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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dramaturgia e ficção curta: um estudo de suas ligações e projeções na obra teatral de Tennessee Williams [1911-1983] / Drama and fiction: a study of its links and projections in the theater of Tennessee Williams [1911-1983]

Flandoli, Elizabeth Belleza 02 February 2017 (has links)
A proposta desta tese é comprovar o número expressivo da obra ficcional de Tennessee Williams, relativamente extensa por abranger cerca de cinquenta contos, que representou de formas variadas a gênese ficcional de peças posteriores, além de apontar casos de peças vistas como matrizes que prefiguram a matéria ficcional de contos ou até mesmo de roteiros cinematográficos criados pelo autor. A predominância dos episódios em que os contos se colocam como matrizes ficcionais de importantes trabalhos dramatúrgicos do escritor foi constatada através do levantamento e da análise da produção dramatúrgica e ficcional de Tennessee Williams. Ao empreendermos o estudo analítico de três peças em um ato e uma peça em três atos [peça longa], foi possível estabelecermos a relação entre as peças e a estrutura ficcional dos contos, assim como apresentar um entendimento mais profundo dos processos formais e dos elos compositivos ligando sua ficção curta e a dramaturgia: The Dark Room [O Quarto Escuro, peça e conto, de aproximadamente 1939/1940], Something Unspoken [Algo não Dito, peça de 1953] e Happy August the Tenth [Feliz Dez de Agosto, conto de 1970]; Twenty-seven Wagons Full of Cotton [Vinte e sete Carros de Algodão, conto de 1935] e a peça em um ato de mesmo título [escrita antes de 1946] e The Night of the Iguana [A Noite do Iguana: conto escrito entre 1946-48 e peça de mesmo título, em um ato, de 1959 e em três atos, de 1961]. Dessa forma, o diálogo entre diversos tipos de arte foi mapeado e as representações da história na dramaturgia e em sua ficção curta investigadas. / The purpose of this thesis is to prove the expressive number of short stories by Tennessee Williams, relatively high to be composed of around fifty short stories which represented in various manners the genesis of later theater plays, besides highlighting cases of plays seen/ considered sources of short-story telling or even screenplays written by the author. The supremacy of episodes in which the short stories are seen as fictional sources of dramaturgic works by the writer was confirmed by verifying and analyzing the theater and the production/creation of short stories by Tennessee Williams. By doing the analytical study of three theater plays in one-act and a three-act play [fulllength play] it was possible to establish the relationship between the theater plays and the structure of the short stories as well as present a more profound understanding of the formal processes and the links between the plays and his short stories: The Dark Room [O Quarto Escuro, theater play and short story, approximately 1939/1940], Something Unspoken [Algo não Dito, play, 1953] and Happy August the Tenth [Feliz Dez de Agosto, short story, 1970]; Twenty-seven Wagons Full of Cotton [Vinte e sete Carros de Algodão, short story, 1935] and the one-act play with the same title [written before 1946] e The Night of the Iguana [A Noite do Iguana: short story written between 1946-48 and the play with the same title, in one act, in 1959 and in three acts, in 1961]. Therefore, the dialogue among various types of art was studied, besides the sources of inspiration of the playwright and the representations of history on drama and in his short stories investigated.

Assinatura digital Rabin-Williams - sem randomização e com prova eficiente de segurança / Rabin-Williams digital signature without randomization and with tight security proof.

