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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Soil Moisture Sensing in Mining Waste Rock: Comparing Calibration Curves of Multiple Low-Cost Capacitance Sensors and a Single TDR Sensor / Mätning av vatteninnehåll i gruvavfall: En jämförelse av kalibreringskurvor för flera billiga kapacitanssensorer och en enda TDR-sensor

Jørgensen, Rasmus January 2022 (has links)
Measuring soil moisture content (SMC) in mining waste rock is important for assessing and modelling hydrological processes which influence pollutant release. Here, an experimental setup containing mining waste rock is established to compare the performance of 4 Arduino capacitance moisture sensors to one single Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) sensor. Furthermore, the performance of these sensors is evaluated in both sieved and unsieved mining waste rock. Fitted calibration curves are provided for both the TDR- and Arduino-sensors individually and in combination. These calibration curves are evaluated using the RMSE and R 2 of each curve and compared between sensors and soil texture. It is concluded that using more capacitance sensors significantly improves the fit statistics of the calibration curves and that using at least 4 capacitance sensors can enhance calibration curve fitting. For both the TDR and capacitance sensors, the calibration curves in sieved soil provided the best fit, meaning that soil specific calibration of sensors is recommended. On a sensor individual basis, the temporal precision of the TDR sensor was superior to each individual capacitance sensor. Use of 4 or more Arduino capacitance sensors may especially be justified in circumstances where the spatial variability of SMC is addressed by executing a large number of measurements. Here, the feasibility of the Arduino sensor system means that the use of these low-cost sensors, despite their reduced temporal precision, can be upscaled at relatively small costs.


BRUNO NEPOMUCENO DOS SANTOS 11 October 2023 (has links)
[pt] Medidores do tipo ultrassônicos são calibrados para medição de vazão de um único fluido. Entretanto, ao extrair petróleo de um poço, a separação trifásica não é suficiente para separar totalmente a água do óleo e a medição de vazão indicada do fluido acaba sendo maior do que o mensurando devido à presença de água não contabilizada na mistura, o que muitas vezes acontece nos escoamentos dentro de tubulações. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para medição contínua e automática do teor de água na mistura óleo-água, medindo-se a velocidade do som, por medidores ultrassônicos que podem ser intrusivos ou não intrusivos (clamp-on) para medição de vazão que foram anteriormente instalados e compõem as malhas de processo das plantas de exploração e refino de petróleo, em conjunto com a determinação da velocidade do som e massas específicas da água pura e do óleo diesel. Este trabalho mostra uma redução da incerteza de medição quando a indicação da fração de água através da medição da velocidade do som na mistura óleo-água é diretamente relacionada a medições rastreáveis da fração de água e temperatura de uma mistura óleo-água previamente preparada e conhecida, que foi utilizada como sistema de calibração para medições do teor de água. A incerteza de medição calculada para medição da fração de água é de 0,25 por cento com um grau de confiança de 95,45 por cento, sendo obtida através de uma curva de ajuste dos dados em uma faixa de medição de 0 por cento - 2,5 por cento. A incerteza calculada é menor e, portanto, atende aos requisitos de medição fiscal (menor que 1 por cento) vigentes no país. / [en] Ultrasonic meters are calibrated for flowrate measurement of pure oil flows. However, the multiphase separation is not enough to totally separate water and oil and the indicated oil flow rate is larger than its true value when water is mixed with oil in the flow, as usual in pipeline flows. A methodology was developed to measure the water content of water-oil mixtures automatically, using the already measured speed of sound by installed intrusive or non-intrusive (clamp on type) ultrasonic meters for flowrate measurement. That measure together with the previously determined speed of sound and density of pure water and oil as a function of temperature, thus avoiding additional meters. This dissertation shows a reduction of the uncertainty of measurement when the meter indicated water-oil mixture speed of sound is directly related to the traceable measurements of water content and temperature of previously prepared water-oil mixtures, what turns out to be the meter calibration for water content measurement. Water content uncertainty value of 0.25 per cent, 95.45 per cent level of confidence, is obtained when curve fitting de data in the 0 per cent - 2.5 per cent range, that covers the fiscal measurement range (less than 1 per cent).

