Spelling suggestions: "subject:"csability inn web"" "subject:"csability iin web""
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Technology's impact on the functionality and usability of the Web 1991-2013Ghaffari, Zahra, Brassas, Andrei January 2013 (has links)
Samtidigt som utvecklingen av IT teknologier ständigt går framåt (allt frånprogrammeringsspråk, en ny sökmotor eller en processor) betraktar man sällan denteknologiska utvecklingen ur användbarhetsochfunktionalitetsperspektiv. Vad enprocessor har att göra med användbarhet eller funktionalitet kan vara bland detförsta som kommer på fråga. Genom att först förstå vad dessa begrepp innebär ochbryta ut de viktigaste egenskaperna, växer det fram en insikt att så gott som allateknologier berör något av de attributen som tillhör antingen användbarhet ellerfunktionalitet, eller också båda av dem.Detta arbete utgår ifrån ett kronologiskt upplägg och avser att belysa användbarhetoch funktionalitet på webben som analyseras under perioden 19912013.Början avperioden valdes för dess rika teknologiska utveckling som skedde med enspektakulär hastighet. Den långa perioden bryts ner till mindre delar om ca 5 år,dels för att kunna jämföra perioderna och dels för att för att kunna skapa en känslaav att dessa olika perioder kännetecknar olika steg i den mer än 20 år långatidsperiod.Genomgången av litteratur beträffande användbarhet och funktionalitet har visatatt betraktningsvinkeln av problemet som används i studien är unik. Det sattesinga begränsningar för vilka olika typer av teknologier som skulle inkluderas iundersökningen. Varken mjukvara eller hårdvara prioriterades mer än den andrautan de enda kriterierna som innefattades i analysen var popularitet och ävenspridning av teknologin.Studien bidrar med några intressanta slutsatser som kunde påverka ellerkomplettera de framtida forskningarna kring användbarhet och funktionalitet.Studien visar att det är tveksamt om det finns någon teknologi som lämnaranvändbarhet och funktionalitet opåverkad utan den eventuella skenbara frånvaronav påverkan tyder snarast på en ofullständig analys. Genom analysen avscriptspråkens påverkan på användbarhet och funktionalitet framkommer dettydligt hur pass viktiga dessa var för webbutveckling. Transformeringen till den såkallade Web 2.0, som handlar mycket om användbarhet och funktionalitet, blevmöjlig mycket med hjälp av programmeringsspråk som JavaScript och PHP. Enannan viktig aspekt är att studien gör det lättare att förutse en tänkbar utvecklinggenom att ge en inblick om hur användbarhet och funktionalitet påverkas av deolika teknologierna. Analysen gör det lättare att bedöma hur stor användbarhets ochfunktionalitetspotential olika teknologier har. / As the developments of IT technologies are continuously evolving (it could beanything from a programming language, a new search engine or a processor) thetechnological development is seldom considered from a usability and functionalityperspective. The first thing which you think about is; how can a processor influencesuch parameters as usability and functionality. By first understanding what theseconcepts means and extracting the main features, it becomes clear that almostevery technology affects some of the attributes belonging to usability orfunctionality.This work has a chronological approach and takes a special focus on usability andfunctionality of the Web, where period 19912013is analyzed. The beginning of theperiod was chosen due to much technological advancement which occurred with an impressive rate. This long period is divided into smaller parts, about 5 years each,to easier be able to compare the periods and to make an impression that thesedifferent periods characterizes different steps of evolution in the 20 year old longtime.The review of the literature regarding usability and functionality has shown that theway the problem is analyzed is unique. No restrictions were set on the types oftechnologies participating in the survey, software and hardware technologies weretreated equally, and the only criteria’s which were essential were the popularity andthe spread of the technology.The research provides some interesting conclusions that could affect or complementthe future researches regarding usability and functionality. The study shows thatthere are doubtfully any technologies which don’t get affected by usability andfunctionality but the absence of the effect could instead mean an incompleteanalysis. Furthermore by analyzing impact of script languages on usability andfunctionality it becomes clear how very important they are for the evolution of theweb. The transformation to the socalledWeb 2.0, which has big focus on usabilityand functionality, became possible due to languages like JavaScript and PHP.Another important aspect is that the study makes it easier to predict the possibledevelopment by making it clear how usability and functionality are affected bydifferent types of technologies. Also, it becomes easier to evaluate which usabilityand functionality potential the technologies have.
