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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MESH : a maximum power point tracker for a wireless sensor network

Kobdish, Stephen Matthew 21 February 2011 (has links)
Energy harvesting is becoming increasingly important in low-power applications where energy from the environment is used to power the system alone, or to supplement a battery. For example, pulse oximeter sensors inside helmets of road racing cyclists are powered by the sun. These sensors have become smaller and more practical without the limitation of a finite energy supply. Harvested energy from an energy transducer (solar, piezoelectric, etc.) must be maximized to ensure these devices can survive periods where environmental energy is scarce. The conversion process from the transducer to usable power for the device is not perfectly efficient. Specifically, the output voltage of a solar cell is a function of the light intensity, and by extension the load it powers. A small perturbation of the light source quickly diminishes the available power. The wasted power reduces the energy available for the application, and can be improved using an approach called maximum power point tracking (MPPT). This technique maximizes harvesting efficiency by dynamically impedance matching the transducer to its load. This report introduces the Maximum Efficient Solar Harvester (MESH), an MPPT algorithm tuned for a specific Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) application. MESH specifically controls the operation of the DC-DC converter in a solar power management unit (PMU). The control is done by monitoring the available light and feeding that information to choose the optimal operating point DC-DC converter. This operating point has a direct dependency on the overall efficiency of the system. For MESH to be practical, the cost and power overhead of adding this functionality must be assessed. Empirical results indicate that MESH improves the maximum efficiency of the popular Texas Instruments (TI) RF2500-SEH WSN platform by an average of 20%, which far exceeds the power overhead it incurs. The cost is also found to be minimal, as WSN platforms already include a large portion of the hardware required to implement MESH. The report was done in collaboration with Shahil Rais. It covers the hardware components and the bench automation environment; Rais's companion report focuses on software implementation and MESH architecture definition. / text

Σχεδιασμός, υλοποίηση και πειραματική αξιολόγηση πρωτοκόλλων συλλογής δεδομένων σε δίκτυα αισθητήρων με κινητά κέντρα ελέγχου