The effect of water content on the strength of quartzite

Barbery, Albert Marshall 27 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of <i>Lonicera maackii</i> on soil water content and tree seedlings in eastern deciduous forest

Pfeiffer, Steven S. 06 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of Nitrogen Rates, Planting Dates, and Irrigation Regimes on Potato Production in the Eastern Shore of Virginia

Suero Mirabal, Alexis Emanuel 04 January 2024 (has links)
Potatoes in the Eastern Shore of Virginia are traditionally planted between late February and early April and harvested between early June and late August. Potato prices are usually higher early into the harvest season and decrease slowly as the season progresses. Early planting dates are desirable for farmers, as it allows them to perceive higher prices for their product, but early planting is also associated with lower air temperature during the early season, which in turn can affect plant development, water and nutrient uptake, and overall yield. Additionally, variations in soil properties often affect nutrient and water availability for plants, as well as the distribution of soil-borne insect pests. Additionally, several techniques are available to map the variations of soil properties in commercial potato fields, but little effort has been made to relate this information to the potential presence of soil-borne pests. Hence, the objective of this project was to evaluate the effect of planting dates, nitrogen (N) rates, and irrigation regimes on potato production. Two comprehensive studies were conducted between February and July 2022 and 2023. The objective of the first study was to evaluate the effect of N rates, planting dates, and soil physicochemical properties in potato production and the presence of soil-borne pests. This study was established in a split-plot design with four replications, with planting dates on the main plot and N rates and time of application on the sub-plot. Late March planting resulted in the highest total tuber yield, while early planting produced significantly larger tubers. Early March planting reduced plant development and emergence, probably due to lower air and soil temperatures. There was no interaction between planting dates and N applications. Using N rates higher than 147 kg ha-1 resulted in no significant differences in total tuber yield. Regression analyses showed that the Normalized Differences Red Edge (NDRE) is an excellent predictor of N content in plant tissue and tuber yield. Moreover, Ca and H saturation percentages were linked to wireworm damage levels using classification algorithms. Similarly, K saturation percentage was identified as a potential predictor of nematode presence in this region. A second study was established with the objective of evaluating the effect of N rates and irrigation regimes on potato production. The study was established in a split-plot design with four replications, with the irrigation method on the main plot and total N rate on the subplot. Results from these experiments showed higher growth and tuber yield when combining overhead irrigation with crop evapotranspiration (ETc) estimation. Moreover, there were no significant differences when using N rates higher than 112 kg ha-1. Overall, results from these experiments suggest no changes in current N rate recommendations for this region. Additionally, these results suggest planting in late March and using irrigation regimes based on evapotranspiration with overhead irrigation systems. Future research should focus on adaptive fertilization based on growing degree days and refinement irrigation determination practices. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / In the Eastern Shore of Virginia, nearly 4,000 acres are annually dedicated to fresh white potato farming. The established planting window extends from early March to early April, aligned with peak market demands in late April. However, this traditional planting strategy exposes crops to varying temperatures, potentially affecting water and nutrient demands, as well as overall yield. A research project consisting of two studies was conducted with the objective of evaluating the effect of planting dates, nitrogen (N) rates, and irrigation regimes on potato production. The first study was conducted with the aim of optimizing yield and nutrient management by exploring the interplay between planting dates, N rates, and application timing. The second study evaluated overhead and subsurface drip irrigation systems with irrigation regimes determined either by crop evapotranspiration (ETc) or by soil moisture content through soil water sensors (SWS). Results demonstrated that early March planting resulted in delayed emergence and overall growth due to colder temperatures, while late March plantings produced the highest tuber yields. On the irrigation front, overhead irrigation integrated with ETc estimation consistently improved plant health and augmented yield. In addition, the Normalized Differences Red Edge (NDRE) index, obtained from multispectral drone imaging, produced a significant correlation with N content in plant tissue and with total tuber yields for both studies. This suggests its high potential as a yield prediction tool. Overall, results from these studies reinforce current N rate recommendations for Virginia. Furthermore, they not only refine regional potato cultivation practices but also suggest the need for research pivoting around adaptive fertilization based on growing degree days and the potential refinement of irrigation regimens.

