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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lake Tegel: hydrodynamics, pharmaceutical micro-pollutants and management strategies

Schimmelpfennig, Sebastian 21 December 2015 (has links)
Ziele dieser Dissertation sind die Aufklärung der Strömungsverhältnisse und Untersuchungen zum Verhalten von Arzneimittelrückständen im Tegeler See, die Entwicklung eines Simulationsmodells für Szenarioberechnungen sowie die Ableitung neuer Bewirtschaftungskonzepte unter Zuhilfenahme der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und Modellergebnisse. Das zweidimensionale Strömungsmodell 2D-POM kann die Mischungsverhältnisse der beiden Zuflüsse zum Tegeler See, insbesondere den Einstrom der Oberhavel, ausreichend genau abbilden. Der Oberhaveleinstrom ist sowohl windinduziert als auch vom Abfluss der Oberhavel abhängig. Der Wind wirkt je nach Windrichtung verstärkend oder abschwächend auf den Oberhaveleinstrom. Der Tegeler See weist im Vergleich zu anderen Oberflächengewässern, die als Trinkwasserressource dienen, die höchsten bisher berichteten Gehalte an Arzneimittelrückständen auf. Die räumliche Verteilung von Carbamazepin (CBZ) und Sulfamethoxazol (SMX) wird hauptsächlich durch die Verdünnung mit Oberhavelwasser bestimmt. Nur ein geringer Teil des CBZ (40%) wird im Tegeler See eliminiert. Für SMX konnte keine Elimination festgestellt werden. Im Gegensatz dazu wird Diclofenac (DCF) im Oberflächenwasser photolytisch abgebaut (50% in den Wintermonaten, mehr als 95% im Sommer). Die Konzentrationen von DCF im Tegeler See zeigen deshalb eine hohe saisonale Variabilität. Durch Simulation von sieben Bewirtschaftungsszenarien wurde untersucht, ob mithilfe der existierenden Seeleitung und Phosphateliminierungsanlage die Konzentrationen der Arzneimittelrückstände im Tegeler See verringert werden können, ohne die erfolgreiche Seerestaurierung zu gefährden. In keinem Szenario konnten die Gehalte an Arzneimittelrückständen und Phosphor gleichzeitig auf einem akzeptablen Niveau gehalten werden. Aus diesem Grund sind ergänzende Maßnahmen notwendig, z.B. eine zusätzliche Spurenstoffentfernung im Zulauf des Sees oder eine weitere Phosphorreduzierung in der Oberhavel. / This cumulative thesis aims at (i) understanding the hydrodynamic characteristics of Lake Tegel, (ii) examining the occurrence and fate of pharmaceutical micro-pollutants in the lake, (iii) developing a modeling tool for scenario prediction, and (iv) utilizing the above findings and applying the above modeling tool to create new management strategies for Lake Tegel. The free-surface two-dimensional circulation model 2D-POM serves as an adequate tool for representing the intrusion of River Havel and the mixing intensity of both inflows, as validated by measured data. The calculations indicated that the intrusion of River Havel into Lake Tegel fluctuates with river discharge and wind, both of which can amplify or neutralize the other. Compared to other surface waters also used as drinking water resources, Lake Tegel seams to feature the highest ever reported pharmaceutical concentrations worldwide. The spatial distribution of carbamazepine (CBZ) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) in the lake was shown to be primarily affected by dilution with water from River Havel rather than by degradation within the lake. By contrast, concentrations of diclofenac (DCL) are affected by both dilution and photodegradation. DCF showed the strongest elimination of all three pharmaceuticals and revealed significant seasonality with 50% elimination in winter and more than 95% in summer. Elimination of CBZ was 40%, while SMX did not degrade at determinable rates. Seven different management scenarios were tested to answer the question of whether the existing lake pipeline could be used to reduce the amount of pharmaceuticals in Lake Tegel without deteriorating the current phosphorus level. No scenario provided a strategy optimal for both pharmaceuticals and phosphorus. Consequently, additional efforts need to be made, such as supplementary pharmaceutical treatment of the inflow originating from the wastewater treatment plant, or phosphorus reduction in the River Havel catchment.

