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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hybrid DES-based Vehicular Network Simulator with Multichannel Operations

Wang, Le 16 April 2019 (has links)
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is considered to be a viable technology for inter- vehicle communications for the purpose of improving road safety and efficiency. The En- hanced Distribution Channel Access (EDCA) mechanism and multichannel operations are introduced to ensure the Quality of Service (QoS). Therefore, it is necessary to create an accurate vehicular network simulator that guarantees the vehicular communications will work as described in the protocols. A comprehensive vehicular network simulator should consider the interaction between mobility models and network protocols. In this dissertation, a novel vehicular network simulation environment, VANET Toolbox, designed using discrete-event system (DES) is presented. The APP layer DES Module of the proposed simulator integrates vehicular mo- bility operations with message generation functions. The MAC layer DES module supports single channel and multichannel EDCA operations. The PHY layer DES module supports bit-level processing. Compared with packet-based simulator such as NS-3, the proposed PHY layer is more realistic and accurate. The EDCA scheme is evaluated and compared with the traditional Carrier-Sensing Mul- tiple Access (CSMA) scheme, with the simulations proving that data with different priorities can coexist in the same channel. The multichannel operation for the EDCA scheme is also analyzed in this dissertation. The multichannel switching operation and coordination may cause packet dropping or increased latency to the communication. The simulations show that with heavy network traffic, multichannel communication performs better than single channel communication. From the perspective of safety-related messages, the multichannel operation is able to isolate the interference from the non-safety messages in order to achieve a better packet delivery rate and latency. On the other hand, the non-safety messages can achieve high throughput with reasonable latency from multichannel communication under heavy load traffic scenario.

Probability Distribution of Rician K-Factor in Urban, Suburban and Rural Areas Using Real World Captured Data

Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Jones, Steven M.R., Noras, James M., Zhu, Shaozhen (Sharon), Ghazaany, Tahereh S., Van Buren, T., Wilson, J., Suggett, T., Marker, S. 07 1900 (has links)
Yes / The Rician K-factor of the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) wireless propagation channel is estimated using a moment-based method on the envelope of measured pulse data. The measurements were carried out under vehicle-to-vehicle wireless communication channel condition with car rooftop antenna heights at one end of the link and very low antenna height at the other end. Data captured from typical urban, suburban and rural areas are analyzed and the K-factor probability density function is generated for each scenario to give an insight into the V2V channel behavior. For all three areas, the majority of K values are found to be within the range of -10 to +10 dB. The K-factor distributions are close to normal with mean values of 1.8, 2.6 and 3 dB respectively for urban, suburban and rural area.

Κατανεμημένος έλεγχος κυκλοφορίας με σκοπό τη βελτιστοποίηση των συνθηκών ασφάλειας

Θεοδοσίου, Ιωάννης, Μπάλλας, Κωνσταντίνος 15 December 2014 (has links)
Σκοπός αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι να αναπτυχθεί ένα μοντέλο αποφυγής συγκρόυσεων μεταξύ των οχημάτων μέσω της επικοινωνίας αυτών. Το σύστημα αυτό θα πρέπει να αναγνωρίζει τις περιπτώσεις που εγκυμονούν κίνδυνο μέσω της ανταλλαγής μηνυμάτων από τα οχήματα κάθε χρονική στιγμή και μέσα από διάφορους μηχανισμούς που επιτελούνται από αυτό, τελικά, να επεμβαίνει και να αποτρέπει τη σύγκρουση ή να ειδοποιεί τον οδηγό ώστε αυτός να αντιδράσει εγκαίρως. Για να το πετύχουμε αυτό ακολουθήσαμε τα εξής βήματα: 1. Προσομοιώσαμε τη λειτουργία μίας συσκευής GPS. 2. Σχεδιάσαμε λεκτικά και γραφικά τα μοντέλα κίνησης στα οποία θα τρέχει το σύστημά μας. 3. Ορίσαμε ένα πρωτόκολλο ανταλλαγής μηνυμάτων και προειδοποίησης σε περίπτωση συγκρουσης για αυτά τα μοντέλα κίνησης. 4. Αναπτύξαμε το σύστημα μέσω της matlab, λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν το πρωτόκολλο και τα σενάρια κίνησης των προηγούμενων βημάτων. 5. Κατασκευάσαμε μία διεπαφή εποπτίας και ελέγχου όλου του συστήματος. 6. Τέλος, κατασκευάσαμε ένα GUI ειδοποίησης του οδηγού σε περιπτώσεις κινδύνου. / Distributed traffic Control for Optimisation of the Safety Conditions.

