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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three Essays on the Behavioral Responses to Coastal Hazards and Vulnerability

Jiang, Fan 15 May 2018 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three papers in environmental and natural resource economics. The first paper estimates the value of statistical lives (VSL) from hurricane evacuation behavior through an empirical analysis. I present empirical models that predict individuals' willingness to pay (WTP) for avoiding hurricane risks revealed through their evacuation behavior. Using survey data from Texas residents (who were affected by Hurricane Ike), I analyze the individuals’ hurricane evacuation decisions and their corresponding WTP for evacuation. I also estimate the individuals' WTP for avoiding hurricane risks under both voluntary and mandatory evacuation orders and calculate the associated VSL. The findings can be useful to emergency management agencies for evacuation planning. In the second paper, I study market responses to multiple hurricanes based on evidence from real estate sales data. Unlike earlier studies that examined the effect of hurricane exposures on property value, the present study considers how multiple hurricane hits affect the home value. I use repeat sales data from three counties in Florida from 2000 to 2010 and develop a hedonic price model. The findings identify the determinants that influence the property value and provide valuable insights for homebuyers and sellers. The study also provides useful insights regarding the benefits of hurricane mitigations to Florida residents and beyond. The third paper investigates the time preference and the dynamics of evacuation behavior based on evidence from Hurricane Ike and Hurricane Sandy. This paper contributes to the literature on households’ evacuation timing decisions by investigating the factors influencing people’s time preference for evacuation behavior. Unlike other studies, I examine the residents’ evacuation behavior across the Gulf coast as well as the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic coasts from a comparative perspective. I use one survey dataset from Texas residents who experienced Hurricane Ike and another survey dataset from the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic US states that were affected by Hurricane Sandy. The results provide insights for future hurricane evacuation planning and emergency management.


Wicaksono, Teguh Yudo 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation examines heterogeneity in the value of a statistical life (henceforth VSL) stemming from employer-provided health insurance (henceforth EHI) and worker sorting. The dissertation consists of three essays. In the first essay (Chapter 2), I investigate the effect of health-driven productivity on the wage compensation for mortality risk, and how EHI influences VSL using the US labor market data. In this chapter I build a framework showing that the level of job risks influences the incentive of employers to provide EHI. The basic notion of the framework is that health insurance is an investment in health and health is a form of general human capital. Employers are willing to invest in employees' health and pay the associated costs as long as they can recoup the costs of health investment. Occupational hazards, however, are harmful to health; productivity gains from health tend to decline as risk increases, resulting in lower health investment made by employers. As a result, the workers in risky jobs have to contribute more to their health investment in the form of lower wages than do workers in safe jobs. This behavioral response pushes down the wage offer curve of the insured in high risk occupations. Consequently, workers with health insurance, on average, accept a lower risk premium, leading to a lower VSL. Empirical findings from this dissertation suggest evidence of heterogeneity in VSL due to health insurance status: the estimated VSL for workers with health insurance is lower than those without one. In the second essay (Chapter 3), I extend the framework of the second chapter into the United Kingdom (the UK) labor market. Different from the US, the UK has universal health care system in which all eligible individuals (almost all the UK citizens) are covered by publicly-provided health care. This chapter also provides evidence that private medical insurance in the universal health care system affects the risk premium. Despite the fact that the UK and the US have different institutional settings in health coverage, findings from the UK are, to some extent, qualitatively similar to the US. A major issue in estimates of VSL is that people are not randomly assigned to jobs. That is, heterogeneous people would sort into jobs based on their preferences on risk and safety-related skills. Thus, failure to account for heterogeneity in both risk preferences and safety-related skills will bias the estimated VSL. In the third essay (Chapter 4), I discuss worker sorting and how it may affect the mortality risk premium. In this chapter, I focus on the role of personality traits in safety-related skill and their influence on worker sorting based on job risk. I use Five-Factor Model of personality or also known as the ‘’Big Five” personality traits. The big 5 personality traits are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. In my framework, these personality traits are inputs and the technology of skill formation transforms the traits into safety-related skill.


Albrechtová, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
This thesis calculates the value of statistical life (VSL) in the Czech Republic based on estimation of fatal risk computed across occupation within industries. Using the regression analysis, I estimate the impact of the fatal risk on wage. From this I calculate the VSL using the hedonic wage model. I use randomized wage data sample with 150 000 observations from the year 2013 combined with injury data from the years 2013-2015. Based on this data I estimated the VSL to be in a range between 6 965 277CZK (260 092EURO) and 37 355 674CZK (1. 394mil.EURO) based on statistically significant estimates of fatal risk. Furthermore, I estimate my model of fatal risk calculated across industries to compare the impact of the level of risk in the computation. This regression indicates that estimates based on risk in industries are overestimated. My results show that the method of risk computation is a key factor affecting the VSL.

