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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilization of phenomena-based modeling in unit operation design

Kulju, T. (Timo) 09 December 2014 (has links)
Abstract In the design and development of unit operations in chemical engineering, experimental testing is often very expensive or even impossible to perform. In these kinds of situations, numerical simulations offer a good approach to study process characteristics. Typically in chemical engineering, data-based modeling is applied to study the process. This requires many experiments for tuning the model parameters and validating the model. In a phenomenology-based approach, the evolution of the system is dictated by fluid and particle transport equations. These equations are independent of the process, and can therefore be applied in various systems. However, depending on the system, there are several aspects that have to be taken into account in order to choose the correct model for the problem in hand. In this work, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM) modeling have been applied in different unit operations in the field of chemical engineering. CFD was applied in preventing sedimentation in a tube heat exchanger, estimating the cooling efficiency of a vertical water jet onto a hot metal plate, and studying the formation of the slag free open-eye area on the steel ladle. For comparison, DEM was applied in the continuous high-shear granulation of pharmaceutical powder. The different models used in this work are reviewed, and the results are presented from the point of view of model and process development. The grid aspects in CFD simulations and the termination criteria for DEM and CFD simulations are also studied. Based on the results of this work, phenomenological modeling can be considered to be an efficient tool for unit operation design. Together with experimental work, different modeling strategies offer a powerful tool for the design and development of unit operations. / Tiivistelmä Kemiantekniikan yksikköprosessien suunnittelussa kokeellinen tutkimus on usein erittäin kallista ja joskus jopa mahdotonta toteuttaa. Tällöin mallinnus tarjoaa hyvän lähestymistavan yksikköprosessin ominaisuuksien tutkimiselle. Tyypillisesti kemianteollisuudessa, datapohjaista mallinnusmenetelmiä on käytetty systeemin ominaisuuksien tutkimiseksi. Tämä menetelmä vaatii kuitenkin paljon koetoistoja mallin parametrien virittämiseksi ja mallin validoimiseksi. Ilmiöpohjaisessa mallinnuksessa, systeemin aikakehitys määräytyy fluidi- ja partikkelivirtauksia määräävien kuljetusyhtälöiden perusteella. Nämä yhtälöt ovat prosessista riippumattomia, jolloin niitä voidaan soveltaa yleisesti mihin tahansa systeemiin. Riippuen kuitenkin tutkittavasta yksikköprosessista, eri asioita on otettava huomioon, jotta oikea malli voidaan valita kuvaamaan systeemiä. Tässä työssä virtauslaskentaa (computational fluid dynamics, CFD) ja partikkelimenetelmää (discrete element method, DEM) on käytetty erilaisten kemiantekniikan yksikköprosessien tutkimuksessa. CFD:n avulla on tutkittu putkilämmönvaihtimen sedimentaation ehkäisyä, laminaarisen suorasuihkujäähdytyksen tehokkuutta teräslevyn jäähdytyksessä, sekä senkkaprosessissa teräksen pinnalle ilmestyvän kuonasilmäkkeen muodostumista. DEM mallinnusta käytettiin lääkejauheen jatkuvatoimisen rakeistuksen tutkimuksessa. Mallinnuksessa käytetyt mallit esitellään ja niiden tulokset esitellään malli- ja prosessikehityksen näkökulmasta. Työssä on otettu myös esille mallinnustekniset asiat CFD:n vaatiman laskentahilan ja laskennan lopetuskriteerien näkökulmasta. Työssä esitettyjen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että ilmiöpohjainen mallinnus on tehokas työkalu yksikköprosessien suunnittelussa. Yhdessä kokeellisen tutkimuksen kanssa, eri mallinnusmenetelmät tehostavat yksikköprosessien suunnittelua ja kehitystä.

Koncepce integrovaných zařízení pro jednotky „waste-to-energy“ / Concepts of an integrated equipment for waste-to-energy units

Petrasová, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with design modifications of the investigated industrial „waste-to-energy“ unit and possible deployment of modern integrated equipment instead of existing devices that would reduce economic demands and improve environmental impacts of thermal treatment of gaseous waste in order to increase thermal efficiency. Within the considered modifications, possible modifications of the process according to current technological trends are presented. For all solved devices, investment costs were determined according to the price offers of suppliers in accordance with professional literature, which deals with the economic aspect during the phase of synthesis and selection of the most suitable concept from the investor's point of view. The Venture Profit is used as a measure of the profitability of a given operation to evaluate individual modifications. The output of the thesis is to determine the optimum modification for the process based on the mentioned criteria.