\"Determinação de características da circulação marítima forçada por ventos no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo através de modelagem numérica hidrodinâmica\" / Hydroynamics Numerical Model, northern coastal area of São Paulo state, surface winds, Wind driven currentes, seasonal and monthly variations, winds transient effects.

Roseana Pellozo Borovik 15 December 2006 (has links)
Uma versão do POM - Princeton Ocean Model foi implementada no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo, região compreendida entre as longitudes 46o e 44o30\'W e latitudes 24o30\' e 23o18\'S, abrangendo as cidades de Bertioga, São Sebastião, Caraguatatuba e Ubatuba, da linha da costa até aproximadamente a isóbata de 100 m, para estudos da resposta do mar ao vento. Para tanto foram realizados diferentes experimentos numéricos, combinando diferentes períodos e forçantes (de maré, vento e campos médios mensais de temperatura e salinidade). As respostas das simulações foram comparadas entre si, com estudos anteriores e a dados reais de diferentes fontes (marégrafo, correntômetro e altímetro). As simulações reproduziram razoavelmente os dados medidos, demostrando uma boa calibração do modelo. Foi observado o padrão de correntes predominantes para sudoeste, infuenciado pela Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul e seus ventos de nordeste, bem como eventuais efeitos de frentes frias com ventos de sudoeste e correntes para nordeste.Também se observou que as frentes frias mais intensas não ocorreram nos meses de inverno para os processamentos do ano de 2005, que apresentou várias situações anômalas, como por exemplo: um mês de Fevereiro com excepcional persistência de ventos do quadrante sul; ventos muito fracos em Março; Junho também com ventos fracos e praticamente ausência de frentes frias; e Setembro e Outubro com incursões muito freqüentes de frentes. Apesar das anomalias dos ventos e correspondentes campos de correntes, variações dos valores médios mensais de elevação da superfície do mar foram mais regulares, reproduzindo inclusive os valores medidos por altimetria, com um ciclo sazonal bem definido, o que provavelmente se deve ao fato das elevações da superfície do mar serem mais dependentes da circulação geral no Atlântico Sul e menos dependentes de ventos locais. Também foram analisados através da modelagem, os campos hidrodinâmicos causados por diversas combinações de condições de maré (típicas e extremas) e de efeitos meteorológicos (predominantes e extremos). O processamento final do modelo indicou que a circulação de maré é uma boa aproximação da circulação total, com exceção de períodos em que ocorrem eventos meteorológicos extremos. / A version of POM - Princeton Ocean Model was used in the northern coastal area of São Paulo State, longitudes 46o ? 44o30\'W and latitudes 24o30\' ? 23o18\'S, with the cities of Bertioga, São Sebastião, Caraguatatuba e Ubatuba in the domain, from the coast to the 100m isobath, to study the sea response to the wind forcing. For this purpose, several numerical experiment were performed, involving different periods and forcings (including tides, winds and monthly means fields of temperature and salinity). The simulations results were compared to other studies, with real observations from several sources methods (tide gauge, current meter and altimeter). The simulations reproduced reasonably the real datas, showing a good model calibration. Standard currents to the southeast, were observed, due to the South Atlantic Subtropical High influence and its northeast winds, as well as eventual northeast currents generated by cold fronts with southeast winds. It was also observed that the strongest cold fronts did not occur in winter\'s months in the model runs of the year of 2005, which presented several anomalies, as for example: February exceptional southern winds persistence; very weak winds in March; June practically without colds fronts and weak winds too; and September and October with frequent cold fronts incursions. Despite the wind anomalies and correspondent currents fields, the monthly means elevations of sea surface has regular pattern, reproducing the altimeter data, with clear seasonal cycle, probably because the sea surface elevations depend more on the general circulation in the South Atlantic and not on the local winds. Through the modeling hydrodynamical fields generated by differents tidal conditions (typical and extremes) and by several meteorological effect (standard and extremes) were analyzed. The last model processement indicate that tidal circulation is a god approximation of the total circulation, except when extreme meteorological events occur.