Πατρούμπα, Δήμητρα 03 August 2009 (has links)
Τα Δίκτυα Αισθητήρων αποτελούνται από ένα μεγάλο αριθμό μικρών αυτόνομων συσκευών, που αλληλεπιδρούν με το άμεσο περιβάλλον τους μέσω αισθητήρων, επικοινωνούν μεταξύ τους ασύρματα και συνεργάζονται φέροντας εις πέρας εργασίες που δε θα μπορούσε να ολοκληρώσει μία μόνο συσκευή. Κάθε συσκευή του δικτύου διαθέτει περιορισμένη υπολογιστική δύναμη και ενεργειακούς πόρους, επομένως η όσο το δυνατόν λιγότερη κατανάλωση ενέργειας είναι βασικό πρόβλημα των δικτύων αισθητήρων για τη μεγιστοποίηση του χρόνου ζωής τους. Συνήθως τα δίκτυα αισθητήρων αναπτύσσονται σε μεγάλες περιοχές ενδιαφέροντος για την υποστήριξη σημαντικών εφαρμογών του πραγματικού κόσμου. Η πληροφορία που ανιχνεύεται από τους κόμβους αισθητήρων προωθείται προς ένας σταθερό, συνήθως, κέντρο ελέγχου, με αναμεταδόσεις των δεδομένων στους ενδιάμεσους κόμβους. Η διαδικασία αυτή έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τη μεγάλη κατανάλωση ενέργειας στις συσκευές, ιδιαίτερα σε αυτές που βρίσκονται κοντά στο κέντρο ελέγχου, αφού πρέπει να αναμεταδίδουν και τα δεδομένα που φτάνουν από το υπόλοιπο δίκτυο προς το κέντρο ελέγχου. Για την επίτευξη μιας πιο ισορροπημένης και αποδοτικής διαδικασίας συλλογής δεδομένων, τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει υιοθετηθεί μια νέα προσέγγιση, όπου το κέντρο ελέγχου είναι κινητό. Η βασική ιδέα είναι ότι το κέντρο ελέγχου διαθέτει σημαντικά και εύκολα ανανεώσιμα αποθέματα ενέργειας, επομένως μπορεί να κινείται στην περιοχή όπου έχει αναπτυχθεί το δίκτυο αισθητήρων, αναλαμβάνοντας να συλλέξει τα δεδομένα από τους κόμβους με πολύ μικρό κόστος. Ωστόσο, η μετάδοση των δεδομένων μπορεί να παρουσιάζει σημαντικές καθυστερήσεις. Στην παρούσα εργασία αναπτύχθηκαν πρωτόκολλα ελέγχου της κίνησης ενός κέντρου ελέγχου σε δίκτυο αισθητήρων με ανομοιογενή ανάπτυξη των κόμβων αισθητήρων, με στόχο την αποδοτική, ως προς την ενέργεια και τον χρόνο παράδοσης, συλλογή των δεδομένων. Συγκεκριμένα, το κέντρο ελέγχου διαιρεί νοητά το δίκτυο σε περιοχές τις οποίες και επισκέπτεται διαδοχικά, σταματώντας σε κάθε περιοχή για ένα συγκεκριμένο χρονικό διάστημα, ώστε να συλλέξει τα δεδομένα. Προτείνουμε δύο τρόπους κίνησης του κέντρου ελέγχου, ντετερμινιστικό και τυχαίο. Στην τυχαία κίνηση, η επιλογή της επόμενης περιοχής την οποία θα επισκεφτεί το κέντρο ελέγχου γίνεται με τυχαίο τρόπο, εισάγοντας όμως ένα όρο μεροληψίας, έτσι ώστε να προτιμούνται περιοχές που έχουν δεχτεί λιγότερες επισκέψεις. Επιπλέον η μέθοδός μας αποφασίζει το χρόνο παύσης σε κάθε περιοχή λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν κάποιες βασικές παραμέτρους του δικτύου, όπως τα αρχικά αποθέματα ενέργειας των κόμβων αισθητήρων και την πυκνότητα της κάθε περιοχής, έτσι ώστε να παραμένει περισσότερο χρόνο σε περιοχές με μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα, άρα και μεγαλύτερη ποσότητα πληροφορίας. Με τον τρόπο αυτό επιτυγχάνεται η γρήγορη κάλυψη όλου του δικτύου, καθώς επίσης και η δίκαιη εξυπηρέτηση των επιμέρους περιοχών του δικτύου. Τα προτεινόμενα πρωτόκολλα αξιολογήθηκαν πειραματικά μέσω προσομοίωσης, χρησιμοποιώντας ποικίλες τιμές για βασικές παραμέτρους του δικτύου και σύγκρινοντάς τα με σχετικές υπάρχουσες ευρέως αποδεκτές μεθόδους. Τα αποτελέσματα που πήραμε δείχνουν ότι τόσο ο χρόνος παράδοσης των μηνυμάτων, όσο και η ενέργεια που καταλώθηκε διατηρούνται σε χαμηλά επίπεδα, βελτιώνοντας σημαντικά την προηγούμενη σχετική έρευνα. / Wireless Sensor Networks consist of a large number of small, autonomous devices, that are able to interact with their inveronment by sensing and collaborate to fulfill their tasks, as, usually, a single node is incapable of doing so; and they use wireless communication to enable this collaboration. Each device has limited computational and energy resources, thus a basic issue in the applicastions of wireless sensor networks is the low energy consumption and hence, the maximization of the network lifetime. The collected data is disseminated to a static control point – data sink in the network, using node to node - multi-hop data propagation. However, sensor devices consume significant amounts of energy in addition to increased implementation complexity, since a routing protocol is executed. Also, a point of failure emerges in the area near the control center where nodes relay the data from nodes that are farther away. Recently, a new approach has been developed that shifts the burden from the sensor nodes to the sink. The main idea is that the sink has significant and easily replenishable energy reserves and can move inside the area the sensor network is deployed, in order to acquire the data collected by the sensor nodes at very low energy cost. However, the need to visit all the regions of the network may result in large delivery delays. In this work we have developed protocols that control the movement of the sink in wireless sensor networks with non-uniform deployment of the sensor nodes, in order to succeed an efficient (with respect to both energy and latency) data collection. More specifically, a graph formation phase is executed by the sink during the initialization: the network area is partitioned in equal square regions, where the sink, pauses for a certain amount of time, during the network traversal, in order to collect data. We propose two network traversal methods, a deterministic and a random one. When the sink moves in a random manner, the selection of the next area to visit is done in a biased random manner depending on the frequency of visits of its neighbor areas. Thus, less frequently visited areas are favored. Moreover, our method locally determines the stop time needed to serve each region with respect to some global network resources, such as the initial energy reserves of the nodes and the density of the region, stopping for a greater time interval at regions with higher density, and hence more traffic load. In this way, we achieve accelerated coverage of the network as well as fairness in the service time of each region.Besides randomized mobility, we also propose an optimized deterministic trajectory without visit overlaps, including direct (one-hop) sensor-to-sink data transmissions only. We evaluate our methods via simulation, in diverse network settings and comparatively to related state of the art solutions. Our findings demonstrate significant latency and energy consumption improvements, compared to previous research.


