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Υλοποίηση του πρωτοκόλλου S2RP (Secure and Scalable Rekeying Protocol)Τσιτσιπής, Δημήτρης 23 January 2012 (has links)
Τα Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) είναι μια σχετικά νέα τεχνολογία, της οποίας η σημαντικότητα έχει αναγνωριστεί από την επιστημονική κοινότητα και έχει προοπτικές για εφαρμογή σε πολλές περιπτώσεις που απαιτείται επίβλεψη και έλεγχος σε μεγάλες εκτάσεις, όπως ο έλεγχος καλής λειτουργίας κτηρίων και κατασκευών, παρακολούθηση στρατιωτικών περιοχών, παρακολούθηση και έλεγχος καλλιεργειών ή ακόμα και επίβλεψη της υγείας ενός ασθενούς.
Είναι προφανές πως σε πολλά από αυτά τα σενάρια εφαρμογών τα δεδομένα που αποκτώνται και ανταλλάσσονται μέσα σε αυτά τα δίκτυα είναι ευαίσθητα και η απόκρυψή τους από τρίτους, καθώς και η αποτροπή προσθήκης ψευδών δεδομένων από τρίτους είναι υψίστης σημασίας. Καθώς όμως τα δίκτυα αυτά αποτελούνται από χαμηλής υπολογιστικής δυνατότητας κόμβους, (τόσο λόγω οικονομίας, ώστε, δεδομένου του αριθμού των κόμβων που απαιτούνται για τέτοιες εφαρμογές, το κόστος να κρατηθεί σε λογικά επίπεδα, όσο και για λόγους κατανάλωσης ενέργειας) απαιτείται η χρήση αλγορίθμων ασφαλείας μικρών υπολογιστικών και επικοινωνιακών απαιτήσεων.
Για την επίτευξη ασφαλούς επικοινωνίας μεταξύ των κόμβων με μικρή υπολογιστική επιβάρυνση, υλοποιούνται συμμετρικοί αλγόριθμοι κρυπτογραφίας, και για τη διαχείριση των κλειδιών κρυπτογραφίας το πρωτόκολλο διαχείρισης κλειδιών S2RP, το οποίο καθορίζει μεθόδους διανομής, αλλά και ακύρωσης συμμετρικών κλειδιών. Το πρωτόκολλο αυτό μπορεί να διατηρήσει προς τα εμπρός και προς τα πίσω ασφάλεια (ασφάλεια των μελλοντικών μεταδόσεων, και ασφάλεια των δεδομένων που έχουν ήδη μεταδοθεί αντίστοιχα) των δεδομένων σε δυναμικά μεταβαλλόμενες τοπολογίες (πχ. πρόσθεση νέου κόμβου ή ανακάλυψη εκτεθειμένου κόμβου που πρέπει να αφαιρεθεί από την τοπολογία).
Στο πλαίσιο της εργασίας, έγινε υλοποίηση του πρωτοκόλλου S2RP, καθώς και κρυπτογραφικών αλγορίθμων που απαιτούνται για την εφαρμογή του. Η υλοποίηση έγινε αρχικά σε ένα γραφικό περιβάλλον εξομοίωσης, που δημιουργήθηκε για τον έλεγχο του πρωτοκόλλου σε επίπεδο πακέτου, ενώ στη συνέχεια έγινε μεταφορά του πρωτοκόλλου σε δίκτυο από ασύρματους αισθητήρες TelosB. / Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a relatively new technology, the importance of which is widely recognized in academia. They have great potential for use in applications requiring monitoring and control over large areas, like integrity and operational monitoring of buildings and structures, military surveillance, crop monitoring or even health monitoring.
It is obvious that the data transfered in most of these applications are of a sensitive nature, and preventing a third party from accessing that data, or injecting its own forged data in the network is of utmost importance. However, because of the low computational power and network performance of these networks' nodes (which is due to economic reasons - so as to keep cost in reasonable levels in high node count networks, as well as for energy consumption reasons), the use of algorithms and protocols of low computational and communication requirements is mandatory.