Magri, Bernardo Caraponale 13 April 2012 (has links)
Com o surgimento da criptografia de chave pública, muito esforço foi feito para a criação de protocolos de criptografia e de assinatura que fossem comprovadamente seguros contra indivíduos maliciosos. Existem várias definições de segurança, tanto para protocolos de criptografia como para protocolos de assinatura, e também existem vários modelos de adversários, que simulam um indivíduo malicioso tentando corromper o protocolo. A família de protocolos de assinatura Rabin possui os recordes de velocidade de vericação da assinatura, chegando a ser até 100 vezes mais rápida do que o RSA. Este trabalho apresenta uma redução eficiente de segurança no modelo do oráculo aleatório para uma variante do protocolo de assinatura Rabin descrito por Bernstein, onde não é necessário o uso de nenhuma função para geração de bits pseudo-aleatórios, o que torna o protocolo mais robusto. A redução apresentada é uma redução polinomial e eficiente do problema da fatoração de inteiros para o problema de quebrar o protocolo Principal Rabin-Williams B = 0. / With the development of public-key cryptography, many efforts were made to build encryption and signature protocols that were provably secure against malicious adversaries. There are many definitions of security for encryption and signature protocols, and there are many adversary models to simulate the behaviour of a malicious adversary against a given protocol. The Rabin family of signature protocols has the speed records for verification of signature, being up to 100 times faster than RSA. This work presents a tight security proof in the random oracle model for a variant of the Rabin signature protocol presented by Bernstein, that does not require the use of pseudo-random bits, making the protocol more robust. The proof presented here is a polynomially tight reduction for the problem of integer factorization to the problem of breaking the Principal Rabin-Williams B = 0 protocol.

Materialismo cultural / Cultural materialism

Glaser, André Luiz 25 September 2008 (has links)
O materialismo cultural de Raymond Williams, como formulação de uma nova teoria da cultura inscrita no materialismo histórico, centra-se em um dos debates mais polêmicos e fecundos da tradição marxista - a questão da determinação econômica da cultura e da arte. O presente trabalho visa a uma leitura crítica do livro Marxismo e Literatura, no qual Williams expõe sua teoria de forma abrangente. Por tratar-se de um livro expositivo, sua discussão será acompanhada de diversas análises culturais e literárias do crítico, trazendo à tona seu método teórico-prático as análises criando a teoria, que reorganiza, por sua vez, as formas de entendimento da realidade. / Raymond Williamss Cultural Materialism, working as a formulation of a new cultural theory inscribed in Marxs historical materialism, takes part in one of the most polemical and productive debates in the Marxist tradition the question of the economic determinantion of culture and the arts. The present dissertation has as its aim a critical reading of Marxism and Literature, book in which Williams thoroughly exposes his theory. Being of an expositive kind, its discussion will be conducted along with the study of some of Williamss literary and cultural analyses, bringing forth his method both theoretical and practical the analyses producing the theory that, in its turn, reorganizes the forms of understanding reality.

Estimativa da frequência da inversão SWBinv-1 entre pais de portadores ds síndrome de Williams-Beuren e pais de filhos normais do Brasil /

