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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationship between classifier performance and distributional complexity for small samples

Attoor, Sanju Nair 15 November 2004 (has links)
Given a limited number of samples for classification, several issues arise with respect to design, performance and analysis of classifiers. This is especially so in the case of microarray-based classification. In this paper, we use a complexity measure based mixture model to study classifier performance for small sample problems. The motivation behind such a study is to determine the conditions under which a certain class of classifiers is suitable for classification, subject to the constraint of a limited number of samples being available. Classifier study in terms of the VC dimension of a learning machine is also discussed.

Relationship between classifier performance and distributional complexity for small samples

Attoor, Sanju Nair 15 November 2004 (has links)
Given a limited number of samples for classification, several issues arise with respect to design, performance and analysis of classifiers. This is especially so in the case of microarray-based classification. In this paper, we use a complexity measure based mixture model to study classifier performance for small sample problems. The motivation behind such a study is to determine the conditions under which a certain class of classifiers is suitable for classification, subject to the constraint of a limited number of samples being available. Classifier study in terms of the VC dimension of a learning machine is also discussed.

Parallel SVM with Application to Protein Structure Prediction

Panaganti, Shilpa 20 December 2004 (has links)
A learning task with thousands of training examples in Support Vector Machine (SVM) demands large amounts of memory and time requirements. SVMlight by Dr. Thorsten Joachims has been implemented in C using a fast optimizing algorithm for handling thousands of such support vectors. SVMlight solves the problem of classification, pattern recognition, regression and learning ranking function. The C code also provides methods for XiAlpha estimation of error rate and precision. Implementing these two methods leads to generalized performance of Support Vector Machine even for computation intensive text classification functions. SVMlight code allows users to define their own kernel functions. The SVMlight software employs an efficient algorithm and minimizes the cost, but it still takes considerable amount of time for computing thousands of support vectors and training examples. This time can be still reduced by parallelizing the code. In our work we refined the SVMlight code by removing unnecessary iterations and rewriting it as cost efficient. Then we parallelized the code individually using two different types, OpenMP and POSIX Threads shared memory parallelism. The code is parallelized for these two methods on Intel’s C compiler for Linux 7.1 using hyper threading technology. The parallelized code is tested for protein structure prediction. Different types of Protein Sequences are tested on these methods by varying the number of training examples and support vectors. The time consumption and speedup are calculated for both OpenMP and Pthreads. Implementation of OpenMP and Pthreads together showed good increase in speedup.

Hitting sets : VC-dimension and Multicut / Transversaux : VC-dimension et Multicut

Bousquet, Nicolas 09 December 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions des problèmes de transversaux d'un point de vue tant algorithmique que combinatoire. Etant donné un hypergraphe, un transversal est un ensemble de sommets qui touche toutes les hyperarêtes. Un packing est un ensemble d'hyperarêtes deux à deux disjointes. Alors que la taille minimale d'un transversal est au moins égale à la taille maximale d'un packing on ne peut pas dans le cas général borner la taille minimale d'un transversal par une fonction du packing maximal. Dans un premier temps, un état de l'art rappelle les différentes conditions qui assurent l'existence de bornes supérieures sur la taille des transversaux, en particulier en fonction de la taille d'un packing. La plupart d'entre elles sont valables lorsque la VC-dimension de Vapnik-Chervonenkis de l'hypergraphe, est bornée. L'originalité de la thèse consiste à utiliser ces outils d'hypergraphes pour obtenir des résultats sur des problèmes de graphes. Nous prouvons notamment une conjecture de coloration de Scott dans le cas des graphes sans-triangle maximaux; ensuite, nous généralisons un résultat de Chepoi, Estellon et Vaxès traitant de domination à grande distance; enfin nous nous attaquons à une conjecture de Yannakakis sur la séparation des cliques et des stables d'un graphe.Dans un second temps, nous étudions les transversaux d'un point de vue algorithmique. On se concentre plus particulièrement sur les problèmes de séparation de graphe où on cherche des transversaux à un ensemble de chemin. En combinant des outils de connexité, les séparateurs importants et le théorème de Dilworth, nous obtenons un algorithme FPT pour le problème Multicut paramétré par la taille de la solution. / In this manuscript we study hitting sets both from a combinatorial and from an algorithmic point of view. A hitting set is a subset of vertices of a hypergraph which intersects all the hyperedges. A packing is a subset of pairwise disjoint hyperedges. In the general case, there is no function linking the minimum size of a hitting set and a maximum size of a packing.The first part of this thesis is devoted to present upper bounds on the size of hitting sets, in particular this upper bounds are expressed in the size of the maximum packing. Most of them are satisfied when the dimension of Vapnik-Chervonenkis of the hypergraph is bounded. The originality of this thesis consists in using these hypergraph tools in order to obtain several results on graph problems. First we prove that a conjecture of Scott holds for maximal triangle-free graphs. Then we generalize a result of Chepoi, Estellon and Vaxès on dominating sets at large distance. We finally study a conjecture of Yannakakis and prove that it holds for several graph subclasses using VC-dimension.The second part of this thesis explores algorithmic aspects of hitting sets. More precisely we focus on parameterized complexity of graph separation problems where we are looking for hitting sets of a set of paths. Combining connectivity tools, important separator technique and Dilworth's theorem, we design an FPT algorithm for the Multicut problem parameterized by the size of the solution.

