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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microbiological Quality of Ultrasonic Dental Scaler Output Water

Mustazza, Joseph Leonard January 2020 (has links)
Objectives: Since ultrasonic dental scalers contain internal narrow-diameter waterline tubing susceptible to bacterial biofilm growth, this study determined the cultivable prevalence of aerobic mesophilic heterotrophic bacteria in ultrasonic scaler output water subjected to one of two commercial biocides favorably reviewed by the American Dental Association as effective for microbial biofilm control in dental unit waterlines, and assessed the potential antimicrobial effect on output water of an ultrasonic scaler tip activated at a maximum power frequency. Methods: Aseptically-collected water samples were obtained, and neutralized for residual chlorine with sodium thiosulfate, from 12 ultrasonic scalers provided municipal tap water treated with an iodine resin cartridge (Group A), and from eight ultrasonic scalers provided distilled water treated with a 0.78% silver ion-based disinfectant (Group B), all within a dental school clinic setting. The latter eight ultrasonic scalers were additionally sampled after output water was passed through an inserted scaler tip activated to a maximum power setting similar to its potential use in clinical patient care. All water samples were evaluated for aerobic mesophilic heterotrophic bacteria using nationally-accepted analytical procedures detailed in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 23rd Edition (2017), with sample aliquots spread-plated onto R2A agar and aerobically incubated at 28°C for seven days. Aerobic mesophilic heterotrophic bacteria were considered elevated when ≥ 500 CFU/ml of the species were recovered per water sample. Predominant cultivable isolates of aerobic mesophilic heterotrophic bacteria in the water samples were identified using matrix- assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry and Bruker MALDI Biotyper analytic software. Results: Aerobic mesophilic heterotrophic bacteria averaged 610 ± 380 (SD) CFU/ml per ultrasonic scaler in Group A ultrasonic scalers, with eight of 12 (66.7%) evaluated ultrasonic scalers yielding elevated counts ≥ 500 CFU/ml. Similar mean values of 667 ± 340 (SD) CFU/ml per ultrasonic scaler were found in Group B ultrasonic scalers, with five of eight (62.5%) evaluated ultrasonic scalers yielding elevated aerobic mesophilic heterotrophic bacteria counts ≥ 500 CFU/ml. Acidovorax temerans, Novosphingobium subterraneum, Cupriavidus metallidurans, and Sphingobium yanoikuyae were the most prevalent cultivable species identified from ultrasonic scaler waterlines where the source water was municipal tap water treated with molecular iodine. In contrast, nearly pure growth of Cupriavidus metallidurans alone dominated cultivable waterline isolates from ultrasonic scalers where the source water was distilled water treated with a 0.78% silver ion disinfectant. No statistically significant impact was found on aerobic mesophilic heterotrophic bacterial counts after ultrasonic scaler output water passed through an inserted scaler tip activated to maximum power (P > 0.05, Wilcoxcon signed-rank test). Conclusions: Approximately two-thirds of ultrasonic scalers in a dental school clinic setting yielded output water that failed to meet potable water regulatory standards in the United States with regard to aerobic mesophilic heterotrophic bacterial counts, even when subjected to disinfection with one of two American Dental Association favorably-reviewed biocide products, or exposed to high-frequency ultrasonic scaler tip oscillations. These findings question the effectiveness of infection control procedures used to manage ultrasonic scaler waterlines, and raise concerns about the safety of ultrasonic scaler output water introduced into the oral cavity of dental patients during dental treatment procedures. / Oral Biology

Spatio-temporal analysis of coastal sediment erosion in Cape Town through remote sensing and geoinformation science