Reliable Real-Time Communication for Future ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) using HWA (Heterogeneous Wireless Access)

AFGHANI, AHMAD January 2011 (has links)
In this research oriented master’s thesis we have proposed a future vision of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) by utilizing the novel concept of HWA (Heterogeneous Wireless Access). Our proposal is backed by the investigation of the results of experiments conducted at CERES (Centre for Research on Embedded Systems), Halmstad University, Sweden to evaluate the quality of communication for V2V and V2I by using the IEEE 802.11p standard. We have also identified the expected scenarios with need of any other communication technology in replacement of IEEE 802.11p for V2V and V2I communication. We have also investigated the relevant research projects, experiments and their results on the basis of predefined constraints. In the investigated research projects the concept of HWA has been correlated with our proposal of HWA for ITS. We have identified that for smooth integration of any communication technology with IEEE 802.11p, an efficient and smart vertical handover protocol or method will be required. We have presented a blue print of a custom designed vertical handover technique which can be implemented for future ITS with further enhancements and experimental evaluations. We have also evaluated the worst case scenarios to assess the suitability of the HWA for the ITS. We proposed few solutions based on the evaluation of communication scenarios for the integration of IEEE 802.11p with other wireless communication technologies. Finally we have provided some conclusions and suggested future researches which must be conducted to realize the dream of ITS with support of HWA.

Safety of Cooperative Automated Driving : Analysis and Optimization

Sidorenko, Galina January 2022 (has links)
New cooperative intelligent transportation system (C-ITS) applications become enabled thanks to advances in communication technologies between vehicles(V2V) and with the infrastructure (V2I). Communicating vehicles share information with each other and cooperate, which results in improved safety, fuel economy, and traffic efficiency. An example of a C-ITS application is platooning, which comprises a string of vehicles that travel together with short inter-vehicle distances (IVDs). Any solution related to C-ITS must comply with high safety requirements in order to pass standardization and be commercially deployed. Furthermore, trusted safety levels should be assured even for critical scenarios. This thesis studies the conditions that guarantee safety in emergency braking scenarios for heterogeneous platooning, or string-like, formations of vehicles. In such scenarios, the vehicle at the head of the string emergency brakes and all following vehicles have to automatically react in time to avoid rear-end collisions. The reaction time can be significantly decreased with vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication usage since the leader can explicitly inform other platooning members about the critical braking. The safety analysis conducted in the thesis yields computationally efficient methods and algorithms for calculating minimum inter-vehicle distances that allow avoiding rear-end collisions with a predefined high guarantee. These IVDs are theoretically obtained for an open-loop and a closed-loop configurations. The former implies that follower drives with a constant velocity until braking starts, whereas in the latter, an adaptive cruise control (ACC) with a constant-distance policy serves as a controller. In addition, further optimization of inter-vehicle distances in the platoon is carried out under an assumption of centralized control. Such an approach allows achieving better fuel consumption and road utilization. The performed analytical comparison suggests that our proposed V2V communication based solution is superior to classical automated systems, such as automatic emergency braking system (AEBS), which utilizes only onboard sensors and no communication. Wireless communication, enabling to know the intentions of other vehicles almost immediately, allows for smaller IVDs whilst guaranteeing the same level of safety. Overall, the presented thesis highlights the importance of C-ITS and, specifically, V2V in the prevention of rear-end collisions in emergency scenarios. Future work directions include an extension of the obtained results by considering more advanced models of vehicles, environment, and communication settings; and applying the proposed algorithms of safety guaranteeing to other controllers, such as ACC with a constant time headway policy.

La dissémination de contenus dans les réseaux véhiculaires / Content dissemination in vehicular networks

