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Goodness in Gaming: A Survey on Gamers and their AltruismAmaral, Daniel 01 January 2020 (has links)
The psychological inquiry into the effects of videogames and the internet on behavior is still a relatively new field. The question of whether playing violent videogames directly contribute to violent behavior, particularly in reference to its influence in mass shootings, is an important one that needs answers. A plethora of research purportedly shows the negative effects of (violent) videogames, but research showing positive effects, particularly on prosocial behaviors within the virtual world and reality, are less common. If specific videogame preferences are associated with altruistic behaviors, such a finding could elucidate how videogames might contribute to prosocial behavior. In this study, I examined if variables related to playing videogames are associated with altruism. Specifically, study variables were: (1) type of videogame played by participants (violent vs. non-violent); (2) the role players assume when playing (hero vs. villain); and (3) typical playing status (in teams vs. alone). Undergraduate students (n = 173; 120 females, 49 males, 4 “other”) completed a set of questionnaires assessing the following: their videogaming preferences and behaviors, altruism, pleasure at viewing violent media, antisocial behaviors, and aggressiveness. I had hypothesized that game players preferring to play violent games, on average, would obtain lower scores on altruism than players preferring to play non-violent games. The data did not support that hypothesis. I also hypothesized that game players who preferred playing heroes in games (instead of villains) and who preferred playing in teams (instead of playing alone) would obtain higher scores in altruism. Contrary to predictions, the data did not support those hypotheses. I also conducted exploratory analyses to determine if gaming preferences (e.g., violent or non-violent games, playing the role of heroes or villains, and playing in teams or alone) would be associated with extra-study variables (pleasure at viewing violent media, antisocial behaviors, and aggressiveness). None of the gaming preferences were associated significantly with any of the extra-study variables. All considered, these findings suggest that there is no disconcerting behavioral profile of video-gamers who enjoy playing violent video games, assuming any specific type of role, or playing in teams or alone. Additional implications of these findings are discussed.
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Det manliga idealet och den lättklädda minoriteten : En undersökning om könsfördelning och könsrepresentation i populära digitala spel angående våldsamma spel och slagsmålsspel / The Male Ideal and the Lightly Clad Minority : A study about gender distribution and representation in popular video games regarding violent games and fighting gamesHolmström, Markus January 2020 (has links)
This study has been performed to give light to numerous observations from earlier studies in how characters are represented in video games. Through examination of 884 characters from 60 games and comparing them to each other depending if the game was violent or not, was a fighting game or not and how popular the game was this study was looking to find several answers regarding how the game industry works and how characters are being represented depending on these factors. This study found that the gender distribution has partially levelled out since former studies (Williams, et al., 2009; Downs och Smith, 2010) and that the hypersexualized representation has decreased for female characters but increased for male characters for some hypersexual variables. Violent and fighting games hade larger male distribution of male characters, but only fighting games had more hypersexualized characters than its counterpart. Analyses regarding how popular the games was in comparison to each other gave no concrete results. / Denna studie har utförts för att ge ljus till flertalet observationer från tidigare studier om hur karaktärer representeras i digitala spel. Genom att undersöka 884 karaktärer från 60 spel och jämföra dem mot varandra beroende på om spelen var våldsamma eller ej, om spelet var ett slagsmålsspel eller ej och hur populärt spelet var söktes det flera svar om spelbranschen och hur karaktärer representeras beroende på dessa faktorer. Studien fann att könsfördelningen hade utjämnats delvis sedan tidigare studier (Williams, m fl., 2009; Downs och Smith, 2010) och att hypersexualiserad representation hade sjunkit för kvinnliga karaktärer men höjts för manliga karaktärer för vissa hypersexualiserade bedömningar. Våldsamma och slagsmålsspel hade större andelar män, men endast slagsmålsspel hade fler hypersexualiserade karaktärer än sin motpart. Analyser som berodde på hur populära spelen var i jämförelse med varandra visade inget konkret.
