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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efektivní využití energie při spalování odpadů / Waste-to-Energy and effective energy utilization

Kadleček, Vít January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with an increasing of utilization of energy during a combustion of waste. The introductory part deals with a presentation of the specific waste to energy unit and its combined heat and power production. In the next part is described a computing tool and the principle of its function. The main part od the thesis deals with a description of cumputing tool testing and with a summary of achieved results.

Regionální energetické využití odpadů / Regional energetic waste exploitation

Krňávek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with technologies for energy utilisation of waste with annual treatment capacity approximately from 10 to 50 kt/year and their application in regions of the Czech Republic. In the first part of the thesis the results of heat consumption analysis in seven regions of the CR are introduced while in two selected regions a production of waste was analyzed too. The main part deals with the design of technological solution of waste-to-energy plant with medium capacity and its integration to specific conditions of the two selected regions. Alternatives of combined heat supply were assessed from waste-to-energy plant as well. A basic economic analysis that contains the estimates of incomes and capital expenditures and operating expense is a part of this thesis too.

Analýza možností nakládání s komunálními odpady v rámci mikroregionu / Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Possibilities in Microregion

Ucekaj, Vladimír January 2010 (has links)
n accordance with Council Directive 1999/31/EC implemented by Regulation number 294/2005 Sb., Czech Republic has agreed to reduce landfilling of biodegradable material contained in mixed municipal waste (BDMW) by 50 % in comparison with 1995 starting January 1, 2013. This causes several problems to municipalities as the issue of mixed municipal waste (MMW) treatment is not handled at any level of state administration. PhD thesis tackles the question which level of state administration - national, regional, or microregional or municipal - should be responsible for waste treatment and whether it is economical and efficient, or not.

Can rural Gaza Strip be both biogas “self-sufficient” and organic waste and wastewater problem free?

Alsultan, Mohammed January 2013 (has links)
The rural areas in the Gaza Strip suffer from the problem of sanitation and organic waste as well as electricity and cooking fuel. In this thesis, the biogas plant was designed to solve those problems based on the fixed dome plant design as shown in Figure 3 and4. Therefore, the efficiency and selectivity was good for biogas plant which is easy for the local people disposal of organic waste and wastewater as well as self-sufficiency of biogas for cooking and electricity for the family. The sediments from the biogas plant are also used as fertilizers in agriculture. Thus it is possible to know the amount of biogas production, the cost of biogas, the amount of fertilizer, the cost of fertilizers and the amount of disposal of organic waste and wastewater. The calculation shows that the size of digester which is equal to 12 cubic meters as shown in figure 4.The construction is cost of $ 930 as shown in Table 2. Through the results will be disposed of organic waste, wastewater and manure are about 48 kilograms per day for the family. The Biogas is produced 0.5 tons of biogas is estimated about $ 100 in rural areas in the Gaza Strip. It is also produced fertilizers equivalent of $ 113 per month. So the results and calculations are clear that the rural family is self-sufficient of biogas, the dispose of organic waste and wastewater and agricultural growth by the fertilizers from the biogas plant.

Technical Development of Waste Sector in Sweden: Survey and LifeCycle Environmental Assessment of Emerging Technologies

Uz Zaman, Atiq January 2009 (has links)
Waste can be considered as an urban burden or as a valuable resource depending on how it ismanaged. Different waste treatment technologies are available at present to manage municipal solidwaste (MSW). Various actors are involved to develop waste treatment technology for certain area.The aim of this study is to analyze the driving forces in technical development in waste sector inSweden. The study is also done to identify emerging waste management technology in Sweden.Moreover, a comparative study of existing and emerging technologies is done by Life CycleAssessment (LCA) model. An extensive literature review and pilot questionnaire survey among thewaste management professionals’ is done for the study. LCA model is developed by SimaProsoftware CML2 baseline method is used for identifying environmental burden from the wastetechnologies.Dry composting, Pyrolysis-Gasification (P-G), Plasma-Arc are identified as potential emergingtechnologies for waste management system in Sweden. Technical developments of thesetechnologies are influenced by indigenous people’s behavior, waste characteristics, regulations, healthor environmental impact and global climate change. Comparative LCA model of P-G andIncineration shows that, P-G is a favorable waste treatment technology than Incineration for MSW,especially in acidification, global warming and aquatic eco-toxicity impact categories.