Loaiza Medina, Juan Diego. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Danilo Moretti-Ferreira / Coorientador: Deise Helena de Souza / Banca: Claudia Aparecida Rainho / Banca: Ester Silveira Ramos / Resumo: A síndrome de Williams-Beuren (SWB) é uma rara afecção genética, caracterizada por varias anormalidades físicas, incluindo dismorfismos faciais, anomalias cardiovasculares, deficiência intelectual e de crescimento, perfil cognitivo característico e ocasionalmente, hipercalcemia infantil transitória, com prevalência de 1/7500. A etiologia da SWB é uma deleção hemizigótica de genes contíguos na região cromossômica 7q11.23. Os tamanhos das deleções mais comum são de 1,5 e 1,8 Mb e abrangem 28 genes. O mecanismo de deleção esta diretamente ligado a regiões cromossômicas repetitivas, denominadas Low Copy Repeats (LCR). Estas regiões repetitivas estão distribuídas por todo genoma, constituindo cerca de 5% de seu total e são o substrato para as recombinações cromossômicas (crossing-over) durante o processo meiótico. Em algumas ocasiões o processo de recombinação pode ocorrer de maneira desigual entre homólogos não alélicos (nonallelic homologous recombination - NAHR), o que pode resultar na deleção, duplicação ou inversão de um gene ou mais genes. Inversões balanceadas podem acarretar em um polimorfismo hemizigótico, tendo sido verificado que a região critica para SWB esta invertida (SWBinv-1) com maior frequência entre genitores de indivíduos com SWB. Dados da literatura sugerem que indivíduos portadores da inversão SWBinv-1 tem uma probabilidade de 22-25% de terem um filho com SWB, comparado com a população geral (5,8%). Nós desenvolvi mos uma estratégia para triagem de possíveis portadores de SWBinv-1, dentre os genitores de indivíduos com SWB, para podermos verificar a frequência desta inversão tanto em pais de crianças com SWB como entre pais de crianças sem SWB no Brasil. Desta forma foram realizadas analises de núcleos interfásicos em esfregaço de sangue pela técnica de hibridação"in situ" por fluorescência (FISH) e comparamos com ... / Abstract: The Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by various physical abnormalities, including facial dimorphisms, cardiovascular abnormalities, intellectual disability and growth characteristic cognitive profile and occasionally transient infantile hypercalcemia, with a prevalence of 1/7500 . The etiology of SWB is a hemizygous deletion of contiguous genes at chromosome region 7q11.23. The most common sizes of deletions are 1.5 and 1.8 Mb and encompass 28 genes. The mechanism of deletion is directly linked to repetitive chromosomal regions, called Low Copy Repeats (LCR). These repetitive regions are distributed throughout the genome, constituting about 5% of its total and are the substrate for chromosomal recombination (crossing-over) during the meiotic process. In some instances the process of recombination can occur unevenly among homologous non-allelic (homologous recombination nonallelic - NAHR), which can result in deletion, duplication or inversion of a gene or more genes. Balanced inversions can result in a hemizygous polymorphism has been found that the critical region for this inverted SWB (SWBinv-1) with greater frequency among parents of individuals with WBS. Published data suggest that individuals inversion SWBinv-1 has a 22-25% chance of having a child with SWB, compared with the general population (5.8%). We we developed a strategy for screening potential carriers SWBinv-1, among the parents of individuals with WBS, so we can check the frequency of this inversion in both parents of children with SWB as between parents of children without SWB in Brazil. Thus analyzes of interphase nuclei were performed on blood smear by technique hybridization "in situ" by fluorescence (FISH) analysis and compared to metaphase and interphase lymphocyte culture. Were part of the sample group and 38 couples in the control group 20 couples. Of the 38 couples in the sample group ... / Doutor

Crítica e modernidade em Raymond Williams / Critique and modernity in Raymond Williams

Ugo Urbano Casares Rivetti 16 October 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo examinar a obra do crítico Raymond Williams a partir do ponto de vista da crítica da modernidade levada a cabo pelo autor em um período específico de sua trajetória: entre Cultura e sociedade (1958) e O campo e a cidade (1973). Para tanto, parte-se da reconstrução da forma assumida por essa crítica nos esquemas interpretativos daquelas que foram as duas grandes influências formativas do pensamento de Williams, e que figuraram como as duas grandes correntes teóricas no cenário intelectual inglês do século XX: a crítica literária e o marxismo. Pretende-se oferecer, com isso, uma leitura alternativa da obra do autor, repensando o peso de cada um de seus principais textos, as linhas de continuidade e as rupturas atravessando-a e, por fim, o próprio sentido do desenvolvimento teórico percorrido por Williams no período considerado, notadamente, destacando-se o impacto que o marxismo exerceu na conformação do seu projeto teórico. / This dissertation aims to analyze Raymond Williams work from the point of view of the critique of modernity undertaken by him in a specific period of his trajectory: from Culture and Society (1958) to The Country and the City (1973). Therefore, we begin by reconstructing the forms assumed by this critique in the interpretative schemes of the two greatest formative influences in Williams thought, and which became the two greatest theoretical currents in the English intellectual scenario in the 20th century: literary criticism and Marxism. Hence, we plan to offer an alternative interpretation of his oeuvre, reconsidering the importance of each of his main texts, the continuities and ruptures crossing it and, finally, the sense of the theoretical development covered by Williams in the period here considered, notably, focusing the impact that Marxism produced in the shaping of his theoretical project.

