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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development and application of optical diagnostic techniques for assessing the effects of preferential evaporation of multi-component fuels under engine-relevant conditions / Développement et exploitation de techniques de diagnostics optiques pour la compréhension de l'évaporation de carburants mufti-composants dans les moteurs essence

Itani, Lama 14 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette thèse, une technique de diagnostic optique a été développée pour mesurer simultanément l’évaporation différentielle, la distribution de température, et la concentration massique de fuel dans un jet multi-composant. Cette technique a été examinée dans les conditions d’un moteurs essence. La technique de mesure est basée sur l’utilisation des deux traceurs excités par une seule longueur d’onde.Pour pouvoir examiner l’évaporation différentielle d’un carburant multi-composant, deux traceurs ont été sélectionnés : le p-difluorobenzène et le 1-methylnaphtalène. Ces traceurs reproduisent deux types de volatilité : faible et moyenne à élevée. Les traceurs choisis fluorescent dans deux régions spectrales distinctes ce qui rend l’application de cette technique possible. Une étude photophysique a été menée pour caractériser les deux traceurs, indépendamment puis en mélange, pour différentes conditions de pression, température, et composition du bain gazeux. L’étude photophysique est essentielle pour pouvoir mesurer quantitativement l’évaporation différentielle. Les résultats photophysiques montrent que le spectre du 1-methylnaphthalène est sensible à la température. Cette caractéristique permet de mesurer la distribution en température dans le jet.Les essais ont été réalisés dans une cellule haute pression / haute température, ca-pable de simuler les conditions d’un moteur thermique. Des sprays générés par un injecteur ECN Spray G et un piézo-électrique d’une ouverture annulaire ont été étudiés. Des mesures initiales ont été menées avec chaque traceur pour pouvoir fixer la proportion de mélange des traceurs. La précision de la méthode de mesure a été calculée suivant une configuration de filtres identiques. Ensuite, les champs de tempé-rature calculés par la LIF et ceux déterminés depuis les champs de concentration massique, ont été comparés. Les résultats démontrent que la température est homo-gène ce qui signifie que les mesures d’évaporation différentielle n’ont pas influencé par la distribution de température dans le jet.Les images obtenues en détectant les signaux depuis le mélange de traceurs ont permis de localiser l’évaporation différentielle. Une variation en distribution spatiale des composants est observée 550–600 K. Cet effet disparaît en augmentant la température, ce qui explique que l’évaporation est plus rapide à haute température. La localisation de l’évaporation différentielle varie avec le type d’injecteur. La géométrie du nez ainsi que la structure du jet a donc un impact sur la formation du mélange. / A non-intrusive quantitative laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique capable of simultaneously measuring preferential evaporation, temperature distribution, and fuel-mass concentration across a multi-component vaporized spray has been developed and investigated under engine-relevant conditions. The measurement technique is based on two-tracer LIF with single wavelength excitation.To assess preferential evaporation, a tracer pair with suitable co-evaporation and spectral properties was selected based on vapor-liquid equilibrium calculations repre-sentative for gasoline fuels. Evaporation studies have shown that one tracer (p-difluoro-benzene) co-evaporates with the high-to-medium-volatility end of the multi-component fuel while the other (1-methylnaphthalene) co-evaporates with the low-volatility end. For quantitative measurements the photophysical properties of both tracers (each tracer separately and the combined tracers) were determined under a wide range of pressure, temperature, and bath-gas composition conditions. 