On the VC-dimension of Tensor Networks

Khavari, Behnoush 01 1900 (has links)
Les méthodes de réseau de tenseurs (TN) ont été un ingrédient essentiel des progrès de la physique de la matière condensée et ont récemment suscité l'intérêt de la communauté de l'apprentissage automatique pour leur capacité à représenter de manière compacte des objets de très grande dimension. Les méthodes TN peuvent par exemple être utilisées pour apprendre efficacement des modèles linéaires dans des espaces de caractéristiques exponentiellement grands [1]. Dans ce manuscrit, nous dérivons des limites supérieures et inférieures sur la VC-dimension et la pseudo-dimension d'une grande classe de Modèles TN pour la classification, la régression et la complétion . Nos bornes supérieures sont valables pour les modèles linéaires paramétrés par structures TN arbitraires, et nous dérivons des limites inférieures pour les modèles de décomposition tensorielle courants (CP, Tensor Train, Tensor Ring et Tucker) montrant l'étroitesse de notre borne supérieure générale. Ces résultats sont utilisés pour dériver une borne de généralisation qui peut être appliquée à la classification avec des matrices de faible rang ainsi qu'à des classificateurs linéaires basés sur l'un des modèles de décomposition tensorielle couramment utilisés. En corollaire de nos résultats, nous obtenons une borne sur la VC-dimension du classificateur basé sur le matrix product state introduit dans [1] en fonction de la dimension de liaison (i.e. rang de train tensoriel), qui répond à un problème ouvert répertorié par Cirac, Garre-Rubio et Pérez-García [2]. / Tensor network (TN) methods have been a key ingredient of advances in condensed matter physics and have recently sparked interest in the machine learning community for their ability to compactly represent very high-dimensional objects. TN methods can for example be used to efficiently learn linear models in exponentially large feature spaces [1]. In this manuscript, we derive upper and lower bounds on the VC-dimension and pseudo-dimension of a large class of TN models for classification, regression and completion. Our upper bounds hold for linear models parameterized by arbitrary TN structures, and we derive lower bounds for common tensor decomposition models (CP, Tensor Train, Tensor Ring and Tucker) showing the tightness of our general upper bound. These results are used to derive a generalization bound which can be applied to classification with low-rank matrices as well as linear classifiers based on any of the commonly used tensor decomposition models. As a corollary of our results, we obtain a bound on the VC-dimension of the matrix product state classifier introduced in [1] as a function of the so-called bond dimension (i.e. tensor train rank), which answers an open problem listed by Cirac, Garre-Rubio and Pérez-García [2].

