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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Condutividade hidráulica do solo no campo: as simplificações do método do perfil instantâneo. / Field soil hydraulic conductivity: the simplification of the instantaneous profile method.

Laercio Alves de Carvalho 23 January 2003 (has links)
Sendo a condutividade hidráulica do solo um parâmetro que traduz a facilidade com que a água se movimenta ao longo do perfil de solo, sua determinação, principalmente no campo, torna-se imprescindível, visto que o movimento da água no solo está diretamente relacionado à produção das culturas agrícolas. Com isso, a aplicação de um método confiável que quantifique a condutividade hidráulica versus umidade, a função ( ) q K , certamente contribuirá muito para uma correta avaliação dos resultados, principalmente tendo em conta a grande variabilidade dessa função devido à variabilidade natural das características do solo. Neste trabalho, testou-se o método do perfil instantâneo com o objetivo de avaliar a função ( ) q K com e sem a suposição de gradiente unitário e também o seu comportamento com relação aos os horizontes pedológicos do solo. A determinação da função foi feita usando tensiômetros com manômetros de mercúrio instalados às profundidades de 0,1; 0,2; 0,3; 0,4; 0,5; 0,6; 0,7; 0,8; 0,9; 1,0; 1,1 e 1,2 m e curvas de retenção determinadas para as mesmas profundidades, num Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico argissólico A moderado textura média, localizado no campo experimental da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São Paulo. A análise dos resultados foi feita pelo teste F de análise de variância, a fim de testar o paralelismo, a igualdade dos interceptos e a coincidência entre as retas lnK versus q, considerando e não considerando a suposição do gradiente unitário. Além disso, foram feitos também testes de similaridade da função ( ) q K de cada profundidade do solo pelo índice de concordância de Willmott (1981). Com base na análise dos resultados pode-se dizer que, com os procedimentos utilizados de delimitação da área para inundação e redistribuição da água, podem ser empregados modelos simples que consideram unitário o gradiente de potencial total e que, pela comparação feita entre as profundidades, a separação do perfil do solo em horizontes pedológicos parece seguir a separação em camadas com funções ( ) q K semelhantes, apenas a partir da profundidade 0,6 m. / The soil hydraulic conductivity is a parameter that quantifies the ability of the soil to conduct water along the soil profile. Hence its field determination is indispensable, since soil water movement is directly related to the field crop productions. Thus, the use of an adequate method that assesses the hydraulic conductivity as a function of soil-water content, the ( ) q K function, certainly will very contribute to a proper evaluation of results, mainly if it is considered the great variability of this function as a result of the natural variability of the soil characteristics. In this work, the instantaneous profile method was tested with the objective to evaluate a) the ( ) q K function taking and not taking into consideration the assumption of unit gradient and b) the behaviour of the ( ) q K function with respect to the pedological horizons of the soil. The determination of the function was made using mercury manometer tensiometers installed at the depths of 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4; 0.5; 0.6; 0.7; 0.8; 0.9; 1.0; 1.1 and 1.2 m and soil water retention curves determined for the same depths, in an Oxisol, located at experimental fields of Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, University de São Paulo, in Piracicaba (SP), Brasil (22 o 42’ 43,3’’ W and 47 o 37’ 10,4’’ S). The result analysis was made using an F-test in order to verify the paralelism, the intercept equality and the coincidence of the lnK versus q straight lines, taking and not taking account of the assumption of unit hydraulic gradient. Basides, similarity tests of the ( ) q K function were also made by the Willmott (1981) index. From the analysis of results, it could be concluded that, with the procedures used to delimit the experimental plots in this experiment to water the soil profile and to follow the water redistribuition, the unit gradient approches seem to be adequate to assess the field ( ) q K function and also that the pedological horizons seem to follow the layers of similar ( ) q K function, for depths greater than 0.6 m.