1-methylnaphthalene LIF shows a strong red-shift with temperature which enables measurements of the temperature distribution across the spray.Spray evaporation and vapor mixing experiments were performed in a high-pressure high-temperature vessel capable of simulating in-cylinder conditions. An ECN Spray-G and a piezo-electric outward opening injector were used in this study. Initial measure-ments were carried out with each tracer added separately to the fuel to assess signal cross-talk and to determine the best tracer concentrations. Once the proportions were determined, accuracy and precision of the method were determined from the LIF-signal ratio of spray images within identical spectral bands. Temperature fields, obtained by two-color 1-methylnaphthalene LIF and derived from fuel concentration maps based on the assumption of adiabatic evaporation, were examined for inhomogeneities in the area of interest since fluctuations potentially influence the two-color method. It was shown that the temperature is homogeneous in the measurement volume.To localize preferential evaporation, two-color two-tracer LIF images were evaluated. Taking into account the measurement accuracy and precision, variations in the spatial distribution of the fuel volatility classes were observed for 550–600 K. At higher tem-peratures, the effect is less pronounced, which is consistent with the fact that evapora-tion is faster. The localization of preferential evaporation varied with each injector used indicating the impact of injector nozzle geometry and jet structure on mixture formation. / Eine berührungsfreies quantitatives Verfahren auf Basis von laserinduzierter Fluoreszenz (LIF) wurde entwickelt, um simultan präferenzielle Verdampfung, Temperaturverteilung und Kraftstoffkonzentration im verdampften Bereich eines Mehrkomponenten-Kraftstoffsprays unter motorrelevanten Bedingungen zu messen. Verfahren beruht auf Zwei-tracer-LIF mit Anregungmit einem Laser.Es wurde ein Tracer-Paar mit geeigneten Verdampfungs- und spektralen Eigenschaften auf Basis von Dampf-Flüssigkeits-Gleichgewichtsrechnungen für Otto-Kraftstoffe ausgewählt. Verdampfungsmessungen haben gezeigt, dass ein Tracer (p-Difluorbenzol) gleichzeitig mit dem mittel- und höherflüchtigen Siedeklassen verdampft, während der andere (1-Methylnaphthalin) den schwerflüchtigen Komponentenfolgt. Für quantitative Messungen wurden die photophysikalischen Eigenschaften beider Tracer (einzeln und als Kombination) in einem weiten Bereich von Druck, Temperatur und Gaszusammensetzung bestimmt. 1-Methylnaphthalin-LIF zeigt eine starke Rotverschiebung mit der Temperatur, die Messungen der Temperaturverteilung ermöglicht. Es wurde ein Tracer-Paar mit geeigneten Verdampfungs- und spektralen Eigenschaften auf Basis von Dampf-Flüssigkeits-Gleichgewichtsrechnungen für Otto-Kraftstoffe ausgewählt. Verdampfungsmessungen haben gezeigt, dass ein Tracer (p-Difluorbenzol) gleichzeitig mit dem mittel- und höherflüchtigen Siedeklassen verdampft, während der andere (1-Methylnaphthalin) den schwerflüchtigen Komponentenfolgt. Für quantitative Messungen wurden die photophysikalischen Eigenschaften beider Tracer (einzeln und als Kombination) in einem weiten Bereich von Druck, Temperatur und Gaszusammensetzung bestimmt. 1-Methylnaphthalin-LIF zeigt eine starke Rotverschiebungmit der Temperatur, die Messungen der Temperaturverteilung ermöglicht.