Improving Soil Moisture Assessment of Turfgrass Systems Utilizing Field Radiometry

Roberson, Travis L. 31 January 2019 (has links)
The need for water conservation continues to increase as global freshwater resources dwindle. In response, many golf course superintendents are implementing new methods and tools to become more frugal with their water applications. For example, scheduling irrigation using time-domain reflectometer (TDR) soil moisture sensors can decrease water usage. Still, TDR measurements are time-consuming and only cover small scales, leading to many locations being unsampled. Remotely sensed data such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) offer the potential of estimating moisture stress across larger scales; however, NDVI measurements are influenced by numerous stressors beyond moisture availability, thus limiting its reliability for irrigation decisions. An alternative vegetation index, the water band index (WBI), is primarily influenced by water absorption within a narrow spectral range of near-infrared light. Previous research has established strong relationships between moisture stress of creeping bentgrass (CBG) grown on sand-based root zones, a typical scenario for golf course putting greens. However, this relationship characterizes only a small portion of total acreage across golf courses, which limits widespread adoption. In our research, '007' CBG and 'Latitude 36'hybrid bermudagrass (HBG) were grown on three soil textures, USGA 90:10 sand (S), sand loam (SL) and clay (C), arranged in a 2 x 3 factorial design, randomized within six individual dry-down cycles serving as replications. Canopy reflectance and volumetric water content (VWC) data were collected hourly between 0700 and 1900 hr using a hyperspectral radiometer and an embedded soil moisture sensor, until complete turf necrosis. The WBI had the strongest relationship to VWC (r = 0.62) and visual estimations of wilt (r = -0.91) compared to the green-to-red ratio index (GRI) or NDVI. Parameters associated with non-linear regression were analyzed to compare grasses, soils, indices, and their interactions. The WBI and GRI compared favorably with each other and indicated significant moisture stress approximately 28 hr earlier than NDVI (P = 0.0010). WBI and GRI respectively predicted moisture stress 12 to 9 hr before visual estimation of 50% wilt, whereas NDVI provided 2 hr of prediction time (P = 0.0317). When considering the time to significant moisture stress, the HBG lasted 28 hr longer than CBG, while S lasted 42 hr longer than either SL and C (P ≤ 0.0011). Nonlinear regression analysis showed that WBI and GRI can be useful for predicting moisture stress of CBG and HBG grown on three diverse soils in a highly controlled environment. Our results provide substantial evidence and direction for future research investigating how WBI and GRI can expedite moisture stress assessment and prediction on a large-acreage basis. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / Managed turfgrasses provide several benefits including filtering pollutants, cooling their surroundings, generating oxygen, preventing erosion, serving as recreational surfaces, and increasing landscape aesthetics. Intensively managed turfgrass systems, such as on golf courses and sports fields, require more inputs to maintain acceptable conditions. Freshwater use is often excessive on intensively managed turfgrasses to maintain proper plant growth. Drought conditions often limit water availability, especially in regions with limited rainfall. Turf managers tend to over-apply water across large acreage when few localized areas begin to show symptoms of drought. Additionally, turf managers sometimes wrongly identify stressed areas from other factors as ones being moisture-deprived. Advancements such as the use of soil moisture meters have simplified irrigation decisions as an aid to visual inspections for drought stress. While this method enhances detection accuracy, it still provides no solution to increase efficiency. Expanding our current knowledge of turfgrass canopy light reflectance for rapid moisture stress identification can potentially save both time and water resources. The objective of this research was to enhance our ability to identify and predict moisture stress of creeping bentgrass (CBG) and hybrid bermudagrass (HBG) canopies integrated into varying soil textures (USGA 90:10 sand (S), sand loam (SL) and Clay (C)) using light reflectance measurements. Dry-down cycles were conducted under greenhouses conditions collecting soil moisture and light reflectance data every hour from 7 am to 7 pm after saturating and withholding water from established plugs. Moisture stress was most accurately estimated over time using two vegetation indices, the water band index (WBI) and green-to-red ratio index (GRI), with approximately ninety percent accuracy to visible wilt stress. The WBI and GRI predicted moisture stress of CBG in all soil types and HBG in SL and C approximately 14 hours before the grasses reached 50% wilt. While light reflectance varies on exposed soils, our research shows that underlying soils do not interfere with measurements across typical turfgrass stands. This research provides a foundation for future research implementing rapid, aerial measurements of moisture stressed turfgrasses on a broad application of CBG and HBG on constructed or native soils.

