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AvaliaÃÃo do desempenho da cobranÃa da Ãgua bruta por categoria de uso nas Bacias do Estado do Cearà utilizando a anÃlise por envoltÃria de dados. / Evaluation of the performance of the collection of raw water by use category in the State of Cearà basins using data envelopment analysis.Marcus VinÃcius Sousa Rodrigues 19 August 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / A escassez de recursos hÃdricos pode causar sÃrios conflitos de interesse devido aos seus mÃltiplos usos. A gestÃo dos recursos hÃdricos em uma bacia hidrogrÃfica à a forma mais segura de garantir esses usos mÃltiplos, por meio da adoÃÃo de instrumentos, tais como a cobranÃa pelo uso da Ãgua. A cobranÃa tem sido implementada de uma forma muito lenta no Brasil, mesmo tendo o respaldo na Lei n 9.433/97 e nas PolÃticas Estaduais de Recursos HÃdricos. A cobranÃa pelo uso da Ãgua bruta no Cearà teve inÃcio em 1996, tendo a Companhia de GestÃo dos Recursos HÃdricos do Cearà â COGERH, como o ÃrgÃo responsÃvel pelo seu cÃlculo e sua efetivaÃÃo. Atà a presente data nenhum trabalho foi feito com o intuito de avaliar o desempenho desse instrumento por categoria de uso nas bacias hidrogrÃficas do Estado do CearÃ. O objetivo principal deste trabalho de doutorado à propor uma metodologia, por meio da anÃlise por envoltÃria de dados, que avalie o desempenho do instrumento da cobranÃa pelo uso da Ãgua bruta aplicada as principais categorias de uso (indÃstria, abastecimento pÃblico e irrigaÃÃo) nas bacias hidrogrÃficas do Estado do CearÃ. O modelo proposto para a anÃlise do desempenho foi composto por seis variÃveis (sendo quatro inputs e dois outputs) e o mÃtodo usado foi o DEA-BCC, com orientaÃÃo a output, utilizando como ferramenta computacional o software DEA-Solver, professional version 7.0. Ao todo foram analisadas 33 DMUs de todas as bacias hidrogrÃficas cearenses. Dessas unidades, treze foram classificadas como eficientes e consequentemente vinte foram classificadas como ineficientes. O conjunto das 33 DMUs apresentou uma eficiÃncia mÃdia de aproximadamente 64,80%. O setor que se mostrou com maior eficiÃncia em todo o Estado foi a indÃstria, com uma eficiÃncia mÃdia de aproximadamente 97,97%, seguido pelo setor do abastecimento pÃblico com uma eficiÃncia mÃdia de aproximadamente 68,17%. O setor da irrigaÃÃo foi o setor mais ineficiente de todo o Estado, com uma medida de eficiÃncia mÃdia igual a aproximadamente 28,25%. Ao todo oito DMUs da irrigaÃÃo se apresentaram com baixÃssimas eficiÃncias, medidas abaixo de 6,5%, se destacando, negativamente, a DMU24 (bacia do AcaraÃ), como sendo a unidade mais ineficiente de todo o conjunto analisado, com uma eficiÃncia relativa de aproximadamente 0,08%. Dentre os critÃrios usados para anÃlise se destacam os inputs IUO (Ãndice de usuÃrios outorgados) e IBH (Ãndice de balanÃo hÃdrico), e os outputs IFVC (Ãndice de faturamento por volume consumido) e TMF (taxa mÃdia de faturamento). Em relaÃÃo aos critÃrios propostos neste trabalho, podem-se observar usuÃrios de recursos hÃdricos que se apresentam em desacordo com as legislaÃÃes vigentes no Estado em relaÃÃo aos recursos hÃdricos, como usuÃrios faturados que nÃo possuem outorgas ou usuÃrios que apresentam consumos superiores as suas outorgas. / The scarcity of water resources can cause serious conflicts of interest due to its multiple uses. The management of water resources in a watershed is the safest way to ensure these multiple uses, through the adoption of instruments, such as charging for water use. The collection has been implemented very slowly in Brazil, even though the trust of the Law No. 9433/97 and State Policies on Water Resources. The charge for the use of raw water in Cearà began in 1996 and the Water Resources Management Company of Cearà - COGERH, as the agency responsible for its calculation and its implementation. To date no work has been done in order to evaluate the performance of this instrument by use category in the watersheds of the State of CearÃ. The main objective of this doctoral work is to propose a methodology through data envelopment analysis, to evaluate the performance of the instrument of charging for the use of raw water applied the main use categories (industrial, public supply and irrigation) in the basins river of CearÃ. The proposed performance analysis model was composed of six variables (with four inputs and two outputs) and the method used was the DEA-BCC, with the output orientation, as computational tool using the DEA-Solver, professional version 7.0 software. Altogether 33 DMUs of all Cearà basins were analyzed. These units, thirteen were classified as efficient and consequently twenty were classified as inefficient. The set of 33 DMUs showed an average efficiency of approximately 64.80%. The sector that has proved more efficiently throughout the state was the industry with an average efficiency of about 97.97%, followed by public supply sector with an average efficiency of approximately 68.17%. The irrigation sector was the most inefficient industry throughout the state, with an average efficiency measure equal to approximately 28.25%. Altogether eight DMUs irrigation presented with very low efficiencies, measures below 6.5%, highlighting negatively to DMU24 (Acaraà basin), as the most inefficient unit all analyzed together with a relative efficiency of approximately 0.08%. Among the criteria used for analysis stand out iuo index (granted users) and IBH index (water balance) inputs, and outputs IFVC (billing index volume consumed) and TMF (average billing rate). In relation to the criteria proposed in this paper, we can observe water users which are in disagreement with the laws in force in the State in relation to water resources, billed as users who do not have licenses or users who have higher intakes their grants.
