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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vidinis įsitikinimas vertinant įrodymus / The Internal Conviction in the Evidence Evaluation

Sabonis, Darius 09 June 2005 (has links)
There were several evidence evaluation systems in the history. Torture with fire, water, which was used as a proof in the Middle Ages, later transformed into a formal evidence system. After the bourgeois revolutions the system of formal evidence was changed into the principle of free evidence evaluation by internal conviction. The purpose of the evaluation of evidence is to check its admissibility, concern, certainty and sufficiency. Any material to be recognised as evidence must meet all the requirements. In the current Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Lithuania (CCP) the range of subjects evaluating evidence was narrowed in comparison with the former CCP valid till 1 May 2003. According to the current CCP, evidence is evaluated by judges. Other participants of criminal procedings can also evaluate the collected material, but only judges can recognise the collected material as evidence. The evaluation of evidence by other participants of criminal proceedings cannot affect courts decisions. The guarantees of judicial independence ensure free formation of internal conviction. The CCP provides that the full analysis of all the circumstances and the rule of law base the internal conviction. Indeed, other factors also influence the formation of internal conviction: the level of legal consciousness, socio - historical, psychological aspects, the collegiality of criminal case hearing. Separate kinds of evidence have their own specific nature requiring different... [to full text]

Įrodymų vertinimas teismo nuosprendyje / Consideration of evidence in the court judgement

Godliauskaitė, Edita 25 June 2014 (has links)
2003 metų gegužės 1 dieną įsigaliojęs naujasis baudžiamojo proceso kodeksas pakeitė iki tol ilgą laiką vyravusią įrodymų sampratą tuo pačiu koreaguodamas įrodymų vertinimo koncepciją, pagal kurią faktinių duomenų pripažinimo įrodymais ir įrodymų vertinimo prerogatyva koncentruojama tik vienintelio subjekto, t. y. teismo, rankose. Įrodymų vertinimo, kaip esminio įrodinėjimo proceso etapo, reikšmingumas nekvestionuojamas nei teisės moksle, nei teismų praktikoje. Darbe pirmiausia pateikiama trumpa egzistavusių įrodymų vertinimo sistemų istorinė apžvalga, akcentuojant inkvizicinio baužiamojo proceso gyvavimo metu vyravusią formaliąją įrodymų vertinimo sistemą, teismo vaidmenį joje bei jos visišką diskreditavimą ir perėjimą į naująją vertinimo sistemą, kurios šerdį sudaro laisvas įrodymų vertinimas. Toliau darbe išsamiai analizuojami Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių pateikiami pasiūlymai, kaip turėtų būti apibrėžiamas įrodymų vertinimas bei bandoma pateikti tokią sąvoką, išskiriami esminiai jos požymiai. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas įrodymų vertinimo taisyklių turiniui, o būtent reikalavimui vertinant faktinius duomenis (įrodymus) vadovautis vidiniu įsitikinimu, pagrindžiant jį išsamiu ir nešališku visų bylos aplinkybių išnagrinėjimu bei reikalavimui viso vertinimo proceso metu bei jo rezultate, vadovautis įstatymu. Kiekviena išskirta taisyklė analizuojama pasitelkus įstatyminę bazę, doktriną, teismų praktikos pavyzdžius. Daug dėmesio skiriama vidinio įsitikinimo, kaip vertinimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Criminal procedure code of Lithuania, entered into the force first May 2003, replaced the long prevailing notion of evidence while adjusting the evaluation of evidence approach whereby the prerogative of recognition of facts and the evaluation of evidence is concentrated in the only single entity, that is, in the hands of the court. The significance of the evaluation of evidence, being as the main part of the substantiation process, is unquestionable right neither in doctrine, neithet in case law. Firstly, the paper provides a brief historical overview of the evaluation of the evidence existed systems, emphasizing on the inquisitorial criminal process during the life of evidence prevailing in the formal evaluation system, court’s role in it and it’s full discedit by transition to the new evaluation system, with it’s core – free evaluation of evidence. Further in the paper is particularly analysed the suggestions of Lithuanian and foreign authors', how should be defined the term – evaluation of evidence and trying to give a definition of its key features distinguish, namely, requirement for the evaluation of facts (evidence) to follow the inner conviction, justifying it on thorough and impartial examination of the circumstances, requirement for the overall evaluation process and its outcome – follow the law. Each rule is derived through the analysis of legislation, doctrine and judicial practice. Much attention is paid to the formation process of inner conviction, it’s... [to full text]

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