Shadow prices in Czech economy / Stínové ceny v české ekonomice

Sieber, Martina January 2006 (has links)
The doctorial thesis is focused on shadow pricing. The aim is to describe as complex and full description of the problem as possible. Briefly said, Shadow prices are prices of goods which would take a place on the efficient market, if such a market with the commodity existed. In the case of consumption benefits they in fact present monetary value of the utility increment resulted from additional consumption. They are basic information input into any socioeconomic evaluation. Research of shadow prices is underdeveloped in the Czech Republic. With respect to the fact the thesis contents description of basic theoretical concepts as well as list of attainable methods for shadow prices derivation. Main variables determining shadow prices (under condition of WTP, WTA and Social Opportunity Costs concepts) are the existed society welfare and social preferences. From this perspective if clear and evident that there would not be appropriate to use shadow prices conducted abroad for evaluation in the Czech economy. Each state has its own level of welfare as well as specific social and ethical values widespread among citizens and so specific shadow prices as well. Not just shadow prices them self are not simply applicable for evaluation in each country. Similar problem we have to face, if we try to use the same methods of deriving shadow prices in different areas. That is why the thesis also serves critical analysis of attainable methods and their assessment. Based on the assessment is stated, what methods are more or less appropriate and under which condition in the Czech area. In principal should shadow prices reflect Social Opportunity Costs of input usage for evaluated changes and Willingness to Pay of the society for the outputs of evaluated changes (or alternatively Willingness to Accept) with no respect to the fact if the good (or output or input) is market good or nonmarket good. Even though we differentiate in the methodological level between market and nonmarket good the theoretical and conceptual background is the same. The background is rooted in the neoclassical economics. For the practical reasons as a analyst time and budget constrain it is not too efficient in evaluation of marketed goods always perform deep empirical market analysis from primary data even though it would be theoretically ideal and correct. Fortunately we are usually not forced to do it. In majority of cases we can follow LMST methodology of shadow prices and derive so called Conversion Factors for transformation of market prices to shadow prices. The Conversion factors are usually derived for wider group of goods which is sold in the similar market. Such values we call Sector Conversion Factors. A Shadow price of an individual unique good we than receive by its market price multiplication by most appropriate sector conversion factor. With respect to current Czech evaluation practice situation, when sector conversion factor are very often used but their estimates are more less based on very poor quality of underlying theory and very often without sufficient data background, the quantification of SCF in the theses could be viewed as quite significant contribution. With respect to their specific characteristics nonmarket good as safety (VSL), time, noise, etc. should be valued separately. And the thesis is offering at least methodological contributive guidelines regarding theoretical validity and relevance as well as assessment of their applicability under Czech condition. For better imagination there is collected sample of results of selected externality values for foreign countries.

Ensaios em economia da saúde : o risco e o valor de uma vida estatística no caso dos acidentes de trânsito na cidade de Porto Alegre

