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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A feasibility study for the private development of a retirement village in Metropolitan Vancouver

Boaden, Bruce Geoffrey January 1969 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the nature and extent of housing demand in Metropolitan Vancouver attributable to people over the age of fifty-five. This is to be done in order to verify whether or not the private development of a specified retirement village in Vancouver would be financially feasible and prove to be a profitable investment. In this study, a retirement village is defined to be a planned, low density development of permanent buildings designed to house "active" adults over the age of fifty-five and equipped to provide a wide range of services and leisure activities. This concept of a retirement village is distinct from the many housing developments for the elderly initiated by different non-profit organizations in Canada. The body of this paper involves three broad areas of study, each interrelated. These include an analysis of the potential market, the selection of a suitable location, and an examination of the financial implications of such a development. In order to understand the nature of the problem, it was necessary to make considerable use of research findings regarding the habits and the needs of the elderly. In addition to this, the characteristics of many of the retirement villages in the United States fitting our definition, were examined. Many features common to most of these villages were incorporated in the general design of the village proposed in this study. Initially, the market analysis involves consideration of the general housing demand and supply situation in Metropolitan Vancouver. Particular reference is then made to the characteristics of the elderly and the part they play in total housing demand. Selection of a suitable location for the proposed village is made on the basis of a number of criteria previously formulated. The financial analysis involves estimates of capital cost, operating expenses and revenues, and net cash flows. From these, expected equity yields are then calculated under various assumptions regarding the cost of debt capital, the retention period, and the reversion value. The results of these analyses indicate that Metropolitan Vancouver holds considerable market potential for the development of a retirement village of the type proposed in the study. While there are many feasible locations in Vancouver for the village, the city of White Rock meets the stated criteria adequately and is suggested as the ideal location. The expected profitability of the proposed development is not easily stated as it is dependent upon a number of assumptions. Yields on equity indicate a wide range of possibilities showing the village to be unprofitable under some assumptions and extremely profitable under others. / Business, Sauder School of / Graduate

Serbliš kao hibridni jezik među srpskom dijasporom u Kanadi: svojstva i upotreba / Serblish as a Hybrid Language Among theTI Serbian Diaspora in Canada: Properties and Use