\"Estrutura tridimensional das correntes geradas pelo vento na Plataforma Continental da região sul do Brasil\" / Tridimensional structure of the wind-driven currents over southern Brazil continental shelf

Renato Oliveira Cecílio 12 December 2006 (has links)
Um modelo numérico tridimensional foi adaptado para o estudo da circulação gerada pelo vento sobre a plataforma continental da Região Sul do Brasil durante o verão e o outono. O modelo oceânico de Princeton (POM) é usado em um domínio limitado com grade curvilínea de alta-resolução, além de linha de costa e batimetria realísticas. As forçantes são variáveis no tempo e incluem tensão de cisalhamento do vento, descarga fluvial, campos termohalinos e nível médio do mar. Os objetivos são simular a resposta da plataforma a estas forçantes, comparar os resultados do modelo com observações oceanográficas afim de estabelecer a confiança do modelo, e subseqüentemente analisar os campos resultantes para ajudar na compreensão do comportamento da circulação observada. As variáveis do modelo mostram boa concordância geral com as correspondentes observações. É encontrado um claro padrão sazonal da circulação gerada pelo vento sobre a plataforma, com fluxos de superfície para sul e para o largo durante o verão, resultando em ressurgência de águas frias de fundo, e para norte e para a costa durante o outono, resultando em subsidência de águas menos densas. Tal circulação aumenta a estabilidade vertical no verão, devido ao aquecimento de superfície e ressurgência de águas frias, e aumenta a mistura vertical e a homogeneidade vertical no outono, devido à subsidência de águas menos densas, a qual causa forte aceleração da pluma fluvial existente na plataforma interna. Os resultados também demonstram que os cabos e promontórios da Região Sul do Brasil desempenham papel fundamental na variabilidade ao longo da costa do fluxo de ressurgência, incluindo o estabelecimento de jatos costeiros baroclínicos, os quais tendem a se separar da costa ao sul de cabos, mostrando uma circulação tridimensional de ressurgência, com complexa dependência espaço-temporal. Durante o outono, o empilhamento de subsidência, somado à presença da pluma fluvial, estabelece uma corrente costeira barotrópica, chamada aqui de \'\'Corrente Costeira de Rio Grande\'\', causando a intrusão de águas frias a partir do sul para a plataforma continental brasileira. A avaliação dos campos de velocidade mostra que o transporte de Ekman pleno se desenvolve na região ao largo das frentes de ressurgência ou subsidência, deixando em direção à costa uma zona dominada por fricção, com estratificação e velocidades perpendiculares fracas. Esta região é denominada aqui de \'\'plataforma interna\'\' e se estende da costa até a isóbata de 30m no verão e até a isóbata de 45m no outono, com esta variação resultando de variações na profundidade da camada de Ekman. / A three-dimensional numerical model has been adapted for the study of the wind-driven flow on the continental shelf off southern Brazil during the summer and autumn seasons. The Princeton Ocean Model (POM) is used in a limited area domain with a high-resolution (eddy resolving) curvilinear grid, with realistic coastline and bottom topography. The forcings include time-varying wind stress, termohaline fields, fluvial discharges and mean sea level. The objectives of the study are to simulate the response of the shelf circulation to these forcings, to compare model results with oceanographic observations, to stablish the model confidence, and to subsequently analyse the model fields a contribution to understand the behavior of the observed flow. The model variables show overall good agreement with corresponding observations. It is found a clear seasonal pattern of wind-driven circulation over the shelf, with surface offshore and southward net flow during summertime, which results in bottom cold water upwelling, and onshore and northward net flow during autumntime, which results in less dense water downwelling. This circulation enhances vertical stability in summer, due to solar surface heating and cold water bottom upwelling, and enhances vertical mixing and unstratified conditions in autumn due to downwelling of less dense water, which causes strong downwind acceleration of river plume innershelf waters. The results also demonstrate that coastal capes and promontories play a dominant role in causing alongshore variability of the upwelling flow over southern Brazil, including the setup of alongshore coastal baroclinic jets, which tend to separate from the coast south of capes, showing a three-dimensional upwelling circulation, with complex time and space dependence. During autumntime, the downwelling wind setup, in addition to the river plume waters, set up a barotropic coastal current, named here \'\'Rio Grande Coastal Current\'\', causing the intrusion of southern colder water over the Brazilian shelf. The evaluation of velocity fields shows that full Ekman transport develops in the region offshore of the upwelling or downwelling fronts, leaving onshore a region dominated by friction with relatively weak stratification and cross-shore currents. This region is named here \'\'innershelf\'\' and extends seaward from the coast until the 30m isobath in summer and the 45m isobath in autumn, showing this seasonal variation due to Ekman layer depth variations.

