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Giusto de' Menabuoi in Lombardia / Giusto de' Menabuoi in LombardyCASERO, ANDREA LUIGI 11 April 2011 (has links)
La ricerca prende in considerazione il periodo di attività in Lombardia di Giusto de’ Menabuoi, pittore del XIV secolo di origine fiorentina e noto soprattutto per le opere realizzate a Padova, dove lavorò dal 1370 fino alla morte avvenuta prima del 1391. Tra il 1348 e il 1367 circa lavorò anche in Lombardia ma su questo periodo le certezze sono molto poche. Sono state quindi prese in esame le opere date al pittore in questo periodo (affreschi di Viboldone e di Brera, polittico del 1363 e trittico del 1367), cercando di precisare meglio la possibile datazione e di rendere più sicura l’attribuzione. Infine è stata proposta l’attribuzione di un’opera inedita, dipinta da Giusto per una chiesa di Monza.
Dalla ricerca si ricava che durante il lungo soggiorno in Lombardia lo stile del pittore cambiò nell’uso di forme e di colori più eleganti e raffinati che influenzarono i pittori lombardi di quegli anni. / My research examines the period of activity in Lombardy of Giusto de' Menabuoi, a painter of the 14 century. He was born in Florence and is mostly known for his paintings executed in Padua where he worked from 1370 until his death just before 1391. Approximately between 1348 and 1367 he worked also in Lombardy but little is known for sure about this period. For the research presented here, some works from this period have been studied: the frescoes of Viboldone and Brera, the polyptych from 1363 and the triptych from 1367), proposing an approach to dating and provide more evidence for the attribution. Finally there is a proposal for attributing an unpublished work by Giusto for a church in Monza. The reseach shows that during his long stay in Lombardy the stile of the painter underwent a number of changes in his use of more elegant and refined colours which influenced other Lombard painters of that period.
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Action édilitaire et artistique des conseillers du roi de France (1270-1328) / Royal councillors, art and architecture under the reigns of the last Capetians (1270-1328) / Consiglieri reali, arte e architettura sotto gli ultimi Capetingi (1270-1328)Berger, Sabine 01 December 2012 (has links)
L’action des conseillers du roi de France dans le domaine artistique, et notamment architectural, au tournant des XIIIe et XIVe siècles, a été abordée dans le cadre d’études monographiques, mais n’a jamais été envisagée dans un souci de synthèse. Recenser les bâtiments et les œuvres d’art réalisés à l’initiative de ces individus dans l’ancien royaume de France, les confronter avec les entreprises et les commandes royales permet de comprendre les motivations et l’impact d’un milieu alors en plein essor, celui des grands officiers royaux et des hommes de confiance qui assistaient quotidiennement le roi et l’aidaient à gouverner. L’époque retenue couvre les règnes des derniers Capétiens, Philippe le Bel (1285-1314) et ses trois fils (1314-1328). Il a semblé souhaitable d’étendre l’étude en amont au règne de Philippe le Hardi (1270-1285), afin de prendre en compte les prémices d’un véritable phénomène, par ailleurs très diversifié : lancement de projets architecturaux de grande ampleur destinés à l’usage propre du conseiller et de sa famille, embellissement d’édifices existants, participation à de grands chantiers en cours (cathédrales), commandes de tombeaux, d’œuvres d’art destinées à orner des fondations pieuses, réalisation d’hôpitaux ou d’édifices utilitaires ; beaucoup d’exemples témoignent de l’ambition comme de la piété de ces hommes. Dans les textes mais également dans le paysage monumental français actuel, il a été possible de retrouver de nombreuses traces de cette action, dont une typologie a été établie. L’étude a pour but de répondre aux questions suivantes : les conseillers du roi partageaient-ils le même mode de vie et avaient-ils des goûts communs ? Leur action fut-elle en tout point semblable à celle des membres de la famille royale et de la haute noblesse ? Peut-on mesurer la portée de ces réalisations ? / The action of the councillors of the French king in the artistic domain, particularly architectural, at the turn of the XIIIth and XIVth centuries, aroused a large number of monographic studies, but has never been envisaged in a concern of synthesis. Listing buildings and works of art commissioned by these individuals in the realm of France, confronting them with those patronized by the king, let us understand the motivations and the influence of an environment then in full development, that of the royal officers who assisted the king and helped him to govern. The chosen period covers the reigns of the last Capetians, Philip the Fair (1285-1314) and his three sons (1314-1328). It seemed worthwhile to widen the study area to include the reign of Philip the Bold (1270-1285) in order to take into account the beginnings of the phenomenon, besides very diversified : launch of large-scale architectural projects intended for the councillor and his family, embellishment of existing buildings (like cathedrals), production of gravestones, execution of works of art made to “decorate” pious foundations, construction of hospitals or utilitarian buildings ; many examples show the ambition as the devotion of these men. In texts but also in current French architectural landscape, it has been possible to find numerous traces of this action, a typology of which has been proposed. The study aims at answering the following questions : did the king’s councillors share the same lifestyle, the same tastes ? Was their action completely similar to that of the members of the royal family and the nobility ? Can we measure the reach of these creations ?
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