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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental and numerical study of entrainment phenomena in an impinging jet

Weinberger, Gottfried, Yemane, Yakob January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is primarily about the mapping and analyze of the phenomenon of an impinging jet by experimental measurements and numerical simulations by CFD. The mapping shows the characteristics of velocity in and around the impinging jet with different conditions. Additional studies were made by analyzing the pressure along the vertical jet axis, but also weight measurements were part of the investigation. The measurements covered the range from 10 m/s, 20 m/s and 30 m/s, which corresponds to a Reynolds number of 17 000, 34 000 and 50 000. The impinging jet is therefore considered to be highly turbulent. The main difference from previous studies is the use of the ultrasonic anemometer to measure the velocities. These create the ability of measuring the velocities on three coordinates. The jet’s contour was crucial to determine the penetration of ambient air flowing into the jet with an angle of around 88° and the entrainment of the ambient air multiple the jet volume flow. In comparison with CFD, the number of cells in the mesh design and the type of model plays a substantial role. The model k-ε Realized came closest to the experimentally measurements, while the SST k-ω and RNG k-ε EWF had far more entrainment of the ambient air into the impinging jet. / Detta examensarbete handlar om att kartlägga och analysera fenomenet av en ”impinging jet” genom experimentella mätningar samt numeriska simuleringar som CFD. Undersökningen visar karakteristiken av hastigheten i och kring strålen med olika förutsättningar. Kompletterande undersökningar gjordes för trycket i luftstrålens centrum längs den vertikala axeln, men även viktmätningar var del av undersökningen. Mätningarna omfattade hastigheter från 10 m/s, 20 m/s och 30 m/s som motsvarar ett Reynoldstal med 17 000, 34 000 och 50 000. Luftstrålen betraktas därför som turbulent. Det som skiljer sig från tidigare experiment är att hastigheten mättes med en ultrasonic anemometer som egentligen används inom metrologin för att mäta vindhastigheter. Därmed skapades en tredimensionell bild av hastigheten i och kring luftstrålen. Mätområdet sträckte sig från strålens utgångspunkt ner till strax ovanför plattan. Luftstrålens fastställda kontur var avgörande för att bestämma den inträngande omgivningsluften som strömmar in i strålen med en genomsnittlig vinkel av 88°. Denna inströmmande omgivningsluft flerfaldigade strålens volym. I jämförelse med CFD simuleringen visades att antal celler i meshen är avgörande för att skapa liknande och reala förutsättningar. Vid undersökningen av den inträngande omgivningsluften visades även att själva modellen spelar en avgörande roll. Det var modellen k-ε Realized som kom närmast mätningarna. Däremot uppvisade SST k-ω och RNG k-ε EWF modellerna mycket mer inträngande omgivningsluft i jämförelse med mätningarnas resultat.

Développement de techniques optiques pour la caractérisation de brouillards de gouttes dans les foyers aéronautiques / Development of optical techniques to characterize droplet sprays in aeronautical combustion chambers

Brettar, Jonathan 17 December 2015 (has links)
L’optimisation des chambres de combustion est généralement réalisée à l'aide d’outils desimulation numérique. Lorsque le carburant est injecté sous forme liquide, la qualité des simulationsdépend en partie de la définition des conditions aux limites imposées pour cette phase à proximité del'injecteur (diamètre, vitesse et flux volumique des gouttes, vitesse de glissement entre phases). Cesconditions aux limites sont généralement définies à partir d'une analyse expérimentale dans desconditions réalistes d’injection, qui fait appel, dans le meilleur des cas, à l’utilisation del’Anémogranulomètre Phase Doppler (PDA). Cependant, cette technique ponctuelle est coûteuse entemps pour une caractérisation globale de l’injecteur et fournit une mesure des flux volumiques avecdes limitations. Il est également difficile d’accéder à des grandeurs telles que la vitesse de la phasegazeuse en présence des gouttes. Pour répondre à cette problématique, il paraît judicieux de mettre enœuvre des techniques de diagnostic optique spatialement résolues. Cette étude consiste à développer des techniques optiques de champ couplant des approches basées sur la diffusion de Mie, sur l'émission fluorescente des gouttes ou de traceurs et utilisant des algorithmes de type PIV, pour caractériser de manière simultanée et quantitative la granulométrie, la vitesse et le flux volumique de la phase dispersée, ainsi que la vitesse de la phase continue dans les brouillards de gouttes au sein d’une configuration réaliste de foyer aéronautique. Une attentionparticulière est portée à l'étude de la précision de la mesure. Ainsi, des comparaisons sont effectuéesavec des bases de données complètes obtenues à l’aide du PDA. L'analyse de ces résultats estconfrontée aux modèles de l'optique physique régissant les phénomènes de fluorescence et dediffusion de la lumière par des particules à l’aide de simulations. Cette démarche nous permetd'interpréter efficacement les résultats obtenus par imagerie directe et de définir les paramètresd'acquisition et de traitement assurant une précision optimale des mesures. / The optimization of combustion chambers is generally carried out using numerical simulation tools.When fuel is injected in liquid form, the simulation quality depends on the boundary conditionsimposed to this phase close to the injector (diameter, velocity and volume flux of the droplets, slipvelocity between phases). These boundary conditions are usually set from an experimental analysisunder realistic conditions of injection, which in the best case uses Phase Doppler Anemo-granulometry(PDA). However, this point measurement technique is time consuming for an overall injectorcharacterization and provides a measurement of the volume flux with some limitations. It is alsodifficult to access variables such as the velocity of the gas phase in the presence of droplets. Toaddress this problem, it seems appropriate to implement spatially resolved optical diagnostictechniques. This study consists in the development of optical field techniques which combine approaches based onMie scattering, fluorescent emission from droplets or tracers and use PIV algorithms to characterizesimultaneously and quantitatively size, velocity and volume flux of the dispersed phase, and velocityof the continuous phase in droplet sprays in a realistic configuration of aeronautical injector. Aparticular attention is given to the study of the measurement accuracy. Thus, comparisons are carriedout with complete databases obtained with the PDA. The analysis of these results is faced withphysical optics models governing phenomena of fluorescence and light scattering by particles usingsimulations. This approach allows us to effectively interpret the results obtained by direct imaging anddefine acquisition and processing parameters ensuring optimum accuracy.

2D Compressible Viscous Flow Computations Using Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting (AFVS) Scheme

Ravikumar, Devaki 09 1900 (has links)
The present work deals with the extension of Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting (AFVS) scheme for the Compressible Viscous flow computations. Accurate viscous flow computations require much finer grids with adequate clustering of grid points in certain regions. Viscous flow computations are performed on unstructured triangulated grids. Solving Navier-Stokes equations involves the inviscid Euler part and the viscous part. The inviscid part of the fluxes are computed using the Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting scheme and the viscous part which is diffusive in nature does not require upwinding and is taken care using a central difference type of scheme. For these computations both the cell centered and the cell vertex finite volume methods are used. Higher order accuracy on unstructured meshes is achieved using the reconstruction procedure. Test cases are chosen in such a way that the performance of the scheme can be evaluated for different range of mach numbers. We demonstrate that higher order AFVS scheme in conjunction with a suitable grid adaptation strategy produce results that compare well with other well known schemes and the experimental data. An assessment of the relative performance of the AFVS scheme with the Roe scheme is also presented.

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