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Gestão estratégica do uso da água e a sua relação com o desempenho empresarial: um estudo em indústrias do setor mineral / Strategic management of water use and its impact on business performance: a study in mining sectorBichueti, Roberto Schoproni 08 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The importance of sustainable development is increasing in the context of organizations. Understanding corporate sustainability, combining economic prosperity, social responsibility and environmental aspects, represents a challenge for the companies. In this sense, we highlight the importance of assessing business performance in an integrated manner to these prospects, through aspects that go beyond the economic indicators, but that consider the environmental and social performance. The Brazilian mining sector industries are inserted in this context. Despite its importance in the economic context, where it's known as the base for the development of several supply chains, and its importance on source of energy, the mining is an essentially extractive activity, through the intense relationship with the environment, and it's considered one of the largest water users in this country. It's known that water is a strategic resource for mining. The technical and economic viability of a mining industry is conditioned upon the adequate knowledge of the hydrological context that it's located and the subsequent water/mining interaction, which highlights the need for an adequate management of water usage in this sector. In this sense, this research aims at identifying the relationship between the water use management and the business performance in the Brazilian mining industries. The research is divided into two stages, developed in parallel. The quantitative stage, with a descriptive approach and a broad perspective, was operationalized by a survey method, with industries of the Brazilian Mining Institute (IBRAM). The qualitative stage, exploratory in nature, was made with a particular perspective, through a multiple case study. The water use management was identified using the model proposed by Ceres (2010) and the business performance was evaluated based on the indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative - GRI (2006, 2010). The results indicate a positive and significant relationship between the management of water use and the business performance. It could be seen, in both approaches, the importance of water use management in the mining industry context and the outlook in terms of results, through achieving superior performance in terms of economic, environmental and social. It were identified some differences in the water use management and in the business performance according to size of companies, in that the smaller companies had lower averages compared to the others. The results presented allow the discussion of issues related to water use, in a management perspective, and its impact on business performance. This findings aren't restricted to the mineral sector, but may bring contributions to other sectors of the economy, where the water use management is critical for a sustainable industry in economic, social and environmental aspects. / Cresce, cada vez mais, a importância do desenvolvimento sustentável no contexto das organizações. Entender a sustentabilidade empresarial, aliando a prosperidade econômica, a responsabilidade social e a preocupação em termos ambientais, tem se tornado um desafio para as empresas. Nesse sentido, destaca-se a importância de avaliar o desempenho empresarial de maneira integrada a essas perspectivas, por meio de aspectos que vão além dos indicadores econômicos, mas que consideram a performance ambiental e social. Neste contexto, estão inseridas as indústrias do setor mineral brasileiro. Apesar de sua importância no contexto econômico, conhecida como a base para o desenvolvimento de diversas cadeias produtivas e importante fonte de energia, a mineração trata-se de uma atividade essencialmente extrativa, possui intensa relação com o meio ambiente e é considerada uma das maiores usuárias de água do país. Sabe-se que a água é um recurso estratégico para a mineração. A viabilidade técnica e econômica de uma lavra está condicionada ao adequado conhecimento do contexto hidrológico no qual se localiza e ao subsequente desenho das atuações hidrológico-minerais, o que evidencia a necessidade da adequada gestão do uso da água neste setor. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa tem o objetivo de identificar a relação entre a gestão do uso da água e o desempenho empresarial em indústrias do setor mineral brasileiro. A pesquisa está dividida em duas etapas, desenvolvidas paralelamente. A etapa quantitativa, de natureza descritiva, conta com uma perspectiva abrangente, operacionalizada por meio de uma pesquisa survey com as indústrias pertencentes ao Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração - IBRAM. A etapa qualitativa, de natureza exploratória, foi efetuada com uma perspectiva mais particular, por meio de um estudo de casos múltiplos. A gestão do uso da água foi identificada por meio do modelo proposto por Ceres (2010) e o desempenho empresarial foi avaliado com base nos indicadores do Global Reporting Initiative GRI (2006, 2010). Os resultados obtidos apontam para uma relação positiva e significante entre a gestão do uso da água e o desempenho empresarial. Pôde-se perceber, em ambas as abordagens, a importância da gestão do