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Comparative analysis of DIRAC PRO-VC-2, H.264 AVC and AVS CHINA-P7Kalra, Vishesh 07 July 2011 (has links)
Video codec compresses the input video source to reduce storage and transmission bandwidth requirements while maintaining the quality. It is an essential technology for applications, to name a few such as digital television, DVD-Video, mobile TV, videoconferencing and internet video streaming. There are different video codecs used in the industry today and understanding their operation to target certain video applications is the key to optimization. The latest advanced video codec standards have become of great importance in multimedia industries which provide cost-effective encoding and decoding of video and contribute for high compression and efficiency. Currently, H.264 AVC, AVS, and DIRAC are used in the industry to compress video. H.264 codec standard developed by the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) together with the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). Audio-video coding standard (AVS) is a working group of audio and video coding standard in China. VC-2, also known as Dirac Pro developed by BBC, is a royalty free technology that anyone can use and has been standardized through the SMPTE as VC-2. H.264 AVC, Dirac Pro, Dirac and AVS-P2 are dedicated to High Definition Video, while AVS-P7 is to mobile video. Out of many standards, this work performs a comparative analysis for the H.264 AVC, DIRAC PRO/SMPTE-VC-2 and AVS-P7 standards in low bitrate region and high bitrate region. Bitrate control and constant QP are the methods which are employed for analysis. Evaluation parameters like Compression Ratio, PSNR and SSIM are used for quality comparison. Depending on target application and available bitrate, order of performance is mentioned to show the preferred codec.
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Mechanisms on Multipoint Communications for ABR Services on ATM NetworksHsiao, Wen-Jiunn 17 February 2005 (has links)
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network is being deployed in carrier backbone. ATM can transmit a wide variety of traffic, such as video, voice, and data. Available Bit Rate (ABR) service is one of six ATM services, which is now under intensive research for its closed loop feedback control feature. ABR service supports two types of connections: unicast and multicast. There are also three types of multicast connections: point-to-multipoint, multipoint-to-point, and multipoint-to-multipoint. Multipoint communication is the exchange of information among multiple senders and multiple receivers, forming a multicast group. Examples of multicast applications include audio and video conferencing, video on demand, tele-metering, distributed games, and data distribution applications.
In this dissertation, we focus on queuing and packet scheduling management for multipoint-to-point ABR connections. Although there are so many proposed fairness definitions for all ABR sources in a multipoint-to-point connection, there are still problems about queue lengths, queuing delays, and throughputs, when ABR sources are with variable-length packets. From the nature of VC-merge scheme on merged points in a multipoint-to-point connection, merged switches cannot transmit cell-stream of a packet out until the packet is completely and totally queued. If there is no complete packets queued, the switch can then choose an incomplete packet for cut-through forwarding for efficiency. Therefore, if the switch chooses a long packet from a branch that has smaller cell input rate, for cut-through forwarding, the throughput of output ports will experience severe oscillations. At the same time, ABR queue lengths will be also occupied with severe growth, and ABR cells will be experienced long queuing delays.
We proposed a scheme, named MWTF (Minimum Waiting Time First), which is architecture-independent of any rate allocation schemes and fairness definitions, to resolve the problems by providing length of each packet to merged switches. Thereby the scheduler can choose an appropriate incomplete packet for cut-through forwarding, by selecting the packet that has the smallest packet waiting time. Simulation results show that merged switch has good performances. Throughput will be no severe oscillations and will be getting smoother. Also cells have smaller and smoother queuing delays in average, and the switches have much smaller queue lengths and smoother variations.
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Build an Inventory Tracking SystemZou, Hanzheng January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis paper introduces you about the process of how to build an inventory tracking system in a local Swedish company. The related project is to support the thesis paper, and is also for the company’ using. The software product of this project is an application that works for managing various types’ instruments in the company of SWECO-Vaxjo. It will play an important role in the further management work of the company.</p><p>In this thesis paper, the candidate techniques and theories for implementing this system are discussed. And in the end a good solution for this problem will be presented in the paper.</p>
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Visual Studio Add-in for Proxy Object Code GenerationThangavel, Gopalakrishnan January 2013 (has links)
In recent years, Component models have become common for desktop and server-side applications. But it has not obtained such importance in case of embedded real-time systems. Therefore, there has been a lot of research undergoing for introducing such component models for embedded real-time systems. This thesis work proposes an alternative approach for doing this, by the generation of proxies. The idea is to provide an extension to an existing binary component and modify it to adapt to the targeted real-time operating system. Rather than modifying the existing component, a new component is generated, which is called as the proxy component. This newly generated proxy component provides the same method implementation as the original component and also provides some additional services. These services enable these components to meet the needs of targeted embedded real-time systems. In order to achieve this, a Visual Studio 2008 add-in has been created. This add-in is capable of inspecting an existing Smart Device Component and visualizes the Classes, Interfaces and Methods in the original component in its UI. In addition to this, the add-in also shows the available services to be included in the proxy component. The UI of the add-in is designed in such a way that, the user is able to select the services, which should be included in the proxy component. Based on the user’s selection, the add-in generates the proxy component with the additional services.