Mezghani, Farouk 09 October 2015 (has links)
Les réseaux véhiculaires constituent une catégorie de réseaux sans fil mobiles à part entière et présentent l'originalité de permettre aux véhicules de communiquer les uns avec les autres mais aussi avec l'infrastructure quand elle existe. L'apparition des réseaux véhiculaires s'est accompagnée de l'apparition d'une myriade et variété d'applications potentielles allant de la sécurité à la gestion du trafic routier en passant par les applications de divertissement et de confort des usagers de la route. Ces applications ont suscité beaucoup d'intérêt de la part des chercheurs, des constructeurs des automobiles et des opérateurs des télécommunications. Les applications d'information et de divertissement, pour lesquelles une grande quantité de contenus peut exister, exigent que les contenus engendrés soient propagés au travers des véhicules et/ou de l'infrastructure jusqu'à atteindre les utilisateurs intéressés tout en respectant les durées de vie potentiellement limitées des contenus. La dissémination de contenus pour ce type d'applications reste un défi majeur en raison de plusieurs facteurs tels que la présence de beaucoup de contenus, la connectivité très intermittente mais encore les intérêts potentiellement hétérogènes des utilisateurs. C'est à cette thématique que nous sommes intéressés dans cette thèse; Tout d'abord, nous nous proposons une nouvelle métrique qui calcule l'utilité apportée aux utilisateurs. Elle permet de mesurer leur satisfaction par rapport aux contenus reçus. Nous la jugeons nécessaire pour évaluer les performances d'une approche de dissémination pour les applications de confort par opposition à des applications de sécurité routière. Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous concentrons sur le développement d'un nouveau protocole de dissémination, appelé I-PICK, et d'une solution de sélection des nœuds relais, appelé I-SEND, pour disséminer les contenus d'information et de divertissement en tenant compte des préférences des utilisateurs par rapport aux contenus reçus. Notre proposition est fondée sur l'échange de messages périodiques permettant l'estimation des durées de contacts et la connaissance des préférences des utilisateurs. Ces informations sont ensuite utilisées, dans un premier temps, pour effectuer un ordonnancement efficace des contenus lors de la dissémination puis choisir les relais permettant de maximiser l'utilité des utilisateurs par rapport aux contenus reçus dans un environnement caractérisé par des faibles durées de communication. Au travers de simulations nous confirmons l'efficacité de notre approche. Pour conforter le fonctionnement de nos mécanismes, nous avons implanté dans un environnement réel nos propositions I-PICK et I-SEND. Au travers d'un scénario simple, nous avons mis en évidence des risques liés à l'hétérogénéité des machines ou bien encore la difficulté du paramétrage des temporisations. Ces premiers résultats positifs montrent l'intérêt de notre technique et ouvre des pistes d'amélioration. Notre dernière contribution concerne des mécanismes de réduction du trafic cellulaire à l'aide des communications opportunistes entre les véhicules. Quand un contenu est disponible auprès d'un serveur de contenus accessible par le réseau cellulaire, il est nécessaire de proposer une méthode efficace de sélection des sources initiales qui seront choisies pour télécharger puis disséminer les contenus. Nous optons pour une solution qui pourrait reposer sur technologie SDN ainsi que sur des communications opportunistes et qui permet de choisir les sources en tant que nœuds pouvant produire un maximum d'utilité en propageant les contenus. / Vehicular networks are a class of mobile wireless networks and have the originality of enabling vehicles to communicate with each other and also with the infrastructure when it exists. The advent of vehicular networks has been accompanied by the emergence of a myriad and a variety of potential applications that are not only restricted to road safety but span from traffic management to entertainment and comfort applications. These applications have received much interest from researchers, automobile manufacturers, and telecommunications operators. Information and entertainment applications, where a large amount of content can exist, require the dissemination of the generated content through vehicles and/or infrastructure until reaching interested users while respecting the potential limited lifetime of content. The content dissemination for this type of applications remains a major challenge due to several factors such as the presence of a large amount of content, an intermittent connectivity, and the heterogeneous interests of users. In this thesis we turn our attention to this topic. First, we propose a new metric that allows to measure the users satisfaction with respect to the received content. This metric is used to evaluate the performance of the dissemination schemes. Second, we focus on the development of a new dissemination protocol, named I-PICK, and a forwarder selection solution, named I-SEND, to disseminate information and entertaining content in vehicular networks while ensuring maximum satisfaction of the users preferences with respect to the received content. Our proposal is based on the exchange of periodic messages enabling the estimation of contact durations and the knowledge of user preferences. First of all, this information is used to conduct an efficient content scheduling during the dissemination, and then to select relay nodes for maximizing the utility to users. We confirm the efficiency of our approach through simulations. To strengthen the functioning of our mechanisms, we implemented our proposals I-PICK and I-SEND in a real environment. Through a simple scenario, we have highlighted the risks associated with the heterogeneity of the machines and even the difficulty of setting timers. These first positive results show the interest of our solutions and raise new questions to be addressed. Our last contribution concerns cellular traffic offloading schemes by exploiting vehicular opportunistic communications. We study the seed-vehicles selection problem as the first step toward bootstrapping cellular traffic offloading for content dissemination in vehicular networks. We propose a solution that takes advantage from the presence of the SDN technology as well as vehicular opportunistic communications to select as seeds the nodes that can produce maximum utility when propagating the content.

