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Obligacijų rinkos patrauklumas investuotojams / Bond market‘s attractiveness for investorsJurevičiūtė, Roberta 22 January 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami tokie pagrindiniai dalykai – obligacijos, obligacijų rinka ir portfelio sudarymo principai. Pirmoji, teorinė darbo dalis, skirta obligacijoms: apibūdinama obligacijų rinka kaip finansų rinkų posistemis, atskleidžiamos šio vertybinio popieriaus charakteristikos, rūšys, obligacijas veikiančios rizikos. Tada yra nagrinėjamos dvi portfelinės teorijos, kuriomis remtasi tyrime. Atliekama H. Markowitz „Portfelio teorijos“ ir adekvataus investicijų stochastinei prigimčiai portfelio teorijos analizė ir palyginimas. Tyrimas atliekamas tokia tvarka: įvertinama ir išanalizuojama 2001 – 2006 m. Lietuvos Vyriausybės vertybinių popierių (VVP) rinka ir kokią dalį joje užima obligacijos. Po to, remiantis išanalizuota rinka, bandoma sudaryti optimalų obligacijų portfelį Lietuvos VVP rinkos sąlygomis. Sudaromo portfelio pelningumas bei rizika valdomi pritaikius dominuojančią H. Markowitz „Portfelio teoriją“. Tyrimo rezultatams darbe papildyti suformuojamas adekvatus stochastinei obligacijų prigimčiai portfelio modelis, kuris įvertina rezultatų patikimumą. Išnagrinėjus teorinę ir praktinę dalį, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro tokios dalys: įvadas, teorinė dalis apie obligacijas, pagrindinių investicinio portfelio teorijų analizė, tyriamasis skyrius, išvados ir siūlymai, naudotos literatūros sąrašas, santrauka bei priedai. / In final thesis there are analyzed these major objects – bonds, bond market and principals of forming a portfolio of bonds. The first academic part of the work is devoted for the bonds: there are described bond market as finance market subsystem, also developed characteristics, sorts, persuading risks of this security. Then there are analyzed two theories of portfolios, which were used for the research. Also there was performed analysis and comparison of both „Portfolio theory“ created by H. Markowitz and portfolio theory adequate to the stochastic nature of investments. The research was performed in the following way: there are evaluated and analysed 2001-2006 Lithuanian government securities market and part taken by bonds. According to the analysed market there was composed an optimal bonds portfolio under Lithuanian government security market condition. The profitability and risk of the portfolio are managed adopting the prevailing „Portfolio theory“ by H. Markowitz. According to research results there were formed portfolio model adequate to stochastic nature of bond, which evaluates the reliability of results. At the end there are given conclusions of the final thesis and suggestions. Structure: introduction, academic chapter about bonds, analysis of the main investment portfolio theories, investigative chapter, conclusions and suggestions, list of references, summary and appendixes.
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Vliv doby lovu na výběr mikrohabitatu u jelena evropského v Doupovských horách / Effect of hunting pressure on microhabitat preference of red deer in the Doupov Mts.Křivan, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on GPS telemetry of red deer (Cercus elaphus) in the environment of the Doupov Mountains in the Military training Hradiště. In the first part of the thesis are solution of introduction to general issues preferences and the occurrence of red deer and other related ungulates. The second part of the thesis is focused on my own research.
The Positional data monitored hind Dorothy was collected in the period 1. 7. 30. 3. 2014. The aim was to determine, if the time hunting have to influence to microhabitat preferences on the hind of red deer and if the selection of posts are accidental or is influenced by the characteristics of the post. The Research conducted of data inventory from GPS using collar and of data, which arised laser air scanning the surface (technology LiDAR). For comparison and finding the preferences of the hind was created the network accidental comparative points. Field exploration and LiDAR technology consider the dependence of the average height of vegetation around of Dorothy positions the period of the year and the time of day. Data was evaluated ANOVA for the non-parametric data distribution (Kruskal-Wallisova) and the program Microsoft Excel. At each station has been carefully identified information about the location including visibility of the hunting-game device and height of stand.
The results indicate that the average height of the vegetation was at the stands searched by the hind of red deer during a sunrise and a day. The lowest was in night and at sunset. The hind of red deer prefer, in hunting time during the day, thick scrub and during the night more open spaces with larger views properties, where she actively looking for food. The most preferred visibility at the time of hunting and off time hunting was to the eastern direction. The most least preferred visibility was always to the western direction. Minimum presence of the hunting-game device is in the time of hunting during at the day and sunrise, maximum at night. This behavior was probably caused increased hunting activity.
The results of the thesis may be used in forestry management, for forest protection and by planning of hunting management of the red deer populations.
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Vliv činnosti armády na sukcesi společenstev terestrických členovců v CHKO Brdy / Influence of military disturbances on succession of arthropod communities in BrdyPalivcová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The thesis aims for relationship between military-caused disturbance intensity and species richness, conservation value and composition of arthropods communities in the Brdy Mts. In the Brdy abandoned military area (MTA), a highly heterogeneous habitat mosaic developed by the long-term influence of military disturbances on two shooting areas of Jordán and Tok. The habitats range from strongly disturbed sites with sparse vegetation, through heterogeneous growths of Erica and Vaccinium in moderately disturbed sites, to sparse woodlands in the least disturbed sites. Based on the shooting areas history reconstruction, 24 study plots of 4 categories of different disturbance intensity were selected in both shooting areas together. Standardized sampling of seven groups of arthropods was performed in summer 2017 by pitfall traps, yellow pan traps, and light traps. More intensive disturbances positively influenced species richness of Aculeates and conservation value of spiders and beetles, but negatively affected species richness of moths. Simultaneously, the intensity of disturbances affected community composition of spiders, moths, beetles, Aculeates and Orthopteroids. Endangered species mostly affiliated to the more intensively disturbed plots. This results should be helpful in understanding of influence...
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