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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characteristics of independent living program participants and non-independent living program participants

Acevedo, Raymond 01 January 2007 (has links)
This study identify foster youth characteristics that were more likely to lead to independent living program (ILP) participation against those foster youth who did not participate in ILPs.

Falling through the cracks: A look at factors contributing to non-participation in independent living program services

Babb, Cheryl Joy, Ninneman, Holly Sue 01 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the youth who do not participate in Independent Living Program (ILP) services and, if possible, to ascertain if any characteristics or factors appear to affect participation in ILP services. The study utilized a quantitative research method to assess ILP participation by extracting data from existing case records via a data extraction form created in conjunction with the San Bernardino County Legislation, Research and Quality Support Services Unit.

A constructive approach of the evaluation of a community based program

Corral, Melinda Vera 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate and assess whether the community based program, Decafé, is accomplishing its purpose to build leadership and socialization skills in youth.

Die aard van jeugdiges se subjektiwiteite by 'n skool in 'n diverse plattelandse mynbou-omgewing

Groenewald, Emma 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the nature of the youths` subjectivity at a school in a diverse rural mining environment. The study was done in an isolated rural mining environment. Space is an important point of departure and a thorough background of the contextual factors are given. The participants in this study are daily confronted with challenges such as long distances, poverty, unemployment and alcohol and substance abuse. Space, subjectivity and cultural capital are used to understand youth development and youth experience. The main premise of the study is that the environments of these youth greatly overlap. There is a dynamic relationship between their living and school environment. Distinctive processes, social networks, relationships and cultural groups are found in each of these environments. Another focus of this study was to determine how these young people bridge their different lived spaces, negotiate and adapt within these environments. Qualitative reseach methods were used in formal and informal interviews. Participants had the opportunity to present their experiences in storyline. A narrative-based, interpretive, -descriptive research paradigm was the most appropriate research method of capturing the wide variety of living experience. The study demonstrates how these youth are positioned within their environments in order to embody their space subjectivity. By making use of their own resources, networks and interactions, they navigate their overlapping spaces and thereby lead meaningful lives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing in hierdie studie wou die aard van jeugdiges se subjektiwiteite by `n skool in `n diverse plattelandse mynbou-omgewing vasstel. Die studie vind plaas op `n afgeleë plattelandse mynbou-omgewing. Ruimte is `n belangrike vertrekpunt en `n deeglike agtergrond van die kontekstuele faktore word gegee. Die deelnemers in die studie word daagliks gekonfronteer met uitdagings soos ver afstande, armoede, werkloosheid, tienerswangerskappe en drank-en dwelmmisbruik. In die studie word die lense ruimte, subjektiwiteit en kulturele kapitaal gebruik om jeugwording en jeugmeemaking in `n plattelandse mynbou-omgewing te verstaan. Die hoofuitgangspunt was dat die omgewings waarin die jeugdiges hulle bevind, veelvuldig oorvleuel. Daar bestaan `n dinamiese verwantskap tussen die jeugdiges se woon- en skoolomgewing. Binne elke ruimte is daar eiesoortige prossesse, sosiale netwerkverhoudinge en kulturele groepe. Die studie fokus ook op die maniere hoe hierdie jeugdiges hul verskeie beleefde ruimtes oorbrug en hoe onderhandeling en aanpassing binne die ruimtes plaasvind. Kwalitatiewe navorsingsinstrumente: formele en informele onderhoude is gebruik om my navorsingsvraag te beantwoord. Die deelnemers is geleentheid gegee om hulle ervaringe in storielyn te weergee. `n Narratiewe interpretatiewe beskrywende navorsingsparadigma was die toepaslikste om die ryke verskeidenheid van geleefde ervaringe oor te dra. Die studie toon hoe die deelnemers op spesifieke maniere deur hulle omstandighede geposisioneer word ten einde vergestalting aan hul jeugsubjektiwiteite te gee. Deur gebruik te maak van hul eie bronne, netwerke en interaksies navigeer hierdie deelnemers hul oorvleuelde ruimtes om sodoende sinvolle lewens te leef.

How youth in transitional housing perceive the independent living program and aftercare services at Cameron Hill

VanKummer, Savannah, Vela, Richard 01 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore how emancipated youth, who are clients of the aftercare ILP (Independent Living Program) and transitional housing program with Cameron Hill, evaluate those services.

