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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den kyrkliga diakonins roll inom ramen för två välfärdssystem : En jämförande fallstudie av två diakoniinstitutioner i Sverige och Tyskland / The Role of Church Diaconal Work within Two Welfare Systems : A Comparative Case Study of Two Diaconal Institutions in Sweden and Germany

Leis, Annette January 2004 (has links)
By conducting a case study of two diaconal institutions, Samariterhemmet in Uppsala/Sweden and the Evangelisches Diakoniewerk Schwäbisch Hall e.V. in Germany, the thesis compares the roles of church diaconal work within the Swedish and the German welfare system. These two systems are characterised by the different roles given to independent welfare organisations. The overarching research question is if and in which way the two diaconal institutions are effected by current changes within the field of welfare and how these changes challenge them to redefine their roles. The material analysed contains written documents, interviews with selected representatives and the results of participant observation in both institutions. As changes in the roles of independent welfare organisations were expected the results are unexpected. The two diaconal institutions show considerable persistence. Neither the orientation of their fields of work nor their own definitions of their roles within the welfare system have changed during the 1990s. In addition, the study reveals that both institutions regard themselves as a critical voice within the welfare system although their welfare engagement differs considerably. The German institution is a huge welfare provider while the Swedish institution conducts targeted initiatives. The analysis of four decisions within hospital work reveals that security of planning and freedom of action motivate the institutions to undertake responsibility for social services. The study points especially to the fields of education and research helping the institutions to maintain and to develop the diaconal profile. Altogether the results underline the need for more research on the meso-level of the third sector. This would contribute to a more nuanced discussion on the future role of independent welfare organisations within the Swedish and the German welfare system.

Les Partenariats Public-Religieux. Action sociale religieuse et reconfiguration du rapport entre État et Églises dans le Brésil du XXIe siècle / Public-Religious Partnerships. Religious Social Welfare and the Reshaping of the Relationship between State and Churches in Brazil in the XXIst Century / Papéis e práticas sociais das organizações religiosas no Brasil do século XXI

Mourier, Eliott 23 September 2013 (has links)
Ce travail prétend contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des mutations contemporaines durapport entre politique et religion dans la modernité, à travers le prisme de l’action sociale entreprise par lesacteurs religieux et sa croissante prise en compte par les États avec la mise en oeuvre de « partenariatspublic-religieux ». À l’heure où la crise des États-providence impose à ces derniers de repenser leursmodèles et leur pratique du social, les entités religieuses, toujours plus diverses et engagées, non seulementdans l’objectif du salut des âmes, mais également dans leur bien-être et leur sécurité physique et matérielle,offrent une alternative crédible à des États de plus en plus « superviseurs » et non plus « fournisseurs » debiens et services sociaux. Le Brésil contemporain, qui retiendra ici notre attention, où la souplesse de laséparation entre l’État et les Églises permet l’instauration d’une véritable collaboration de type « gagnantgagnant», voit aujourd’hui l’émergence et la multiplication du recours à ces « partenariats public-religieux »dont ce travail proposera une définition et une typologie. Des formes de coopération entre un État et desentités religieuses catholiques certes, mais de plus en plus évangéliques, spirites-kardécistes, mormones,chamanistes ou encore afro-brésiliennes, qui offrent un prisme d’analyse original des transformations del’action publique de l’État et des évolutions du champ religieux aujourd’hui à l’oeuvre. Plus encore, les« partenariats public-religieux » reflètent de manière symptomatique la reconfiguration des relations entreles sphères politique et religieuse et, de façon plus générale, du rapport entre modernité et religion à l’èreglobale, dont ce travail, centré sur le Brésil mais empreint de comparatisme, cherchera à rendre compte. / The present work purports to contribute to a better understanding of the contemporaneous changes of the relationship between Politics and Religion, through the lenses of the growing social action undertaken by religious actors and the increasing account Governments are taking of it via the establishment of “public-religious partnerships”. At a time when the crisis of welfare statesrequires of them to rethink their models and social practices, the religious entities, more and more diverse and committed, not only to the salvation of souls, but also to their material and physical welfare and security, offer a credible alternative to Governments which have become more “supervisors” rather than “providers” of social goods and services. The Brazilian case – which will here command our attention –, where the “flexible separation” between State and Churches allows the instauration of successful win-win collaborations, witnesses the emergence and the proliferation of those “public-religious partnerships” that this work will attempt to define and typologize. These forms of collaborations between the State and the historical Catholic entities of course, but also increasingly with Evangelical, Spirit-Kardecist, Mormon or even Afro-Brazilian actors, offer a relevant framework of interpretation for the transformations of the State and the public action, and also of the evolutions of the religious sphere. Thus, the “public-religious partnerships” reflect in a symptomatic way the actual reshaping of the spheres and the relationship between Modernity and Religion in the global era, which the present study will attempt to portray.

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