Sousa, Tanara Rosângela Vieira January 2010 (has links)
Nesta tese são desenvolvidos três estudos sobre o risco associado aos acidentes de trânsito, com o objetivo de avaliar como a população o percebe, e o valor que estaria disposta a pagar para reduzi-lo. As análises foram feitas com duas diferentes metodologias econométricas e dois diferentes conjuntos de dados da população de Porto Alegre. O primeiro estudo procurou avaliar que fatores de risco contribuem para aumentar a gravidade dos acidentes de trânsito, utilizando dados de acidentes de trânsito ocorridos na cidade de Porto Alegre no período 2000-2008, através de modelos logit ordenados generalizados. Os resultados indicam que a maioria das vítimas feridas em acidentes de trânsito são condutores jovens, do sexo masculino e que estavam em motocicletas ou cujo acidente foi um choque contra obstáculos. Contudo, as vítimas fatais têm maior probabilidade de morte são os pedestres, com mais de 60 anos de idade. Os acidentes com maior gravidade ocorrem em maior proporção a noite ou finais de semana, em locais mais afastados do centro da cidade, o que sugere comportamento associado à alta velocidade e uso de substâncias psicoativas como álcool. Para os demais estudos utilizaram-se dados de um survey feito com a população de Porto Alegre em 2009. O segundo estudo avalia como as características sócio-demográficas, a experiência no trânsito e a informação recebida, afetam a percepção do risco e o comportamento no trânsito. Os resultados indicam que os indivíduos que tem risco maior de morte no trânsito subestimam seu próprio risco e vice-versa; e que os mais jovens têm maior percepção deste risco, assim como os que tiveram experiência de acidente de trânsito ou passam mais tempo expostos a ele. O risco do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas associado ao trânsito, no entanto é percebido maior pelos idosos, mulheres, não bebedores ou quem não tem comportamento de risco, assim como pelos que têm mais informação do risco. Da mesma maneira, o comportamento de risco no trânsito associado ao consumo de álcool está negativamente relacionado a percepção deste risco e a idade. O terceiro estudo estimou a disposição a pagar ( ) dos entrevistados pela redução no seu próprio risco de sofrer lesões em um acidente de trânsito e o valor de uma vida estatística ( ), utilizando modelos lineares e não-lineares ajustados através de uma transformação Box-Cox. Os resultados indicam que a esta relacionada de forma decrescente com a idade e com a não utilização de dispositivos de segurança, mas aumenta com a renda, o tempo de exposição ao trânsito, a experiência com acidentes, para as mulheres e para os que têm dependentes. O valor médio eliciado da para reduzir a zero o risco das lesões mais graves, que resultam em morte, implicou em de cerca de R$ 13,4 milhões (US$7,3 milhões) - valor menor, porém comparável ao encontrado para países desenvolvidos e em estudo para o Brasil. / This thesis develops three studies on the risk associated with traffic accidents, in order to assess how people perceive it and the value they would be willing to pay to reduce it. The analysis was made with two different econometric methods and two different sets of data from Porto Alegre's population. The first study to assess at risk factors that contribute to increased severity of accidents, using data obtained from traffic accidents in the city of Porto Alegre between the years 2000 and 2008, and applying the generalized ordered logit. The results indicate that most of the victims injured in accidents are young drivers, males, motorcyclists and whose crash was a “collision with obstacles”. However, fatal victims have a different profile: they are pedestrians, over 60 years old. The most serious accidents occur in greater proportions at nights or weekends, at locations further away from the city center, which suggests behavior associated with high speed driving and the use of psychoactive substances, such as alcohol. The other two studies used data from a survey done with the population of Porto Alegre in 2009. The second study evaluates how socio-demographic characteristics, traffic experience and the information received about the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol, affect risk perception and behavior in the traffic. The results indicate that individuals who have greater risk of dying in traffic, underestimate their own risk and vice versa; and that young people as well as those who have been in an accident or those who spend a lot of time in traffic, have a greater perception of their risk. On the other hand, the risk of alcohol consumption associated with traffic, is perceived better by older people, women, non-drinkers, people without risky behavior, and those who are more aware of the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol. Similarly, risky behavior in traffic, related to alcohol consumption, is inversely proportional to perception of risk and to age. The third study estimated the respondents' willingness to pay ( ) for the reduction in their risk of suffering injuries in a traffic accident, as well as the value of a statistical life ( ), using linear and nonlinear models adjusted by the Box-Cox transformation. The results indicate that the decreases with age and with not using safety devices, but increases with income, exposure to traffic, and the accidents experience, for women and for those who have dependents. The average value elicited by to reduce to zero the risk of severe injuries that result in death, implied a of about R$13.4 million (US$ 7.3 million) - lower, but still a comparable value to that found in developed countries, and studied in Brazil.

Ensaios em economia da saúde : o risco e o valor de uma vida estatística no caso dos acidentes de trânsito na cidade de Porto Alegre