Evaluating the effect of crop rotations and tillage practices on soil water balances of selected soils and crop performances in the Western Cape

Swiegelaar, Nina Antionette 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of crop rotation and soil tillage on the soil water balance and water use efficiency of wheat, canola, lupin and medics in the Swartland sub region of the Western Cape. This trail was conducted as a component study within a long-term crop rotation/tillage trial during 2012 and 2013 at the Langgewens Research Farm (33016’42.33” S; 18042’11.62” E; 191m) of the Western Cape Department of Agriculture near Moorreesburg. The experiment was laid out as a randomized complete block, with a split-plot treatment design and replicated four times. Three crop rotation systems, continues wheat (WWWW), wheat/medic/wheat/medic (WMcWMc) and wheat/canola/wheat/lupin (WCWL) were allocated to main plots. . Each main plot was subdivided into four sub-plots allocated to four tillage treatments namely: zero-till (soil left undisturbed and planted with zero-till planter), no-till (soil left undisturbed until planting and then planted with a tined no-till planter), minimum-till (soil scarified March/April and then planted with a no-till planter) and conventional tillage (soil scarified late March/early April, then ploughed and planted with a no-till planter). All straw, chaff and stubble remained on the soil surface and no-grazing was allowed on all tillage treatments. Three replicates were included in this current study. Only the no-till (NT) and conventional till (CT) were included in this current study as main tillage treatments. The volumetric soil water content was monitored at weekly intervals during the active growing season (May-October) and once a month during the fallow period (November-April) using a Diviner 2000 soil moisture meter. The Diviner 2000 was used to record the soil water content at every 100 mm depth increment up to the maximum depth of the profile. At the end of the growing season the total biomass, grain yield and quality parameters were determined. The soil water balance data calculated from the 2012 season were found to be inconclusive due to too shallow installation of soil water monitoring tubes and big variations in the depth complicating any attempt in comparing data from treatments and cropping systems. Soil water monitoring tubes was installed to a depth of 900 mm in the 2013 season. Complications during planting in the 2013 season resulted in very poor emergence in the CT sites. Weed counts revealed that only 38 % of CT sites were covered by crop, 31 % with weeds and 31 % were completely bare. The NT sites had 40 % crop coverage, 50.5 % grass weed coverage and only 9.5% bare surface. As a consequences crop rotation had no effect on the soil water balance, while the tillage treatments showed a response. The effect that tillage had on the soil water balance was clearly shown in the 2013 season, in which 79 mm more rainfall occurred than the long-term average. NT retained more soil water in the profile in the drier first half of the season when only 30 % of the total rainfall in the 2013 season occurred. There was no real difference in the soil water retention in the second half of the season where 70 % of the total rainfall in the 2013 season occurred. Crop rotation did have a positive effect on grain yield. Wheat monoculture was out performed by legume based cropping systems. This trend was also observed in the biomass production. No significant difference between tillage treatments were recorded when comparing grain yield data. However wheat mono culture was again out-performed by the McWMcW, CWLW and LWCW systems producing on average significantly higher biomass. The data from both seasons suggest that in seasons where more rainfall than the long term average occurs, there is no difference in the RUE between cropping systems or tillage practices.. This study highlighted the major effect that the prevailing weather conditions have and that the expected advantages associated with NT most likely only come into play in dry conditions when plant water availability is limited. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die invloed van grondbewerking en gewasproduksiestelsels op die grondwaterbalans en doeltreffendheid van watergebruik te ondersoek in die koringproduserende gebied van Malmesbury. Hierdie eksperiment is uitgevoer as 'n komponentstudie binne 'n langtermyn grondbewerking/gewasrotasieproef gedurende 2012 en 2013 op die Langgewens Navorsingsplaas (33016'42 .33 'S; 18042'11 0,62' E, 191m) van die Wes-Kaapse Departement van Landbou naby Moorreesburg. Die eksperiment is uitgelê as 'n volledige ewekansige blok, met 'n gesplete perseel behandelingsontwerp met vier herhalings. Drie gewasproduksiestelsels naamlik, koring monokultuur (WWWW), koring/medic/koring/medic (WMcWMc) en koring/canola/ koring/lupiene (WKWL) is elk toegeken aan persele en vier keer herhaal. Elke hoofperseel is onderverdeel in vier subpersele en bewerkingsbehandelings is soos volg toegeken: Konvensionele bewerking (CT) - grond gebreek in Maart/April, en daarna geploeg en geplant met geen bewerkingsplanter. Minimum bewerking (MT) - grond gebreek in Maart/April en daarna geplant met 'n geen bewerkingsplanter. Geen bewerking (NT) - grond is heeltemal onversteur gelaat tot planttyd en daarna geplant met 'n geen bewerkingsplanter. Zero bewerking (ZT) - grond tot planttyd met rus gelaat en dan geplant met 'n sterwielplanter. Alle strooi, kaf en stoppels het op die grondoppervlak gebly en geen beweiding is toegelaat nie. Slegs drie herhalings is ingesluit in die huidige studie en slegs die geen bewerking (NT) en konvensionele bewerking (CT) is in die huidige studie as hoof bewerkingbehandelings ingesluit. Die volumetriese grondwaterinhoud is weekliks gemonitor tydens die aktiewe groeiseisoen (Mei - Oktober) en een keer 'n maand gedurende die braaktydperk (November - April) met behulp van 'n Diviner 2000 grondvogmeter. Die Diviner 2000 is gebruik om die grondwaterinhoud by elke 100 mm diepte tot die maksimum diepte van die profiel te bepaal. Aan die einde van die seisoen is die totale biomassa, graanopbrengs en kwaliteitparameters bepaal. Die data vir grondwaterbalans van die 2012-seisoen is buite rekening gelaat weens te vlak installering van moniteringsbuise en groot variasie in die dieptelesings wat enige poging om vergelykende data van rotasie en behandelings te verkry, bemoeilik het. Moniteringsbuise vir grondwater is geïnstalleer tot op 'n diepte van 900 mm in die 2013-seisoen. Komplikasies tydens die plantaksie in die 2013-seisoen het gelei tot 'n baie swak opkoms in die CT-persele. Slegs 38 % van die CT-persele was bedek deur die gewas en 31 % met onkruid, terwyl 31 % van die oppervlak onder CT-behandeling heeltemal kaal was. Die NT-persele het 40 % gewasbedekking, 50.5 % grasbedekking en slegs 9.5 % kaal oppervlak gehad. Dit het die poging, om die effek van wisselboustelsels op die grondwaterbalans, in die wiele gery. Alhoewel wisselbou skynbaar geen effek op die grondwaterbalans gehad het nie, het die tipe bewerking egter wel ‘n effek gehad. Die effek van grondbewerking op die grondwaterbalans het duidelik na vore gekom in die 2013-seisoen. In hierdie seisoen het 79 mm meer reën geval as die langtermyngemiddelde. Geen bewerking het meer grondwater in die droër eerste helfte van die seisoen in die profiel behou, toe slegs 30% van die totale reënval in die 2013 geval het. Daar was geen beduidende verskil in die grondwaterretensie in die tweede helfte van die seisoen toe 70% van die totale reënval in die 2013 geval het nie. Wisselbou het egter 'n positiewe uitwerking op die graanopbrengs gehad. Koring monokultuur is in opbrengsyfers geklop deur stelsels met peulplante as komponent. Hierdie tendens is ook waargeneem in die biomassaproduksie. Bewerkingsbehandelings het geen beduidende verskil in graanopbrengste tot gevolg gehad nie, hoewel die biomassaproduksie van koring monokultuur weer geklop is deur die McWMcW-, CWLW- en LWCW-stelsels. Die data van beide seisoene dui daarop dat in seisoene waar meer reën as die langtermyn gemiddelde voorkom, daar geen verskil in die RUE tussen verbouingstelsels of bewerkingspraktykes was nie. Hierdie studie beklemtoon die groot invloed wat die heersende klimaat speel en dat die verwagte voordele wat verband hou met NT waarskynlik slegs ‘n rol speel in droër jare.