Infiltração da água em amostras de solo indeformadas e remodeladas em colunas utilizando modelos determinísticos / Infiltration of water in undisturbed and remodeling soil samples in columns using deterministic models

Oliveira, Verena Benício de 11 October 2018 (has links)
Define-se infiltração da água no solo como a entrada da água através da superfície do solo. O processo de infiltração separa, assim, quanto da precipitação pluvial, por exemplo, flui sobre a superfície do solo e quanto flui abaixo da superfície do solo, esta última tanto vertical como horizontalmente. Diversos fatores interferem neste processo, podendo-se destacar aqueles relacionados ao tipo de solo e declividade do terreno e às características do solo e da cobertura vegetal, bem como aquelas relacionadas à precipitação. São conhecidas diversas equações de infiltração, propostas para expressar a lei da infiltração da água em solos, que é o gráfico da taxa de infiltração da água com o tempo. São equações desenvolvidas empiricamente ou a partir de considerações físicas e aplicam-se somente a solos homogêneos e que permanecem homogêneos durante o processo. Dados da literatura têm mostrado que para nossos solos o avanço da frente de molhamento no processo de infiltração vertical também é proporcional à raiz quadrada do tempo, como a solução da equação de Richards obtida por Philip para a infiltração horizontal, porém com uma velocidade maior. Dado este fato, levanta-se a hipótese de utilizar a equação proposta por Philip para a infiltração na direção horizontal também para a direção vertical, em colunas com amostra de solo indeformada e com amostra de solo homogeneamente remodelada. Este trabalho trata do processo da infiltração de água no solo, especificamente a vertical descendente. Pretendeu-se avaliar as equações clássicas da lei da infiltração em amostras homogêneas de três solos estruturalmente distintos com estrutura deformada e indeformada. O experimento foi conduzido em latoratório, em nove colunas com amostras de três solos com características distintas, sendo um Cambissolo Háplico, um Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófico e um Nitossolo Vermelho eutroférrico. As curvas da taxa de infiltração foram determinadas em laboratório e o conteúdo de água foi determinado pela técnica da atenuação gama. A equação proposta por Kostiakov para a lei da infiltração ajustou-se muito bem (máximo R2 para todos os solos, com exceção da coluna indeformada do Nitossolo) por praticamente coincidir com a equação de ajuste estatistico dos dados. Já o mesmo não ocorreu com a equação proposta por Horton para a qual os coeficientes de determinação variaram de 0,528 a 0,898 (sem considerer a amostra do Nitossolo indeformada). Com relação ao modelo de Green & Ampt que, ao contrário das equações de Kostiakov e Horton que são modelos empíricos, pode-se dizer tratar-se de um modelo semi-analítico, os ajustes dos dados também não foram muito bons (R2 variando de 0,802 a 0,898, sem considerer a amostra do Nitossolo indeformada). O modelo quase todo analítico de Philip, baseado na solução da equação de Richards para a direção horizontal, ajustou-se muito bem aos dados desta pesquisa que foi desenvolvida para a direção vertical descendente, visto que o gráfico da posição de frente de molhamento em relação a fonte de água em função da raiz quadrada do tempo de infiltração resultou numa linha reta com alto coeficiente de determinação para todas as amostras (R2 maior que 0,99 para as deformadas e R2 maior que 0,95 para as deformadas). Todos os modelos apresentaram um ajuste ruim (R2 menor que 0,1) para a coluna indeformada do solo 3 (Nitossolo). Provavelmente devido à presença de bioporo no interior da coluna, com fluxo preferencial da água ou também ao processo de amostragem que é muito dificuldato devido a forte estruturação deste solo. / Soil water infiltration is defined as the entry of water through the soil surface. The infiltration process thus separates how much of the rainfall, for example, flows over the soil surface and how much it flows below the surface of the soil, the latter both vertically and horizontally. Several factors interfere in this process, being possible to highlight those related to the type of soil and slope of the terrain and to the characteristics of the soil and vegetation cover, as well as those related to precipitation. Several infiltration equations are known, proposed to express the law of water infiltration in soils, which is the graph of the infiltration rate of water as a function of time. They are equations developed empirically or from physical considerations and apply only to homogeneous soils that remain homogeneous during the process. Literature data have shown that for our soils the advance of the wetting front in the vertical infiltration process is also proportional to the square root of the time, as the solution of the Richards equation obtained by Philip for horizontal infiltration, but with a higher velocity. Given this fact, the hypothesis is proposed to use the equation proposed by Philip for the infiltration in the horizontal direction also for the vertical direction, in columns with undisturbed soil sample and with homogeneously remodeled soil sample. This work deals especifically with the process of vertical descending soil water infiltration. It was intended to evaluate the classical equations of the infiltration law in homogeneous samples of three structurally distinct soils with disturbed and undisturbed structure. The experiment was carried out in a laboratory, in nine columns with three soils distinct characteristics, being a Haplic Cambisol, a Dystrophic Yellow Red Latosol and an eutrophic Red Nitosol. The infiltration rate curves were determined in the laboratory and the water content was determined by the gamma ray attenuation technique. The equation proposed by Kostiakov for the infiltration law adjusted very well (maximum R2 for all soils, except for the undisturbed Nitosol column) since it practically coincide with the equation of statistical fit of the data. The same did not occur with the equation proposed by Horton for which the coefficients of determination ranged from 0,528 to 0.898 (not considering the undisturbed column of Nitosol. In relation to the Green & Ampt model, unlike the Kostiakov and Horton equations that are empirical models, it can be said that it is a semi-analytical model, the data adjustments were also not good changing from 0,802 to 0,848 also not considering the undisturbed Nitosol. Philip\'s almost all-analytical model, based on the solution of the Richards equation for the horizontal direction, fitted very well the data from this work that were conducted in the downward vertical direction, since the graph of the wet facing front position the water source as a function of the square root of the infiltration time resulted in a straight line with a high coefficient of determination for all samples (R2 greater than 0.99 for the deformed and R2 greater than 0.95 for the deformed ones). All models presented a poor fit (R2 less than 0.01) for the undisturbed soil 3 column (Nitosol). Probably due to the presence of biopore inside the column, with preferential flow of water or to the sampling process that is very difficult due to the strong structure of this soil.

