibonise ukuthi ukuhlaziywa kobuhlakani kungasiza ekutholeni inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. / Lefapha la Sephodisa la Teropokgolo ya Johannesburg (JMPD) ke nngwe ya ditheo tsa Aforika Borwa tse di itemogelang maemo a a golang a bobodu. Seno ke kwa ntle ga go nna teng ga ditogamaano tse dingwe tse di kgatlhanong le bobodu ga mmogo le ditheo tse di diragadiwang go samagana le leroborobo la bobodu. Go se nne le nonofo ga ditogamaano tseno le ditheo e amana, mo go tse dingwe, le tiragatso ya mekgwa ya go lemoga go se nne le nonofo. Go nna kwa tlase ga go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD go ama pabalesego ya tsela, ikonomi le setshwantsho sa JMPD ka boyona. Ke mabapi le lemorago leno gore mmatlisisi o ne a batla go tlhomamisa gore tshetshereganyo ya tsa matlhale e ka thusa mo go lemogeng bobodu mo go JMPD. Boitlhagiso jwa patlisiso ya boleng bo ne jwa diragadiwa go tlhotlhomisa bothata jono. Fa go le jalo, go ne ga netefatswa gore tiriso ya megala ya tlhamalalo e e kgethegileng ya tshoganyetso le go ikaega thata ka batho ba ba tlaleyang ga go a lekana go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD. Dipholo di bontshitse gape gore tshekatsheko ya tsa matlhale e ka thusa go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminal Justice)

Information needs and seeking behaviour of doctoral students using smartphones and tablets for learning : a case of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana

Barfi, Kwaku Anhwere 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with abstracts and keywords in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / This qualitative study investigated the information needs and information-seeking behaviour of doctoral students who use smartphones or tablets for learning. Fifteen doctoral students who are registered at the University of Cape Coast were interviewed. Ellis’s (1989) model of information-seeking behaviour guided the study and supported the researcher in developing a model that could be used to acquire an understanding of how mobile technologies influence information needs and information-seeking behaviour. Two contexts influence the participants’ information needs and information-seeking behaviour, namely, the academic context and their everyday life contexts. The interplay between the elements of the context in which participants find themselves and their mental structures appear to influence their information needs and information-seeking behaviour. Most of the participating students do not seem to have the required information literacy skills to seek information in an online environment. The contextual elements that appear to influence the participants’ information needs and searching behaviour include situations in action, academic tasks and information resources. The ability to connect to the Internet and retrieve online sources of information proved to be important. The participants use the mobile devices to retrieve information from the Internet and in some instances from the university library’s resources. Certain device-related characteristics, such as small screens, limited memory space and short battery lifespan, seem to affect the usefulness of mobile devices for information-seeking purposes. The cost of data and an inability to connect to the Internet, due to disruptions in network signals and a lack of Wi-Fi infrastructure, also curb the use of mobile devices. WhatsApp not only provides the participants with the means to share information and discuss their academic tasks, but it also makes collaboration and group work possible. Some of the students lack the required information literacy skills to make optimal use of the library’s resources. Therefore, it would be prudent for the university to include information literacy skills training in the curricula for all levels of study. This requirement should also include doctoral students who have not previously completed an information literacy course. / Lolu cwaningo lohlelo olugxile kwingxoxo beluphenya izidingo zolwazi kanye nezenzo zokucinga ulwazi lwabafundi abakwiziqu zesibili abasebenzisa ama-smartphones noma ama-tablets ukufunda. Abafundi abayishumi nanhlanu abasezingeni leziqu zesibili abazibhalise kwi-University of Cape Coast bebehlolwa ngokwezimvo. Imodeli ka-Ellis (1989) yezenzo ezihlose ukufumana ulwazi ihole ucwaningo futhi yaxhasa umcwaningi ekuthuthukisweni kwemodeli engasetshenziswa ukuthola ulwazi olumayelana nokuthi ngabe izinhlelo zobuchwepheshe be-inthanethi yefowunu zithinta kanjani izidingo zolwazi kanye nezenzo ezihlose ukuthola ulwazi. Izizinda ezimbili zinomthelela phezu kolwazi lwabadlalindima kanye nokuziphatha okuhlose ukuthola ulwazi, zona yilezi yisizinda sezemfundo kanye nezizinda ezimayelana nempilo yabo yansuku zonke. Ukuhlangana phakathi kwezinhlaka ezimayelana nesizinda abadlalindima abazithola ngaphakathi kwaso kanye nokuhleleka kwemiqondo yabo kubonakala kunomthelela phezu kwezidingo zabo zolwazi kanye nokuziphatha okuhlose ukuthola ulwazi. Iningi labafundi abadlala indima alibonakali lifuna amakhono olwazi lokufunda ukuze bacinge ulwazi kwisizinda kwu-inthanethi. Izinhlaka zesizinda ezibonakala zithinta izidingo zolwazi lwabadlalindima kanye nezenzo zokusesha zifaka izimo kwimisebenzi yezenzo zemfundo kanye nemithombo yolwazi. Ikhono lokuxhumanisa i-inthanethi kanye nokuvumbulula imithombo ye-inthanethi kukhombisa kusemqoka kakhulu. Abadlalindima basebenzisa izixhobo zomakhalekhukhwini ukulandelela ulwazi ku Inthanethi, kanti kwezinye izimo, ukuthola ulwazi kwimithombo eyithala lezincwadi yasenyuvesi. Yize-kunjalo, izimpawu ezithile ezihlobene nezixhobo, ezingamasikirini amancane, isikhala esincane sokugcina ulwazi kanye nempilo emfushane yebhediri, kubonakala kuthinta izinga lokusebenziseka kwezixhobo ezingomakhalekhukhwini ngezinhloso zokucinga ulwazi. Izindleko zedatha kanye nokungakwazi ukuxhumana nge Inthanethi ngenxa yokuphazamiseka kwamasiginali obuxhakaxhaka benediweki kanye nokwentuleka kwengqalasizinda ye Wi-Fi kanti futhi nokuvimbela ukusetshenziswa kwezixhobo ezingomakhalekhukhwini. Uhlelo lwe-WhatsApp aluhlinzeka kuphela abadlalindima ngamasu okuphana ngolwazi kanye nokuxoxa ngemisebenzi yezemfundo, kanti futhi yenza ukuthi kube nokusebenzisana kanye nokuthi iqembu likwazi ukusebenza. Abanye babafundi baswela amakhono wokufunda adingekayo ukuze bakwazi ukusebenzisa ngokusezingeni eliphezulu kwemithombo yethala lezincwadi. Ngakho-ke, bekungaba kuhle kwinyuvesi ukuthi izinhlelo zokuqeqesha mayelana namakhono olwazi lokufunda kwikharikhulamu yawo wonke amazing ocwaningo. Lezi zinhlelo ezifunekayo kufanele futhi zisebenze kubafundi beziqu zesibili abangakaze esikahthini esedlule baphothule isifundo sokuthola ulwazi. / Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie het ondersoek ingestel na die inligtingsbehoeftes en inligtingsoekgedrag van doktorale studente wat slimfone of tablette vir hul studie gebruik. Onderhoude is gevoer met vyftien doktorale studente wat by die University of Cape Coast geregistreer is. Ellis (1989) se model van inligtingsoekgedrag het die studie gerig en het die navorser ondersteun in die ontwikkeling van ’n model wat gebruik kan word om ’n begrip te vorm van hoe mobiele tegnologieë inligtingsbehoeftes en inligtingsoekgedrag beïnvloed. Twee kontekste affekteer die deelnemers se inligtingsbehoeftes en inligtingsoekgedrag, naamlik die akademiese konteks en die konteks van hul daaglikse lewe. Dit wil voorkom of die wisselwerking tussen die elemente van die konteks waarin deelnemers hulself bevind, asook hul verstandelike strukture, hul inligtingsbehoeftes en inligtingsoekgedrag beïnvloed. Die meeste van die deelnemende studente beskik klaarblyklik nie oor die nodige inligtingsgeletterdheidsvaardighede om in ’n aanlyn omgewing vir inligting te soek nie. Die kontekstuele elemente wat skynbaar die deelnemers se inligtingsbehoeftes en -soekgedrag beïnvloed, sluit situasies in aksie- akademiese take en inligtingshulpbronne in. Daar is bevind dat die vermoë om tot die internet te koppel en aanlyn inligtingsbronne te verkry, belangrik is. Die deelnemers gebruik die mobiele apparate om inligting van die internet, en in sommige gevalle, van die universiteit se biblioteekhulpbronne te verkry. Sommige apparaatkenmerke soos klein skerms, beperkte geheuespasie en kort batterylewe blyk ‘n uitwerking op die bruikbaarheid van mobiele apparate vir inligtingsoekdoeleindes te hê. Die koste van data en ’n onvermoë om tot die internet te koppel vanweë onderbrekings in netwerksein en ’n gebrek aan Wi-Fi infrastruktuur belemmer ook die gebruik van mobiele apparate. WhatsApp bied nie net aan die deelnemers ’n manier om inligting te deel en hul akademiese take te bespreek nie; dit maak ook samewerking en groepwerk moontlik. Sommige van die studente beskik nie oor die nodige inligtingsgeletterdheidvaardighede om die biblioteek se hulpbronne optimaal te kan benut nie. Daarom sal dit wys wees as die universiteit opleiding in inligtingsgeletterdheidvaardighede in die kurrikula vir alle studievlakke insluit. Hierdie vereiste moet ook geld vir nagraadse studente wat nie vantevore ’n kursus in inligtingsgeletterdheid voltooi het nie. / Information Science / D. Litt et Phil. (Information Science)

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