Développement de techniques optiques pour la caractérisation de brouillards de gouttes dans les foyers aéronautiques / Development of optical techniques to characterize droplet sprays in aeronautical combustion chambers

Brettar, Jonathan 17 December 2015 (has links)
L’optimisation des chambres de combustion est généralement réalisée à l'aide d’outils desimulation numérique. Lorsque le carburant est injecté sous forme liquide, la qualité des simulationsdépend en partie de la définition des conditions aux limites imposées pour cette phase à proximité del'injecteur (diamètre, vitesse et flux volumique des gouttes, vitesse de glissement entre phases). Cesconditions aux limites sont généralement définies à partir d'une analyse expérimentale dans desconditions réalistes d’injection, qui fait appel, dans le meilleur des cas, à l’utilisation del’Anémogranulomètre Phase Doppler (PDA). Cependant, cette technique ponctuelle est coûteuse entemps pour une caractérisation globale de l’injecteur et fournit une mesure des flux volumiques avecdes limitations. Il est également difficile d’accéder à des grandeurs telles que la vitesse de la phasegazeuse en présence des gouttes. Pour répondre à cette problématique, il paraît judicieux de mettre enœuvre des techniques de diagnostic optique spatialement résolues. Cette étude consiste à développer des techniques optiques de champ couplant des approches basées sur la diffusion de Mie, sur l'émission fluorescente des gouttes ou de traceurs et utilisant des algorithmes de type PIV, pour caractériser de manière simultanée et quantitative la granulométrie, la vitesse et le flux volumique de la phase dispersée, ainsi que la vitesse de la phase continue dans les brouillards de gouttes au sein d’une configuration réaliste de foyer aéronautique. Une attentionparticulière est portée à l'étude de la précision de la mesure. Ainsi, des comparaisons sont effectuéesavec des bases de données complètes obtenues à l’aide du PDA. L'analyse de ces résultats estconfrontée aux modèles de l'optique physique régissant les phénomènes de fluorescence et dediffusion de la lumière par des particules à l’aide de simulations. Cette démarche nous permetd'interpréter efficacement les résultats obtenus par imagerie directe et de définir les paramètresd'acquisition et de traitement assurant une précision optimale des mesures. / The optimization of combustion chambers is generally carried out using numerical simulation tools.When fuel is injected in liquid form, the simulation quality depends on the boundary conditionsimposed to this phase close to the injector (diameter, velocity and volume flux of the droplets, slipvelocity between phases). These boundary conditions are usually set from an experimental analysisunder realistic conditions of injection, which in the best case uses Phase Doppler Anemo-granulometry(PDA). However, this point measurement technique is time consuming for an overall injectorcharacterization and provides a measurement of the volume flux with some limitations. It is alsodifficult to access variables such as the velocity of the gas phase in the presence of droplets. Toaddress this problem, it seems appropriate to implement spatially resolved optical diagnostictechniques. This study consists in the development of optical field techniques which combine approaches based onMie scattering, fluorescent emission from droplets or tracers and use PIV algorithms to characterizesimultaneously and quantitatively size, velocity and volume flux of the dispersed phase, and velocityof the continuous phase in droplet sprays in a realistic configuration of aeronautical injector. Aparticular attention is given to the study of the measurement accuracy. Thus, comparisons are carriedout with complete databases obtained with the PDA. The analysis of these results is faced withphysical optics models governing phenomena of fluorescence and light scattering by particles usingsimulations. This approach allows us to effectively interpret the results obtained by direct imaging anddefine acquisition and processing parameters ensuring optimum accuracy.

Ecological engines: Finescale hydrodynamic and chemical cues, zooplankton behavior, and implications for nearshore marine ecosystems

True, Aaron Conway 21 September 2015 (has links)
Ephemeral patches of hydrodynamic and chemical sensory cues at fine scales are fundamentally important to the life success of plankton populations and thus the overall health and vitality of nearshore marine ecosystems. We employed various tools from experimental fluid mechanics to create ecologically-relevant hydrodynamic and chemical conditions in a recirculating flume system for zooplankton behavioral assays. The goal was to quantify and correlate changes in zooplankton behavior with coincident sensory cues. A laminar, planar free jet (the Bickley jet) was used to create finescale, free shear layers with targeted hydrodynamic characteristics as well as finescale, sharp-edged layers of both beneficial and toxic ("red tide") phytoplankton species. Planar particle image velocimetry (PIV) and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) were used to quantify the flow and concentration fields, respectively. Behavioral assays with a variety of crustacean zooplankton species including Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), estuarine crab larvae (Panopeus herbstii), and calanoid copepods (Temora longicornis and Acartia tonsa), each unique in its ecology, morphology, and life history, show clear and statistically-significant behavioral responses to relevant hydrodynamic and chemical cues. Estuarine crab larvae optimize short term and long term behavioral needs (foraging and habitat selection) by sensing and exploiting the information contained in multi-directional free shear flows. In the presence of thin layers of toxic algal exudates (Karenia brevis), T. longicornis and A. tonsa exhibit explicit avoidance behaviors through significant increases in swimming speed and overall behavioral variability resulting in a conspicuous hydrodynamic signature in a risk/benefit behavioral response. Finally, Antarctic krill exploit the hydrodynamic cues contained in a free shear layer to modify swimming behaviors and ultimately graze in a thin phytoplankton layer (Tetraselmis spp.). Each species is able to sense and exploit the information contained in coherent hydrodynamic and chemical sensory cues to change swimming kinematics and alter macroscale trajectory characteristics. Quantifying changes in zooplankton behavior in response to ecologically-relevant sensory cues is a crucial step towards modeling (e.g. via biophysically-coupled individual-based ecosystem models) and managing sustainable marine fisheries.

Laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy of the alkoxy radicals

Liu, Jinjun 26 February 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Temperatureffekte bei der lasererzeugten Kavitation / Thermal effects in laser-generated cavitation

Söhnholz, Hendrik 26 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Análise experimental da influência da frequência de injeção de combustível em chamas pulsadas de spray de etanol. / Experimental analysis of fuel injection frequency of pulsed ethanol spray flames.

Fukumasu, Newton Kiyoshi 02 September 2014 (has links)
E consenso que o crescente consumo de combustíveis fósseis na geração de potencia tem provocado uma maior degradação do meio ambiente. Para mitigar os efeitos adversos desse consumo, novas fontes e usos sustentáveis de energia são necessários. O uso de etanol na atual geração de motores de combustão interna demanda informações detalhadas sobre os processos de nebulização, evaporação, mistura e combustão das gotas desse combustível. Adicionalmente, novas estratégias de injeção de combustível em MCIs com injeção direta estão em desenvolvimento, como a injeção estraticada. Essa estratégia consiste na injeção de combustível em elevadas frequências durante as etapas de admissão e combustão do ciclo motor. Neste trabalho, técnicas avançadas de diagnostico a laser são utilizadas para analisar a inuência da frequência de injeção de combustível no processo de combustão de sprays pulsados de etanol, em que as chamas resultantes são estabilizadas por um swirler. A técnica de interferometria por efeito Doppler (PDI) foi utilizada para medir o diâmetro e a componente axial da velocidade das gotas. O campo de velocidades do escoamento de ar foi avaliado pela técnica de velocimetria por imagens de partículas (PIV) em duas taxas de aquisição (7,4 Hz e 2.000 Hz) para avaliar tanto valores médios quanto rastrear estruturas coerentes no escoamento. O mesmo sistema PIV foi utilizado para identificar a posição de aglomerados de gotas pela técnica de espalhamento Mie ao longo de eventos individuais de injeção. Já a técnica de uorescência induzida por laser do radical hidroxila (LIF-OH) foi utilizada com taxa de aquisição de 4.700 Hz para rastrear a região com presença deste radical próximo ao queimador utilizado. Imagens da luminescência química espontânea foram obtidas para observar características globais das chamas. O queimador, posicionado em um ambiente aberto, e composto por um dispositivo swirler e um injetor automotivo. As frequências de injeção de 100 Hz, 250 Hz e 400 Hz foram escolhidas para as análises por produzirem chamas com características que variam desde uma chama estável e ancorada ao queimador até o comportamento similar a uma chama suspensa e instável. Etanol anidro líquido foi utilizado como combustível e fornecido ao injetor a pressão e vazão constantes para todos os casos. Os resultados indicaram que a variação na frequência de injeção produziu sprays com diferentes densidades. A menor frequência de injeção produziu um spray com maior densidade, em que as gotas formaram um aglomerado pouco sensível ao escoamento de ar na linha de centro do queimador. Esse aglomerado produz uma chama ancorada ao queimador com formato alongado e estreito. Já a maior frequência de injeção produziu um spray com menor densidade, permitindo que a dinâmica das gotas seja mais susceptível ao escoamento de ar. Essa maior inuência do escoamento de ar promoveu