Avaliação de uma sonda TDR helicoidal para a estimativa do teor de umidade de solos em campo e laboratório / Evaluation of a helicoidal TDR probe to estimate the soil water content in laboratory and in situ

Assis, Cleber Decarli de 09 May 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta a avaliação de uma sonda TDR helicoidal para estimar o teor de umidade dos solos, em diferentes profundidades, através da técnica da reflectometria no domínio do tempo (TDR). Essa sonda, desenvolvida especificamente para esse fim, foi devidamente calibrada em laboratório para diferentes tipos de solo. O processo de calibração consistiu na determinação da constante dielétrica aparente (Ka) e condutividade elétrica volumétrica (ECb) de um mesmo solo com diferentes teores de umidade. Posteriormente foram buscadas correlações entre Ka e o teor de umidade gravimétrico (w), obtido em estufa. São propostas correlações entre w e Ka, entre w e \'KA POT. 1/2\' e entre teor de umidade volumétrico (\'teta\') e Ka. Também foram consideradas as correlações propostas por Yu e Drnevich (2004), visando estimar também a massa específica seca dos solos. Foram realizados ensaios de campo para a validação das equações de calibração. Os valores dos teores de umidade estimados através da técnica da reflectometria no domínio do tempo, tanto em laboratório como em campo, foram comparados com os valores de teor de umidade obtidos com o método da estufa. Com base nos resultados foram determinados os erros referentes às calibrações. Nos ensaios de campo, os teores de umidade obtidos através da correlação entre w e \'KA POT. 1/2\' apresentaram melhores resultados, quando comparados com aqueles estimados com as outras correlações. Pelos resultados obtidos conclui-se que a técnica TDR é uma alternativa viável para a estimativa em campo do teor de umidade em grandes profundidades. / In this work is presented the evaluation of a recently developed helicoidal probe used for estimating the soil water content through the time domain technology (TDR). This probe has been calibrated in laboratory for different types of soils. The calibration process consisted in assessing the values of the apparent dielectric constant (Ka) and the bulk electric conductivity (ECb) of a specific soil at different levels of water content (w). Subsequently, correlations between the apparent dielectric constant and the water content have been established. The same has done with the bulk electric conductivity. Correlations between Ka and w, \'KA POT. 1/2\' and w, \'teta\' (volumetric water content) and Ka have been proposed. Also, the correlations proposed by Yu and Drnevich (2004) have been considered. To validate the proposed correlations, tests using the helicoidal probe were performed in the field. Estimated values of field water content, using the TDR technology have been compared to the correspondent oven water content values. Based on these comparisons, errors regarding the calibrations have been calculated. In the field tests, the correlations between \'KA POT. 1/2\' and w have presented more accurate results than those obtained with the other correlations. Experimental results have shown that the TDR technology for estimating water content at different depths in the field is feasible and expedite.

