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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mensuração da biomassa e construção de modelos para construção de equações de biomassa / Biomass measurement and models selection for biomass equations

Edgar de Souza Vismara 07 May 2009 (has links)
O interesse pela quantificação da biomassa florestal vem crescendo muito nos últimos anos, sendo este crescimento relacionado diretamente ao potencial que as florestas tem em acumular carbono atmosférico na sua biomassa. A biomassa florestal pode ser acessada diretamente, por meio de inventário, ou através de modelos empíricos de predição. A construção de modelos de predição de biomassa envolve a mensuração das variáveis e o ajuste e seleção de modelos estatísticos. A partir de uma amostra destrutiva de de 200 indivíduos de dez essências florestais distintas advindos da região de Linhares, ES., foram construídos modelos de predição empíricos de biomassa aérea visando futuro uso em projetos de reflorestamento. O processo de construção dos modelos consistiu de uma análise das técnicas de obtenção dos dados e de ajuste dos modelos, bem como de uma análise dos processos de seleção destes a partir do critério de Informação de Akaike (AIC). No processo de obtenção dos dados foram testadas a técnica volumétrica e a técnica gravimétrica, a partir da coleta de cinco discos de madeira por árvore, em posições distintas no lenho. Na técnica gravimétrica, estudou-se diferentes técnicas de composição do teor de umidade dos discos para determinação da biomassa, concluindo-se como a melhor a que utiliza a média aritmética dos discos da base, meio e topo. Na técnica volumétrica, estudou-se diferentes técnicas de composição da densidade do tronco com base nas densidades básicas dos discos, concluindo-se que em termos de densidade do tronco, a média aritmética das densidades básicas dos cinco discos se mostrou como melhor técnica. Entretanto, quando se multiplica a densidade do tronco pelo volume deste para obtenção da biomassa, a utilização da densidade básica do disco do meio se mostrou superior a todas as técnicas. A utilização de uma densidade básica média da espécie para determinação da biomassa, via técnica volumétrica, se apresentou como uma abordagem inferior a qualquer técnica que utiliza informação da densidade do tronco das árvores individualmente. Por fim, sete modelos de predição de biomassa aérea de árvores considerando seus diferentes compartimentos foram ajustados, a partir das funções de Spurr e Schumacher-Hall, com e sem a inclusão da altura como variável preditora. Destes modelos, quatro eram gaussianos e três eram lognormais. Estes mesmos sete modelos foram ajustados incluindo a medida de penetração como variável preditora, totalizando quatorze modelos testados. O modelo de Schumacher-Hall se mostrou, de maneira geral, superior ao modelo de Spurr. A altura só se mostrou efetiva na explicação da biomassa das árvores quando em conjunto com a medida de penetração. Os modelos selecionados foram do grupo que incluíram a medida de penetração no lenho como variável preditora e , exceto o modelo de predição da biomassa de folhas, todos se mostraram adequados para aplicação na predição da biomassa aérea em áreas de reflorestamento. / Forest biomass measurement implies a destructive procedure, thus forest inventories and biomass surveys apply indirect procedure for the determination of biomass of the different components of the forest (wood, branches, leaves, roots, etc.). The usual approch consists in taking a destructive sample for the measurment of trees attributes and an empirical relationship is established between the biomass and other attributes that can be directly measured on standing trees, e.g., stem diameter and tree height. The biomass determination of felled trees can be achived by two techniques: the gravimetric technique, that weights the components in the field and take a sample for the determination of water content in the laboratory; and the volumetric technique, that determines the volume of the component in the field and take a sample for the determination of the wood specific gravity (wood basic density) in the laboratory. The gravimetric technique applies to all components of the trees, while the volumetric technique is usually restricted to the stem and large branches. In this study, these two techniques are studied in a sample fo 200 trees of 10 different species from the region of Linhares, ES. In each tree, 5 cross-sections of the stem were taken to investigate the best procedure for the determination of water content in gravimetric technique and for determination of the wood specific gravity in the volumetric technique. Also, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was used to compare different statistical models for the prediction o tree biomass. For the stem water content determination, the best procedure as the aritmetic mean of the water content from the cross-sections in the base, middle and top of the stem. In the determination of wood specific gravity, the best procedure was the aritmetic mean of all five cross-sections discs of the stem, however, for the determination of the biomass, i.e., the product of stem volume and wood specific gravity, the best procedure was the use of the middle stem cross-section disc wood specific gravity. The use of an average wood specific gravity by species showed worse results than any procedure that used information of wood specific gravity at individual tree level. Seven models, as variations of Spurr and Schumacher-Hall volume equation models, were tested for the different tree components: wood (stem and large branches), little branches, leaves and total biomass. In general, Schumacher-Hall models were better than Spurr based models, and models that included only diameter (DBH) information performed better than models with diameter and height measurements. When a measure of penetration in the wood, as a surrogate of wood density, was added to the models, the models with the three variables: diameter, height and penetration, became the best models.

