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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Correlation-Based Method to Detect Weak Dependence

Luo, Yabing 21 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The focus of this thesis is an investigation of ways to detect weak dependence between two random variables X and Y. Our approach is to design tests for correlation rather than testing for dependence directly, since X and Y are not independent if they are not uncorrelated. We examined the magnified Pearson correlation after the Box-Cox transformation to determine whether X and Y are dependent. The results indicated that our approach not only has the potential to detect and evaluate the weak dependence cases that have previously been intractable, but also is conceptually simple and easy to implement.

Empirické odhady ve stochastickém programování; závislá data / Empiciral Estimates in Stochastic Programming; Dependent Data

Kolafa, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on stochastic programming problems based on empirical and theoretical distributions and their relationship. Firstly, it focuses on the case where the empirical distribution is an independent random sample. The basic properties are shown followed by the convergence between the problem based on the empirical distribution and the same problem applied to the theoretical distribution. The thesis continues with an overview of some types of dependence - m-dependence, mixing, and also more general weak dependence. For sequences with some of these types of dependence, properties are shown to be similar to those holding for independent sequences. In the last section, the theory is demonstrated using numerical examples, and dependent and independent sequences, including sequences with different types of dependence, are compared.

Stabilita v autoregresních modelech časových řad / Stability in Autoregressive Time Series Models

Dvořák, Marek January 2015 (has links)
The main subject of this thesis is a change point detection in stationary vector autoregressions. Various test statistics are proposed for the retrospective break point detection in the parameters of such models, in particular, the derivation of their asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis of no change. Testing procedures are based on the maximum like- lihood principle and are derived under normality, nevertheless the asymptotic results are valid for broader class of distributions and involve also the models with certain form of dependence. Simulation studies document the quality of the results.

Robustní monitorovací procedury pro závislá data / Robust Monitoring Procedures for Dependent Data

Chochola, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
Title: Robust Monitoring Procedures for Dependent Data Author: Ondřej Chochola Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Marie Hušková, DrSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: huskova@karlin.mff.cuni.cz Abstract: In the thesis we focus on sequential monitoring procedures. We extend some known results towards more robust methods. The robustness of the procedures with respect to outliers and heavy-tailed observations is introduced via use of M-estimation instead of classical least squares estimation. Another extension is towards dependent and multivariate data. It is assumed that the observations are weakly dependent, more specifically they fulfil strong mixing condition. For several models, the appropriate test statistics are proposed and their asymptotic properties are studied both under the null hypothesis of no change as well as under the alternatives, in order to derive proper critical values and show consistency of the tests. We also introduce retrospective change-point procedures, that allow one to verify in a robust way the stability of the historical data, which is needed for the sequential monitoring. Finite sample properties of the tests need to be also examined. This is done in a simulation study and by application on some real data in the capital asset...

Théorèmes limites pour des fonctionnelles de clusters d'extrêmes et applications / Limit theorems for functionals of clusters of extremes and applications