Youths' perceptions of an independent living program

Alba, Valorie Albertina, Parral, Gloriana 01 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the County of San Bernardino's Independent Living Program's (ILP's) efforts to prepare ILP participants for self-sufficiency. These efforts were evaluated from the perspective of foster youth who are currently participating in an Indepent Living Program. The study utilized quantitative and qualitative research methods to assess the ILP participants' preparedness for independence.

Enhancing a sense of self in a group of socially marginalised adolescent boys through participatory action research

Damons, Lynne Nesta 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation sought to understand the experience of six participants as members of a cluster group of socially marginalised youth in a farmworker community. Through a collaborative process, the study sought to reframe the perceptions around the behavioural outcomes of membership to such an outcast group. Theories of empowerment through active participation underpinned the whole study. The study was qualitative in nature and used a Participatory Action research methodology which created the space for creative exploration with enabling methodologies such as the Youth Engagement Cycle and Activity Theory. Data were collected through focus group- and semi-structured interviews; participant observation and participant generated artefacts. Six adolescent males who were part of an already established cluster group of socially marginalised youth at a school were purposively selected into the study. The analysis of data was an ongoing and iterative process informed by the theories that underpinned the study and through content analysis of emerging themes. The study revealed that the cluster group was not formed with delinquent intent. Instead, it was created as a space that allowed its members to feel a sense of belonging, security and being valued. However, the group dynamic caused individual self-efficacy to become so enmeshed with collective agency that if left unchecked, it had the potential to propel its members along a trajectory to delinquency. The dissertation recommends understanding cluster groups as unique heterogeneous entities that show insight and empathy into the challenges their cohorts experience. Recognising that this elevates the peer group's influence above that of adults the study recommends a collaborative, well-structured and strategic intervention that allows individuals to experience success and self-influence in attaining mastery within the group dynamic. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling het ten doel gehad om ses deelnemers se ervaring as lede van 'n 'cluster' groep gemarginaliseerde jongmense binne 'n plaaswerker gemeenskap te probeer verstaan. Deur middel van 'n proses van samewerking, het die studie gepoog om die persepsies rakende die gedragsuitkomste van lidmaatskap binne so 'n geïsoleerde groep te herformuleer. Die hele studie is gebaseer op teorie van bemagtiging deur middel van aktiewe deelname. Die verhandeling was kwalitatief van aard en het gebruik gemaak van 'n Deelnemende Aksie Navorsingsmetodologie wat ruimte geskep het vir kreatiewe ontdekking met bemagtigende metodologieë soos bv. "Youth Engagement Cycle" en "Activity Theory". Data is ingesamel deur middel van 'n fokusgroep en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude; deelnemer waarneming en deelnemer gegenereerde artefakte. Ses adolessente mans wat reeds deel was van 'n gevestigde groep sosiaal-gemarginaliseerde jongmense by 'n skool, is doelbewus geselekteer vir die studie. Die analise van die data was 'n deurlopende en iteratiewe proses wat belig is deur die teorieë waarop die studie gebaseer was asook deur inhoudsanalise van die ontluikende temas. Die studie het getoon dat die 'cluster' groep nie gevorm is met misdaad as doel nie. Inteendeel, die groep het ontstaan as 'n ruimte wat sy lede toegelaat het om 'n mate van geborgenheid, sekuriteit en waardering te ervaar. Die groepsdinamiek het individuele self-doeltreffendheid toegelaat om so verbonde te raak met kollektiewe agentskap dat indien dit nie gekontroleer was nie, dit die potensiaal getoon het om sy lede op 'n trajek van jeugmisdaad te plaas. Die verhandeling beveel dus aan dat 'n 'cluster' groep gesien word as 'n unieke heterogene entiteit wat insig en empatie toon met die uitdagings wat lede ervaar. Op grond van die feit dat dit die portuurgroep se invloed bo die van die volwassenes verhef, wil die studie 'n samewerkende, goedgestruktureerde en strategiese bemiddeling aanbeveel wat die individu sal toelaat om sukses en selfgelding te ervaar met die bereiking van bemeestering binne die dinamiek van die groep.

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