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Möjligheten att återintroducera skogsvildrenen till Sverige : Återintroduktionens påverkan i området mellan Mora, Leksand och Vansbro / The possibility of reintroducing wild forest reindeer in Sweden : Reintroductions impact in the geographical area between Mora, Leksand and VansbroPersson, Linn January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate if Sweden should reintroduce wild forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus Lönn) to the Swedish fauna and what conditions there were for a reintroduction to Vildmarksriket between Mora, Leksand and Vansbro. The purpose was also to investigate the impact of the reintroducement of the stakeholders in the area, such as forest owners, farmers, authorities, organizations and local residents. The methods used were a quantitative attitude survey which consisted of questionnaires and qualitative interviews. The interviews were strategically selected and semi-structured. The conclusion of this study was that stakeholders in the area Vildmarksriket have different opinions about the wild forest reindeer. The issue that concern stakeholders the most and that can create anxiety and conflict in Vildmarksriket is whether the wolves and the bears will be affected by wild forest reindeer and how forestry can be affected. Generally there is a positive attitude towards wild forest reindeer, but there is also a strong uncertainty. Wild forest reindeer can affect species and ecosystems in the region, but the effect seems to be small regardless of whether they are negative or positive. Vildmarksriket still has the potential to be a suitable area for wild forest reindeer to be reintroduced. According to the legislation that exists today, Sweden has no direct juridical obligation to reintroduce wild forest reindeer.
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Possibilities for, and attitudes towards, a potential reintroduction of wild forest reindeer Rangifer tarandus fennicus Lönn. to parts of Sweden.Draiby, Draiby January 2011 (has links)
Abstract The wild forest reindeer is a subspecies of the reindeer. Wild forest reindeer earlier had a wide distribution range in Sweden, but it was extinct in the middle of the 19:th century because of extensive hunting. In Finland, the w.f.reindeer was extinct a few decades later by similar reasons. Later they migrated back to the eastern parts of Finland in the middle of the 20: th century. Around 1980, the w.f.reindeer was actively rentroduced to western Finland, and there the population has had a positive development. In eastern Finland though, the population have declined fast during the last years. This is partly due to an increased abundance of large predators, particularly wolf. In this study I investigated the possibilities for, and attitudes towards, a reintroduction of w.f.reindeer in parts of Sweden. My result indicates that the environmental possibilities for a reintroduction of w.f. reindeer to parts of Sweden probably are fairly good to good. The attitudes towards the w.f.reindeer is both positive and negative, much depending if you ask a hunter or an owner of semi-domestic reindeer. Many persons in my study can see several benefits with a reintroduction of w.f. reindeer, e.g. increase of hunting and recreational value of the nature. A problem that a reintroduction of w.f.reindeer in Sweden could cause, is that the w.f.reindeer can be mixed with the herds of semi-domestic reindeer. Experiences from Finland show that the reindeermanagement is disturbed when this happens. This is an important problem, or challenge, to solve if a reintroduction should be possible in the future.
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Suomalaisen susikonfliktin anatomiaBisi, J. (Jukka) 13 April 2010 (has links)
During the past few decades in Finland, the growth of wolf (Canis lupus) and wild forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus lönnb.) populations has created modern human-wildlife conflicts, of which the wolf conflict has expanded from a local to the EU level. The conflicts have emerged between local people and species but also between different stakeholders concerning methods of management and especially concerning the role of hunting in wolf management. The aim of this thesis is to make such conflicts more transparent and understandable. This thesis also provides suggestions regarding the governance of the conflicts. Wolf conflict data is based on a semi-structured questionnaire distributed among interest groups and open hearings among local people throughout Finland during 2004. The data of the wild forest reindeer conflict is based on a questionnaire answered by farmers in the Suomenselkä area. Methodologically, qualitative as well as quantitative tools are used. The scientific approach of this thesis is animal geography. The conflict in wild forest reindeer management is predicted by biology of species, by damages occurring in farming though also social predictors can be found. However, the conflict is solvable in nature.