Étude et modélisation des transferts hydriques et thermiques au sein des matériaux inorganiques poreux : application aux matériaux du patrimoine bâti ancien, exemple de l'Hypogée des Dunes à Poitiers et de la crypte de l'abbatiale de Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe / Study and modelling of hydric and thermal transfers within porous inorganic materials : application on the materials of the built heritage, example of the Hypogeum of Dunes in Poitiers and the crypt of the abbey-church of Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe

Merckx, Benoit 22 November 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la conservation et de la réhabilitation des bâtis anciens, les matériaux utilisés pour leur construction doivent être caractérisés vis-à-vis de leurs propriétés de transferts thermiques et hydriques. La première étape du travail de recherche a concerné la mise au point d'un capteur de conductivité thermique et de teneur en eau des matériaux inorganiques poreux (pierres, bétons, enduits) constitutifs des monuments. Les méthodes d’investigation doivent rester non intrusives. Dans cet objectif, la voie suivie a été d'adapter la mesure de conductivité thermique par une méthode simplifiée du fil chaud, précédemment développée pour les fluides corrosifs, aux pierres de taille utilisées dans le bâti ancien. Afin de transférer cette technologie des fluides vers les solides, plusieurs étapes ont été effectuées : (1) des mesures avec le fil intégré, (2) des mesures de surface, (3) estimation de l'influence de la rugosité de la surface et (4) utilisation de la méthode pour l'estimation de la teneur en eau des matériaux tests.La seconde étape de la recherche a consisté en deux suivis microclimatiques effectués sur deux sites historiques : l'Hypogée des Dunes et l'abbatiale de Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe. Le travail de thèse a consisté à évaluer l'impact des travaux effectués sur les conditions climatiques dans l'hypogée, et à déterminer l’influence des variations climatiques sur la formation d'un voile biologique dans la crypte de Saint-Savin. Pour ce faire, l'analyse corrélatoire est appliquée au traitement des donnés climatiques. / In the framework of preservation and rehabilitation of ancient buildings, materials used for their construction must be characterized with regards to thermal and hydric transfer properties. The first stage of our research work focused on the development of a sensor of thermal conductivity and moisture content of the inorganic porous materials (stone, concrete, render) making up the monuments. The methods of investigation have to remain non-invasive. For this purpose, the path followed was to adapt the measure of thermal conductivity by a simplified transient hot-wire method, previously developed for corrosive fluids, to dressed stones used in built heritage. In order to transfer this technology from fluids to the solids, several stages were carried out : (1) measures with the integrated wire, (2) surface measures, (3) estimation of the influence of surface roughness and (4) use of this method to estimate the moisture content of several test materials.The second stage of the research consisted in the microclimatic monitoring of two historical sites: the Hypogeum of the Dunes in Poitiers and the crypt of the abbey church of Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe. The thesis work sought to evaluate the impact of construction work performed in the Hypogeum on the internal climatic conditions, and to determine the influence of climatic variations on the formation of a biological veil in the crypt of Saint-Savin. To this aim, correlative analysis is applied to the treatment of climatic data.