\"Determinação de características da circulação marítima forçada por ventos no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo através de modelagem numérica hidrodinâmica\" / Hydroynamics Numerical Model, northern coastal area of São Paulo state, surface winds, Wind driven currentes, seasonal and monthly variations, winds transient effects.

Borovik, Roseana Pellozo 15 December 2006 (has links)
Uma versão do POM - Princeton Ocean Model foi implementada no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo, região compreendida entre as longitudes 46o e 44o30\'W e latitudes 24o30\' e 23o18\'S, abrangendo as cidades de Bertioga, São Sebastião, Caraguatatuba e Ubatuba, da linha da costa até aproximadamente a isóbata de 100 m, para estudos da resposta do mar ao vento. Para tanto foram realizados diferentes experimentos numéricos, combinando diferentes períodos e forçantes (de maré, vento e campos médios mensais de temperatura e salinidade). As respostas das simulações foram comparadas entre si, com estudos anteriores e a dados reais de diferentes fontes (marégrafo, correntômetro e altímetro). As simulações reproduziram razoavelmente os dados medidos, demostrando uma boa calibração do modelo. Foi observado o padrão de correntes predominantes para sudoeste, infuenciado pela Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul e seus ventos de nordeste, bem como eventuais efeitos de frentes frias com ventos de sudoeste e correntes para nordeste.Também se observou que as frentes frias mais intensas não ocorreram nos meses de inverno para os processamentos do ano de 2005, que apresentou várias situações anômalas, como por exemplo: um mês de Fevereiro com excepcional persistência de ventos do quadrante sul; ventos muito fracos em Março; Junho também com ventos fracos e praticamente ausência de frentes frias; e Setembro e Outubro com incursões muito freqüentes de frentes. Apesar das anomalias dos ventos e correspondentes campos de correntes, variações dos valores médios mensais de elevação da superfície do mar foram mais regulares, reproduzindo inclusive os valores medidos por altimetria, com um ciclo sazonal bem definido, o que provavelmente se deve ao fato das elevações da superfície do mar serem mais dependentes da circulação geral no Atlântico Sul e menos dependentes de ventos locais. Também foram analisados através da modelagem, os campos hidrodinâmicos causados por diversas combinações de condições de maré (típicas e extremas) e de efeitos meteorológicos (predominantes e extremos). O processamento final do modelo indicou que a circulação de maré é uma boa aproximação da circulação total, com exceção de períodos em que ocorrem eventos meteorológicos extremos. / A version of POM - Princeton Ocean Model was used in the northern coastal area of São Paulo State, longitudes 46o ? 44o30\'W and latitudes 24o30\' ? 23o18\'S, with the cities of Bertioga, São Sebastião, Caraguatatuba e Ubatuba in the domain, from the coast to the 100m isobath, to study the sea response to the wind forcing. For this purpose, several numerical experiment were performed, involving different periods and forcings (including tides, winds and monthly means fields of temperature and salinity). The simulations results were compared to other studies, with real observations from several sources methods (tide gauge, current meter and altimeter). The simulations reproduced reasonably the real datas, showing a good model calibration. Standard currents to the southeast, were observed, due to the South Atlantic Subtropical High influence and its northeast winds, as well as eventual northeast currents generated by cold fronts with southeast winds. It was also observed that the strongest cold fronts did not occur in winter\'s months in the model runs of the year of 2005, which presented several anomalies, as for example: February exceptional southern winds persistence; very weak winds in March; June practically without colds fronts and weak winds too; and September and October with frequent cold fronts incursions. Despite the wind anomalies and correspondent currents fields, the monthly means elevations of sea surface has regular pattern, reproducing the altimeter data, with clear seasonal cycle, probably because the sea surface elevations depend more on the general circulation in the South Atlantic and not on the local winds. Through the modeling hydrodynamical fields generated by differents tidal conditions (typical and extremes) and by several meteorological effect (standard and extremes) were analyzed. The last model processement indicate that tidal circulation is a god approximation of the total circulation, except when extreme meteorological events occur.