Gomez Garcia, José Gregorio 13 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse traite principalement des théorèmes limites pour les processus empiriques de fonctionnelles de clusters d'extrêmes de séquences et champs aléatoires faiblement dépendants. Des théorèmes limites pour les processus empiriques de fonctionnelles de clusters d'extrême de séries temporelles stationnaires sont donnés par Drees & Rootzén [2010] sous des conditions de régularité absolue (ou "ß-mélange"). Cependant, ces conditions de dépendance de type mélange sont très restrictives : elles sont particulièrement adaptées aux modèles dans la finance et dans l'histoire, et elles sont de plus compliquées à vérifier. Généralement, pour d'autres modèles fréquemment rencontré dans les domaines applicatifs, les conditions de mélange ne sont pas satisfaites. En revanche, les conditions de dépendance faible, selon Doukhan and Louhichi [1999] et Dedecker & Prieur [2004a], sont des conditions qui généralisent les notions de mélange et d'association. Elles sont plus simple à vérifier et peuvent être satisfaites pour de nombreux modèles. Plus précisément, sous des conditions faibles, tous les processus causals ou non causals sont faiblement dépendants: les processus Gaussien, associés, linéaires, ARCH(∞), bilinéaires et notamment Volterra entrent dans cette liste. À partir de ces conditions favorables, nous étendons certains des théorèmes limites de Drees & Rootzén [2010] à processus faiblement dépendants. En outre, comme application des théorèmes précédents, nous montrons la convergence en loi de l'estimateur de l'extremogramme de Davis & Mikosch [2009] et l'estimateur fonctionnel de l'indice extrémal de Drees [2011] sous dépendance faible. Nous démontrons un théorème de la valeur extrême pour les champs aléatoires stationnaires faiblement dépendants et nous proposons, sous les mêmes conditions, un critère du domaine d'attraction d'une loi d'extrêmes. Le document se conclue sur des théorèmes limites pour les processus empiriques de fonctionnelles de clusters d’extrêmes de champs aléatoires stationnaires faiblement dépendants, et met en évidence la convergence en loi de l'estimateur d'un extremogramme de processus spatio-temporels stationnaires faiblement dépendants en tant qu'application. / This thesis deals mainly with limit theorems for empirical processes of extreme cluster functionals of weakly dependent random fields and sequences. Limit theorems for empirical processes of extreme cluster functionals of stationnary time series are given by Drees & Rootzén [2010] under absolute regularity (or "ß-mixing") conditions. However, these dependence conditions of mixing type are very restrictive: on the one hand, they are best suited for models in finance and history, and on the other hand, they are difficult to verify. Generally, for other models common in applications, the mixing conditions are not satisfied. In contrast, weak dependence conditions, as defined by Doukhan & Louhichi [1999] and Dedecker & Prieur [2004a], are dependence conditions which generalises the notions of mixing and association. These are easier to verify and applicable to a wide list of models. More precisely, under weak conditions, all the causal or non-causal processes are weakly dependent: Gaussian, associated, linear, ARCH(∞), bilinear and Volterra processes are some included in this list. Under these conveniences, we expand some of the limit theorems of Drees & Rootzén [2010] to weakly dependent processes. These latter results are used in order to show the convergence in distribution of the extremogram estimator of Davis & Mikosch [2009] and the functional estimator of the extremal index introduced by Drees [2011] under weak dependence. We prove an extreme value theorem for weakly dependent stationary random fields and we propose, under the same conditions, a domain of attraction criteria of a law of extremes. The document ends with limit theorems for the empirical process of extreme cluster functionals of stationary weakly dependent random fields, deriving also the convergence in distribution of the estimator of an extremogram for stationary weakly dependent space-time processes.

Moderní asymptotické perspektivy na modelování chyb v měřeních / Modern Asymptotic Perspectives on Errors-in-variables Modeling

Pešta, Michal January 2010 (has links)
A linear regression model, where covariates and a response are subject to errors, is considered in this thesis. For so-called errors-in-variables (EIV) model, suitable error structures are proposed, various unknown parameter estimation techniques are performed, and recent algebraic and statistical results are summarized. An extension of the total least squares (TLS) estimate in the EIV model-the EIV estimate-is invented. Its invariant (with respect to scale) and equivariant (with respect to the covariates' rotation, to the change of covariates direction, and to the interchange of covariates) properties are derived. Moreover, it is shown that the EIV estimate coincides with any unitarily invariant penalizing solution to the EIV problem. It is demonstrated that the asymptotic normality of the EIV estimate is computationally useless for a construction of confidence intervals or hypothesis testing. A proper bootstrap procedure is constructed to overcome such an issue. The validity of the bootstrap technique is proved. A simulation study and a real data example assure of its appropriateness. Strong and uniformly strong mixing errors are taken into account instead of the independent ones. For such a case, the strong consistency and the asymptotic normality of the EIV estimate are shown. Despite of that, their...