To achieve secure communication between the nodes of a such network, we implement symmetric key cryptographic algorithms, and the protocol S2RP (Secure and Scalable Rekeying Protocol) for key management. S2RP defines procedures for key distribution and revocation, with the use of which it can maintain forward and backward communication security (e.g. connection of a new node, or discovery of an exposed node, which must be removed) for dynamic network topologies.
For the purpose of this thesis, we implemented the S2RP protocol, as well as the additional cryptographic primitives that are needed to achieve secure communication in a network. The implementation was initially made within a graphical simulator, which we implemented to test the protocol in the packet level. Finally, we ported the protocol to a network of TelosB motes.
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Τεχνικές κατανεμημένου φίλτρου Kalman σε δίκτυα αισθητήρωνΔιπλαράκος, Αναστάσιος 04 September 2013 (has links)
Στη παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία ασχολούμαστε με την ανάπτυξη τεχνικών για υλοποίηση ενός κατανεμημένου φίλτρου Kalman σε ένα Δίκτυο Αισθητήρων (WSN). Τα δίκτυα αυτά έχουν γνωρίσει τα τελευταία χρόνια ραγδαία ανάπτυξη λόγω των εξαιρετικά πολλών εφαρμογών τους σε διάφορα πεδία της ανθρώπινης δραστηριότητας. Το πρόβλημα που πραγματευόμαστε εδώ είναι η προσπάθεια εκτίμησης της κατάστασης μιας στοχαστικής διαδικασίας που επιτηρείται-παρακολουθείται απο το δίκτυο. Οι κόμβοι-αισθητήρες που συναπαρτίζουν αυτά τα δίκτυα έχουν συνήθως περιορίσμενες δυνατότητες ¨αίσθησης¨, πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι κάθε μεμονωμένος κόμβος αδυνατεί να παράξει μια καλή εκτίμηση της κατάστασης. Διάφορες τεχνικές εχούν προταθεί για την επίλυση τέτοιου είδους προβλημάτων όπως το κεντρικό Φίλτρο Kalman ή διάφορες αποκεντρωμένες προσεγγίσεις, οι οποιές είχαν όμως υψηλό υπολογιστικό κόστος και τις καθιστούσαν πρακτικά μη υλοποιήσιμες, ειδικά για δίκτυα με μεγάλο αριθμό κόμβων. Έτσι στη παρούσα εργασία , χρησιμοποιώντας ως εργαλείο την θεώρια των αλγορίθμων ¨Κοινής Συμφωνίας¨ (Consensus Algorithms) , κατασκευάζουμε Αλγορίθμους χαμήλης πολυπλοκότητας, για την υλοποίηση ενός Kατανεμημένου Φίλτρου Kalman, θεωρώντας ότι όλοι οι κόμβοι είναι ομότιμοι (peer-to-peer αρχιτεκτονικές), κάθε κόμβος επικοινωνεί μόνο με τους γειτονικούς του και δεν υπάρχουν Fusion Centers. Παρουσιάζουμε έτσι τρεις διαφορετικούς επαναληπτικούς αλγορίθμους βασιζομένων σε δύο διαφορετικές λογικές και τέλος προσομοιώνουμε και αξιολογούμε την επίδοση καθενός από αυτούς. / In this thesis we deal with the development of techniques for implementing a distributed Kalman filter in a sensor network (WSN). Ιn recent years these networks have experienced rapid growth, due to the numerous applications in various fields of human activity. The problem we discuss here is the attempt to estimate the state of a stochastic process which is monitored by nodes-sensors. The nodes that constitute these networks usually have limited “sense” capabilities, which means that each node is unable to produce a good estimate of the state, using only its own measurements. Various techniques have been proposed to solve this kind of problems, such as the Central Kalman Filter or several decentralized approaches, which did have a high computational cost that renders them impractical, especially for networks with a high number of nodes. Thus, in the present work, , we construct low complexity algorithms for the implementation of a Distirbuted Kalman Filter, using as a tool the theory of Consensus Algorithms and assuming that all nodes are peers (peer-to-peer architectures), each node communicates only with its neighboring and no Fusion Centers exist. Τhus, we present three different iterative algorithms based on two different approaches and finally simulate and evaluate the performance of each of them.