Measurability Aspects of the Compactness Theorem for Sample Compression Schemes

Kalajdzievski, Damjan 31 July 2012 (has links)
In 1998, it was proved by Ben-David and Litman that a concept space has a sample compression scheme of size $d$ if and only if every finite subspace has a sample compression scheme of size $d$. In the compactness theorem, measurability of the hypotheses of the created sample compression scheme is not guaranteed; at the same time measurability of the hypotheses is a necessary condition for learnability. In this thesis we discuss when a sample compression scheme, created from compression schemes on finite subspaces via the compactness theorem, have measurable hypotheses. We show that if $X$ is a standard Borel space with a $d$-maximum and universally separable concept class $\m{C}$, then $(X,\CC)$ has a sample compression scheme of size $d$ with universally Borel measurable hypotheses. Additionally we introduce a new variant of compression scheme called a copy sample compression scheme.

Measurability Aspects of the Compactness Theorem for Sample Compression Schemes

Kalajdzievski, Damjan 31 July 2012 (has links)
In 1998, it was proved by Ben-David and Litman that a concept space has a sample compression scheme of size $d$ if and only if every finite subspace has a sample compression scheme of size $d$. In the compactness theorem, measurability of the hypotheses of the created sample compression scheme is not guaranteed; at the same time measurability of the hypotheses is a necessary condition for learnability. In this thesis we discuss when a sample compression scheme, created from compression schemes on finite subspaces via the compactness theorem, have measurable hypotheses. We show that if $X$ is a standard Borel space with a $d$-maximum and universally separable concept class $\m{C}$, then $(X,\CC)$ has a sample compression scheme of size $d$ with universally Borel measurable hypotheses. Additionally we introduce a new variant of compression scheme called a copy sample compression scheme.

Measurability Aspects of the Compactness Theorem for Sample Compression Schemes

Kalajdzievski, Damjan January 2012 (has links)
In 1998, it was proved by Ben-David and Litman that a concept space has a sample compression scheme of size $d$ if and only if every finite subspace has a sample compression scheme of size $d$. In the compactness theorem, measurability of the hypotheses of the created sample compression scheme is not guaranteed; at the same time measurability of the hypotheses is a necessary condition for learnability. In this thesis we discuss when a sample compression scheme, created from compression schemes on finite subspaces via the compactness theorem, have measurable hypotheses. We show that if $X$ is a standard Borel space with a $d$-maximum and universally separable concept class $\m{C}$, then $(X,\CC)$ has a sample compression scheme of size $d$ with universally Borel measurable hypotheses. Additionally we introduce a new variant of compression scheme called a copy sample compression scheme.

Model selection for learning boolean hypothesis / Seleção de modelos para o aprendizado de hipóteses booleanas