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Jeux d’asphyxie, jeux d’agression et harcèlement en milieu scolaire : étude transculturelle France-Brésil chez les écoliers de 9-12 ans / Self-asphyxial behaviors, violent games and bullying in school context : France-Brazil cross-cultural study with 9-12 years-old children / Jogos de asfixia, jogos de agressão e bullying em contexto escolar : estudo transcultural França-Brasil com escolares de 9-12 anosGuilheri, Juliana 12 December 2016 (has links)
, , , , Les jeux dangereux et le harcèlement entre pairs sont des phénomènes complexes et très répandus en milieu scolaire. Les ‘jeux d’asphyxie’ et les ‘jeux d’agression’ sont des con-duites à risques, devenues des questions de santé publique pourtant peu connues des professionnels et peu explorées dans le domaine scientifique. L’objectif de cette recherche a été d’étudier les ‘jeux d’asphyxie’, les ‘jeux d’agression’ et l’éventuelle implication du harcèlement entre pairs pour l’adoption de ces comportements dangereux ; cela dans le contexte transculturel France-Brésil. Une étude descriptive sur le contexte d’initiation aux ‘jeux d’asphyxie’ et aux ‘jeux d’agression’ a été menée auprès de 1395 écoliers français et brésiliens âgés entre 9 à 12 ans grâce à un questionnaire ad hoc. Le harcèlement scolaire a été évalué par le questionnaire d’Olweus (rBVQ), adapté pour les deux cultures et validé par nos soins dans cette étude. Globalement, il a été observé qu’environ 40% des écoliers français et brésiliens avaient déjà pratiqué au moins une fois un ‘jeu d’agression’ ou un ‘jeu d’asphyxie’ et pour l’implication au harcèlement, environ 52% des élèves ne sont pas concernés (‘neutres’), 27% en sont ‘victimes’, 5% comme ‘agresseurs’ et 16% comme ‘agresseurs-victimes’. Environ 15% des enfants ont été contraints de participer à un ‘jeu d’asphyxie’ et un tiers, à un ‘jeu d’agression’. Bien qu’il existe certaines différences culturelles, les phénomènes étudiés restent comparables dans les deux cultures. L’ensemble des résultats permet d’avoir un panorama descriptif sur la prévalence des jeux dangereux, de mieux comprendre les profils des élèves impliqués tant sur le harcèlement que sur les jeux dangereux et offre des éléments pour des pistes de sensibilisation à ces comportements à risque. / Dangerous games and school bullying are complex phenomena occur at all ages of childhood and adolescence. ‘Self-asphyxial behaviors’ and ‘violent games’ and are taking-risk behaviors and have become a public health problem. However, they remain largely unknown by professionals and are still poorly researched. The aim of this study was to investigate ‘self-asphyxial behaviors’, ‘violent games’, and the possible involvement of school bullying in a France-Brazil cross-cultural study. A total of 1395 French and Brazilian schoolchildren aged 9 to 12 years were assessed. Demographic characteristics and dangerous game habits were collected by means of an ad hoc questionnaire. bullying was assessed by “The revised Bully/Victim Questionnaire” of D. Olweus which adaptation in both cultures and construct validation are presented in this study. We conducted a cross-analysis between these two kinds of dangerous games, the school bullying and some demographics variables. The results show that approximately 40% of French and Brazilian schoolchildren had practiced at least once a ‘violent games’ or a ‘self-asphyxial behavior’. bullying prevalence was of 52% non-concerned children (‘neutral’), 27% of ‘victims’, 5% of ‘bullies’ and 16% of ‘bully-victims’. Over 15% of schoolchildren were constrained to participate at least once in a ‘self-asphyxial behavior’ and a third in a ‘violent game’. These three phenomena are comparable in both cultures and have few significant differences. Our results helps to better understand the phenomenon of dangerous games in school children and its intricacy with school bullying and offer some elements for the prevention of taking-risk behaviors. / As brincadeiras perigosas e o bullying escolar são fenômenos complexos que se espal-ham rapidamente no contexto escolar. Os ‘jogos de asfixia’ e os ‘jogos de agressão’ são condutas de risco, tornando-se questão de saúde pública mas, sendo ainda pouco conhecidas dos profissionais e pouco exploradas no meio científico. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar os os ‘jogos de asfixia’, ‘jogos de agressão’ e a eventual influência do bullying escolar para a adoção dos mesmos; dentro do contexto transcultural França-Brasil. Realizou-se estudo descritivo através de um questionário ad hoc sobre o contexto de iniciação aos ‘jogos de asfixia’ e aos ‘jogos de agressão’ com a participação de 1395 crianças francesas e brasileiras com idade entre 9 a 12 anos. O envolvimento em bullying foi avaliado pelo questionário de Olweus (rBVQ) adaptado para as duas culturas e validado por nossa equipe. Globalmente, foi observado que cerca de 40% das crianças francesas e brasileiras já haviam praticado, ao menos uma vez, um ‘jogo de agressão’ ou um ‘jogo de asfixia’; quanto ao envolvimento em bullying, cerca de 52% das crianças não estão envolvidas (‘neutros’), 27% o estão enquanto ‘vítimas’, 5% como ‘agressores’ e 16% como ‘agressores-vítimas’. Cerca de 15% dos escolares foram forçados a participar ao menos uma vez de um ‘jogo de asfixia’ e um terço, a um ‘jogo de agressão’. Ainda que existam certas diferenças culturais, os fenômenos estudados permanecem comparáveis nas duas culturas. Os resultados representam um panorama descritivo sobre a prevalência das brincadeiras perigosas no contexto escolar, e possibilitam melhor compreender o perfil dos escolares envolvidos, tanto em bullying como nas brincadeiras perigosas, oferecendo elementos para pistas de sensibilização aos comportamentos de risco.
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