Fanikiso, Lynn 10 June 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Coastal erosion can be described as the landward or seaward propagation of coastlines. Coastal processes occur over various space and time scales, limiting in-situ approaches of monitoring change. As such it is imperative to take advantage of multisensory, multi-scale and multi-temporal modern spatial technologies for multi-dimensional coastline change monitoring. The research presented here intends to showcase the synergy amongst remote sensing techniques by showcasing the use of coastal indicators towards shoreline assessment over the Kommetjie and Milnerton areas along the Cape Town coastline. There has been little progress in coastal studies in the Western Cape that encompass the diverse and dynamic aspects of coastal environments and in particular, sediment movement. Cape Town, in particular; is socioeconomically diverse and spatially segregated, with heavy dependence on its 240km of coastline. It faces sea level rise intensified by real-estate development close to the high-water mark and on reclaimed land. Spectral indices and classification techniques are explored to accommodate the complex bio-optical properties of coastal zones. This allows for the segmentation of land and ocean components to extract shorelines from multispectral Landsat imagery for a long term (1991-2021) shoreline assessment. The DSAS tool used these extracted shorelines to quantify shoreline change and was able to determine an overall averaged erosional rate of 2.56m/yr. for Kommetjie and 2.35m/yr. for Milnerton. Beach elevation modelling was also included to evaluate short term (2016-2021) sediment volumetric changes by applying Differential Interferometry to Sentinel-1 SLC data and the Waterline method through a combination of Sentinel -1 GRD and tide gauge data. The accuracy, validation and correction of these elevation models was conducted at the pixel level by comparison to an in-field RTK GPS survey used to capture the current state of the beaches. The results depict a sediment deficit in Kommetjie whilst accretion is prevalent along the Milnerton coastline. Shoreline propagation and coastal erosion quantification leads to a better understanding of geomorphology, hydrodynamic and land use influences on coastlines. This further informs climate adaptation strategies, urban planning and can support further development of interactive coastal information systems.

Contamination of Dental Waterlines: Efficacy of Seven Waterline Treatments and Three In-office Bacteria Test Kits

Davis, Adam 23 April 2008 (has links)
This study compared seven dental unit water line (DUWL) treatments and three in-office bacteria test kits. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) 1:10 in tap water weekly; 3 drops of NaOCl in 1 liter of water; Dentapure® DP 40; ICX™ tablet; Sterilex® Ultra powder; Lines™; and Selective Micro® Dental-Clean. Traditional culture technique was compared to HPC Dental Sampler; Aquasafe™ Dental Unit Water Line Test Kit; and Bacteria in Water Test Kit. Eight dental units in the Virginia Commonwealth University Graduate Endodontic Clinic were randomly assigned treatment regimens. Samples were taken weekly initially and after flushing for 1 minute. In conclusion NaOCl hypochlorite 1:10 in tap water once weekly, Sterilex® Ultra, Lines™, and Selective Micro® Dental-Clean were effective at all sample times while ICX™, 3 drops of NaOCl, and Dentapure® DP 40 were only effective after 1 minute flushing. There was no significant difference between the in-office test kits and traditional culture.

A New Technique for Measuring Runup Variation Using Sub-Aerial Video Imagery

Salmon, Summer Anne January 2008 (has links)
Video monitoring of beaches is becoming the preferred method for observing changes to nearshore morphology. Consequently this work investigates a new technique for predicting the probability of inundation that is based on measuring runup variation using video. Runup is defined as the water-level elevation maxima on the foreshore relative to the still water level and the waterline is defined as the position where the MWL intersects the beach face. Tairua, and Pauanui Beaches, on the north east coast of the North Island of New Zealand, were used as the field site in this study and represent two very different beaches with the same incoming wave and meteorological conditions. Tairua is most frequently in an intermediate beach state, whereas Pauanui is usually flatter in nature. In order to rectify runup observations, an estimate of the runup elevation was needed (Z). This was estimated by measuring the variation of the waterline over a tidal cycle from time-averaged video images during a storm event and provided beach morphology statistics (i.e. beach slope (α) and beach intercept (b)) used in the rectification process where Z=aX+b. The maximum swash excursions were digitized from time-stacks, and rectified to provide run-up timeseries with duration 20 minutes. Field calibrations revealed a videoed waterline that was seaward of the surveyed waterline. Quantification of this error gave a vertical offset of 0.33m at Tairua and 0.25m at Pauanui. At Tairua, incident wave energy was dominant in the swash zone, and the runup distributions followed a Rayleigh distribution. At Pauanui, the flatter beach, the runup distributions were approximately bimodal due to the dominance of infragravity energy in the swash signal. The slope of the beach was a major control on the runup elevation; runup at Pauanui was directly affected by the deepwater wave height and the tide, while at Tairua there was no correlation. Overall, the results of the study indicate realistic runup measurements, over a wide range of time scales and, importantly, during storm events. However, comparisons of videoed runup and empirical runup formulae revealed larger deviations as the beach steepness increased. Furthur tests need to be carried out to see if this is a limitation of this technique, used to measure runup. The runup statistics are consistently higher at Tairua and suggests that swash runs up higher on steeper beaches. However, because of the characteristics of flatter beaches (such as high water tables and low drainage efficiencies) the impact of extreme runup elevations on such beaches are more critical in regards to erosion and/ or inundation. The coastal environment is of great importance to Māori. Damage to the coast and coastal waahi tapu (places of spiritual importance) caused by erosion and inundation, adversely affects the spiritual and cultural well-being of Māori. For this reason, a chapter was dedicated to investigating the practices used by Māori to protect and preserve the coasts in accordance with tikanga Māori (Māori protocols). Mimicking nature was and still is a practice used by Māori to restore the beaches after erosive events, and includes replanting native dune plants and using natural materials on the beaches to stabilize the dunes. Tapu and rahui (the power and influence of the gods) were imposed on communities to prohibit and prevent people from free access to either food resources or to a particular place, in order to protect people and/ or resources. Interpretations of Māori oral histories provide insights into past local hazards and inform about the safety and viability of certain activities within an area. Environmental indicators were used to identify and forecast extreme weather conditions locally. Māori knowledge of past hazards, and the coastal environment as a whole, is a valuable resource and provides a unique source of expertise that can contribute to current coastal hazards management plans in New Zealand and provide insights about the areas that may again be impacted by natural hazards.