Damjanovski Nela 12 September 2013 (has links)
<p>Ova disertacija se usredsređuje na jezičke i vanjezičke opise srpsko-engleskog ili englesko-srpskog hibridnog jezika serbli&scaron;a koji upotrebljavaju pripadnici mlađe generacije srpske dijaspore u Vankuveru. Tema zahvata oblast kontaktne i kontrastivne lingvistike, sociolingvistike, psiholingvistike i pragmatike i bavi se istražvanjem i opisom navedenog varijeteta na morfosintaksičkom, leksičkom (semantičkom i pragmatičkom), fonolo&scaron;kom i grafolo&scaron;kom nivou.<br />Teorijsku podlogu ovog rada čine brojna proučavanja jezičkog kontakta sa lingvističkog, sociolingvističkog, pragmatičkog i psiholingvističkog aspekta, kako u svetu, tako i kod nas &minus; u biv&scaron;oj Jugoslaviji i u Srbiji.<br />Prvu fazu istraživanja predstavljalo je pilot-istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo pisane izvore na srpskom jeziku u Vankuveru, od kojih su najvažniji i najobimniji novine Ki&scaron;obran koje su petnaest godina (od 1997. do 2012.) izlazile u Vankuveru. Podaci dobijeni ovim istraživanjem poslužili su kao osnova za sastavljanje upitnika za drugu fazu istraživanja.<br />Analiza i opis serbli&scaron;a kao varijeteta srpskog jezika zasniva se na građi dobijenoj u drugoj fazi istraživanja putem intervjua sa dvojezičnim ispitanicima i upitnika koji su ispitanici popunjavali. Prikupljena građa je analizirana i u odgovarajućim poglavljima predstavljena su svojstva ovog varijeteta na navedenim nivoima. Na kraju su izvedeni zaključci o svojstvima serbli&scaron;a među pripadnicima mlađe generacije iseljenika, utvrđen je intenzitet i način uticaja engleskog jezika u konkretnoj kontaktnoj situaciji, ustanovljeni su slučajevi u kojima promene u jeziku nisu rezultat delovanja engleskog jezika, već nedovoljno naučenih aspekata srpskog jezika ili unutra&scaron;njih tendencija u srpskom jeziku u matici i utvrđene su sličnosti i razlike u upotrebi jezika između dve ispitivane pogdrupe mlađe generacije govornika serbli&scaron;a.<br />Disertacije je podeljena u pet poglavlja. U prvom, uvodnom poglavlju dat je prikaz teme i ciljeva istraživanja i obja&scaron;njenje osnovnih termina. Drugo poglavlje daje prikaz teorijskih postavki istraživanja i pregled preovlađujućih stavova u literaturi. Metodi istraživanja, profil ispitanika, etički aspekti istraživanja, jezik na kojem je istraživanje vođeno, kao i prikupljanje i obrada podataka za korpus predstavljaju se u trećem poglavlju. U četvrtom poglavlju daje se analiza korpusa i diskusija dobijenih rezultata. U poslednjem, petom poglavlju daju se zaključna razmatranja sa rekapitulacijom rezultata istraživanja i implikacijama za dalja istraživanja.</p> / <p>This dissertation focuses on a linguistic and extralinguistic description of the Serbian-English or English-Serbian hybrid language Serblish as used by the younger generation of the Serbian diaspora in Vancouver. It encompasses the domains of contact and contrastive linguistics, sociolinguistics psycholinguistics and pragmatics and analyeses and describes this language variety at the morphosyntactic, lexical (semantic and pragmatic), phonological and graphological levels.<br />Numerous studies of language contact from the linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and psycholinguistic aspects conducted around the world, as well as in the former Yugoslavia and in Serbia form the theoretical framework of this dissertation.<br />The first stage of the research was a pilot research of written sources in the Serbian language in Vancouver, the most important and extensive being the Ki&scaron;obran newspaper published in Vancouver over 15 years (from 1997 to 2012). The data obtained in this pilot study formed the basis for creating a questionnaire to be used in the second stage of the research.<br />The analysis and description of Serblish as a variety of the Serbian language is based on the material obtained in the second stage of the research through interviews with bilingual research participants and through a questionnaire filled out by the participants. The collected material was analyzed, and the properties of this variety are presented in the corresponding chapters for each linguistic level. Finally, conclusions were drawn about the properties of Serblish as used by the younger generations of immigrants, the intensity and ways of the influence of English in the given language contact situation were specified, cases were determined where the observed changes are not a result of English influence, but stem from imperfect learning or from internally motivated changes in the Serbian language in the home country, and similarities and differences in the use of the language between the two generations were determined.<br />This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first, introductory chapter outlines the topic and goals of the research, as well as introducing the basic terminology. The second chapter presents the theoretical framework of the research and reviews the prevailing perspectives in the literature. Research methods, profile of the research participants, ethical issues and language mode in the research, as well as gathering and processing the corpus material are presented in the third chapter. The focus of the the fourth chapter is an analysis of the corpus and a discussion of the obtained results. The final, fifth chapter provides concluding remarks, summarizing the research findings and outlining implications for further research.</p>

Small Ethnic Restaurant Business Owner Strategies to Remain Operable Beyond 7 Years

Le, Nam Phuong 01 January 2015 (has links)
The failure rate among small businesses is high. More than half of all small businesses fail within the first 7 years of operation. The purpose of this multi-case study was to explore the strategies that successful small ethnic restaurant owners employed to remain operable beyond 7 years. Three successful ethnic restaurant owners who have been operating their restaurant for at least 7 years in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada were selected. Data were gathered from participant interviews and from an examination of available physical artifacts such as the locations, premises, websites, and social media pages. The resource-based view by Edith Penrose was the underlying conceptual framework for this research. Within-method triangulation was used to ensure the rigorousness of the study. In the study, 5 themes were identified: hard work, interest or passion, family support, location, and food and service quality. These findings underscore the importance of hard work, business interest, family support, prime location, and quality food for successful small businesses. Current and future small ethnic restaurant business owners may apply these findings to improve their business performance and survival rate.

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