Techniques de transmission et d'accès sans fil dans les réseaux ad-hoc véhiculaires (VANETS) / Transmission and channel access techniques in vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETS)

Ahmad, Abdel Mehsen 09 October 2012 (has links)
Les réseaux véhiculaires font l’objet de recherches actives aussi bien dans le domaine des réseaux que dans celui des transports. Le potentiel des réseaux véhiculaires à fournir des services comme l’information sur le trafic en temps réel ou sur les accidents font de cette technologie un domaine de recherche très important. Ces réseaux peuvent comporter des communications véhicule-à-véhicule (V2V), véhicule-à-infrastructure (V2I), ou une combinaison des deux. La norme IEEE 1609.4 est la spécification multicanal pour l’IEEE802.11p/WAVE des réseaux véhiculaires (VANETs). Elle utilise sept canaux, l'un étant un canal de contrôle (CCH) qui est écouté par les équipements de façon périodique, et les six autres canaux sont utilisés comme canaux de service (SCH). Elle définit également une division du temps en alternance entre les intervalles CCH et les intervalles SCH. L’objet de cette thèse de doctorat est d’évaluer les performances des réseaux VANETs dans le cas des communications véhiculaires sans infrastructure, et au niveau des couches inférieures du standard 802.11p. Dans la première partie, nous proposons une approche MAC d’allocation multicanal opportuniste dans un contexte sans infrastructure. Cette approche est conforme à la norme IEEE1609.4 -2010 de l'architecture WAVE pour un fonctionnement multicanal, et elle est conçue pour des applications de services de données (non urgentes), tout en assurant la transmission des messages de sécurité routière et des paquets de contrôle. Pour maintenir la qualité de service des deux types de messages (urgents et non-urgents) en exploitant la capacité du canal, deux solutions sont proposées. Dans la deuxième partie, lorsque le véhicule sélectionne son canal et contrôle son alternance temporelle entre CCH et SCH, il commence à transmettre ses paquets, en particulier sur le canal CCH, lesquels ont une durée de péremption. Nous présentons une approche visant à minimiser les collisions des émetteurs tout en évitant la contention de début d’intervalle, en particulier dans un contexte de densité élevée de véhicules. Même si les mécanismes proposés ci-dessus diminuent le taux de collision, il n’est pas possible de les supprimer complètement. Dans la troisième partie, nous traitons le problème des collisions entre les paquets diffusés sur le CCH, en particulier quand la charge des messages transmis dépasse la capacité du canal. Pour cela, nous proposons un nouveau mécanisme de codage réseau analogique adapté à la modulation QPSK pour les messages diffusés sur le CCH. Dans cette approche des symboles connus sont envoyés avant d'envoyer les paquets pour estimer les paramètres du canal et une solution explicite est utilisée pour inverser le système de la superposition de deux paquets / Vehicular networks are the subject of active research in the field of networks as well as transport. The potential for vehicular networks to provide services such as traffic information in real time or accident makes this technology a very important research domain. These networks may support vehicle-to-vehicle communications (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), or a combination of both. The IEEE 1609.4 is the specification of multichannel operations for IEEE802 .11p/WAVE vehicular networks (VANETs). It uses seven channels; one being a control channel (CCH) which is listened periodically by the vehicles and the other six channels are used as service channels (SCH). It also defines a time division between alternating CCH and SCH intervals. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the performance of VANETs in the case of vehicular communications without infrastructure, and at the lower layers of IEEE 802.11p standard. In the first part, we propose an opportunistic multichannel MAC allocation in an environment without infrastructure. This approach is consistent with the standard IEEE1609.4 -2010/WAVE for a multi-channel operation, and it is designed for data services applications (non-urgent), while ensuring the transmission of road safety messages and control packets. To maintain the quality of service of the two types of messages (urgent and non-urgent) by exploiting the channel capacity, two solutions are proposed. In the second part, when the vehicle selects its channel and controls its temporal alternation between CCH and SCH, it starts transmitting its packets, particularly on the CCH, which have an expiration time. We present an approach to minimize collisions between transmitters while avoiding contention at the beginning of CCH interval, especially in a context of high vehicular density. Although the mechanisms proposed above reduce the collision rate, it is not possible to completely remove these collisions. In the third part, we address the problem of collisions between broadcast packets on the CCH, especially when the load of transmitted messages exceeds the channel capacity. For this purpose, we propose a new analog network coding mechanism adapted to QPSK modulation for broadcast messages on the CCH. In this approach, known symbols are sent before sending the packets to estimate the channel parameters and an explicit solution is used to reverse the system of the superposition of two packets

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