Kim, Hyoung-soo January 2010 (has links)
Three information measures are discussed and used as objective functions for optimization of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and radar systems. In addition, a long-term system performance measure is developed for evaluating the performance of slow-fading WSNs. Three system applications are considered: a distributed detection system, a distributed multiple hypothesis system, and a radar target recognition system.First, we consider sensor power optimization for distributed binary detection systems. The system communicates over slow-fading orthogonal multiple access channels. In earlier work, it was demonstrated that system performance could be improved by adjusting transmit power to maximize the J-divergence measure of a binary detection system. We define outage probability for slow-fading system as a long-term performance measure, and analytically develop the detection outage with the given system model.Based on the analytical result of the outage probability, diversity gain is derived and shown to be proportional to the number of the sensor nodes. Then, we extend the optimized power control strategy to a distributed multiple hypothesis system, and enhance the power optimization by exploiting a priori probabilities and local sensor statistics. We also extend outage probability to the distributed multiple-hypotheses problem. The third application is radar waveform design with a new performance measure: Task-Specific Information (TSI). TSI is an information-theoretic measure formulated for one or more specific sensor tasks by encoding the task(s) directly into the signal model via source variables. For example, we consider the problem of correctly classifying a linear system from a set of known alternatives, and the source variable takes the form of an indicator vector that selects the transfer function of the true hypothesis. We then compare the performance of TSI with conventional waveforms and other information-theoretic waveform designs via simulation. We apply radar-specific constraints and signal models to the waveform optimization.

An Integrated Framework for Wireless Sensor Network Management

Karim, Lutful 19 June 2012 (has links)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have significant potential in many application domains, and are poised for growth in many markets ranging from agriculture and animal welfare to home and office automation. Although sensor network deployments have only begun to appear, the industry still awaits the maturing of this technology to realize its full benefits. The main constraints to large scale commercial adoption of sensor networks are the lack of available network management and control tools for determining the degree of data aggregation prior to transforming it into useful information, localizing the sensors accurately so that timely emergency actions can be taken at exact location, and scheduling data packets so that data are sent based on their priority and fairness. Moreover, due to the limited communication range of sensors, a large geographical area cannot be covered, which limits sensors application domain. Thus, we investigate a scalable and flexible WSN architecture that relies on multi-modal nodes equipped with IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 in order to use a Wi-Fi overlay as a seamless gateway to the Internet through WiMAX networks. We focus on network management approaches such as sensors localization, data scheduling, routing, and data aggregation for the WSN plane of this large scale multimodal network architecture and find that most existing approaches are not scalable, energy efficient, and fault tolerant. Thus, we introduce an efficient approach for each of localization, data scheduling, routing, and data aggregation; and compare the performance of proposed approaches with existing ones in terms of network energy consumptions, localization error, end-to-end data transmission delay and packet delivery ratio. Simulation results, theoretical and statistical analysis show that each of these approaches outperforms the existing approaches. To the best of our knowledge, no integrated network management solution comprising efficient localization, data scheduling, routing, and data aggregation approaches exists in the literature for a large scale WSN. Hence, we e±ciently integrate all network management components so that it can be used as a single network management solution for a large scale WSN, perform experimentations to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework, and validate the results through statistical analysis. Experimental results show that our proposed framework outperforms existing approaches in terms of localization energy consumptions, localization accuracy, network energy consumptions and end-to-end data transmission delay.