Amendement d'un compost de boues de station d'épuration dans un écosystème méditerranéen après incendie : effets sur le sol, les micro-organismes et la végétation.

Cellier, Antoine 19 December 2012 (has links)
En région méditerranéen, les incendies de forêt sont un problème majeur vis-à-vis de la désertification du milieu. L'utilisation de composts est considérée comme une solution pour la régénération du sol et de la végétation.Tout d'abord, en laboratoire, les effets de trois types de compost et de leur mode d'application ont été testés : un compost de déchets verts (DV), un compost de boues de station d'épuration (B) et un compost d'ordures ménagères résiduelles (OMR). Les différents paramètres du sol ont été améliorés de façon plus importante par le compost OMR (le moins mature) alors que le compost DV (le plus mature) n'a que peu d'effet par rapport au contrôle. De plus, lorsque le compost est enfoui dans le sol, la réduction du ruissellement est faible alors qu'appliqué en surface, elle est importante et favorise la percolation et la rétention principalement avec le compost OMR. Lors d'une expérimentation in situ, l'évolution du sol et de la végétation a été étudiée après un apport de compost de boues de station d'épuration. Lors des premiers mois, une hausse de la biomasse des espèces herbacées a été observée. Bien qu'aucun effet n'ait été observé pour les autres espèces, la phytomasse était plus hétérogène sur les parcelles amendées alors que la biodiversité y était plus homogène. Un transfert rapide et durable d'éléments nutritifs du compost vers le sol a été observé ainsi qu'une hausse de la teneur en eau du sol des parcelles amendées. Les teneurs en nutriments des plantes augmentent aussi mais varient selon l'espèce et l'élément considérés. De plus, aucun effet négatif n'a été observé quant aux teneurs en éléments traces métalliques du sol et des végétaux. / In Mediterranean region, forest fires are a major problem leading to the desertification of the environment. Use of composts is considered as a solution for soil and vegetation rehabilitation.First, we observed the effects of three urban composts and their mode of application (laid on the soil surface or mixed into the soil) on soil restoration after fire: a municipal waste compost (MWC), a compost of sewage sludge (SSC) and a green waste compost (GWC) under laboratory conditions. Input of composts increased organic matter and soil nutrient content, and enhanced carbon and nitrogen mineralisation and total microbial biomass throughout the incubations. MWC induced the highest improvement while GWC input had no significant effect compared to the control. Composts mixed with soil weakly limited runoff whereas composts laid at the soil surface significantly reduced runoff and increased percolation and retention, particularly with the MWC.Then, we studied in situ the effects of a SSC on soil and vegetation regeneration after fire. The first months after amendment, this input increased grass species biomass. Although no significant effect was observed on other studied plants, plant biomass was more heterogeneous on amended plots while plant biodiversity was more homogeneous. The use of compost increased rapidly soil nutrient content and soil water content but plant nutrition was improved more or less durably depending species. Compost effects on microbial activities were low and only sporadic. Moreover, no negative effect was observed during the two years of experimentation.

Water contents and lithium isotope compositions of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic lithospheric mantle of eastern North China Craton : constraints from peridotite xenoliths / Teneur en eau et composition isotopique du Lithium du manteau lithosphérique mésozoïque à cénozoïque du craton Nord Est Chinois : contraintes apportées par les xénolites de péridotite

Li, Pei 22 November 2012 (has links)
Pour mieux comprendre le processus géodynamique qui a permis la destruction du craton Nord Chinois (NCC), le rôle des fluides mantelliques a été examiné. Pour cela, les distributions des teneurs en eau et des compositions isotopiques du Lithium dans le manteau lithosphérique NCC ont été déterminées à partir des xénolites de péridotite entrainés par les basaltes mésozoïques et cénozoïques. Une variation temporelle des teneurs en eau est observée. Le manteau lithosphérique cénozoïque est appauvri en eau, sans doute suite à l'amincissement crustal et au réchauffement du manteau résiduel par un flux ascendant asthénosphérique. Le manteau lithosphérique mésozoïque montre des teneurs en eau intermédiaire entre les teneurs élevées du Crétacé et les teneurs basses cénozoïques, indiquant une déshydratation du manteau commençant dès le début de sa destruction. Cette déshydratation, facilitée par la destruction du manteau lithosphérique profond, permet de renforcer la rigidité de la lithosphère et lui permet de résister à la convection mantellique. Les distributions élémentaire et isotopique du Li montrent une grande hétérogénéité, aux échelles intra et inter-cristallines. Par simulation numérique, nous démontrons que deux enrichissements successifs ont affecté le manteau, un enrichissement limité (<5ppm) avec une signature pauvre en 7Li ([delta]7Li ~ -20 [pour mille]), suivi d'un enrichissement important (> 100 ppm) avec une signature riche ([delta]7Li ~ +20 [pour mille]), précédent de peu l'exhumation des xénolites. La formation des liquides métasomatiques responsables de ces enrichissements nécessite une distribution hétérogène dans le manteau NCC d'éléments recyclés lors de la subduction à l'est du NCC / In order to investigate the geodynamic cause for destruction of the North China Craton (NCC), the role of mantle fluids is examined. The aim of the PHD work is to clarify H2O contents and lithium isotopic compositions of the NCC lithospheric mantle by studying peridotite xenoliths hosted by Mesozoic-Cenozoic basalts across eastern NCC. A temporal variation of H2O content has been revealed, and it has deep implications for processes of craton destruction. The Cenozoic lithospheric mantle was featured by low H2O content, interpreted to be the relict mantle that survived the lithospheric thinning and has been dewatered by reheating from upwelling asthenospheric flow. The late-Mesozoic lithospheric mantle showed relatively high H2O content, a hydrous status intermediate between the Cretaceous hydration and the Cenozoic dryness, indicating the dehydration of the NCC mantle with time during NCC destruction. The dehydration, facilitated by thinning of weak mantle pieces at bottom, is one way by which the lithosphere strengthens itself to survive in the convecting mantle. Extreme Li and isotopic disequilibria were observed intra- and inter-mineral in the peridotites. With numerical simulations, we demonstrate two superimposed Li enrichment events occurring at the mantle: a limited Li enrichment (< 5 ppm) and large delta7Li depletion (-20~-10[per 1000]) of the mantle domain, followed by a recent and transient infiltration of high Li and delta7Li (up to +20 [per 1000]) melts/fluids. The anomalous Li isotopic compositions of mantle metasomatic agents call upon the same of their mantle sources, and we assume recycled components, both Li isotopically heavy and light, in the mantle beneath the eastern NCC