uma maior dispersão espacial das gotas e um processo de combustão com maior susceptibilidade a instabilidades locais do escoamento. Essas instabilidades locais foram associadas a passagem periódica de estruturas coerentes do escoamento de ar através da região de reação das chamas, produzindo uma chama com presença intermitente do radical OH e ausência de emissão de luminescência química espontânea próximo a saída do queimador. / The increase in consumption of petroleum-based fuels promotes environmental degradation and, to mitigate the adverse effects of this consumption, new sustainable sources and uses of energy are required. The use of ethanol as an option to conventional fuels on current generation of engines and gas turbines requires detailed information on atomization, evaporation, mixture and combustion processes of ethanol droplets. In addition, new strategies to fuel injection in ICEs are being developed, such as the stratied fuel injection. In this strategy, fuel is injected in higher injection frequencies along the air intake and combustion phases of the engine cycle. In this work, advanced techniques of laser diagnostic are applied to analyze the inuence of fuel injection frequency on the behavior of the combustion process of pulsed ethanol sprays, in which the resulting ames are stabilized by a swirler. The Phase Doppler Interferometry (PDI) technique is applied to measure both diameter and axial velocity of droplets produced by the injector under different conditions of injection frequency. The velocity eld of the airow is evaluated by the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) using two repetition rates (7,4 Hz and 2.000 Hz) to evaluated both mean values and to track coherent structures in the ow. The PIV equipment is also used to evaluate the position of droplet groups by Mie scattering during the individual injection events. A high repetition rate (4.700 Hz) Laser Induced Fluorescence of hydroxyl radical (LIF-OH) system is applied to track the region with presence of OH in a vertical plane near the exit of the burner. Images of spontaneous chemical luminescence are acquired to analyze general aspects of the ames. The burner consists on a swirler and an automotive injector and is positioned in an open space with quiescent air. The analyzed injection frequencies are 100 Hz, 250Hz and 400 Hz, presenting characteristics ranging from a stable anchored ame to a lifted-like unstable ame. Liquid anhydrous ethanol is delivered to the injector with constant pressure and ow rate for all cases. Results show different spray densities produced by the change in the injection frequency. The case with lower injection frequency produced higher spray densities, in which the formation of large groups of droplets prevents the inuence of the recirculating airow on droplet dynamics. This case presented an anchored, elongated, narrow and stable ame. The case with higher injection frequency produced lower spray densities, in which droplet dynamics are more susceptible to the velocities of the airow. This inuence of the airow promotes spatial dispersion of droplets, been more prone to instabilities on the local combustion process. These local instabilities are associated to the inuence of periodic coherent structures of the ow passing through the reaction zone, which leads to the intermittent presence of OH and the absence of spontaneous chemical luminescence near the injection plane of the burner.