Cellular Automata: Algorithms and Applications

Clarridge, Adam 23 March 2009 (has links)
Cellular automata (CA) are an interesting computation medium to study because of their simplicity and inherently parallel operation. These characteristics make them a useful and efficient computation tool for applications such as cryptography and physical systems modelling, particularly when implemented on specialized parallel hardware. In this dissertation, we study a number of applications of CA and develop new theoretical results used for them. We begin by presenting conditions which guarantee that a composition of marker cellular automata has the same neighbourhood as each of the individual components. We show that, under certain technical assumptions, a marker cellular automaton has a unique inverse with a given neighbourhood. We use these results to develop a working key generation algorithm for a public-key cryptosystem based on reversible cellular automata originally conceived by Kari. We also give an improvement to a CA algorithm which solves a version of the convex hull problem, ensuring that the algorithm does not require a global rule change and correcting the operation in a special case. Finally, we study a modified version of an established CA-based car traffic flow model for the single-lane highway case, and use CA as a modelling tool to investigate the coverage problem in wireless sensor network design. We developed functional software implementations for all of these experiments. / Thesis (Master, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2009-03-23 11:20:58.666

Energy Constrained Link Adaptation For Multi-hop Relay Networks

ZHAO, XIAO 09 February 2011 (has links)
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a widely researched technology that has applications in a broad variety of fields ranging from medical, industrial, automotive and pharmaceutical to even office and home environments. It is composed of a network of self-organizing sensor nodes that operate in complex environments without human intervention for long periods of time. The energy available to these nodes, usually in the form of a battery, is very limited. Consequently, energy saving algorithms that maximize the network lifetime are sought-after. Link adaptation polices can significantly increase the data rate and effectively reduce energy consumption. In this sense, they have been studied for power optimization in WSNs in recent research proposals. In this thesis, we first examine the Adaptive Modulation (AM) schemes for flat-fading channels, with data rate and transmit power varied to achieve minimum energy consumption. Its variant, Adaptive Modulation with Idle mode (AMI), is also investigated. An Adaptive Sleep with Adaptive Modulation (ASAM) algorithm is then proposed to dynamically adjust the operating durations of both the transmission and sleep stages based on channel conditions in order to minimize energy consumption. Furthermore, adaptive power allocation schemes are developed to improve energy efficiency for multi-hop relay networks. Experiments indicate that a notable reduction in energy consumption can be achieved by jointly considering the data rate and the transmit power in WSNs. The proposed ASAM algorithm considerably improves node lifetime relative to AM and AMI. Channel conditions play an important role in energy consumption for both AM and ASAM protocols. In addition, the number of modulation stages is also found to substantially affect energy consumption for ASAM. Node lifetime under different profiles of traffic intensity is also investigated. The optimal power control values and optimal power allocation factors are further derived for single-hop networks and multi-hop relay networks, respectively. Results suggest that both policies are more suitable for ASAM than for AM. Finally, the link adaptation techniques are evaluated based on the power levels of commercial IEEE 802.15.4-compliant transceivers, and ASAM consistently outperforms AM and AMI in terms of energy saving, resulting in substantially longer node lifetime. / Thesis (Master, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2011-02-08 18:26:29.222

Enabling Ultra Large-Scale Radio Identification Systems

ALI, KASHIF 31 August 2011 (has links)
Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is growing prominence as an automated identification technology able to turn everyday objects into an ad-hoc network of mobile nodes; which can track, trigger events and perform actions. Energy scavenging and backscattering techniques are the foundation of low-cost identification solutions for RFIDs. The performance of these two techniques, being wireless, significantly depends on the underlying communication architecture and affect the overall operation of RFID systems. Current RFID systems are based on a centralized master-slave architecture hindering the overall performance, scalability and usability. Several proposals have aimed at improving performance at the physical, medium access, and application layers. Although such proposals achieve significant performance gains in terms of reading range and reading rates, they require significant changes in both software and hardware architectures while bounded by inherited performance bottlenecks, i.e., master-slave architecture. Performance constraints need to be addressed in order to further facilitate RFID adoption; especially for ultra large scale applications such as Internet of Things. A natural approach is re-thinking the distributed communication architecture of RFID systems; wherein control and data tasks are decoupled from a central authority and dispersed amongst spatially distributed low-power wireless devices. The distributed architecture, by adjusting the tag's reflectivity coefficient creates micro interrogation zones which are interrogated in parallel. We investigate this promising direction in order to significantly increase the reading rates and reading range of RFID tags, and also to enhance overall system scalability. We address the problems of energy-efficient tag singulations, optimal power control schemes and load aware reader placement algorithms for RFID systems. We modify the conventional set cover approximation algorithm to determine the minimal number of RFID readers with minimal overlapping and balanced number of tags amongst them. We show, via extensive simulation analysis, that our approach has the potential to increase the performance of RFID technology and hence, to enable RFID systems for ultra large scale applications. / Thesis (Ph.D, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2011-08-30 23:41:02.937