\"Estrutura tridimensional das correntes geradas pelo vento na Plataforma Continental da região sul do Brasil\" / Tridimensional structure of the wind-driven currents over southern Brazil continental shelf

Cecílio, Renato Oliveira 12 December 2006 (has links)
Um modelo numérico tridimensional foi adaptado para o estudo da circulação gerada pelo vento sobre a plataforma continental da Região Sul do Brasil durante o verão e o outono. O modelo oceânico de Princeton (POM) é usado em um domínio limitado com grade curvilínea de alta-resolução, além de linha de costa e batimetria realísticas. As forçantes são variáveis no tempo e incluem tensão de cisalhamento do vento, descarga fluvial, campos termohalinos e nível médio do mar. Os objetivos são simular a resposta da plataforma a estas forçantes, comparar os resultados do modelo com observações oceanográficas afim de estabelecer a confiança do modelo, e subseqüentemente analisar os campos resultantes para ajudar na compreensão do comportamento da circulação observada. As variáveis do modelo mostram boa concordância geral com as correspondentes observações. É encontrado um claro padrão sazonal da circulação gerada pelo vento sobre a plataforma, com fluxos de superfície para sul e para o largo durante o verão, resultando em ressurgência de águas frias de fundo, e para norte e para a costa durante o outono, resultando em subsidência de águas menos densas. Tal circulação aumenta a estabilidade vertical no verão, devido ao aquecimento de superfície e ressurgência de águas frias, e aumenta a mistura vertical e a homogeneidade vertical no outono, devido à subsidência de águas menos densas, a qual causa forte aceleração da pluma fluvial existente na plataforma interna. Os resultados também demonstram que os cabos e promontórios da Região Sul do Brasil desempenham papel fundamental na variabilidade ao longo da costa do fluxo de ressurgência, incluindo o estabelecimento de jatos costeiros baroclínicos, os quais tendem a se separar da costa ao sul de cabos, mostrando uma circulação tridimensional de ressurgência, com complexa dependência espaço-temporal. Durante o outono, o empilhamento de subsidência, somado à presença da pluma fluvial, estabelece uma corrente costeira barotrópica, chamada aqui de \'\'Corrente Costeira de Rio Grande\'\', causando a intrusão de águas frias a partir do sul para a plataforma continental brasileira. A avaliação dos campos de velocidade mostra que o transporte de Ekman pleno se desenvolve na região ao largo das frentes de ressurgência ou subsidência, deixando em direção à costa uma zona dominada por fricção, com estratificação e velocidades perpendiculares fracas. Esta região é denominada aqui de \'\'plataforma interna\'\' e se estende da costa até a isóbata de 30m no verão e até a isóbata de 45m no outono, com esta variação resultando de variações na profundidade da camada de Ekman. / A three-dimensional numerical model has been adapted for the study of the wind-driven flow on the continental shelf off southern Brazil during the summer and autumn seasons. The Princeton Ocean Model (POM) is used in a limited area domain with a high-resolution (eddy resolving) curvilinear grid, with realistic coastline and bottom topography. The forcings include time-varying wind stress, termohaline fields, fluvial discharges and mean sea level. The objectives of the study are to simulate the response of the shelf circulation to these forcings, to compare model results with oceanographic observations, to stablish the model confidence, and to subsequently analyse the model fields a contribution to understand the behavior of the observed flow. The model variables show overall good agreement with corresponding observations. It is found a clear seasonal pattern of wind-driven circulation over the shelf, with surface offshore and southward net flow during summertime, which results in bottom cold water upwelling, and onshore and northward net flow during autumntime, which results in less dense water downwelling. This circulation enhances vertical stability in summer, due to solar surface heating and cold water bottom upwelling, and enhances vertical mixing and unstratified conditions in autumn due to downwelling of less dense water, which causes strong downwind acceleration of river plume innershelf waters. The results also demonstrate that coastal capes and promontories play a dominant role in causing alongshore variability of the upwelling flow over southern Brazil, including the setup of alongshore coastal baroclinic jets, which tend to separate from the coast south of capes, showing a three-dimensional upwelling circulation, with complex time and space dependence. During autumntime, the downwelling wind setup, in addition to the river plume waters, set up a barotropic coastal current, named here \'\'Rio Grande Coastal Current\'\', causing the intrusion of southern colder water over the Brazilian shelf. The evaluation of velocity fields shows that full Ekman transport develops in the region offshore of the upwelling or downwelling fronts, leaving onshore a region dominated by friction with relatively weak stratification and cross-shore currents. This region is named here \'\'innershelf\'\' and extends seaward from the coast until the 30m isobath in summer and the 45m isobath in autumn, showing this seasonal variation due to Ekman layer depth variations.