An Energy Management Oriented Analysis: Case Study of a Waste to Energy Plant in Lecco, Italy

Cerra, Noemi January 2019 (has links)
The ISO 50001 standard on energy management systems was released in 2011 with the aim of providing organizations with a standardised guideline for the evaluation and continual improvement of energy performance. Complex structures such as the waste to energy (WTE) sector, which must comply with social, environmental, economic and productivity objectives, can benefit from the development of a compliant energy management system (EnMS). Energy efficiency and energy savings contribute to the mitigation of the heavy cost of such a facility, while the benchmark analysis allows verifying the state of the system and the potential areas for improvement. The energy performance improvements can be valorised on an environmental base, and proper promotion of the process can contribute to the mitigation of social opposition. This thesis reviews the energy performance of a waste to energy facility located in Lecco, Italy, using the information available from the control system already installed in the company. Regression analysis is used to fit linear and polynomial functional forms to the energy consumption data and create the energy baseline for the areas of significant energy use and production with a predictive power of 59 – 92%. The difference among the baseline and the actual energy consumption is proposed as energy performance indicator, in order to appreciate the results of the improvement opportunities, and a set of key performance indicators are evaluated for internal and external benchmarking of the facility. The economic feasibility of a selection of sectorial Best Available Technologies (BATs) and the related energy performance improvement is evaluated, revealing that 2 – 16 M€ can be invested in the system retrofit; the creation of synergies with the facility heating, cooling and electricity demand is also suggested. Lastly, an energy, economic and environmental analysis is suggested as a ranking system for the identified improvement opportunities. The methodology and results of this study are intended to provide a proper energy review for Silea Spa, suggest a review procedure for other WTE facilities willing to develop a compliant EnMS and enrich the literature with a case study on WTE. For the Italian context, which is currently facing difficulties in the modernization of the waste management system (WMS), the ISO 50001 application on WTE facilities offers a unified structure that can be used by the government to map the current status of each facility and develop the legislative framework in accordance to the needs of the WMS, the circular economy and the public opinion. / ISO 50001-standarden för energihanteringssystem släpptes 2011 för att ge organisationer en standardiserad riktlinje för utvärdering och kontinuerlig förbättring av energiprestanda. Komplexa strukturer som sektorn för avfall till energi (WTE), som måste uppfylla målen socialt, miljömässigt, ekonomiskt och produktivt, kan dra nytta av utvecklingen av ett kompatibelt energihanteringssystem (EnMS). Energieffektivitet och energibesparingar bidrar till att mildra den stora kostnaden för en sådan anläggning, medan jämförelseanalysen gör det möjligt att verifiera systemets tillstånd och de potentiella förbättringsområdena. Förbättringen av energiprestanda kan värderas på en miljöbas, och en korrekt främjande av processen kan bidra till att mildra social opposition. Denna avhandling granskar energiprestanda för ett slöseri till en energianläggning i Lecco, Italien, med hjälp av den information som finns tillgänglig från det styrsystem som redan är installerat i företaget. Regressionsanalys används för att passa linjära och polynomiska funktionsformer till energiförbrukningsdata och skapa energigrundnivå för områdena med betydande energianvändning och produktion med en prediktiv effekt på 59-92%. Skillnaden mellan baslinjen och den faktiska energiförbrukningen föreslås som indikator för energiprestanda för att uppskatta resultaten av förbättringsmöjligheterna och en uppsättning nyckelresultatindikatorer utvärderas för intern och extern riktmärkning av anläggningen. Den ekonomiska möjligheten för ett urval av sektorns bästa tillgängliga teknik (BAT) och den därmed sammanhängande förbättringen av energieffektiviteten utvärderas, vilket visar att 2 - 16 miljoner euro kan investeras i systemets eftermontering. skapandet av synergier med anläggningens uppvärmning, kylning och el efterfrågan föreslås också. Slutligen föreslås en energi-, ekonomisk och miljöanalys som ett rankningssystem för de identifierade förbättringsmöjligheterna. Metoden och resultaten av denna studie är avsedda att ge en ordentlig energianalyse för Silea Spa, föreslå ett granskningsförfarande för andra WTE-anläggningar som är villiga att utveckla en kompatibel ENMS och berika litteraturen med en fallstudie om WTE. För det italienska sammanhanget, som för närvarande står inför svårigheter i moderniseringen av avfallshanteringssystemet (WMS), erbjuder ISO 50001-tillämpningen på WTE-anläggningar en enhetlig struktur som kan användas av regeringen för att kartlägga nuvarande status för varje anläggning och utveckla den rättsliga ramen i enlighet med WMS, den cirkulära ekonomins och den allmänna opinionens behov.