Modélisation numérique de la circulation côtière : application au transport des méduses dans les Pertuis Charentais / Numerical modeling of coastal circulation : application to the jellyfish transport in the Pertuis Charentais

Chalumeau, Julien 28 January 2014 (has links)
Les Pertuis Charentais sont un site d’écosystèmes interconnectés où les courants marins jouent un rôle déterminant. Un modèle de marée à haute résolution a été développé au cours de cette thèse pour comprendre et cartographier les traits principaux de la circulation hydrodynamique dans les Pertuis. Deux axes sont ainsi mis en avant dans cette étude. D’abord, un nouveau modèle de marées dans les Pertuis Charentais a été construit et validé à partir de différentes sources : données marégraphiques, données de courantomètres ADCP et images satellitaires. Une nouvelle approche de calibration de modèle de marée a été développée, basée sur la comparaison de la position de la ligne d’eau, frontière entre l’eau et la terre, avec celle prédite par le modèle. Puis dans un second temps, le transport et les agrégations en « bloom » de populations de méduses Rhizostoma, dont les proliférations et les échouages sont à l’origine de problèmes socio-économiques, ont été simulés numériquement. Des observations in situ ont permis de paramétrer le comportement de nage des méduses dans le modèle. Deux types de comportements des méduses, actif et passif ont été simulés. Les courants de marées en présence des forçages-type météorologiques ont été pris en compte. Les résultats indiquent que le comportement individuel de nage des méduses pourrait être une réponse adaptative aux facteurs abiotiques qui menacent la continuité de leur espèce mais que les courants marins restent la cause première de la formation des blooms. / The Pertuis Charentais are an interconnected ecosystems site where ocean currents play a key role. A high resolution tidal model was developed in this thesis in order to understand the main features of the hydrodynamic flows inside the Pertuis. Two topics were put forward in this study. First, a new tide model for the Pertuis Charentais was build up and validated by using different datasets: tide gauge records, measurements of currents by ADCP and satellite images. A new approach to model calibration was developed by comparing the observed position of the waterline, the boundary between land and water, with that predicted by the model. Secondly, the transport and bloom-like aggregation of the Rhizostoma jellyfish populations were simulated numerically. The jellyfish proliferation and stranding are a source of socio-economic problems. Two types of jellyfish behavior, active and passive were simulated. The tidal currents and typical meteorological forcing were taken into account. The results show that the individual behavior of swimming jellyfish is an adaptive response to abiotic factors for jellyfish survival.

Study of Fragility Functions for Assessing Damage to Water Pipe Networks Caused by Earthquake Loading

Merlo, Dylan Joseph 01 April 2021 (has links) (PDF)
The performance of water lifelines during seismic events is an area of ongoing research. In this study we evaluate eight (8) different seismic events and the impact that ground shaking and ground deformations had on water pipeline systems. The overall goal of this work is to provide municipalities and utility providers with tools for mitigating the consequences of seismic hazards on water lifeline systems by analyzing the accuracy of damage estimation models. Three (3) different repair rate models are evaluated using data collected from the seismic events and compared to observed repair rate data. Results are analyzed to examine the utility of the models for forecasting damage. Results are shown. The overall goal of this work is to provide municipalities and utility providers with tools for mitigating the consequences of seismic hazards on water lifeline systems by analyzing the accuracy of damage estimation models. Results indicate that fragility functions that utilize a linear PGV-based function are the most accurate in predicting repair rates to a system based on residual plots developed for different models. Differentiating between continuous and segmented water lifeline systems is best done by using coefficients to modify the backbone PGV-based equation. Results also indicate that utilizing an additional PGD-based function could increase the predictive capabilities of water lifeline system fragility functions.

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