Analysis of a Long-Term Record of Nearshore Currents and Implications in Littoral Transport Processes

Burnette, Carolina 01 January 2016 (has links)
A seasonal and long-term analysis of the vertical structure of currents in the nearshore is conducted to determine the role of the wind in driving currents and consequently affecting littoral transport processes. Approximately ten years (January, 2002 – October, 2011) of nearshore current profiles are examined using the data collected with an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) installed off of Spessard Holland North Beach Park located in Melbourne Beach, Florida. Additionally, wind data collected with a directional anemometer from September, 2002, until October, 2008, are used to further characterize the long-term hydrodynamic forcing. With the shoreline oriented nominally 17o west of magnetic north, both the current profiles and the wind vectors have been rendered into longshore and cross-shore components. The water level record from a NOAA tide station located at the Trident Pier at nearby Port Canaveral is utilized in establishing the water depth and conditioning the data for statistical analysis. Monthly mean vertical profiles reveal that during the winter months the surface currents are usually toward the south, and toward the north in the summer. In spring and fall, they are mixed, demonstrating a clear seasonality in both direction and intensity of the longshore current. Subjecting the longshore and cross-shore current data to Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis reveals that the first spatial Eigenfunction accounts for more than 98% of the variability in the vertical profile of the longshore current, and more than 86% of the variability in the profile of the cross-shore current. However, there is a rotation of the current to the right (clockwise) with the rotation angle increasing and the variance decreasing with depth below the surface. The spiral structure of the water column follows a surface Ekman veering, but for very shallow water. The upper layer of the current is almost aligned with the direction of the wind. Monthly correlations between 2-hour average time series of longshore current and 2-hour average time series of wind speed reveal the seasonal patterns of the wind and longshore current in which the upper layer of the water column is highly correlated with the longshore component of the wind speed for most of the year and slightly less correlated for the lower layer of the water column. Most importantly, on average, wave height (Hmo) is larger when the longshore current is heading to the south (Hmo=0.95 m) than when the current is going to the north (Hmo=0.73 m). Additionally, there is a stronger correlation between southerly directed currents and incident wave energy flux than northerly directed currents and wave energy flux. These results indicate that the net long-term north-to-south sediment transport known to characterize the region is heavily influenced by wind-driven currents.

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