Acquisition de la lecture chez les personnes porteuses du syndrome de Williams / Reading acquisition in people with Williams syndrome

Pezzino, Anne-Sophie 28 September 2018 (has links)
Le syndrome de Williams (SW) est une maladie génétique rare admettant un trouble du développement intellectuel (DI). Sur le plan neuropsychologique, la littérature fait état d’un consensus autour d’un profil dissociatif entre des capacités de langage oral relativement préservées et d’autres habiletés cognitives altérées. Malgré ces spécificités, peu d’études ont investigué le domaine des apprentissages dans cette population, dont celui de la lecture. Les rares résultats rapportés font part de trois hypothèses explicatives quant aux difficultés d’acquisition de la lecture : l’efficience intellectuelle, les capacités méta-phonologiques et, plus récemment, le traitement visuo-spatial.Dans la continuité de ces travaux, cette thèse propose, pour la première fois en France, de mieux comprendre les difficultés d’acquisition de la lecture chez des personnes porteuses du SW. Nos deux objectifs proposaient de caractériser les procédures de lecture et d’identifier les habiletés impliquées dans la mise en place de l’identification des mots écrits.Nos deux premières études présentent un état des lieux de la recherche actuelle auprès des personnes porteuses de DI et du SW. Au-delà du niveau d’efficience intellectuelle, nos observations indiquent que les compétences de lecture existent malgré des déficits de certaines habiletés cognitives. Nos trois derniers articles explicitent les résultats exploratoires de nos deux études, transversale et longitudinale, à l’aide de tests standardisés et d’appariement en âge chronologique, mental, de niveau de vocabulaire et de lecture. Les résultats démontrent une implication des compétences méta-phonologiques et visuo-spatiales, respectivement, lors de la mise en place de la voie sublexicale et de la récupération orthographique des mots écrits.Enfin, nous discutons des prises en charges thérapeutiques et de remédiations pouvant être adaptées à la population que nous étudions, mais plus largement, à d’autres populations atypiques. / Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare genetic disease involving an intellectual developmental disorder (ID). Regarding the neuropsychological level, a consensus around a dissociation profile between relatively preserved oral language and other impaired cognitive abilities is reported in the literature. Despite these specificities, few studies have investigated the learning aspects in this population, and more specifically the reading area. Three explanatory hypotheses are shared by the few reported results regarding the reading acquisition difficulties: intellectual efficiency, metaphonological abilities and, more recently, visuospatial processing. In line with this work, our research attempts, for the first time in France, to better understand the reading difficulties acquisition by people with the WS. Our two objectives were to characterize the reading procedures and to identify the skills involved in the installation of written words identification. Our first two studies present an inventory of the curent research about people with ID and WS. Beyond the level of intellectual efficiency, our observations indicate that these people have reading skills despite the deficits in certain cognitive skills. Our last three articles explain the exploratory results of our two studies, transversal and longitudinal, using standardized tests and matching chronological age, mental age, vocabulary level and reading level. The results demonstrate an involvement of metaphonological and visuospatial skills, respectively, in setting up the sublexical procedure and the orthographic recovery of written words. Finally, we are discussed about therapeutic and remediation treatment that can be appropriate to our study population, but more broadly, to other atypical populations.

Crítica e modernidade em Raymond Williams / Critique and modernity in Raymond Williams