uso da água no contexto da indústria mineral e as perspectivas em termos de resultado, por meio da obtenção de um desempenho superior, do ponto de vista econômico, ambiental e social. Foram identificadas, ainda, diferenças em relação à gestão do uso da água e ao desempenho empresarial de acordo com o porte, na medida em que as empresas de menor porte obtiveram médias inferiores comparadas às demais. Os resultados e reflexões apresentados possibilitam a discussão dos aspectos relacionados ao uso da água, do ponto de vista da gestão das empresas e a sua influência no desempenho empresarial. Tais achados não se restringem ao setor mineral, mas podem trazer contribuições para outros setores da economia, nos quais a gestão do uso da água é fundamental em busca de uma atividade industrial mais sustentável em termos econômicos, sociais e ambientais.
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Assessing the costs and benefits of water use for production and the potential of water demand management in the Crocodile Catchment of South AfricaCrafford, J.G. (Jacobus Gert) 23 July 2007 (has links)
In South Africa, precipitation is extremely variable and water is scarce. South Africa is also a country with great welfare needs. Challenging economic development targets and plans therefore need to be implemented successfully within the constraints of limited water supply and unreliable water availability. These economic development plans are underpinned by the development and growth of economic activities such as agriculture, mining, energy production and many types of small, medium and micro enterprises, which are some of the largest water using sectors in the economy. Within these activities, increased competition places pressure on water users to keep supplying their markets with competitively priced goods, while rising costs of new water supplies puts pressure on water users to allocate sufficient water to their production processes. These market forces and the relative scarcity of water as an economic production factor, impact on financial viability and imply that the economic efficiency of water use becomes increasingly important. The National Water Act of 1998 (NWA) is a legislative response to this situation, and promotes a radical shift towards efficiency and equity goals in water allocation. Water users who require water as an input to economic activities are consequently seriously revising their water use patterns in response to one of the major implications of the NWA and its related principal strategy: water demand management. Water demand management strives to adhere to the principles of equity, social justice, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability, which are central to the NWA. This study evaluates the costs and benefits of water use in order to simulate the effects of water demand management activities on a catchment economy. The results of a number of studies were combined to generate an economy-wide model: a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), for the case study area and to simulate the direct and indirect effects of water demand management on the people, the economy and the natural environment in the area. Water demand management (WDM) is defined as consisting of two phases. In the first phase, goals of full cost recovery, improving water use efficiency and allocating water optimally are targeted. The second phase of WDM arrives when a situation of absolute water scarcity is reached within a catchment. In this phase water demand outweighs water supply and water has to be allocated according to its scarcity value. Water markets play a large role here. The SAM was used to simulate the direct and indirect impacts on the economy and the environment of a number of WDM related scenarios. Water e-allocation decisions and the effects of various WDM policy instruments, such as reduction of water use subsidies and increases in water tariffs were simulated. Unintended consequences of other environmental policies on water use, in this case, carbon tax, were explored. Water scarcity predictions were done, and some of the transaction costs involved in water trading was quantified. The study concludes with a discussion on the indirect effects on the economy, the environment and people of changes affecting the agricultural (including forestry) activities. The direct and indirect impacts of WDM policies on the economy and the environment, and the importance of environmental-economic models in water cost benefit modeling are also discussed. Implications for policy and management are highlighted. This study shows specifically how, through modelling various scenarios, policy decisions aimed at managing specific variables (e.g. water use, carbon emissions) have an economic and environmental impact much wider than the sector in which the policy was targeted for. Each scenario shows how a water transaction, or a change in subsidy in the agricultural (including forestry) sector, could impact on the output of other economic sectors, and therefore the economy as a whole. It is therefore evident that policy decisions, which are implemented at a macro level, and could have a major direct impact on a wider range of economic sectors, should be carefully considered as they could have large, undesirable, unintended consequences. / Dissertation (MSc (Agricultural Economics))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development / MSc (Agric) / unrestricted
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