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Web on TV : designing web content for enhanced user experience on an Internet-connected television devicePerakakis, Emmanuel January 2018 (has links)
The Internet is gradually expanding to many new devices, in addition to its original native environment that was the Personal Computer. This wave started with mobile devices and as we enter the Internet of Things era, connectivity is possible from cars to light switches. One of the first devices, to follow mobiles, is the Television. Connectivity and two-way interaction on the TV device has in fact started even in the first days of the medium, but had failed to make it widely available, due to technological limitations of the past. Now, this has changed, with the Smart TV devices that can utilize the fast internet connections that are available in most developed countries. However, even though the technology and devices are now widely available there are still challenges in order to make the vast Internet and web content available in the Smart TVs. These challenges, have a familiar resemblance to what happened a few years ago, when internet connectivity was introduced on the mobile phone. Although, it was "feasible" to access any webpage from your mobile device, the experience for the user was often very frustrating, due to many factors, that derived from the fact that the web was designed for large screens and mice of the desktop computers, not the small touch screens and limited hardware of the phone. Nonetheless, these obstacles were successfully overcome, by introducing techniques and methodologies (e.g. Responsive Web Design) to make the web more mobile-friendly and also work from the manufacturers to improve their devices to this direction as well. The success of these actions is now evident, since the access to the web from mobile devices has surpassed the PC, and it is now a standard practice for every new website to be mobile-friendly. In this research work, we will attempt to do one very significant step towards this direction for the Smart TV. In other words, to discover what has to be done to make the web more TV-friendly. To do this, we explore many different TV devices from several manufacturers and see their similarities and differences. We explore numerous user studies and surveys to discover what is the problem in the Web experience on the TV, so that we can propose solutions to make web content TV-friendly. Based on these findings, we design prototypes and put them to the test on different devices and userevaluation. Finally, we propose a set of guidelines, that web designers can apply on their websites to make them TV-friendly, in the hope to introduce the first step towards a friendlier internet era for the TV.
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Actual Accessibility: A Study of Cultural Institution Web ContentMeredith B. Rendall 10 April 2007 (has links)
In 1998, the United States Congress amended Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act to require federal agencies to make electronic and information technology accessible. The first accessibility guidelines from the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Accessibility Initiative, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, were published in 1999. This study tests the usable accessibility of cultural institution web sites. Four cultural institution web sites were selected, two that were WCAG 1.0 compliant and that were not, were selected for evaluation. A combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis was conducted. Significant differences were found in the perceived usability of the guideline-compliant web sites; significance was found for one of three tasks. Overall, the guideline-compliant sites received higher usability ratings, but the task completion rates did not support a claim of greater usability.