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Avaliação de redes de sensores sem fio aplicada a cultivos de milho, eucalipto e pinhão / Performance evaluation of a wireless sensor network applied to corn crops, eucalyptus and pine nutsRoccia, Clerivaldo José, 1973- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Francisco José Arnold, Leonardo Lorenzo Bravo Roger / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Tecnologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T02:17:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Roccia_ClerivaldoJose_M.pdf: 1742155 bytes, checksum: fd0bcca80aa7a8e8592cfb08b248712e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Redes de Sensores Sem Fio (RSSFs) são utilizadas, normalmente, em ambientes de difícil acesso tais como vulcões, florestas, caldeiras, agricultura de precisão e gasodutos. As unidades fundamentais dessas redes são os nós sensores que trocam informações e dados usando tecnologia sem fio. Como em qualquer tipo de rede de comunicação, podem ocorrer falhas que prejudiquem a operação da RSSF. Por essa razão, é necessário avaliar as métricas de desempenho da rede para que se estabeleçam condições para instalação das mesmas em ambientes específicos. Este trabalho apresenta a avaliação de uma RSSF, baseada na plataforma IRIS, desenvolvida pela Universidade de Berkeley e distribuída comercialmente pela empresa Crossbow Technology Inc, operando no modo de Requisição Resposta (RR) em quatro cenários distintos: campo aberto e cultivos agrícolas de milho, de pinhão e de eucalipto. Esta avaliação tem o objetivo de estabelecer distâncias máximas de separação entre os nós em cada ambiente, mas conservando as condições de operacionalidade da RSSF. O desempenho da rede nestes cenários foi avaliado através das métricas de perda de pacotes, tempo de resposta, consumo de baterias, utilização de largura de banda, consumo de memória e intensidade do sinal de rádio no receptor (RSSI). Nos experimentos foi encontrado que a distância máxima de separação entre os nós na cultura de milho deve ser de 16m, enquanto no pinhão e no eucalipto são de 25,5m e 46m, respectivamente. Os resultados permitem concluir que a densidade da vegetação entre os nós afeta o desempenho das RSSFs / Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in tough environments such as volcanoes, forests, boilers, agriculture precision and pipelines. The fundamental units of these networks are sensor nodes that exchange information and data using wireless technology. As with any type of network communication, faults can occur that jeopardize the operation of the WSN. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate the network performance metrics for aiming to establish conditions for network installation in specific environments. This work presents the evaluation of a WSN-based IRIS platform developed by UC Berkeley and distributed commercially by Crossbow Technology Inc. operating in the Request for Response (RR) mode in four different scenarios: an open field and the other scenarios crops of corn, pine nuts and eucalyptus. The network performance in these scenarios was evaluated by metrics such as packet loss, response time, consumption battery, bandwidth, memory consumption and intensity of radio signal receiver (RSSI). In the experiments it was found that the maximum distance separating the nodes in the corn should be 16m, while in pine and eucalyptus were 25,5m and 46m, respectively. The results lead to the conclusion that the density of vegetation between the nodes affects the performance of WSNs / Mestrado / Tecnologia e Inovação / Mestre em Tecnologia
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Survey of microcontrollers and short-range radio transceivers for wireless sensorsZewdu Yesitla, Ephrem January 2020 (has links)
A significant growth was witnessed in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), in the previous decade. The objective of this study has been Survey of micro controllers and short-range radio transceivers for wireless sensors and provide an extensive overview of micro controllers and RF-transceivers in the Market and compare the relevant properties for designing wireless sensor nodes. In the survey, RF-transvers from Nordic semiconductors is extensively presented for short-rang wireless protocols some of the protocols are RF-Communication Module, Bluetooth Low Energy Module, ZigBee module and Wi-Fi module. In WSNs node design Power consumption is one the most important design issue, this thesis work present the different type of WSN protocols energy consumption efficiency and power consumption, compared and conclude graphically. Microcontrollers are the main part of WSNs node for processing and gathering sensor data. There is different microcontroller’s products in the market however the WSN protocols presented in this thesis uses Cortex-M4 processor which is one of ARM product, the specification and comparison of this product with other products is presented.