The wolf conflict is an example of one of the multifaceted human-wildlife conflicts where complex socioeconomical challenges are connected to each other at a local level. The specific biological abilities, the negative image of wolves and fear among people are of concern in this matter. In the society the conflict appears mostly trough stakeholders’ contradictory goals. However, the predictors of conflict between stakeholders became better understood through spatial and cultural contexts. Especially hunting developed by local elements and conservation having a non-local background, have clashed with the wolf being the major bone of contention. The wolf conflict can be defined as insolvable by nature, where the understanding of this is the key of management and mitigation processes. Because no final solution is in sight, despite constant management efforts, adaptive and learning processes are needed. / Tiivistelmä
Susi on palannut Suomen eri maakuntiin 1990-luvun aikana ja muodostanut kehittyvän populaation. Sen kannan hoito on muuttunut ristiriitaiseksi kannan kasvun myötä. Konflikti siirtyi 2000-luvun alussa erilaisten intressiryhmien ja myös hallinnollisten tasojen väliseksi kamppailuksi ulottuen Suomen valtion ja EU:n väliseksi. Myös metsäpeura on palannut Suomen luontoon viime vuosikymmenien aikana. Sen kannan hoidossa koettiin ristiriitoja 1990-luvulla lähinnä sen viljelylle aiheuttamien vahinkojen vuoksi. Molemmille lajeille laadittiin 2000-luvun puolivälissä hoitosuunnitelmat, joiden tarkoituksena oli linjata näiden kannan hoitoa ja suojelua.
Tämä tutkimus perustuu hoitosuunnitelmien valmistelua varten kerättyyn aineistoon, jossa pääpaino on susikonfliktissa. Metsäpeurakonfliktin roolina on tarjota vertailupohja. Tutkimusotteen voidaan määritellä kuuluvaksi eläinmaantieteen alaan, jossa tarkastellaan ihmisen ja eläinlajin välistä vuorovaikutusta pääasiassa paikallisesta ja sosioekonomisesta kontekstista. Työssä myös verrataan suomalaista susikonfliktia Yellowstonen kansallispuiston suden palautusohjelman toteutuksesta seuranneeseen kamppailuun. Siitä johdetussa teoriassa konflikti kytketään luonnonsuojelun ja sen käytön aate- ja arvopohjaan. Tutkimuksessa käytetyssä aineistossa on sekä laadullisia että määrällisiä osioita, jotka esitellään neljässä erillisessä artikkelissa. Susikonflikti on esimerkki moniulotteisesta luonnonsuojelun ja -hoidon konfliktista, johon kytkeytyy niin historia, lajin biologia, ihmisen paikallisesti kehittyneet traditiot ja kulttuuriset piirteet kuin institutionaaliset rakenteet mukaan lukien EU-jäsenyys. Tästä kokonaisuudesta on rakentunut paikallisten tahojen ja sen ulkopuolisen kokemusmaailman välinen kamppailu, jossa erilaisista intressiryhmistä ovat aktiivisimpina näkyneet metsästäjä- ja luonnonsuojelutahot. Sekä metsästykseen että lajien suojeluun liittyy useita paradoksaalisia piirteitä, jotka tekevät lajien ja suojelun kentän jännitteelliseksi.
Metsäpeurakannan hoidossa esiintyneet konfliktit ovat hallittavissa, koska metsäpeuraan liittyy merkittävästi hyödyn tunne, sen ja ihmisen välille ei muodostu paikallisesti ekologista kilpailutilannetta ja myös sen aiheuttamat vahingot ovat hallittavissa. Susi kantaa mukanaan historiallista ja emotionaalista painolastia, eikä siihen liity paikallisesta näkökulmasta hyödyn tunnetta vaan lähinnä haastava asetelma. Nykyisellä suomalaisen maaseudun elinkeinorakenteella ja luonnon käytön kulttuurilla susikonfliktin hoidossa joudutaan sietämään jatkossakin ratkaisemattomia kysymyksiä. Susikonfliktin hallinnassa onkin keskeistä jatkuvasti avoin, sopeutuva ja oppiva toimintapolitiikka.
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