Evaporation and Heat-flux Aggregation in Heterogeneous Boreal Landscapes / Aggregering av avdunstning och värmeflöden i heterogena barrskogslandskap

Persson, Tony January 2004 (has links)
<p>The boreal forests represent 8 % of all forested areas on the earth and have a significant role in the control of greenhouse gases and an impact on global climate change. The main objective of this thesis is to increase the understanding of how evaporation and heat-flux processes in the boreal forest zone are affecting the regional and global climate.</p><p>A meteorological mesoscale model with an advanced land-surface parameterization has been utilized to study aggregation of fluxes of water vapour and heat. The model has been compared against four other methods for flux estimation in a southern boreal landscape. The results show that the mesoscale model is successfully reproducing 24-hour averages of fractionally weighted mast measurements of sensible and latent heat flux.</p><p>The model was also evaluated against in-situ observations of surface fluxes and other meteorological variables. The results reveal that a correct initialization of soil moisture is crucial to simulate a realistic partitioning of the sensible and latent heat fluxes. Significant differences in surface fluxes and friction velocities between two apparently similar forest sites indicate the need for careful assessment of areal representativity when comparing mesoscale model results with in-situ observations.</p><p>A parameterization for the absorption of solar radiation of high-latitude sparse forests was implemented and tested in the model that significantly improved the simulation of high wintertime midday sensible heat fluxes. A scheme for heat storage in vegetation was also implemented which improved the results, but the scheme needs further evaluation for high latitude forests.</p><p>Two commonly used strategies for the description of land-surface heterogeneity, the effective parameter approach and the mosaic approach, were tested in the mesoscale model against airborne observations of sensible and latent heat fluxes. The results show that the mosaic approach produces better results especially when small lakes are present in model grid-squares.</p> / <p>Norra halvklotets barrskogsbälte representerar 8 % av all skogsbeklädd mark på jorden och har stor betydelse för kontrollen av växthusgaser och påverkan på globala klimatförändringar. Syftet med denna avhandling är att öka förståelsen av hur avdunstning och värmeflöden i den boreala skogszonen påverkar klimatet regionalt och globalt.</p><p>En meteorologisk mesoskalemodell med en avancerad landyteparameterisering har använts för att studera aggregering av avdunstning och värmeflöden. Modellen jämfördes med fyra andra metoder för uppskattning av värmeflöden i den boreala skogszonens södra delar. Resultaten visade att mesoskalemodellen reproducerar 24-timmarsmedelvärden av sensibelt och latent värmeflöde från areellt viktade mastmätningar med bra resultat.</p><p>Modellen utvärderades även mot markbaserade mätningar av sensibelt och latent värme och andra meteorologiska variabler. Resultaten visar att en korrekt initialisering av markvatteninnehållet är avgörande för att simulera en realistisk uppdelning av de sensibla och latenta värmeflödena. Markanta skillnader i markyteflöden och friktionshastigheter mellan två liknande skogsmätstationer påvisar nödvändigheten av en noggrann bedömning av den areella representativiteten när man jämför resultat från mesoskalemodellen med markbaserade mätningar.</p><p>En parameterisering för absorption av solstrålning i glesa skogsbestånd på höga breddgrader infördes och testades i modellen vilket markant förbättrade simuleringen av de höga sensibla värmeflöden som observerats vid middagstid på vintern. Ett uttryck för att beskriva värmelagring i vegetationen infördes också vilket förbättrade resultaten, men uttrycket behöver vidare utvärdering för skogsbestånd på höga breddgrader.</p><p>Två ofta använda strategier för att beskriva markytans heterogenitet, effektiva parametermetoden och mosaikmetoden, testades i mesoskalemodellen mot flygburna observationer av sensibla och latenta värmeflöden. Resultaten visar att mosaikmetoden ger bättre resultat särskilt när mindre sjöar förekommer i modellrutorna.</p>