Rivetti, Ugo Urbano Casares 16 October 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo examinar a obra do crítico Raymond Williams a partir do ponto de vista da crítica da modernidade levada a cabo pelo autor em um período específico de sua trajetória: entre Cultura e sociedade (1958) e O campo e a cidade (1973). Para tanto, parte-se da reconstrução da forma assumida por essa crítica nos esquemas interpretativos daquelas que foram as duas grandes influências formativas do pensamento de Williams, e que figuraram como as duas grandes correntes teóricas no cenário intelectual inglês do século XX: a crítica literária e o marxismo. Pretende-se oferecer, com isso, uma leitura alternativa da obra do autor, repensando o peso de cada um de seus principais textos, as linhas de continuidade e as rupturas atravessando-a e, por fim, o próprio sentido do desenvolvimento teórico percorrido por Williams no período considerado, notadamente, destacando-se o impacto que o marxismo exerceu na conformação do seu projeto teórico. / This dissertation aims to analyze Raymond Williams work from the point of view of the critique of modernity undertaken by him in a specific period of his trajectory: from Culture and Society (1958) to The Country and the City (1973). Therefore, we begin by reconstructing the forms assumed by this critique in the interpretative schemes of the two greatest formative influences in Williams thought, and which became the two greatest theoretical currents in the English intellectual scenario in the 20th century: literary criticism and Marxism. Hence, we plan to offer an alternative interpretation of his oeuvre, reconsidering the importance of each of his main texts, the continuities and ruptures crossing it and, finally, the sense of the theoretical development covered by Williams in the period here considered, notably, focusing the impact that Marxism produced in the shaping of his theoretical project.

Face processing in Williams Syndrome and autism

Riby, Deborah M. January 2007 (has links)
Individuals with Williams syndrome (WS) have been characterised as hyper-sociable, showing an extreme compulsion to engage in communication with other people, whilst the opposite has been cited regarding autism. The most important social cue in our environment is the human face, which must be successfully recognised and interpreted for communicative signals. Although clear differences are apparent in social skills, individuals with WS and autism have been described as showing similarly atypical face processing styles. The present research addressed issues of face perception in Williams syndrome and autism to gain further insights into social abilities of individuals with these developmental disorders. Importantly, the research was grounded in typical face perception methods. The investigation began with a large-scale exploration of face skills, probing identity, eye gaze, expressions of emotion and lip reading to ask how these two disorders uniquely impact upon performance. Participants with WS and autism could be dissociated from those with general developmental delay and from each other primarily on the basis of eye gaze ability. Participants with WS showed strong eye gaze abilities whilst participants with autism had extreme difficulties. Although interpretation of expressions of emotion also showed a difference between groups, autism and WS did not uniquely impact upon the processing of identity or lip reading. The exploration also allowed the consideration of models of face perception; characterised by a typical modular structure in WS but a lack of modularity in autism. The second line of inquiry considered identity processing and firstly asked whether participants were more accurate at matching faces from internal or external features. Participants with WS showed an atypical use of internal features for matching unfamiliar faces, which may be linked to an atypical interaction style and exaggerated interest in unfamiliar people. Participants with autism used the same strategy to match faces of familiar and unfamiliar people and hence familiarity did not impact upon processing style. Subsequent chapters probed feature salience (eyes .v. mouth) and structural encoding. Across paradigms typically developing participants and those with WS showed greater accuracy using the eye than mouth region, a pattern not evident in autism. Regarding structural encoding, individuals with WS showed use of configural cues under the task demands implemented in this thesis, where individuals with autism were only able to interpret featural cues. Previous evidence of similar face processing styles in WS and autism were not supported. Taken together the findings provide further insights into face perception and social functioning in WS and autism. The research used the same participants across paradigms, considered level of functioning on the autistic spectrum and included investigations of WS and autism in the same research programme. Additional to the main experimental studies, pilot data is provided to open a new line of investigation into physiological arousal associated with holding eye contact in WS. Therefore, on the basis of the experiments conducted here, a number of suggestions are made to carry the research forward in future investigations. Throughout the thesis as a whole, comparisons are made between individuals with WS and autism that further our understanding of the links between face processing and social expertise.

The expatriate experience, self construction, and the flâneur in William Carlos Williams' A voyage to Pagany

Gill, Patrick January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Bowling Green State University, 2007. / Document formatted into pages; contains v, 53 p. Includes bibliographical references.

Burke's rhetoric of reorientation in Hank Williams' honky-tonk performance

Robinson, Gregory Wright, Hoerl, Kristen E. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis--Auburn University, 2009. / Abstract. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p.180-187).

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