Potential for the anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste (MSW) in the city of Curitiba, Brazil

Remy, Florian January 2018 (has links)
Curitiba is a city of two million inhabitants located in the South of Brazil. It is a pioneer in waste management in the country, and is famous for its programs promoting recycling and organic waste collection. The city is now willing to take waste management one step further by investigating new solutions to treat and recover energy from organic municipal solid waste. This report is the fruit of a collaboration between two departments of the municipality of Curitiba, four local universities, the Swedish environment protection agency and the Royal Institute of Technology – KTH. The purpose of this report is to assess the potential for the development of anaerobic digestion as a solution to treat the organic municipal solid waste generated in Curitiba. The report offers an overview of the current waste treatment and of the main sources of organic waste in Curitiba. The annual amount of organic waste generated in the city is estimated to 144,350 tons, of which 913 tons come from food markets supervised by SMAB, the secretary of food supply. Three different scenarios, corresponding to three ranges of waste sources, have been considered. In the first one, the organic wastes generated by one of the two public markets of Curitiba are treated on-site. In the second one, all the organic wastes from food markets, street markets and popular restaurants are treated together in a medium-scale anaerobic digester. In the third one, all the sources of organic municipal solid waste identified in Curitiba are considered, including residential, institutional and small commercial waste. The annual methane production is estimated to 5,400 m3, 86,000 m3 and 12,600,000 m3 respectively for the three scenarios. In the last two scenarios, the methane could be converted into electricity, resulting in an annual electricity production of 257 MWh and 37,600 MWh. The first scenario does not consider a post-treatment of the digestate remaining at the end of the digestion. Between 46 and 50 tons of digestate could be used as a liquid fertilizer on-site and the surplus could be sold. For the two other scenarios, the digestate would be dewatered and composted to be sold as a dry fertilizer. The dry fertilizer production is estimated to 386 tons and 63,000 tons respectively every year. Each of the scenario considered would be financially viable, with a discounted payback period varying from 8 months for the small-scale scenario, to over 15 years for the second scenario. The third scenario would be the most lucrative, with a net present value of about 150 million reals. / Curitiba i Södra Brasilien är en stad med två miljoner invånare som har positionerat sig som pionjär inom avfallshantering. Staden är känd i landet med sin främjande strategi för återvinning och organisk avfallshantering. Curitiba planerar att undersöka och experimentera med nya metoder för behandling av avfall kombinerad med energiåtervinning från kommunalt organiskt avfall. Denna rapport är resultat av ett samarbete mellan två avdelningar inom Curitibas kommun, fyra lokala universitet, Sveriges miljöskyddsmyndighet och den Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Syftet med denna rapport är att utvärdera den potentialen som den anaeroba nedbrytningen har som medel för behandling av det kommunala fasta avfallet som genereras i Curitiba. Rapporten går även igenom hur avfallshanteringen ser ut i staden i dagsläget samt sammanfattar de största källorna för organiskt avfall i Curitiba. Den årliga mängden organiskt avfall som produceras i staden uppskattas till 144 350 ton, varav 913 ton kommer från livsmedelsaktiviteter som övervakas av det brasilianska livsmedelsverket SMAB. Tre olika scenarier representeras i denna rapport och omfattar tre områden av avfallskällor. I det första scenariot behandlas det organiska avfallet som genereras av en av de två köpmarknaderna i Staden direkt på plats. I det andra behandlas allt organiskt avfall från livsmedelsmarknader, gatumarknader och populära restauranger tillsammans i en medelstor anaerob kokare. I det tredje beaktas alla källor till organiskt kommunalt avfall som identifierats i Curitiba, inklusive bostads-, institutionellt och litet kommersiellt avfall. Den årliga metanproduktionen uppskattas till 5 400 m3, 86 000 m3 respektive 12 600 000 m3 för de tre scenarierna. I det andra och tredje scenariot kunde metan omvandlas till el, vilket resulterade i en årlig elproduktion på 257 MWh respektive 37 600 MWh. I det första scenariot anses inte en efterbehandling av digestatet kvar vid slutet av matsmältningen. Mellan 46 och 50 ton digestat kan användas som flytande gödselmedel på plats och överskottet kan säljas. För de två andra scenarierna skulle digestatet avvattnas och komposteras för att senare säljas som torr gödsel vars produktion beräknas uppgå till 386 ton respektive 63 000 ton varje år. Alla tre scenario som presenteras i denna rapport anses vara ekonomiskt genomförbara med en diskonterad återbetalningstid som varierar mellan 8 månader för det första scenariot till över 15 år för det andra scenariot. Det tredje scenariot anses vara det mest lukrativa med ett nuvärde på ca 150 miljoner realer.