Sousa, Tanara Rosângela Vieira January 2010 (has links)
Nesta tese são desenvolvidos três estudos sobre o risco associado aos acidentes de trânsito, com o objetivo de avaliar como a população o percebe, e o valor que estaria disposta a pagar para reduzi-lo. As análises foram feitas com duas diferentes metodologias econométricas e dois diferentes conjuntos de dados da população de Porto Alegre. O primeiro estudo procurou avaliar que fatores de risco contribuem para aumentar a gravidade dos acidentes de trânsito, utilizando dados de acidentes de trânsito ocorridos na cidade de Porto Alegre no período 2000-2008, através de modelos logit ordenados generalizados. Os resultados indicam que a maioria das vítimas feridas em acidentes de trânsito são condutores jovens, do sexo masculino e que estavam em motocicletas ou cujo acidente foi um choque contra obstáculos. Contudo, as vítimas fatais têm maior probabilidade de morte são os pedestres, com mais de 60 anos de idade. Os acidentes com maior gravidade ocorrem em maior proporção a noite ou finais de semana, em locais mais afastados do centro da cidade, o que sugere comportamento associado à alta velocidade e uso de substâncias psicoativas como álcool. Para os demais estudos utilizaram-se dados de um survey feito com a população de Porto Alegre em 2009. O segundo estudo avalia como as características sócio-demográficas, a experiência no trânsito e a informação recebida, afetam a percepção do risco e o comportamento no trânsito. Os resultados indicam que os indivíduos que tem risco maior de morte no trânsito subestimam seu próprio risco e vice-versa; e que os mais jovens têm maior percepção deste risco, assim como os que tiveram experiência de acidente de trânsito ou passam mais tempo expostos a ele. O risco do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas associado ao trânsito, no entanto é percebido maior pelos idosos, mulheres, não bebedores ou quem não tem comportamento de risco, assim como pelos que têm mais informação do risco. Da mesma maneira, o comportamento de risco no trânsito associado ao consumo de álcool está negativamente relacionado a percepção deste risco e a idade. O terceiro estudo estimou a disposição a pagar ( ) dos entrevistados pela redução no seu próprio risco de sofrer lesões em um acidente de trânsito e o valor de uma vida estatística ( ), utilizando modelos lineares e não-lineares ajustados através de uma transformação Box-Cox. Os resultados indicam que a esta relacionada de forma decrescente com a idade e com a não utilização de dispositivos de segurança, mas aumenta com a renda, o tempo de exposição ao trânsito, a experiência com acidentes, para as mulheres e para os que têm dependentes. O valor médio eliciado da para reduzir a zero o risco das lesões mais graves, que resultam em morte, implicou em de cerca de R$ 13,4 milhões (US$7,3 milhões) - valor menor, porém comparável ao encontrado para países desenvolvidos e em estudo para o Brasil. / This thesis develops three studies on the risk associated with traffic accidents, in order to assess how people perceive it and the value they would be willing to pay to reduce it. The analysis was made with two different econometric methods and two different sets of data from Porto Alegre's population. The first study to assess at risk factors that contribute to increased severity of accidents, using data obtained from traffic accidents in the city of Porto Alegre between the years 2000 and 2008, and applying the generalized ordered logit. The results indicate that most of the victims injured in accidents are young drivers, males, motorcyclists and whose crash was a “collision with obstacles”. However, fatal victims have a different profile: they are pedestrians, over 60 years old. The most serious accidents occur in greater proportions at nights or weekends, at locations further away from the city center, which suggests behavior associated with high speed driving and the use of psychoactive substances, such as alcohol. The other two studies used data from a survey done with the population of Porto Alegre in 2009. The second study evaluates how socio-demographic characteristics, traffic experience and the information received about the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol, affect risk perception and behavior in the traffic. The results indicate that individuals who have greater risk of dying in traffic, underestimate their own risk and vice versa; and that young people as well as those who have been in an accident or those who spend a lot of time in traffic, have a greater perception of their risk. On the other hand, the risk of alcohol consumption associated with traffic, is perceived better by older people, women, non-drinkers, people without risky behavior, and those who are more aware of the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol. Similarly, risky behavior in traffic, related to alcohol consumption, is inversely proportional to perception of risk and to age. The third study estimated the respondents' willingness to pay ( ) for the reduction in their risk of suffering injuries in a traffic accident, as well as the value of a statistical life ( ), using linear and nonlinear models adjusted by the Box-Cox transformation. The results indicate that the decreases with age and with not using safety devices, but increases with income, exposure to traffic, and the accidents experience, for women and for those who have dependents. The average value elicited by to reduce to zero the risk of severe injuries that result in death, implied a of about R$13.4 million (US$ 7.3 million) - lower, but still a comparable value to that found in developed countries, and studied in Brazil.