Análise experimental da influência da frequência de injeção de combustível em chamas pulsadas de spray de etanol. / Experimental analysis of fuel injection frequency of pulsed ethanol spray flames.

Newton Kiyoshi Fukumasu 02 September 2014 (has links)
E consenso que o crescente consumo de combustíveis fósseis na geração de potencia tem provocado uma maior degradação do meio ambiente. Para mitigar os efeitos adversos desse consumo, novas fontes e usos sustentáveis de energia são necessários. O uso de etanol na atual geração de motores de combustão interna demanda informações detalhadas sobre os processos de nebulização, evaporação, mistura e combustão das gotas desse combustível. Adicionalmente, novas estratégias de injeção de combustível em MCIs com injeção direta estão em desenvolvimento, como a injeção estraticada. Essa estratégia consiste na injeção de combustível em elevadas frequências durante as etapas de admissão e combustão do ciclo motor. Neste trabalho, técnicas avançadas de diagnostico a laser são utilizadas para analisar a inuência da frequência de injeção de combustível no processo de combustão de sprays pulsados de etanol, em que as chamas resultantes são estabilizadas por um swirler. A técnica de interferometria por efeito Doppler (PDI) foi utilizada para medir o diâmetro e a componente axial da velocidade das gotas. O campo de velocidades do escoamento de ar foi avaliado pela técnica de velocimetria por imagens de partículas (PIV) em duas taxas de aquisição (7,4 Hz e 2.000 Hz) para avaliar tanto valores médios quanto rastrear estruturas coerentes no escoamento. O mesmo sistema PIV foi utilizado para identificar a posição de aglomerados de gotas pela técnica de espalhamento Mie ao longo de eventos individuais de injeção. Já a técnica de uorescência induzida por laser do radical hidroxila (LIF-OH) foi utilizada com taxa de aquisição de 4.700 Hz para rastrear a região com presença deste radical próximo ao queimador utilizado. Imagens da luminescência química espontânea foram obtidas para observar características globais das chamas. O queimador, posicionado em um ambiente aberto, e composto por um dispositivo swirler e um injetor automotivo. As frequências de injeção de 100 Hz, 250 Hz e 400 Hz foram escolhidas para as análises por produzirem chamas com características que variam desde uma chama estável e ancorada ao queimador até o comportamento similar a uma chama suspensa e instável. Etanol anidro líquido foi utilizado como combustível e fornecido ao injetor a pressão e vazão constantes para todos os casos. Os resultados indicaram que a variação na frequência de injeção produziu sprays com diferentes densidades. A menor frequência de injeção produziu um spray com maior densidade, em que as gotas formaram um aglomerado pouco sensível ao escoamento de ar na linha de centro do queimador. Esse aglomerado produz uma chama ancorada ao queimador com formato alongado e estreito. Já a maior frequência de injeção produziu um spray com menor densidade, permitindo que a dinâmica das gotas seja mais susceptível ao escoamento de ar. Essa maior inuência do escoamento de ar promoveu uma maior dispersão espacial das gotas e um processo de combustão com maior susceptibilidade a instabilidades locais do escoamento. Essas instabilidades locais foram associadas a passagem periódica de estruturas coerentes do escoamento de ar através da região de reação das chamas, produzindo uma chama com presença intermitente do radical OH e ausência de emissão de luminescência química espontânea próximo a saída do queimador. / The increase in consumption of petroleum-based fuels promotes environmental degradation and, to mitigate the adverse effects of this consumption, new sustainable sources and uses of energy are required. The use of ethanol as an option to conventional fuels on current generation of engines and gas turbines requires detailed information on atomization, evaporation, mixture and combustion processes of ethanol droplets. In addition, new strategies to fuel injection in ICEs are being developed, such as the stratied fuel injection. In this strategy, fuel is injected in higher injection frequencies along the air intake and combustion phases of the engine cycle. In this work, advanced techniques of laser diagnostic are applied to analyze the inuence of fuel injection frequency on the behavior of the combustion process of pulsed ethanol sprays, in which the resulting ames are stabilized by a swirler. The Phase Doppler Interferometry (PDI) technique is applied to measure both diameter and axial velocity of droplets produced by the injector under different conditions of injection frequency. The velocity eld of the airow is evaluated by the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) using two repetition rates (7,4 Hz and 2.000 Hz) to evaluated both mean values and to track coherent structures in the ow. The PIV equipment is also used to evaluate the position of droplet groups by Mie scattering during the individual injection events. A high repetition rate (4.700 Hz) Laser Induced Fluorescence of hydroxyl radical (LIF-OH) system is applied to track the region with presence of OH in a vertical plane near the exit of the burner. Images of spontaneous chemical luminescence are acquired to analyze general aspects of the ames. The burner consists on a swirler and an automotive injector and is positioned in an open space with quiescent air. The analyzed injection frequencies are 100 Hz, 250Hz and 400 Hz, presenting characteristics ranging from a stable anchored ame to a lifted-like unstable ame. Liquid anhydrous ethanol is delivered to the injector with constant pressure and ow rate for all cases. Results show different spray densities produced by the change in the injection frequency. The case with lower injection frequency produced higher spray densities, in which the formation of large groups of droplets prevents the inuence of the recirculating airow on droplet dynamics. This case presented an anchored, elongated, narrow and stable ame. The case with higher injection frequency produced lower spray densities, in which droplet dynamics are more susceptible to the velocities of the airow. This inuence of the airow promotes spatial dispersion of droplets, been more prone to instabilities on the local combustion process. These local instabilities are associated to the inuence of periodic coherent structures of the ow passing through the reaction zone, which leads to the intermittent presence of OH and the absence of spontaneous chemical luminescence near the injection plane of the burner.