Biomass and waste as a renewable and sustainable energy source in Vietnam: Review paper

Schirmer, Matthias 25 August 2015 (has links)
Due to Vietnam’s economic development its energy demand will continue to rise by 12–16% annually over the next few years. The government has realized that supply problems in the energy sector pose a significant threat to further development. Therefore, it is making concerted efforts to modernize the existing energy sector and expand the generating structure. There are ambitious expansion plans in the field of renewable energy sources, too. Owing to its very high potential, biomass could play a key role in energy production. This paper attempts to analyze the current status of biomass based energy production in Vietnam addressing variety of aspects such as biomass potential, legal framework as well as financial aspect. Section 4 contains an overview of ongoing bioenergy projects. Instead of providing a complete picture, these examples are intended to illustrate the various ways in which biomass can be used in different economic sectors. Finally existing barriers as well as action to incentivise bioenergy are discussed. / Do phát triển kinh tế, nhu cầu năng lượng của Việt Nam sẽ tiếp tục tăng 12-16% mỗi năm trong vài năm tới. Chính phủ đã nhận ra rằng vấn đề cung cấp trong lĩnh vực năng lượng gây ra một mối đe dọa đáng kể cho sự phát triển tiếp theo. Vì vậy, có các nỗ lực để hiện đại hóa ngành năng lượng hiện có và mở rộng cấu trúc sản sinh năng lượng. Cũng có những kế hoạch mở rộng đầy tham vọng trong lĩnh vự nguồn năng lượng tái tạo. Do có tiềm năng rất cao, sinh khối có thể đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong sản xuất năng lượng. Bài viết này cố gắng phân tích tình trạng hiện tại của sản xuất năng lượng sinh khối tại Việt Nam giải quyết nhiều khía cạnh nhưtiềm năng sinh khối, khuôn khổ pháp lý cũng như các khía cạnh về tài chính. Tổng quan về các dự án năng lượng sinh học đang diễn ra được trình bày trong phần 4. Thay vì cung cấp một bức tranh hoàn chỉnh, các ví dụ được dùng để minh họa cho những cách khác nhau, trong đó sinh khối có thể được sử dụng trong các lĩnh vực kinh tế khác nhau. Rào cản cuối cùng hiện tại cũng nhưhành động để khuyến khích năng lượng sinh học sẽ được thảo luận.