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Evaluation of microbial reductive dechlorination in tetrachloroethene (PCE) Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) source zonesAmos, Benjamin Keith 09 July 2007 (has links)
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) is a major groundwater contaminant that often persists as dense, nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) in subsurface environments. Dissolved-phase PCE plumes emanate from DNAPL source zones, which act as continuous sources of contamination for decades. Removal of DNAPL source zones is crucial to achieve lasting remedy of contaminated aquifers. This research explored the contributions of the microbial reductive dechlorination process (i.e., anaerobic bioremediation) to PCE-DNAPL source zone remediation, either in isolation or as a polishing step for the removal of residual DNAPL remaining after application of surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation (SEAR), an emerging physical-chemical source zone treatment. Specific objectives of this research were to: (1) evaluate the ability of microorganisms to dechlorinate in the presence of PCE-DNAPL and at high dissolved-phase PCE concentrations expected near/in DNAPL source zones, (2) assess the distribution and activity of key dechlorinating populations during bioenhanced PCE-DNAPL dissolution in continuous-flow column experiments, (3) determine the influence of Tween 80, a biodegradable surfactant commonly used in SEAR, on the microbial reductive dechlorination process, (4) design and optimize quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) protocols to detect and enumerate key dechlorinating populations (e.g., Geobacter lovleyi, Sulfurospirillum multivorans), and (5) explore the effects of oxygen on Dehalococcoides viability and biomarker quantification. This research demonstrated that microbial dechlorinating activity within DNAPL source zones promotes bioenhanced dissolution although many dechlorinating isolates cannot tolerate saturated PCE concentrations. Application of newly designed qPCR protocols established a direct link between dissolution enhancement and the distribution of relevant dechlorinating populations in the vicinity of PCE-DNAPL. The limited and reversible impact of Tween 80 on key dechlorinators supported the feasibility of a treatment train approach of SEAR followed by microbial reductive dechlorination to remediate PCE-DNAPL source zones. Finally, experiments with oxygen-exposed, Dehalococcoides-containing cultures suggested limitations of using Dehalococcoides DNA and RNA biomarkers for monitoring bioremediation at field sites. These findings advance the scientific understanding of the microbial reductive dechlorination process and are relevant to environmental remediation practitioners. The advantages and current shortcomings of PCE-DNAPL source zone bioremediation, as well as recommendations for future research, are discussed.
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O perfil da notícia no webjornalismo participativo : uma análise do canal VC Repórter do portal TerraLindemann, Cristiane January 2008 (has links)
A intersecção do webjornalismo com a web 2.0 faz emergir uma nova prática jornalística em rede – o webjornalismo participativo. As notícias publicadas em sites ou canais dessa natureza são produzidas por “cidadãos comuns” e, em alguns casos, passam pela mediação de jornalistas. Esta dissertação propõe-se a traçar o perfil das notícias veiculadas no canal de webjornalismo participativo vc repórter, do Portal Terra. O canal funciona com a intervenção de jornalistas que selecionam e editam o material enviado pelos internautas. Parte-se do pressuposto de que este modelo de produção jornalística acarreta novas formas de apresentação das notícias, tanto conteúdo quanto formato. Os dois meses de coleta (julho e agosto de 2007) totalizaram um corpus de 139 matérias, que foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Investigou-se os seguintes itens: valores-notícia; fontes consultadas; editorias mais procuradas; extensão do texto; utilização ou não de fotos e links complementares; sexo e localização geográfica dos colaboradores. / The intersection of webjournalism with Web 2.0 prompts the emergence of a new network journalistic practice – participative webjournalism. News published on sites or channels of this nature are produced by “common citizens” and, in some cases, go through the mediation of journalists. This dissertation is set to delineate the profile of the news items featured in the participative webjournalism channel vc reporter, Portal Terra. The channel functions through the intervention of journalists who select and edit the materials sent by the internet navigators. One parts from the presupposition that this journalistic production model calls for new manners to present news items, both content and format. The two months of collections (July and August) totalled a body of 139 subject matters, which were submitted to content analysis. The following items were investigated: news-values; sources consulted; most looked-after editorials; text extension; the use, or not, of photos and complementary links; gender and geographic location of the collaborators.