Ensaios em economia da saúde : o risco e o valor de uma vida estatística no caso dos acidentes de trânsito na cidade de Porto Alegre

Sousa, Tanara Rosângela Vieira January 2010 (has links)
Nesta tese são desenvolvidos três estudos sobre o risco associado aos acidentes de trânsito, com o objetivo de avaliar como a população o percebe, e o valor que estaria disposta a pagar para reduzi-lo. As análises foram feitas com duas diferentes metodologias econométricas e dois diferentes conjuntos de dados da população de Porto Alegre. O primeiro estudo procurou avaliar que fatores de risco contribuem para aumentar a gravidade dos acidentes de trânsito, utilizando dados de acidentes de trânsito ocorridos na cidade de Porto Alegre no período 2000-2008, através de modelos logit ordenados generalizados. Os resultados indicam que a maioria das vítimas feridas em acidentes de trânsito são condutores jovens, do sexo masculino e que estavam em motocicletas ou cujo acidente foi um choque contra obstáculos. Contudo, as vítimas fatais têm maior probabilidade de morte são os pedestres, com mais de 60 anos de idade. Os acidentes com maior gravidade ocorrem em maior proporção a noite ou finais de semana, em locais mais afastados do centro da cidade, o que sugere comportamento associado à alta velocidade e uso de substâncias psicoativas como álcool. Para os demais estudos utilizaram-se dados de um survey feito com a população de Porto Alegre em 2009. O segundo estudo avalia como as características sócio-demográficas, a experiência no trânsito e a informação recebida, afetam a percepção do risco e o comportamento no trânsito. Os resultados indicam que os indivíduos que tem risco maior de morte no trânsito subestimam seu próprio risco e vice-versa; e que os mais jovens têm maior percepção deste risco, assim como os que tiveram experiência de acidente de trânsito ou passam mais tempo expostos a ele. O risco do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas associado ao trânsito, no entanto é percebido maior pelos idosos, mulheres, não bebedores ou quem não tem comportamento de risco, assim como pelos que têm mais informação do risco. Da mesma maneira, o comportamento de risco no trânsito associado ao consumo de álcool está negativamente relacionado a percepção deste risco e a idade. O terceiro estudo estimou a disposição a pagar ( ) dos entrevistados pela redução no seu próprio risco de sofrer lesões em um acidente de trânsito e o valor de uma vida estatística ( ), utilizando modelos lineares e não-lineares ajustados através de uma transformação Box-Cox. Os resultados indicam que a esta relacionada de forma decrescente com a idade e com a não utilização de dispositivos de segurança, mas aumenta com a renda, o tempo de exposição ao trânsito, a experiência com acidentes, para as mulheres e para os que têm dependentes. O valor médio eliciado da para reduzir a zero o risco das lesões mais graves, que resultam em morte, implicou em de cerca de R$ 13,4 milhões (US$7,3 milhões) - valor menor, porém comparável ao encontrado para países desenvolvidos e em estudo para o Brasil. / This thesis develops three studies on the risk associated with traffic accidents, in order to assess how people perceive it and the value they would be willing to pay to reduce it. The analysis was made with two different econometric methods and two different sets of data from Porto Alegre's population. The first study to assess at risk factors that contribute to increased severity of accidents, using data obtained from traffic accidents in the city of Porto Alegre between the years 2000 and 2008, and applying the generalized ordered logit. The results indicate that most of the victims injured in accidents are young drivers, males, motorcyclists and whose crash was a “collision with obstacles”. However, fatal victims have a different profile: they are pedestrians, over 60 years old. The most serious accidents occur in greater proportions at nights or weekends, at locations further away from the city center, which suggests behavior associated with high speed driving and the use of psychoactive substances, such as alcohol. The other two studies used data from a survey done with the population of Porto Alegre in 2009. The second study evaluates how socio-demographic characteristics, traffic experience and the information received about the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol, affect risk perception and behavior in the traffic. The results indicate that individuals who have greater risk of dying in traffic, underestimate their own risk and vice versa; and that young people as well as those who have been in an accident or those who spend a lot of time in traffic, have a greater perception of their risk. On the other hand, the risk of alcohol consumption associated with traffic, is perceived better by older people, women, non-drinkers, people without risky behavior, and those who are more aware of the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol. Similarly, risky behavior in traffic, related to alcohol consumption, is inversely proportional to perception of risk and to age. The third study estimated the respondents' willingness to pay ( ) for the reduction in their risk of suffering injuries in a traffic accident, as well as the value of a statistical life ( ), using linear and nonlinear models adjusted by the Box-Cox transformation. The results indicate that the decreases with age and with not using safety devices, but increases with income, exposure to traffic, and the accidents experience, for women and for those who have dependents. The average value elicited by to reduce to zero the risk of severe injuries that result in death, implied a of about R$13.4 million (US$ 7.3 million) - lower, but still a comparable value to that found in developed countries, and studied in Brazil.

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