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Analysis of low-level interaction events as a proxy for familiarityApaolaza, Aitor January 2016 (has links)
This thesis provides insight into long-term factors of user behaviour with a Web site or application using low-level interaction events (such as mouse movement, and scroll action) as a proxy. Current laboratory studies employ scenarios where confounding variables can be controlled. Unfortunately, these scenarios are not naturalistic or ecologically valid. Existing remote alternatives fail to provide either the required granularity or the necessary naturalistic aspect. Without appropriate longitudinal approaches, the effects of long-term factors can only be analysed via cross-sectional studies, ignoring within-subject variability. Using a naturalistic remote interaction data capturing tool represents a key improvement and supports the analysis of longitudinal user interaction in the wild. Naturalistic low-level fine-grained Web interaction data (from URLs visited, to keystrokes and mouse movements) has been captured in the wild from publicly available working live sites for over 16 months. Different combinations of low-level indicators are characterised as micro behaviours to enable the analysis of interaction captured for extended periods of time. The extraction of micro behaviours provides an extensible technique to obtain meaning from long-term low-level interaction data. 18 thousand recurring users have been extracted and 53 million events have been analysed. A relation of users' interaction time with the site and their degree of familiarity has been found via a remote survey. This relation enables the use of users' active time with the site as a proxy for their degree of familiarity. Analysing the evolution of extracted micro behaviours enables an understanding of how users' interaction behaviour changes over time. The results demonstrate that monitoring micro behaviours offers a simple and easily extensible post hoc approach to understand how Web-based behaviour changes over time. Results of the analysis have identified key aspects from micro behaviours that are strongly correlated with users' degree of familiarity. In the case of users scrolling continuously for short periods of time, it has been found that the speed of the scroll increased as users' become more familiar with the Web site. Users have also been found to spend more time on the Web site without interacting with the mouse. Understanding long-term interaction factors such as familiarity supports the design of interfaces that accommodate users' interaction evolution. Combining found key aspects enables a prediction of a user's degree of familiarity without the need for continuous observation. The presented approach also allows for the validation of hypothesis on longitudinal user interaction behaviour factors.
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Multidimensional evaluation approach for an e-government website : a case study of e-government in Saudi ArabiaEidaroos, Abdulhadi M. January 2011 (has links)
This study investigates the refinement of an evaluation framework for e-Government websites. The aim of the research was to determine how an existing evaluation framework, which recommends the use of multiple usability techniques, could be used to obtain usability data that would indicate how to improve e-Government websites and satisfy users' needs. The framework describes how common techniques, such as heuristic testing and user testing, can be used with the emerging discipline of web analytics to provide a comprehensive and detailed view of users' interactions on e-Government websites. The original framework was refined in the light of the findings and the refined framework should facilitate the improvement of e-Government websites depending on users' demands and interactions. The work involved implementing the original multi-dimensional framework in e-Government websites in Saudi Arabia. A case study method was used over two implementations. In the former implementation, the evaluation methods consisted of heuristic evaluation followed by usability testing then web analytic tools. However, in the later implementation, refinements to the evaluation framework were proposed and the order of methods was amended: web analytics was used first, followed by heuristic evaluation then usability testing. The framework recommends specific usability methods for evaluating specific issues. The conclusions of this study illustrate the potential benefits of using a multidimensional evaluation framework for e-Government websites and it was found that each usability method had its own particular benefits and limitations. The research concludes by illustrating the potential usefulness of the designed evaluation framework in raising awareness of usability methods for evaluating e-Government websites in Saudi Arabia.
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Webová služba pro podporu vedení diplomek / Web Service for Master's Theses SupervisionSpilka, David January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with design and implementation of new version of web portal for master's thesis supervisioin. The website is written in PHP using Nette framework. The goal of this application is to simplify the work of theses supervisors. The application provides supervisors with overview of students' activity by weekly reports. It allows students to cooperate and share information and motivation. The main reasons for creating a new implementation were improvement and extension of functionality and improvement of user interface and user experience. Results of testing show that all the above-mentioned changes were successful. Users are more satisfied, especially with the user interface.
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Dopady zavedení web scale discovery systémů v akademických knihovnách / Impact of Web Scale Discovery Services in Academic LibrariesČejka, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses a modern concept of information retrieval and search engines for libraries and other academic institutions. The concept named "web scale discovery" comprises of search engines, whose main characteristics lie in simplicity and user friendliness for the end users while maintaining all functional qualities of traditional research databases. Users can search in a wide variety of international research databases, and also in local sources of an institution that are combined within a large central index. The theoretical section presents definitions of web scale discovery, which conceptually set the new method of information retrieval within the field of information and library science. A graphic scheme of the basic functionality of a web scale discovery system is presented. Also discussed are requirements for a modern discovery system, an overview of the current situation in the Czech Republic, and a short characteristic of commercially available discovery systems. The theoretical part concludes with a literature review of selected foreign research, studying user satisfaction with the new solution, the impact on electronic and print resources in libraries, and usability testing. The practical part presents an original research study - usability testing of EBSCO Discovery...
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