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Bio-inspired Solutions for Optimal Management in Wireless Sensor Networks / Intégration des Solutions Bio-inspirées pour une Gestion optimale dans les Réseaux de Capteur sans FilsAbba Ari, Ado adamou 12 July 2016 (has links)
Au cours de ces dernières années, les réseaux de capteurs sans fils ont connu un intérêt croissant à la fois au sein de la communauté scientifique et industrielle en raison du large potentiel en terme d’applications offertes. Toutefois, les capteurs sont conçus avec d’extrêmes contraintes en ressources, en particulier la limitation de l’énergie. Il est donc nécessaire de concevoir des protocoles efficaces, évolutifs et moins consommateur d’énergie afin de prolonger la durée de vie de ces réseaux. Le clustering est une approche très populaire, utilisée pour l’optimisation de la consommation d’énergie des capteurs. Cette technique permet d’influencer fortement la performance globale du réseau. En outre, dans de tels réseaux, le routage génère un nombre assez élevé d’opérations non négligeables qui affectent considérablement la durée de vie du réseau ainsi que le débit offert. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés d’une part aux problèmes de clustering et de routage en utilisant des méthodes d’optimisation inspirées de certaines sociétés biologiques fournissant des modèles puissants qui conduisent à l’établissement d’une intelligence globale en se basant sur des comportements individuels très simples. Nous avons proposé une approche de clustering distribuée basée sur le processus de sélection des sites de nidification chez les colonies d’abeilles. Nous avons formulé le problème de clustering distribuée comme un processus social de prise de décision dans lequel les capteurs agissent d’une manière collective pour choisir des représentants au sein de leurs clusters respectifs. Le protocole proposé assure une distribution de l’équilibrage de charge entre les membres de chaque cluster afin de prolonger la durée de vie du réseau en faisant un compromis entre la consommation d’énergie et la qualité du canal de communication. D’autre part, nous avons proposé un protocole de routage basé sur des clusters en utilisant un algorithme inspiré du phénomène de butinage des abeilles. Nous avons formulé le problème de clustring comme un problème de programmation linéaire alors que le problème du routage est résolu par une fonction de coûts. L’algorithme de clustering permet la construction efficace des clusters en faisant un compromis entre la consommation d’énergie et la qualité du canal communication au sein des clusters tandis que le routage est réalisé de manière distribuée. Les protocoles proposés ont été intensivement expérimentés sur plusieurs topologies dans différents scénarios de réseaux et comparés avec des protocoles bien connus de clustering et routage. Les résultats obtenus démontrent l’efficacité des protocoles proposés. / During the past few years, wireless sensor networks witnessed an increased interest in both the industrial and the scientific community due to the potential wide area of applications. However, sensors’ components are designed with extreme resource constraints, especially the power supply limitation. It is therefore necessary to design low power, scalable and energy efficient protocols in order to extend the lifetime of such networks. Cluster-based sensor networks are the most popular approach for optimizing the energy consumption of sensor nodes, in order to strongly influence the overall performance of the network. In addition, routing involves non negligible operations that considerably affect the network lifetime and the throughput. In this thesis, we addressed the clustering and routing problems by hiring intelligent optimization methods through biologically inspired computing, which provides the most powerful models that enabled a global intelligence through local and simple behaviors. We proposed a distributed clustering approach based on the nest-sites selection process of a honeybee swarm. We formulated the distributed clustering problem as a social decision-making process in which sensors act in a collective manner to choose their cluster heads. To achieve this choice, we proposed a multi- objective cost-based fitness function. In the design of our proposed algorithm, we focused on the distribution of load balancing among each cluster member in order to extend network lifetime by making a tradeoff between the energy consumption and the quality of the communication link among sensors. Then, we proposed a centralized cluster-based routing protocol for wireless sensor networks by using the fast and efficient searching features of the artificial bee colony algorithm. We formulated the clustering as a linear programming problem and the routing problem is solved by proposing a cost-based function. We designed a multi-objective fitness function that uses the weighted sum approach, in the assignment of sensors to a cluster. The clustering algorithm allows the efficient building of clusters by making a tradeoff between the energy consumption and the quality of the communication link within clusters while the routing is realized in a distributed manner. The proposed protocols have been intensively experimented with a number of topologies in various network scenarios and the results are compared with the well-known cluster-based routing protocols. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed protocols.