Reconfigurable Feedback Shift Register Cipher Design and Secure Link Layer Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network

Zeng, Guang 11 June 2014 (has links)
Secure wireless communications among sensor nodes is critical to the deployment of wireless sensor networks. However, resource limited sensor nodes cannot afford complex cryptographic algorithms. In this thesis, we propose a low complexity and energy efficient reconfigurable feedback shift register (RFSR) stream cipher, link layer encryption framework RSec and authentication protocol RAuth. RFSR adds one new dimension, reconfigurable cipher structure, to the existing stream ciphers. The proposed RFSR is implemented on a field programmable gate array platform. Simulation results show that much lower power consumption, delay and transmission overhead are achieved compared to the existing microprocessor based cipher implementations. The RSec framework utilizes RFSR ciphers to guarantee message confidentiality. By comparing with other encryption frameworks in terms of energy efficiency, RSec achieves the best benchmark. The RAuth protocol is designed on top of RFSR and RSec. It provides excellent authentication speed and security level by comparing with other authentication protocols. / Graduate / 0544 / 0984 / zggyzz@gmail.com

Wireless Sensor Network Systems in Harsh Environments and Antenna Measurement Techniques

Grudén, Mathias January 2014 (has links)
Wireless sensor network (WSN) has become a hot topic lately. By using WSN things that previously were difficult or impossible to measure has now become available. One of the main reasons using WSN for monitoring is to save money by cost optimization and/or increase safety by letting the user knowing the physical status of the monitored structure. This thesis considers four main topics, empirical testing of WSN in harsh environments, antenna designs, antenna measurements and radio environment emulation. The WSN has been tested in train environment for monitoring of ball bearings and inside jet engines to monitor strain of blades and temperatures. In total, two investigations have been performed aboard the train wagon and one in the jet engine. The trials have been successful and provide knowledge of the difficulties with practical WSN applications. The key issues for WSN are robust communication, energy management (including scavenging) and physical robustness. For the applications of WSN in harsh environments antennas has to be designed. In the thesis, two antennas has been designed, one for train environment and one for the receiver in the jet engine. In the train environment, a more isotropic radiation pattern is preferable; hence a small dual layered patch antenna is designed. The antenna is at the limit of being electrically small; hence slightly lower radiation efficiency is measured. For the WSN in the jet engine, a directive patch array is designed on an ultra-thin and flexible substrate. The thin substrate of the antenna causes rather lower radiation efficiency. But the antenna fulfils the requirements of being conformal and directive. In reverberation chambers are used to measure antennas, but there are difficulties to provide a realistic radio environment, for example outdoor or on-body. In this thesis, a large reverberation chamber is designed and verified. It enables measurement between 400 MHz and 3 GHz. Also, a sample selection method is designed to provide a post processing possibilities to emulate the radio environment inside the chamber. The method is to select samples from a data set that corresponds to a desired probability density function. The method presented in this thesis is extremely fast but the implementation of the method is left for future research. / WISENET / WiseJet

Data Security in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks

Vepanjeri Lokanadha Reddy, Sasi Kiran 14 January 2013 (has links)
In traditional Wireless Sensor network's (WSN's), the sink is the only unconditionally trusted authority. If the sink is not connected to the nodes for a period of time then the network is considered as unattended. In Unattended Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN), a trusted mobile sink visits each node periodically to collect data. This network differs from the traditional multi hop wireless sensor networks where the nodes close to the sink deplete their power earlier than the other nodes. An UWSN can prolong the life time of the network by saving the battery of the nodes and also it can be deployed in environments where it is not practical for the sink to be online all the time. Saving data in the memory of the nodes for a long time causes security problems due to the lack of tamper-resistant hardware. Data collected by the nodes has to be secured until the next visit of the sink. Securing the data from an adversary in UWSN is a challenging task. We present two non-cryptographic algorithms (DS-PADV and DS-RADV) to ensure data survivability in mobile UWSN. The DS-PADV protects against proactive adversary which compromises nodes before identifying its target. DS-RADV makes the network secure against reactive adversary which compromises nodes after identifying the target. We also propose a data authentication scheme against a mobile adversary trying to modify the data. The proposed data authentication scheme uses inexpensive cryptographic primitives and few message exchanges. The proposed solutions are analyzed both mathematically and using simulations proving that the proposed solutions are better than the previous ones in terms of security and communication overhead.

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