Finite Element and Neuroimaging Techniques toImprove Decision-Making in Clinical Neuroscience

Li, Xiaogai January 2012 (has links)
Our brain, perhaps the most sophisticated and mysterious part of the human body, to some extent, determines who we are. However, it’s a vulnerable organ. When subjected to an impact, such as a traffic accident or sport, it may lead to traumatic brain injury (TBI) which can have devastating effects for those who suffer the injury. Despite lots of efforts have been put into primary injury prevention, the number of TBIs is still on an unacceptable high level in a global perspective. Brain edema is a major neurological complication of moderate and severe TBI, which consists of an abnormal accumulation of fluid within the brain parenchyma. Clinically, local and minor edema may be treated conservatively only by observation, where the treatment of choice usually follows evidence-based practice. In the first study, the gravitational force is suggested to have a significant impact on the pressure of the edema zone in the brain tissue. Thus, the objective of the study was to investigate the significance of head position on edema at the posterior part of the brain using a Finite Element (FE) model. The model revealed that water content (WC) increment at the edema zone remained nearly identical for both supine and prone positions. However, the interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) inside the edema zone decreased around 15% by having the head in a prone position compared with a supine position. The decrease of IFP inside the edema zone by changing patient position from supine to prone has the potential to alleviate the damage to axonal fibers of the central nervous system. These observations suggest that considering the patient’s head position during intensive care and at rehabilitation should be of importance to the treatment of edematous regions in TBI patients. In TBI patients with diffuse brain edema, for most severe cases with refractory intracranial hypertension, decompressive craniotomy (DC) is performed as an ultimate therapy. However, a complete consensus on its effectiveness has not been achieved due to the high levels of severe disability and persistent vegetative state found in the patients treated with DC. DC allows expansion of the swollen brain outside the skull, thereby having the potential in reducing the Intracranial Pressure (ICP). However, the treatment causes stretching of the axons and may contribute to the unfavorable outcome of the patients. The second study aimed at quantifying the stretching and WC in the brain tissue due to the neurosurgical intervention to provide more insight into the effects upon such a treatment. A nonlinear registration method was used to quantify the strain. Our analysis showed a substantial increase of the strain level in the brain tissue close to the treated side of DC compared to before the treatment. Also, the WC was related to specific gravity (SG), which in turn was related to the Hounsfield unit (HU) value in the Computerized Tomography (CT) images by a photoelectric correction according to the chemical composition of the brain tissue. The overall WC of brain tissue presented a significant increase after the treatment compared to the condition seen before the treatment. It is suggested that a quantitative model, which characterizes the stretching and WC of the brain tissue both before as well as after DC, may clarify some of the potential problems with such a treatment. Diffusion Weighted (DW) Imaging technology provides a noninvasive way to extract axonal fiber tracts in the brain. The aim of the third study, as an extension to the second study was to assess and quantify the axonal deformation (i.e. stretching and shearing)at both the pre- and post-craniotomy periods in order to provide more insight into the mechanical effects on the axonal fibers due to DC. Subarachnoid injection of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the CSF system is widely used in neurological practice to gain information on CSF dynamics. Mathematical models are important for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Despite the critical importance of the parameters for accurate modeling, there is a substantial variation in the poroelastic constants used in the literature due to the difficulties in determining material properties of brain tissue. In the fourth study, we developed a Finite Element (FE) model including the whole brain-CSF-skull system to study the CSF dynamics during constant-rate infusion. We investigated the capacity of the current model to predict the steady state of the mean ICP. For transient analysis, rather than accurately fit the infusion curve to the experimental data, we placed more emphasis on studying the influences of each of the poroelastic parameters due to the aforementioned inconsistency in the poroelastic constants for brain tissue. It was found that the value of the specific storage term S_epsilon is the dominant factor that influences the infusion curve, and the drained Young’s modulus E was identified as the dominant parameter second to S_epsilon. Based on the simulated infusion curves from the FE model, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was used to find an optimized parameter set that best fit the experimental curve. The infusion curves from both the FE simulations and using ANN confirmed the limitation of linear poroelasticity in modeling the transient constant-rate infusion. To summarize, the work done in this thesis is to introduce FE Modeling and imaging technologiesincluding CT, DW imaging, and image registration method as a complementarytechnique for clinical diagnosis and treatment of TBI patients. Hopefully, the result mayto some extent improve the understanding of these clinical problems and improve theirmedical treatments. / QC 20120201