Immunoaffinity Monoliths for Multiplexed Extraction of Preterm Birth Biomarkers from Human Blood Serum in 3D Printed Microfluidic Devices

Almughamsi, Haifa Mohammad 06 August 2021 (has links)
Preterm birth (PTB) results in over 15 million early births annually and is the leading cause of neonatal deaths. There are no clinical methods currently available to evaluate risk of PTB at early stages in pregnancy; thus, a rapid diagnostic to analyze PTB risk would be beneficial. Microfluidic immunoaffinity extraction is a promising platform for preparing complex samples, such as maternal serum with PTB risk biomarkers. 3D printed microfluidic devices have advantages over conventional microfluidic systems including simple fabrication and potential for iterative optimization to improve designs. In this work, I developed immunoaffinity monoliths in 3D printed microfluidic devices modified with antibodies to enrich PTB biomarkers from human blood serum. I retained and eluted a peptide PTB biomarker in both buffer and blood serum using an immunoaffinity column. An additional three PTB biomarkers were also successfully extracted either from buffer or blood serum on single-antibody columns. Both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to PTB biomarkers were characterized by dot blots, biolayer interferometry, and surface plasmon resonance to determine their specificity and dissociation constants. I created multiplexed immunoaffinity columns to simultaneously enrich three PTB biomarkers from depleted human blood serum in a single extraction. This is the first demonstration of multiplexed immunoaffinity columns for PTB biomarkers in a 3D printed microfluidic device. My work is a key step towards the future development of 3D printed microfluidic devices for rapid PTB testing.

Trace Measurements of Tellurium, Tin and Other Metals by Atomic and Laser Spectroscopy Techniques

Kunati, Sandeep Reddy 03 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Transport de fluides miscibles à propriétés physiques variables en cellule Hele-Shaw.Comparaisons entre simulations numériques et mesures par LIF / Variable physical properties miscible fluids transport in Hele-Shaw cell. Comparison between numerical simulations and LIF measures

Mainhagu, Jon 01 July 2009 (has links)
L'étude décrite dans cette thèse porte sur l'injection ponctuelle d'une solution saline au sein d'une cellule dite de Hele-Shaw, afin de caractériser le comportement dispersif d'un polluant en milieu poreux. L'approche expérimentale employée est basée sur l'implémentation originale d'un dispositif de Fluorescence Induite par Laser (LIF) dans la cellule. La mise en place d'un protocole de mesure efficace permet de mener une analyse quantitative des résultats expérimentaux. En outre, en appliquant la méthode des moments, il est possible de caractériser avec précision le comportement dispersif de la zone de mélange de la solution injectée. Parallèlement aux expériences, à l'aide du code numérique FRIPE, les injections ont été simulées numériquement. L'analyse quantitative a été appliquée à ces dernières. Une comparaison poussée des résultats expérimentaux et numériques a donc été effectuée, du point de vue qualitatif mais aussi sur l'expression de la dispersion du panache de la zone de mélange de la solution / The study described in this thesis is about punctual injection of a saline solution inside a "Hele-Shaw cell" in order to characterize the dispersive behavior of a pollutant in porous media. The chosen experimental approach is based on the setup of an original Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) in the Hele-Shaw cell. The setting of the experimental apparatus allows quantitative data reduction of the experimental results. Moreover the "Moments Method" studied precisely the solution mixing dispersive behavior. Using the numerical code FRIPE the same injections have been simulated. The same quantitative data reductions have been applied to the numerical results. This led to an extensive comparison of the numerical and the experimental results, qualitatively but also of the dispersion in the mixing area of the injected solution

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