Etude de l'effet des fines et de la teneur en eau sur le comportement hydromécanique des matériaux granulaires / Experimental study and modelling of the elastoplastic behaviour of unbound granular materials under large number of cyclic loadings at various initial hydric states

Jing, Peng 09 March 2017 (has links)
Les matériaux granulaires sont souvent utilisés dans les chaussées à faible trafic, pour la réalisation des couches d'assise non liées. L'objectif de la thèse est une meilleure compréhension du comportement hydromécanique des matériaux granulaires insaturés sous charge répétée en tenant compte des différents effets couplés: teneur en eau et teneur en fines. Une série d'essais triaxiaux à chargements répétés (TCR) est réalisée avec les différents échantillons de sable de Missillac remodelés à différentes teneurs en eau et en fines pour caractériser les comportements de déformation permanent et résilient. En outre, les courbes de rétention sont obtenues par des essais de succion. Puis, sur la base des résultats expérimentaux, les modèles de déformations permanentes et réversibles existants sont améliorés pour prendre en compte les teneurs en fines et en eau variables. Finalement, le comportement de l'état limite du sable Missillac est estimé avec les effets des teneurs en fines et en eau. / Granular materials are often used in low traffic pavement structures as unbound granular base and sub-base layers. The objective of this context is a better understanding of hydromechanical behaviour (deformation behaviour mainly) of the unsaturated granular materials under repeated loading taking into account the various coupled effects: water content and fine content. A series of RLTTs are conducted with the different remolded Missillac sand samples at different water contents and fine contents to characterize the permanent and resilient deformation behaviour. Besides, the soil water retention curves (SWRCs) are obtained by suction measurement. Then, based on the experimental results, the existing permanent and resilient deformation models are improved to accommodate to the changeable fine content and water content. In the end, the shakedown behaviour of Missillac sand is estimated with the effects of fine content and water content.

Influence of soil water management on plant growth, essential oil yield and oil composition of rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium spp.)

Eiasu, B.K. (Bahlebi Kibreab) 17 October 2009 (has links)
Introducing effective irrigation management in arid and semi-arid regions, like most areas of South Africa, is an indispensable way of maximising crop yield and enhancing productivity of scarce freshwater resources. Holistic improvements in agricultural water management could be realised through integrating the knowledge of crop-specific water requirements. In order to develop effective irrigation schedules for rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium capitatum x P. radens), greenhouse and field experiments were conducted at the Hatfield Experimental Farm of the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, from 28 October 2004 to 2006. Results from 20, 40, 60 and 80% maximum allowable depletion (MAD) levels of the plant available soil water (ASW) indicated that plant roots extracted most of the soil water from the top 40 cm soil layer, independent of the treatment. Both essential oil yield and fresh herbage mass responded positively to high soil water content. Increasing the MAD level to 60% and higher resulted in a significant reduction in herbage mass and essential oil yields. An increase in the degree of water stress apparently increased the essential oil concentration (percentage oil on fresh herbage mass basis), but its contribution to total essential oil yield (kg/ha oil) was limited. There was no significant relationship between MAD level and essential oil composition. For water saving without a significant reduction in essential oil yield of rose-scented geranium, a MAD of 40% of ASW is proposed. Response of rose-scented geranium to a one-month irrigation withholding period in the second or third month of regrowth cycles showed that herbage mass and oil yield were positively related. Herbage yield was significantly reduced when the water stress period was imposed during the third or fourth month of regrowth. A remarkable essential oil yield loss was observed only when the plants were stressed during the fourth month of regrowth. Essential oil content (% oil on fresh herbage mass basis) was higher in stressed plants, especially when stressed late, but oil yield dropped due to lower herbage mass. The relationship between essential oil composition and irrigation treatments was not consistent. Water-use efficiency was not significantly affected by withholding irrigation in the second or in the third month of regrowth. With a marginal oil yield loss, about 330 to 460 m3 of water per hectare per regrowth cycle could be saved by withholding irrigation during the third month of regrowth. The overall results highlighted that in water-scarce regions withholding irrigation during either the second or the third month of regrowth in rose-scented geranium could save water that could be used by other sectors of society. In greenhouse pot experiments, rose-scented geranium was grown under different irrigation frequencies, in two growth media. Irrigation was withheld on 50% of the plants (in each plot) for the week prior to harvesting. Herbage and essential oil yields were better in the sandy clay soil than in silica sand. Essential oil content (% oil on fresh herbage mass basis) apparently increased with a decrease in irrigation frequency. Both herbage and total essential oil yields positively responded to frequent irrigation. A one-week stress period prior to harvesting significantly increased essential oil content and total essential oil yield. Hence, the highest essential oil yield was obtained from a combination of high irrigation frequency and a one-week irrigation-withholding period. In the irrigation frequency treatments, citronellol and citronellyl formate contents tended to increase with an increase in the stress level, but the reverse was true for geraniol and geranyl formate. Leaf physiological data were recorded during the terminal one-week water stress in the glasshouse pot trial. Upon rewatering, stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rate (Rt) were significantly lower in the less often irrigated than in the more often irrigated treatments, while leaf water potential (yw) and relative water content (RWC) were the same for all plants, indicating that water stress had an after-effect on Gs and Rt. At the end of the stress period, Gs, Rt, yw and RWC were lower in the plants from the more often irrigated than from the less often irrigated treatments. Irrespective of irrigation treatment, one type of non-glandular and two types (different in shape and size) of glandular trichomes were observed. In water stressed-conditions, stomata and trichome densities increased, while the total number of stomata and trichomes per leaf appeared to remain more or less the same. Water stress conditions resulted in stomatal closure. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted

Experimental Study on the Engineering Properties of Gelfill

Abdul-Hussain, Najlaa January 2011 (has links)
Gelfill (GF) is made of tailings, water, binder and chemical additives (Fillset, sodium silicate gel). The components of GF are combined and mixed on the surface and transported (by gravity and/or pumping) to the underground mine workings, where the GF can be used for both underground mine support and tailings storage. Thermal (T), hydraulic (H), and mechanical (M) properties are important performance criteria of GF. The understanding of these engineering properties and their evolution with time are still limited due to the fact that GF is a new cemented backfill material. In this thesis, the evolution of the thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and microstructural properties of small GF samples are determined. Various binder contents of Portland cement type I (PCI) are used. The GF is cured for 3, 7, 28, 90, and 120 days. It is found that the thermal, hydraulic and mechanical properties are time-dependent or affected by the degree of binder hydration index. Furthermore, a relationship is found between the compressive strength and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the GF samples. The unsaturated hydraulic properties of GF samples have also been investigated. The outcomes show that unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is influenced by the degree of binder hydration index and binder content, especially at low suction ranges. Simple functions are proposed to predict the evolution of air-entry values (AEVs), residual water content, and fitting parameters from the van Genuchten model with the degree of hydration index (α). Furthermore, two columns are built to simulate the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour of GF under drained and undrained conditions. The obtained results from the GF columns are compared with the small samples. It is observed that the mechanical properties, hydraulic properties (suction and water content), and temperature development are strongly coupled. The magnitude of these THM coupling factors is affected by the size of the GF. The findings also show that the mechanical, hydraulic and thermal properties of the GF columns are different from samples cured in plastic moulds.

Měření infiltrace v terénu pomocí MiniDiskového infiltrometru / Measurement of infiltration in the field using MiniDisk infiltrometer

Vláčilíková, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with measuring of infiltration by MiniDisk method and its evaluation, but also with analysis of intact and grab soil sample, by means of which it is possible to assess the soil quality. The measurements took place on 30.4.2019, 4.5.2019, 12.5.2019, 2.6.2019, 30.6.2019, 2.7.2019, 31.8.2019 and 21.9.2019 on grassland near the town of Luhačovice. Grab and intact soil samples were taken from the upper soil layer and processed in a pedological laboratory. The Zhang method was used to evaluate the infiltration results. The results of soil analyzes and infiltration were processed numerically, plotted and subsequently described and compared.