Energiåtervinning från kommunalt avfall i Burundi, Afrika

Jangholt, Rebecka, Ingabire, Lionel January 2022 (has links)
Det pågår en ökande trend i världen där fler flyttar in i tätorter. Det påverkar tätorterna i många dimensioner och en av dessa är den kommunala avfallshanteringen. När fler flyttar in mot städerna så blir det en påtryckning på befintlig hantering och är den dessutom bristfällig blir situation snabbt försämrad. Avfallshanteringen är ett känsligt område då det kan påverka människors hälsa och välmående. I utvecklingsländer är det allt för vanligt att lägga sitt avfall på öppna deponier eller låta avfallet ligga kvar längs gatorna. Detta avger farliga bakterier som ger smittsamma sjukdomar samt att tungmetaller tar sig ner i grundvattnet. FN förutspår att ungefär hälften av Afrikas befolkning kommer bo i tätorter till 2030. Denna studie handlar om avfallshanteringen i Burundi. Burundi är ett av Afrikas mest tätbefolkade länder och majoriteten lever i extrem fattigdom. Studien undersöker möjligheten för den största staden, Bujumbura, att energi återvinna sitt kommunala avfall i ett kraftvärmeverk. Det skulle vara en lösning på avfallsproblematiken samt generera el till staden. Bujumbura har idag (2022) en nästintill obefintlig avfallshantering och detta skulle vara en gynnsam lösning. I Bujumbura slängs approximativt 450 tusen ton avfall vilket har ett energiinnehåll på 5,3 PJ. Studien visar att potential för ett kraftvärmeverk med effekt på cirka 150 MW som kan omvandlas till 0,4 TWh el. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om Bujumbura kan förbättra sin avfallshantering och om det skulle vara möjligt för staden att förbränna sitt avfall i ett kraftvärmeverk. För att få underlag till vår studie har vi gjort en litteraturstudie, haft möten med berörda chefer i Bujumbura samt studiebesök på deponi och ställverk i Bujumbura. Resultatet visar att det finns möjligheter för Bujumbura att etablera ett kraftvärmeverk. För att detta ska kunna ske måste kommunen göra en omfattande satsning på hantering av avfall. / There is an ongoing trend in the world where more people are moving to urban areas. It affects in several dimensions and one of which is the municipal solid waste management. When more people move to the cities, there is a pressure on existing management and if also deficient, the situation quickly deteriorates. Waste management is a sensitive subject because it can affect people’s health and their wellbeing. In developing countries, it is common to put waste in open-air landfills. This releases dangerous bacteria that causes infectious diseases and heavy metals get into the groundwater. UN predicts that about half of Africa´s population will live in urban areas by 2030. The aim of this study is to minimize the environmental impact of municipal solid waste by establishing a combined heat and power plant in Bujumbura, Burundi, to generate electricity and heat from municipal solid waste for the city of Bujumbura as a solution to waste management challenges. Annually 450-thousand-ton waste with energy value of 5,3 PJ lays on open-air landfills. The study shows the potential for a power plant with a capacity of 150 MW. The CHP plant could generate approximately 0,4 TWh of electricity annually. This will reduce the development of unsorted waste that is otherwise dumped in open landfills. The electricity produced will be sold to the power grid to generate revenue. Furthermore, it will improve the management of solid waste and other departments who work for the development of sustainable environmental management for Bujumbura. For our study we have done a literature study, had meetings with relevant managers in Bujumbura and study visits to landfills and switchgears in Bujumbura. The results show that there are opportunities for Bujumbura to establish a combined heat and power plant. For this to happen, the municipality must make a comprehensive investment in waste management.