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A survey of architectures and scenarios in satellite-based wireless sensor networks: system design aspectsCelandroni, N., Ferro, E., Gotta, A., Oligeri, G., Roseti, C., Luglio, M., Bisio, I., Cello, M., Davoli, F., Panagopoulos, A.D., Poulakis, M., Vassaki, S., de Cola, T., Marchitti, M.A., Hu, Yim Fun, Pillai, Prashant, Verma, Suraj, Xu, Kai J., Acar, G. 01 1900 (has links)
No / This paper is not a survey related to generic wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which have been largely treated in a number of survey papers addressing more focused issues; rather, it specifically addresses architectural aspects related to WSNs in some way connected with a satellite link, a topic that presents challenging interworking aspects. The main objective is to provide an overview of the potential role of a satellite segment in future WSNs. In this perspective, requirements of the most meaningful WSN applications have been drawn and matched to characteristics of various satellite/space systems in order to identify suitable integrated configurations. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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PoRAP : an energy aware protocol for cyclic monitoring WSNsKhemapech, Ittipong January 2011 (has links)
This work starts from the proposition that it is beneficial to conserve communication energy in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). For WSNs there is an added incentive for energy-efficient communication. The power supply of a sensor is often finite and small. Replenishing the power may be impractical and is likely to be costly. Wireless Sensor Networks are an important area of research. Data about the physical environment may be collected from hostile or friendly environments. Data is then transmitted to a destination without the need for communication cables. There are power and resource constraints upon WSNs, in addition WSN networks are often application specific. Different applications will often have different requirements. Further, WSNs are a shared medium system. The features of the MAC (Medium Access Control) protocol together with the application behaviour shape the communication states of the node. As each of these states have different power requirements the MAC protocol impacts upon the operation and power consumption efficiency. This work focuses on the development of an energy conservation protocol for WSNs where direct communication between sources and a base station is feasible. Whilst the multi-hop approach has been regarded as the underlying communication paradigm in WSNs, there are some scenarios where direct communication is applicable and a significant amount of communication energy can be saved. The Power & Reliability Aware Protocol has been developed. Its main objectives are to provide efficient data communication by means of energy conservation without sacrificing required reliability. This has been achieved by using direct communication, adaptive power adaptation and intelligent scheduling. The results of simulations illustrate the significance of communication energy and adaptive transmission. The relationship between Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and Packet Reception Rate (PRR) metrics is established and used to identify when power adaptation is required. The experimental results demonstrate an optimal region where lower power can be used without further reduction in the PRR. Communication delays depend upon the packet size whilst two-way propagation delay is very small. Accurate scheduling is achieved through monitoring the clock drift. A set of experiments were carried out to study benefits of direct vs. multi-hop communication. Significant transmitting current can be conserved if the direct communication is used. PoRAP is compared to Sensor-MAC (S-MAC), Berkeley-MAC (B-MAC) and Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA). Parameter settings used in the Great Duck Island (GDI) a production habitat monitoring WSNs were applied. PoRAP consumes the least amount of energy.