Dispositifs de mesure de constantes diélectriques dans les matériaux humides : vers une meilleure traçabilité de la mesure de l'humidité des solides / Measurement devices of dielectric constants in wet materials : towards a better traceability of the measurement of the moisture in solids

Ben Ayoub, Mohamed Wajdi 17 July 2018 (has links)
Au niveau industriel, les capteurs électriques de mesure de la teneur en eau dans les solides sont généralement mono fréquentiel. La fréquence de fonctionnement est choisie arbitrairement. Par contre, la sensibilité de la teneur en eau dépend du type de matériau et des liaisons d’eau existantes. D’une part, la fréquence de relaxation diélectrique de l’eau à l’état liquide est située dans la bande des Micro-ondes. D’autre part, la fréquence de relaxation diélectrique de l’eau liée dépend du matériau mais elle est dans la bande des Radiofréquences. En se basant sur cette hypothèse, le but de cette thèse consiste à analyser la sensibilité fréquentielle vis-à-vis les liaisons d’eau dans les solides en utilisant comme un paramètre intermédiaire la permittivité diélectrique complexe. La première partie du travail a eu pour objectif de valider deux cellules de mesure de type capacitive et coaxiale développées au CETIAT pour mesurer les caractéristiques diélectriques. Les deux cellules de mesure ont été validées pour mesurer la permittivité diélectrique complexe des liquides, solides et des produits humides dans la bande [1 MHz – 2 GHz] et une comparaison avec l’outil EpsiMu® développé par l’Institut Fresnel a été réalisée.En deuxième phase, nous étudions expérimentalement des matériaux humides en couplant la caractérisation électromagnétique avec la méthode thermo-coulométrique qui permet de mesurer et de distinguer sélectivement les liaisons d’eau existante dans un solide.À l’issue de cette phase, une étude paramétrique sur les spectres diélectriques complexes a été réalisée pour identifier des sensibilités par rapport aux fractions d’eau existantes. / This thesis is part of a European research project called METfnet (Metrology for Moisture in Solids).In industry, the electrical sensors for measuring the water content in the solids are generally mono-frequency and the operating frequency is chosen arbitrarily.The sensitivity to the water content depends on the type of material and the existing water bounds. On the one hand, the dielectric relaxation frequency of water in the liquid state is located in the microwave band. On the other hand, the dielectric relaxation frequency of the bound water depends on the material, but it is known that it’s situated in the radio frequency band.Based on this hypothesis, the aim of this thesis is to analyze the frequency sensitivity with respect to water bonds in solids by using as an intermediate parameter the complex dielectric permittivity.In the first phase of the work, we validate metrologically two instruments: capacitive and coaxial, both of them are developed at CETIAT for measuring the dielectric constant. The two measuring cells were validated to measure the complex dielectric permittivity of liquids, solids and wet products in the [1 MHz - 2 GHz] band and a comparison with the EpsiMu® tool developed by the Fresnel Institute was carried out. In the second phase, we experimentally study wet materials by coupling electromagnetic characterization with the thermo-coulometric method, which selectively measures and distinguishes existing water bounding forms in a solid.At the end of this phase, a parametric study on the complex dielectric spectrum was carried out to lead to the identification of sensitivities with respect to the existing water fractions.

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