Cenários quantitativos de gases de efeito estufa e energia pela gestão de resíduos na Macrometrópole Paulista / Energy and greenhouse gases numeric scenarios from waste management in the Macrometropole Paulista

Alves, João Wagner Silva 01 December 2017 (has links)
A Contribuição Nacional Pretendida, apresentada pelo Governo Brasileiro na 21ª Conferência das Partes, em Paris 2015, definiu o compromisso nacional de redução de emissão de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) frente aos demais países que compõem a Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças Climáticas. Para que este compromisso seja cumprido, medidas de desenvolvimento de baixo carbono devem ser adotadas. Cenários quantitativos de emissão de GEE podem antecipar as estimativas que serão apresentadas nos inventários futuros de GEE. Os cenários quantitativos podem também auxiliar o governo brasileiro a cumprir as determinações do Decreto da Presidência da República no 7.390/10 e da Decisão 2/CP.17 da Convenção do Clima para elaborar, respectivamente, estimativas anuais e bianuais de emissão de GEE. Além disso, os cenários ainda podem reduzir a incerteza do inventário nacional e podem auxiliar na identificação das alternativas de baixo carbono. As projeções de crescimento populacional, de variação da taxa coleta de resíduo, de variação da composição do resíduo coletado e de qualidade de operação dos locais de disposição permitem definir um futuro único, em que serão comparadas as consequências das opções, disponíveis em 2016, de tratamento do resíduo. Para as avaliações, foram estimadas as variações da composição, do poder calorífico e das frações fóssil e orgânica do resíduo urbano. Os prazos e metas considerados no estudo são inspirados nas políticas Nacional e Estadual do Estado de São Paulo sobre Mudanças Climáticas e no Plano Nacional de Resíduo Sólido. Implantações de opções com início em 2016, evoluindo até 30% em 2040 foram simuladas. A coleta e combustão do biogás de aterro, que até 2000 não era praticada no país, hoje é uma realidade. Por essa razão, admite-se a possibilidade da implantação desta opção em todos os locais de disposição de resíduos da Macrometrópole Paulista. Este estudo mostra que, no setor de resíduos, a recuperação e uso energético do metano, associada à reciclagem e tratamento da matéria orgânica de parte dos resíduo coletados pode levar à redução de emissão superior a 45% em relação à observada em 2005. Mostra também que a incineração de material plástico pode ocasionar aumento de mais de 80% em relação à emissão em 2005. / The Proposed National Contribution presented by the Brazilian Government at the 21st Conference of Parties in Paris 2015 defined the national commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) with other countries of the United Nations Framework Convention Climate Change (UNFCCC). To fulfill this commitment, policies have to be adopted. Quantitative GHG emission scenarios can anticipate estimates for future inventories of those gases. Scenarios can help the Government to comply with the Decree 7.390/10 and Decision 2 / CP.17 to prepare annual and bi-annual GHG emission estimates. Scenarios can also reduce the uncertainty of the national inventory and may assist in identifying low carbon alternatives. The projection of population growth, the changes on waste collection rate, the differences of collected waste composition of and the variation of operational quality of disposal sites allows to define a single future, in which the consequences of the available options for waste management in 2016 can be compared. Waste composition, lower calorific value and organic and fossil fraction in urban waste were estimated. Deadlines and targets considered in this study were inspired on National Solid Waste Act and São Paulo State policies on Climate Change. Waste treatment options, starting in 2016, raising to 30% in 2040 were simulated. The collection and combustion of landfill biogas, which until 2000 were not common in the country, are now a reality. The possibility of implementing this option in all the Macrometropole Paulista disposal sites is assumed. This study shows that, in the waste sector, recovery and the energetic use of methane, associated with recycling and treatment of organic matter from part of the collected solid waste can reduce emission over 45% in relation to the 2005 observed emission. This study also shows that incineration of plastics can increase emission over 80% as compared to that observed in 2005.

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