Déshydratation naturelle et mécanisée de sédiments : étude des processus mis en jeu et applications / Natural and mechanical Dewatering of sediments

Boullosa Allariz, Beatriz 12 December 2018 (has links)
Les opérations de dragage génèrent d’importants volumes de sédiments à teneur en eau élevée qui sont difficilement transportables. Toute opération de valorisation ou stockage des sédiments implique de réduire la teneur en eau. Le séchage naturel et la déshydratation mécanisée des sédiments répondent à cette attente. Le séchage naturel des sédiments est la technique de déshydratation la plus économique et la meilleure du point de vue environnemental. Le temps de séchage peut être réduit par des moyens techniques adaptés (retournement, scarification) mis en action par l'application de critères d’aptitude au séchage naturel. Pour ce faire, le processus de séchage naturel a été reproduit à l’échelle du laboratoire à l’aide d’essais d’Égouttage et de Séchage et d’essais de Séchage et de Retrait couplés à des essais scissométriques. Ils ont porté sur neuf sédiments : sept sédiments de barrage, deux sédiments marins et une kaolinite. Une relation Su=f(IP) a été établie. Cette relation permet d’obtenir la cohésion non drainée Su à partir d’une mesure de teneur en eau. Elle permet aussi de définir ou cerner le moment le plus propice au retournement des sédiments à l’aide d’engins spécifiques sur site. Une autre méthode mécanique pour réduire le temps de séchage est suggérée. Il s'agit de pratiquer une scarification des sédiments à l’aide d’outils mobiles, voire robotisés, comme un rouleau scarificateur ou d'une rangée d'outils transportés par un treillis mobile adapté. En ce qui concerne la déshydratation mécanisée des sédiments, une nouvelle méthode de déshydratation en continu a été proposée à partir d'une presse à boues KDS®. Pour des raisons de conception et d'application, la presse à boues KDS® n’a jamais été utilisée pour déshydrater des sédiments. Un plan expérimental a été développé. Il est démontré que la presse KDS® est capable de déshydrater un sédiment fin sableux sans une maintenance démesurée. Des adaptations de la presse KDS® à la déshydratation de sédiments et des améliorations sont finalement proposées. / Dredging operations produce large amounts of sediments with high water content, that are difficult to handle. Storage management and future reuses need to reduce the water content of sediments. Natural and mechanical dewatering of sediments meet this need. The most economic and eco-friendly method of dewatering is natural dewatering. Dewatering period can be reduced with suitable technical means such as adapted plough or scarifier for sediments, operating under defined dewatering criteria. The natural dewatering process was investigated and reproduced at the laboratory scale by performing Natural dewatering test and Shrinkage test coupled with shear measurements (vane shear testing). Nine sediments have been considered: seven dam sediments, two marine sediments and a kaolinite clay. A relationship Su = f(IP) has been established. It allows to deduce the undrained shear strength Su from only a measurement of water content. It allows to state on the right moment to put in operation the specific tools for ploughing and returning over or scarifying sediments stored. These tools can move in the sediments (adapted plough) or roll on the sediments (scarifiying roller) or roll on banks of sediment storage basin. Another way to dewater high water content sediments concerns a mechanical device. Thus a new method of continuous dewatering has been investigated using a prototype machine patented and referenced as KDS® sludge press. This type of press was not adapted for dewater sediments. Full of dewatering tests have been undertaken and performed with this prototype concerning some of sediments (see natural dewatering testing) and sandy clayey mixtures. It has been shown that KDS® press is able to dehydrate sediments including fine sandy sediments without excessive maintenance. Some adaptations and improvements of KDS® press to dewatering sediments are finally suggested.