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O perfil da notícia no webjornalismo participativo : uma análise do canal VC Repórter do portal TerraLindemann, Cristiane January 2008 (has links)
A intersecção do webjornalismo com a web 2.0 faz emergir uma nova prática jornalística em rede – o webjornalismo participativo. As notícias publicadas em sites ou canais dessa natureza são produzidas por “cidadãos comuns” e, em alguns casos, passam pela mediação de jornalistas. Esta dissertação propõe-se a traçar o perfil das notícias veiculadas no canal de webjornalismo participativo vc repórter, do Portal Terra. O canal funciona com a intervenção de jornalistas que selecionam e editam o material enviado pelos internautas. Parte-se do pressuposto de que este modelo de produção jornalística acarreta novas formas de apresentação das notícias, tanto conteúdo quanto formato. Os dois meses de coleta (julho e agosto de 2007) totalizaram um corpus de 139 matérias, que foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Investigou-se os seguintes itens: valores-notícia; fontes consultadas; editorias mais procuradas; extensão do texto; utilização ou não de fotos e links complementares; sexo e localização geográfica dos colaboradores. / The intersection of webjournalism with Web 2.0 prompts the emergence of a new network journalistic practice – participative webjournalism. News published on sites or channels of this nature are produced by “common citizens” and, in some cases, go through the mediation of journalists. This dissertation is set to delineate the profile of the news items featured in the participative webjournalism channel vc reporter, Portal Terra. The channel functions through the intervention of journalists who select and edit the materials sent by the internet navigators. One parts from the presupposition that this journalistic production model calls for new manners to present news items, both content and format. The two months of collections (July and August) totalled a body of 139 subject matters, which were submitted to content analysis. The following items were investigated: news-values; sources consulted; most looked-after editorials; text extension; the use, or not, of photos and complementary links; gender and geographic location of the collaborators.
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Stående vs. sittande position vid dynamisk spirometri : En jämförelse av lungvolymer för att värdesätta standardiseringSmlatic, Alma, Quijano Östangård, Anna-Maria January 2018 (has links)
Forcerad exspiratorisk volym på en sekund (FEV1) och vitalkapacitet (VC) utgör grunden för spirometri som är ett diagnostiskt hjälpmedel vid lungsjukdomar. Spirometri utförs vanligtvis i sittande position, men kan utföras i stående position. Syftet med studien var att jämföra om det finns en signifikant skillnad för FEV1 och VC vid dynamisk spirometri mellan sittande och stående position hos studenter utan känd lungsjukdom. Datainsamlingen utfördes på Klinisk Fysiologi, Länssjukhuset Ryhov i Jönköping av legitimerad biomedicinsk analytiker. 13 frivilliga studenter i åldrarna 22-33 deltog i studien, fyra var män och nio var kvinnor. Genomsnittligt BMI var 21,9 kg/m2 . Manövrarna utfördes minst tre gånger i sittande och sedan stående position. Deltagare med längd över 175 cm fick stå på knä. Medianen för VC i sittande position var 4,5 liter respektive 4,4 liter i stående position. Medianen för FEV1 var 3,6 liter i samtliga kroppspositioner. Wilcoxon-rangsummetest påvisade ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad för varken VC eller FEV1 mellan sittande och stående position. På grund av litet urval kan ingen generell slutsats dras av denna studie men kan utgöra underlag för fortsatta studier. Ytterligare studier med en större och mer spridd population krävs för att kunna dra generella slutsatser om kroppspositionens påverkan på FEV1 och VC.
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Build an Inventory Tracking SystemZou, Hanzheng January 2007 (has links)
This thesis paper introduces you about the process of how to build an inventory tracking system in a local Swedish company. The related project is to support the thesis paper, and is also for the company’ using. The software product of this project is an application that works for managing various types’ instruments in the company of SWECO-Vaxjo. It will play an important role in the further management work of the company. In this thesis paper, the candidate techniques and theories for implementing this system are discussed. And in the end a good solution for this problem will be presented in the paper.
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O perfil da notícia no webjornalismo participativo : uma análise do canal VC Repórter do portal TerraLindemann, Cristiane January 2008 (has links)
A intersecção do webjornalismo com a web 2.0 faz emergir uma nova prática jornalística em rede – o webjornalismo participativo. As notícias publicadas em sites ou canais dessa natureza são produzidas por “cidadãos comuns” e, em alguns casos, passam pela mediação de jornalistas. Esta dissertação propõe-se a traçar o perfil das notícias veiculadas no canal de webjornalismo participativo vc repórter, do Portal Terra. O canal funciona com a intervenção de jornalistas que selecionam e editam o material enviado pelos internautas. Parte-se do pressuposto de que este modelo de produção jornalística acarreta novas formas de apresentação das notícias, tanto conteúdo quanto formato. Os dois meses de coleta (julho e agosto de 2007) totalizaram um corpus de 139 matérias, que foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Investigou-se os seguintes itens: valores-notícia; fontes consultadas; editorias mais procuradas; extensão do texto; utilização ou não de fotos e links complementares; sexo e localização geográfica dos colaboradores. / The intersection of webjournalism with Web 2.0 prompts the emergence of a new network journalistic practice – participative webjournalism. News published on sites or channels of this nature are produced by “common citizens” and, in some cases, go through the mediation of journalists. This dissertation is set to delineate the profile of the news items featured in the participative webjournalism channel vc reporter, Portal Terra. The channel functions through the intervention of journalists who select and edit the materials sent by the internet navigators. One parts from the presupposition that this journalistic production model calls for new manners to present news items, both content and format. The two months of collections (July and August) totalled a body of 139 subject matters, which were submitted to content analysis. The following items were investigated: news-values; sources consulted; most looked-after editorials; text extension; the use, or not, of photos and complementary links; gender and geographic location of the collaborators.
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