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Collaborative beamforming for wireless sensor networksAhmed, Mohammed 11 1900 (has links)
Collaborative Beamforming (CB) has been introduced in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) context as a long-distance and power-efficient communication scheme. One challenge for CB is the randomness of sensor node locations where different network realizations result in different CB beampatterns. First, we study the effect of sensor node spatial distribution on the CB beampattern. The characteristics of the CB beampattern are derived for circular Gaussian distributed sensor nodes and compared with the case of uniform distributed sensor nodes. It is shown that the mainlobe behavior of the CB beampattern is essentially deterministic. This suggests that the average beampattern characteristics are suitable for describing the mainlobe of a sample beampattern. However, the CB beampattern sidelobes are random and highly depends on the particular sensor node locations.
Second, we introduce the multi-link CB and address the problem of random sidelobes where high level sidelobes can cause unacceptable interference to unintended Base Stations or Access Points (BSs/APs). Centralized sidelobe control techniques are impractical for distributed sensor nodes because of the associated communication overhead for each sensor node. Therefore, we propose a node selection scheme as an alternative to the centralized sidelobe control which aims at minimizing the interference at unintended BSs/APs. Our algorithm is based on the use of the inherent randomness of the channels and a low feedback that approves/rejects tested random node combinations. The performance of the proposed algorithm is analyzed in terms of the average number of trials and the achievable interference suppression and transmission rate.
Finally, we study CB with power control aiming at prolonging the lifetime of a cluster of sensor nodes in the WSN. The energy available at different sensor nodes may not be the same since different sensor nodes may perform different tasks and not equally frequently. CB with power control can be used to balance the individual sensor nodes' lifetimes. Thus, we propose a distributed algorithm for CB with power control that is based on the Residual Energy Information (REI) at each sensor node while achieving the required average SNR at the BS/AP. The effectiveness of the proposed CB with power control is illustrated by simulations. / Communications
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Collaborative beamforming for wireless sensor networksAhmed, Mohammed Unknown Date
No description available.
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A low power listening with wake up after transmissions MAC protocol for WSNsCano Bastidas, Cristina 04 March 2011 (has links)
In the last few years Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have become an interesting field of research mainly due to the challenges and constraints of their design and the broad range of potential applications they can provide. One of the most important constraints is the limited energy resources of the sensor nodes that directly influences the design of the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer, as it is the responsible of controlling the transceiver that is the most consuming component of a sensor node. In this thesis the limitations of preamble sampling, one of the most well-known MAC protocols for WSNs, have been studied. Moreover, a new approach, called Low power listening with Wake up after Transmissions MAC (LWT-MAC), has been designed with the goal to overcome preamble sampling limitations while maintaining its reduced energy consumption and simplicity. The performance results obtained have shown that the LWT-MAC protocol is able to significantly improve the performance of WSNs. / Les xarxes de sensors sense fils han esdevingut una interessant àrea de recerca degut als reptes que presenta el seu disseny i a la gran quantitat d’aplicacions potencials que poden proporcionar. Un dels principals problemes d’aquestes xarxes és la limitació en els recursos energètics dels nodes sensors, cosa que afecta directament al disseny del nivell Medium Access Control (MAC), degut a què és el responsable de controlar la ràdio, el component de major consum energètic d’un node sensor. En aquesta tesi s’estudien les limitacions d'un dels protocols MAC per xarxes de sensors més conegut: preamble sampling. A més, s’ha dissenyat un nou protocol, anomenat Low power listening with Wake up after Transmissions MAC (LWT-MAC), amb l’objectiu de reduir les limitacions de preamble sampling però mantenint el seu baix consum energètic i la seva simplicitat. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que el protocol LWT-MAC és capaç de millorar de forma significativa el rendiment de la xarxa.
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