Eine prospektive Studie zur operativen Therapie des Beinlymphödems / Microsurgical therapy of lymphedema of the leg – a prospective study

Weiß, Sophia Magdalena 14 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Biologischer Abbau organischer Substanz bei unterschiedlichem Wassergehalt in einem Modellversuch

Birth, Volker 11 June 2019 (has links)
In der Landnutzung stellt die Bewertung der Versorgung mit organischer Bodensubstanz (OBS) eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Dabei wird der Einfluss der Bodenfeuchte aufgrund des globalen Klimawandels an Bedeutung gewinnen, da die Wasserverfügbarkeit Einfluss auf die Aktivität der bodenlebenden Mikroorganismen nimmt. Ziel der Arbeit waren daher Aussagen, inwieweit verschiedene Wassergehalte den biologischen Umsatz bei der Inkubation von Bodenproben mit unterschiedlicher Herkunft sowie organischer Düngung beeinflussen. In einem Modellversuch wurden Bodenproben ungedüngter Parzellen von drei deutschen Dauerfeldversuchen in einer zweifaktoriellen Blockanlage in Abhängigkeit von organischer Düngung (Weizenstroh, Stallmist) und Wassergehalt inkubiert. Die Experimente wurden in vier Feuchtigkeitsstufen mit 10, 40, 65 und 90 % der Feldkapazität über einen Zeitraum von 85 Tagen bei einer Temperatur von 25 °C realisiert. Zusätzlich sind vor und nach der Inkubation Thermogravimetrische Bodenanalysen (TGBA) durchgeführt worden. Die Ergebnisse belegen einen mit dem Wassergehalt steigenden C-Umsatz, da die Aktivität von aeroben Mikroorganismen bis zur Wassersättigung des Bodens zunimmt. Die Steigerung war bei Zugabe von Weizenstroh höher als bei Stallmist, ohne Düngerzusatz signifikant niedriger. Gleichzeitig änderte sich die Dynamik der Abbauprozesse. Durch besonders trockene Verhältnisse wurde die Umsetzung verzögert, zudem sank die Umsatzrate langsamer. Ein dauerhafter Einfluss des Standorts auf den Umsatz der Düngemittel war dagegen nicht nachweisbar. Der biologische Abbau im Inkubationsversuch veränderte darüber hinaus die thermische Zerfallsdynamik. Die größten Veränderungen wurden nach Zugabe von Stroh festgestellt. Nicht geklärt werden konnte, ob in Böden mit höherer Versorgung durch organische Substanz gleiche Ergebnisse erzielt werden können. / In land use, the assessment of the supply of organic soil matter (OBS) is a particular challenge. The influence of soil moisture on global climate change will become increasingly important, as water availability influences the activity of soil-living microorganisms. The aim of the work is therefore to determine the extent to which different water contents influence the biological turnover during the incubation of soil samples with different origins as well as organic fertilisation. In a model experiment, soil samples from unfertilized plots of three German long-time field experiments were incubated in a two-factor block facility depending on organic fertilization (wheat straw, manure) and water content. The experiments were carried out in four humidity levels with 10, 40, 65 and 90 % of the field capacity over a period of 85 days at a temperature of 25 °C. In addition, thermogravimetric soil analyses (TGBA) were performed before and after incubation. The results prove a C turnover increasing with the water content, since the activity of aerobic microorganisms increases until the water saturation of the soil. The increase was higher with the addition of wheat straw than with manure, without fertilizer significantly lower. At the same time, the dynamics of the degradation processes changed. Due to particularly dry conditions, conversion was delayed and the turnover rate fell more slowly. A lasting influence of the site on fertilizer turnover was not proved. In addition, the biological degradation in the incubation experiment changed the thermal decay dynamics. The largest changes were observed after the addition of straw. It could not be clarified whether the same results could be achieved in soils with a higher supply of organic matter.

Changes in a pollinator food web in the face of climate change: effects of physiological limitations and species interactions

Seidel, Melissa E. 07 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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