Modélisation sémantique des bases de données d'inventaires en cycle de vie / Semantic modelling of life cycle inventory databases

Bertin, Benjamin 25 June 2013 (has links)
L'analyse des impacts environnementaux de la production de biens et de services est aujourd'hui devenue un enjeu majeur. L'analyse en cycle de vie est la méthode consacrée pour modéliser les impacts environnementaux des activités humaines. L'inventaire en cycle de vie, qui est l'une des étapes de cette méthode, consiste à décomposer les activités économiques en processus interdépendants. Chaque processus a des impacts environnementaux et la composition de ces processus nous donne l'impact cumulé des activités étudiées. Plusieurs entreprises et agences gouvernementales fournissent des bases de données d'inventaires en cycle de vie pour que les experts puissent réutiliser des processus déjà étudiés lors de l'analyse d'un nouveau système. L'audit et la compréhension de ces inventaires nécessite de s'intéresser à un très grand nombre de processus et à leurs relations d'interdépendance. Ces bases de données peuvent comporter plusieurs milliers de processus et des dizaines de milliers de relations de dépendance. Pour les experts qui utilisent les bases de données d'inventaire en cycle de vie, deux problèmes importants sont clairement identifiés : - organiser les processus pour avoir une meilleure compréhensibilité du modèle ; - calculer les impacts d'une modélisation (composition de processus) et, le cas échéant, détecter les raisons de la non convergence du calcul. Dans cette thèse, nous : - mettons en évidence de l'existence de similarités sémantiques entre les processus et leurs relations d'interdépendance et proposons une nouvelle approche pour modéliser les relations d'interdépendance entre les processus d'une base de données d'inventaire. Elle se base sur un étiquetage sémantique des processus à l'aide d'une ontologie et une modélisation multi-niveaux des relations d'interdépendance entre les processus. Nous étudions aussi deux approches déclaratives d'interaction avec ce modèle multi-niveau. - étudions les différentes méthodes de calcul des impacts basées sur des notions classiques d'algèbre linéaire et de théorie des graphes. Nous étudions aussi les conditions de non convergence de ces méthodes en présence de cycle dans le modèle des relations de dépendances. Un prototype implémentant cette approche a montré des résultats probants sur les cas étudiés. Nous avons réalisé une étude de cas de ce prototype sur les processus de production d'électricité aux États-Unis extraits de la base de données d'inventaire en cycle de vie de l'agence environnementale américaine. Ce prototype est à la base d'une application opérationnelle utilisée par l'entreprise. / Environmental impact assessment of goods and services is nowadays a major challenge for both economic and ethical reasons. Life Cycle Assessment provides a well accepted methodology for modeling environmental impacts of human activities. This methodology relies on the decomposition of a studied system into interdependent processes in a step called Life Cycle Inventory. Every process has several environmental impacts and the composition of those processes provides the cumulated environmental impact for the studied human activities. Several organizations provide processes databases containing several thousands of processes with their interdependency links that are used by LCA practitioners to do an LCA study. Understanding and audit of those databases requires to analyze a huge amount of processes and their dependency relations. But those databases can contain thousands of processes linked together. We identified two problems that the experts faces using those databases: - organize the processes and their dependency relations to improve the comprehensibility; - calculate the impacts and, if it is not possible, find why it is not feasible. In this thesis, we: - show that there are some semantic similarities between the processes and their dependency relations and propose a new way to model the dependency relations in an inventory database. In our approach, we semantically index the processes using an ontology and we use a multi-layers model of the dependency relations. We also study a declarative approach of this multi-layers approach; - propose a method to calculate the environmental impacts of the processes based on linear algebra and graph theory, and we study the conditions of the feasibility of this calculation when we have a cyclic model. We developed a prototype based on this approach that showed some convincing results on different use cases. We tested our prototype on a case study based on a data set extracted from the National Renewable Energy restricted to the electricity production in the United-States.

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