Evaporation and Heat-flux Aggregation in Heterogeneous Boreal Landscapes / Aggregering av avdunstning och värmeflöden i heterogena barrskogslandskap

Persson, Tony January 2004 (has links)
The boreal forests represent 8 % of all forested areas on the earth and have a significant role in the control of greenhouse gases and an impact on global climate change. The main objective of this thesis is to increase the understanding of how evaporation and heat-flux processes in the boreal forest zone are affecting the regional and global climate. A meteorological mesoscale model with an advanced land-surface parameterization has been utilized to study aggregation of fluxes of water vapour and heat. The model has been compared against four other methods for flux estimation in a southern boreal landscape. The results show that the mesoscale model is successfully reproducing 24-hour averages of fractionally weighted mast measurements of sensible and latent heat flux. The model was also evaluated against in-situ observations of surface fluxes and other meteorological variables. The results reveal that a correct initialization of soil moisture is crucial to simulate a realistic partitioning of the sensible and latent heat fluxes. Significant differences in surface fluxes and friction velocities between two apparently similar forest sites indicate the need for careful assessment of areal representativity when comparing mesoscale model results with in-situ observations. A parameterization for the absorption of solar radiation of high-latitude sparse forests was implemented and tested in the model that significantly improved the simulation of high wintertime midday sensible heat fluxes. A scheme for heat storage in vegetation was also implemented which improved the results, but the scheme needs further evaluation for high latitude forests. Two commonly used strategies for the description of land-surface heterogeneity, the effective parameter approach and the mosaic approach, were tested in the mesoscale model against airborne observations of sensible and latent heat fluxes. The results show that the mosaic approach produces better results especially when small lakes are present in model grid-squares. / Norra halvklotets barrskogsbälte representerar 8 % av all skogsbeklädd mark på jorden och har stor betydelse för kontrollen av växthusgaser och påverkan på globala klimatförändringar. Syftet med denna avhandling är att öka förståelsen av hur avdunstning och värmeflöden i den boreala skogszonen påverkar klimatet regionalt och globalt. En meteorologisk mesoskalemodell med en avancerad landyteparameterisering har använts för att studera aggregering av avdunstning och värmeflöden. Modellen jämfördes med fyra andra metoder för uppskattning av värmeflöden i den boreala skogszonens södra delar. Resultaten visade att mesoskalemodellen reproducerar 24-timmarsmedelvärden av sensibelt och latent värmeflöde från areellt viktade mastmätningar med bra resultat. Modellen utvärderades även mot markbaserade mätningar av sensibelt och latent värme och andra meteorologiska variabler. Resultaten visar att en korrekt initialisering av markvatteninnehållet är avgörande för att simulera en realistisk uppdelning av de sensibla och latenta värmeflödena. Markanta skillnader i markyteflöden och friktionshastigheter mellan två liknande skogsmätstationer påvisar nödvändigheten av en noggrann bedömning av den areella representativiteten när man jämför resultat från mesoskalemodellen med markbaserade mätningar. En parameterisering för absorption av solstrålning i glesa skogsbestånd på höga breddgrader infördes och testades i modellen vilket markant förbättrade simuleringen av de höga sensibla värmeflöden som observerats vid middagstid på vintern. Ett uttryck för att beskriva värmelagring i vegetationen infördes också vilket förbättrade resultaten, men uttrycket behöver vidare utvärdering för skogsbestånd på höga breddgrader. Två ofta använda strategier för att beskriva markytans heterogenitet, effektiva parametermetoden och mosaikmetoden, testades i mesoskalemodellen mot flygburna observationer av sensibla och latenta värmeflöden. Resultaten visar att mosaikmetoden ger bättre resultat särskilt när mindre sjöar förekommer i modellrutorna.