Sur les tests de type diagnostic dans la validation des hypothèses de bruit blanc et de non corrélation

Sango, Joel 09 1900 (has links)
Dans la modélisation statistique, nous sommes le plus souvent amené à supposer que le phénomène étudié est généré par une structure pouvant s’ajuster aux données observées. Cette structure fait apparaître une partie principale qui représente le mieux possible le phénomène étudié et qui devrait expliquer les données et une partie supposée négligeable appelée erreur ou innovation. Cette structure complexe est communément appelée un modèle, dont la forme peut être plus ou moins complexe. Afin de simplifier la structure, il est souvent supposé qu’elle repose sur un nombre fini de valeurs, appelées paramètres. Basé sur les données, ces paramètres sont estimés avec ce que l’on appelle des estimateurs. La qualité du modèle pour les données à notre disposition est également fonction des estimateurs et de leurs propriétés, par exemple, est-ce que les estimateurs sont raisonnablement proches des valeurs idéales, c’est-à-dire les vraies valeurs. Des questions d’importance portent sur la qualité de l’ajustement d’un modèle aux données, ce qui se fait par l’étude des propriétés probabilistes et statistiques du terme d’erreur. Aussi, l’étude des relations ou l’absence de ces dernières entre les phénomènes sous des hypothèses complexes sont aussi d’intérêt. Des approches possibles pour cerner ce genre de questions consistent dans l’utilisation des tests portemanteaux, dits également tests de diagnostic. La thèse est présentée sous forme de trois projets. Le premier projet est rédigé en langue anglaise. Il s’agit en fait d’un article actuellement soumis dans une revue avec comité de lecture. Dans ce projet, nous étudions le modèle vectoriel à erreurs multiplicatives (vMEM) pour lequel nous utilisons les propriétés des estimateurs des paramètres du modèle selon la méthode des moments généralisés (GMM) afin d’établir la distribution asymptotique des autocovariances résiduelles. Ceci nous permet de proposer des nouveaux tests diagnostiques pour ce type de modèle. Sous l’hypothèse nulle d’adéquation du modèle, nous montrons que la statistique usuelle de Hosking-Ljung-Box converge vers une somme pondérée de lois de khi-carré indépendantes à un degré de liberté. Un test généralisé de Hosking-Ljung-Box est aussi obtenu en comparant la densité spectrale des résidus de l’estimation et celle présumée sous l’hypothèse nulle. Un avantage des tests spectraux est qu’ils nécessitent des estimateurs qui convergent à la vitesse n−1/2 où n est la taille de l’échantillon, et leur utilisation n’est pas restreinte à une technique particulière, comme par exemple la méthode des moments généralisés. Dans le deuxième projet, nous établissons la distribution asymptotique sous l’hypothèse de faible dépendance des covariances croisées de deux processus stationnaires en covariance. La faible dépendance ici est définie en terme de l’effet limité d’une observation donnée sur les observations futures. Nous utilisons la notion de stabilité et le concept de contraction géométrique des moments. Ces conditions sont plus générales que celles de l’invariance des moments conditionnels d’ordre un à quatre utilisée jusque là par plusieurs auteurs. Un test statistique basé sur les covariances croisées et la matrice des variances et covariances de leur distribution asymptotique est alors proposé et sa distribution asymptotique établie. Dans l’implémentation du test, la matrice des variances et covariances des covariances croisées est estimée à l’aide d’une procédure autorégressive vectorielle robuste à l’autocorrélation et à l’hétéroscédasticité. Des simulations sont ensuite effectuées pour étudier les propriétés du test proposé. Dans le troisième projet, nous considérons un modèle périodique multivarié et cointégré. La présence de cointégration entraîne l’existence de combinaisons linéaires périodiquement stationnaires des composantes du processus étudié. Le nombre de ces combinaisons linéaires linéairement indépendantes est appelé rang de cointégration. Une méthode d’estimation en deux étapes est considérée. La première méthode est appelée estimation de plein rang. Dans cette approche, le rang de cointégration est ignoré. La seconde méthode est appelée estimation de rang réduit. Elle tient compte du rang de cointégration. Cette dernière est une approche non linéaire basée sur des itérations dont la valeur initiale est l’estimateur de plein rang. Les propriétés asymptotiques de ces estimateurs sont aussi établies. Afin de vérifier l’adéquation du modèle, des statistiques de test de type portemanteau sont considérées et leurs distributions asymptotiques sont étudiées. Des simulations sont par la suite présentées afin d’illustrer le comportement du test proposé. / In statistical modeling, we assume that the phenomenon of interest is generated by a model that can be fitted to the observed data. The part of the phenomenon not explained by the model is called error or innovation. There are two parts in the model. The main part is supposed to explain the observed data, while the unexplained part which is supposed to be negligible is also called error or innovation. In