Castro, Joel Edu Sanchez 10 August 2018 (has links)
The state of the art in machine learning of Boolean functions is to learn a hypothesis h, which is similar to a target hypothesis f, using a training sample of size N and a family of a priori models in a given hypothesis set H, such that h must belong to some model in this family. An important characteristic in learning is that h should also predict outcome values of f for previously unseen data, so the learning algorithm should minimize the generalization error which is the discrepancy measure between outcome values of f and h. The method proposed in this thesis learns family of models compatible with training samples of size N. Taking into account that generalizations are performed through equivalence classes in the Boolean function domain, the search space for finding the correct model is the projection of H in all possible partitions of the domain. This projection can be seen as a model lattice which is anti-isomorphic to the partition lattice and also has the property that for every chain in the lattice there exists a relation order given by the VC dimension of the models. Hence, we propose a model selector that uses the model lattice for selecting the best model with VC dimension compatible to a training sample of size N, which is closely related to the classical sample complexity theorem. Moreover, this model selector generalizes a set of learning methods in the literature (i.e, it unifies methods such as: the feature selection problem, multiresolution representation and decision tree representation) using models generated from a subset of partitions of the partition space. Furthermore, considering as measure associated to the models the estimated error of the learned hypothesis, the chains in the lattice present the so-called U-curve phenomenon. Therefore, we can use U-curve search algorithms in the model lattice to select the best models and, consequently, the corresponding VC dimension. However, this new generation of learning algorithms requires an increment of computational power. In order to face this problem, we introduce a stochastic U-curve algorithm to work on bigger lattices. Stochastic search algorithms do not guarantee finding optimal solutions, but maximize the mean quality of the solution for a given amount of computational power. The contribution of this thesis advances both the state of the art in machine learning theory and in practical problem solutions in learning. / O estado da arte em aprendizado de funções Booleanas é aprender uma hipótese h, que é similar a uma hipótese objetivo f, a partir de uma amostra de tamanho N e uma família de modelos a priori em um dado conjunto de hipóteses H, tal que h deve pertencer a algum modelo nesta família. Uma característica importante no aprendizado é que h deve também predizer resultados de f para elementos que não aparecem no conjunto de treinamento, então o algoritmo de aprendizado deve minimizar o erro de generalização, o qual mede a discrepância entre os resultados de f e h. O método proposto nesta tese aprende uma família de modelos compatíveis com um conjunto de treinamento de tamanho N. Tomando em consideração que as generalizações são realizadas através de classes de equivalência no domínio da função Booleana, o espaço de busca para encontrar um modelo apropriado é a projeção de H em todas as possíveis partições do domínio. Esta projeção pode ser vista como um reticulado de modelos que é anti-isomórfica ao reticulado de partições e também tem a propriedade que para cada cadeia no reticulado existe uma relação de ordem dada pela dimensão VC dos modelos. Portanto, propomos um seletor de modelos que usa o reticulado de modelos para selecionar o melhor modelo com dimensão VC compatível ao conjunto de treinamento de tamanho N, o qual é intimamente relacionado ao teorema clássico de complexidade da amostra. Além disso, este seletor de modelos generaliza um conjunto de métodos de aprendizado na literatura (i.e, ele unifica métodos tais como: o problema de seleção de características, a representação multiresolução e a representação por árvores de decisão) usando modelos gerados por um subconjunto de partições do espaço de partições. Ademais, considerando como medida associada aos modelos o erro de estimação da hipótese aprendida, as cadeias no reticulado apresentam o fenômeno chamado U-curve. Portanto, podemos usar algoritmos de busca $U$-curve no reticulado de modelos para selecionar os melhores modelos, consequentemente, a correspondente dimensão VC. No entanto, esta nova geração de algoritmos de aprendizado requerem um incremento de poder computacional. Para enfrentar este problema, introduzimos o algoritmo Stochastic $U$-curve para trabalhar em reticulados maiores. Algoritmos de busca estocásticos não garantem encontrar soluções ótimas, mas maximizam a qualidade média das soluções para uma determinada quantidade de poder computacional. A contribuição desta tese avança ambos o estado da arte na teoria de aprendizado de máquina e soluções a problemas práticos em aprendizado.

Hitting sets : VC-dimension and Multicut

Bousquet, Nicolas 09 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this manuscript we study hitting sets both from a combinatorial and from an algorithmic point of view. A hitting set is a subset of vertices of a hypergraph which intersects all the hyperedges. A packing is a subset of pairwise disjoint hyperedges. In the general case, there is no function linking the minimum size of a hitting set and a maximum size of a packing.The first part of this thesis is devoted to present upper bounds on the size of hitting sets, in particular this upper bounds are expressed in the size of the maximum packing. Most of them are satisfied when the dimension of Vapnik-Chervonenkis of the hypergraph is bounded. The originality of this thesis consists in using these hypergraph tools in order to obtain several results on graph problems. First we prove that a conjecture of Scott holds for maximal triangle-free graphs. Then we generalize a result of Chepoi, Estellon and Vaxès on dominating sets at large distance. We finally study a conjecture of Yannakakis and prove that it holds for several graph subclasses using VC-dimension.The second part of this thesis explores algorithmic aspects of hitting sets. More precisely we focus on parameterized complexity of graph separation problems where we are looking for hitting sets of a set of paths. Combining connectivity tools, important separator technique and Dilworth's theorem, we design an FPT algorithm for the Multicut problem parameterized by the size of the solution.

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