Lateral Versus Vertical Swell Pressures In Expansive Soils

Sapaz, Burak 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Expansive or swelling soils, exist in many part of the world, show excessive volume changes with increasing water content. As a result of this volume increase, expansive soils apply vertical and lateral pressures to the structures located or buried in these regions. Many researchs have been carried out on vertical swelling pressures helping to the engineers to design structures withstanding on these stresses. However, lateral swell behaviour of swelling soils have not been fully understood yet. Structures such as / basement walls, water tanks, canals, tunnels, underground conduits and swimming pools which will be built in expansive soils have to be designed to overcome the lateral swelling pressures as well as the other lateral pressures exerted by the soil. For this aim accurate and reliable methods are needed to predict the magnitude of lateral swelling pressures of expansive soils and to understand the lateral swelling behaviour of expansive soils. In this experimental study, the lateral swelling behaviour of an highly expansive clay is investigated using a modified thin wall oedometer which was developed in the METU Civil Engineering Department Soil Mechanics Laboratory earlier. Statically compacted samples were used in constant volume swell (CVS) tests to measure the magnitude of the lateral and vertical swelling pressures. To study the relationship between the lateral and vertical sweeling pressures, they were measured simultaneously. The samples having different initial water contents and different initial dry densities were used to study the effects of these variables on the vertical and the lateral swelling pressures. It is observed that both lateral and vertical pressures increases with increasing initial dry density and they decrease with increasing initial water content. Swell pressure ratio, the ratio of lateral swelling pressure to the vertical one, is increasing with increasing initial water content. Time needed to obtain the magnitude of maximum lateral and vertical pressures decreases with increasing initial water content and increases with increasing initial dry density.

Climate, leaf area, soil moisture and tree growth in spruce stands in SW Sweden : field experiments and modelling /

Alavi, Ghasem, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Shallot (Allium cepa var. ascolonicum) responses to plant nutrients and soil moisture in a sub-humid tropical climate /

Woldetsadik, Kebede. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2003. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Caractérisation de la pâte de ciment par des méthodes ultrasonores / Characterization of cement paste by ultrasonic methods

Soltani, Fethi 10 December 2010 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, les travaux présentés s’appuient sur une démarche expérimentale utilisant, outre les mesures destructives habituellement mises en œuvre pour la caractérisation des matériaux cimentaires, les techniques non destructives exploitant la propagation des ondes ultrasonores à des fréquences comprises entre 50 kHz et 600 kHz. L’objectif est d’étudier les corrélations entre les propriétés hydrauliques et mécaniques de la pâte de ciment et les paramètres linéaires des ondes ultrasonores (vitesse et atténuation). L’étude concerne plus particulièrement les relations entre la porosité et la vitesse ultrasonore des différents types d’onde (ondes de volume et onde de Rayleigh). Les matériaux étudiés sont des pâtes de ciment à porosité variable, confectionnées avec différents rapports E/C et avec différents dosages en entraineur d’air. Afin de prendre en compte l’effet de la teneur en eau, les mesures sont effectuées à différents états de saturation : état saturée, 70% de saturation, 30% de saturation et l’état sec. Les données recueillies permettent la constitution d’une base des données expérimentale regroupant les caractéristiques physiques, mécaniques et ultrasonores de la pâte de ciment. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, les relations entre les vitesses ultrasonores et la porosité basées sur deux approches macroscopique et microscopique sont présentées et confrontées aux mesures / In this thesis, we present an experimental study including, besides the destructive measurements usually implemented for the characterization of cementitious materials, non-destructive techniques using ultrasonic wave propagation in a frequency range from 50kHz to 600kHz. The objective is to study the correlations between hydraulic, mechanical properties and linear ultrasonic parameters (velocity and attenuation) of cement paste. This study specifically addresses the relationship between porosity and ultrasonic velocity of the different types of waves (body waves and Rayleigh wave). The studied materials are cement pastes with variable porosity, made up with different water / cement ratios and with different concentrations of air entrainer. To take into account the effect of water content, measurements are made at different states of saturation: saturated state, 70% saturation, 30% saturation and dry state. The data collected allows the creation of a database of experimental data involving physical, mechanical and ultrasonic parameters of cement paste. In the final part of this thesis, relationships between ultrasonic velocity and porosity based on macroscopic and microscopic approaches are presented and compared with measurements

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