order to simplify the structures, the model are often assumed to rely on a finite set of parameters. The quality of a model depends also on the parameter estimators and their properties. For example, are the estimators relatively close to the true parameters ? Some questions also address the goodness-of-fit of the model to the observed data. This question is answered by studying the statistical and probabilistic properties of the innovations. On the other hand, it is also of interest to evaluate the presence or the absence of relationships between the observed data. Portmanteau or diagnostic type tests are useful to address such issue. The thesis is presented in the form of three projects. The first project is written in English as a scientific paper. It was recently submitted for publication. In that project, we study the class of vector multiplicative error models (vMEM). We use the properties of the Generalized Method of Moments to derive the asymptotic distribution of sample autocovariance function. This allows us to propose a new test statistic. Under the null hypothesis of adequacy, the asymptotic distributions of the popular Hosking-Ljung-Box (HLB) test statistics are found to converge in distribution to weighted sums of independent chi-squared random variables. A generalized HLB test statistic is motivated by comparing a vector spectral density estimator of the residuals with the spectral density calculated under the null hypothesis. In the second project, we derive the asymptotic distribution under weak dependence of cross covariances of covariance stationary processes. The weak dependence is defined in term of the limited effect of a given information on future observations. This recalls the notion of stability and geometric moment contraction. These conditions of weak dependence defined here are more general than the invariance of conditional moments used by many authors. A test statistic based on cross covariances is proposed and its asymptotic distribution is established. In the elaboration of the test statistics, the covariance matrix of the cross covariances is obtained from a vector autoregressive procedure robust to autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. Simulations are also carried on to study the properties of the proposed test and also to compare it to existing tests. In the third project, we consider a cointegrated periodic model. Periodic models are present in the domain of meteorology, hydrology and economics. When modelling many processes, it can happen that the processes are just driven by a common trend. This situation leads to spurious regressions when the series are integrated but have some linear combinations that are stationary. This is called cointegration. The number of stationary linear combinations that are linearly independent is called cointegration rank. So, to model the real relationship between the processes, it is necessary to take into account the cointegration rank. In the presence of periodic time series, it is called periodic cointegration. It occurs when time series are periodically integrated but have some linear combinations that are periodically stationary. A two step estimation method is considered. The first step is the full rank estimation method that ignores the cointegration rank. It provides initial estimators to the second step estimation which is the reduced rank estimation. It is non linear and iterative. Asymptotic properties of the estimators are also established. In order to check for model adequacy, portmanteau type tests and their asymptotic distributions are also derived and their asymptotic distribution are studied. Simulation results are also presented to show the behaviour of the proposed test.

Testování strukturálních změn pomocí statistik podílového typu / Testing Structural Changes Using Ratio Type Statistics

Peštová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
Testing Structural Changes Using Ratio Type Statistics Barbora Peštová Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Czech Republic Abstract of the doctoral thesis We deal with sequences of observations that are naturally ordered in time and assume various underlying stochastic models. These models are parametric and some of the parameters are possibly subject to change at some unknown time point. The main goal of this thesis is to test whether such an unknown change has occurred or not. The core of the change point methods presented here is in ratio type statistics based on maxima of cumulative sums. Firstly, an overview of thesis' starting points is given. Then we focus on methods for detecting a gradual change in mean. Consequently, procedures for detection of an abrupt change in mean are generalized by considering a score function. We explore the possibility of applying the bootstrap methods for obtaining critical values, while disturbances of the change point model are considered as weakly dependent. Procedures for detection of changes in parameters of linear regression models are shown as well and a permutation version of the test is derived. Then, a related problem of testing a change in autoregression parameter is studied....

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