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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Growth of Metal-Nitride Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition

Farrell, Ian Laurence January 2010 (has links)
The growth of thin-film metal nitride materials from elemental metal targets by plasma-assisted pulsed laser deposition (PLD) has been explored and analysed. A new UHV PLD growth system has been installed and assembled and its system elements were calibrated. A series of GaN thin films have been grown to calibrate the system. In-situ RHEED indicated that the films were single crystal and that growth proceeded in a three-dimensional fashion. SEM images showed heavy particulation of film surfaces that was not in evidence for later refractory metal nitride films. This may be connected to the fact that Ga targets were liquid while refractory metals were solid. Most GaN films were not continuous due to insufficient laser fluence. Continuous films did not exhibit photoluminescence. HfN films have been grown by PLD for the first time. Films grown have been shown to have high reflectivity in the visible region and low resistivity. These factors, along with their crystal structure, make them suitable candidates to be used as back-contacts in GaN LEDs and could also serve as buffer layers to enable the integration of GaN and Si technologies. Growth factors affecting the films’ final properties have been investigated. Nitrogen pressure, within the operating range of the plasma source, has been shown to have little effect on HfN films. Substrate temperature has been demonstrated to have more influence on the films’ properties, with 500 °C being established as optimum. ZrN films have also been grown by PLD. Early results indicated that they exhibit reflectivities 50 % ± 5 % lower than those of HfN. However, further growth and characterisation would be required in order to establish this as a fundamental property of ZrN as nitride targets were mostly used in ZrN production. Single-crystal epitaxial GdN and SmN films have been produced by PLD. This represents an improvement in the existing quality of GdN films reported in the literature, which are mostly polycrystalline. In the case of SmN, these are the first epitaxial films of this material to be grown. Film quality has been monitored in-situ by RHEED which has allowed growth to be tailored to produce ever-higher crystal quality. Post-growth analyses by collaborators was also of assistance in improving film growth. Substrate temperatures and nitrogen plasma parameters have been adjusted to find optimum values for each. In addition, laser fluence has been altered to minimise the presence of metal particulates in the films, which interfere with magnetic measurements carried out in analyses. Capping layers of Cr, YSZ or AlN have been deposited on the GdN and SmN prior to removal from vacuum to prevent their degradation upon exposure to atmospheric water vapour. The caps have been steadily improved over the course of this work, extending the lifetime of the nitride films in ambient. However, they remain volatile and this may persist since water vapour can enter the film at the edge regardless of capping quality. Optical transmission has shown an onset of absorption at 1.3 eV for GdN and 1.0 eV for SmN.

Studium vývoje mikrostruktury pokročilých keramických materiálů ve druhé fázi slinování / Study of microstructure evolution during intermediate stage of sintering of advanced ceramic materials

Jemelka, Marek January 2019 (has links)
Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce byl popis závislosti kritické hustoty (tj. hustota, při které se tubulární póry zcela přemění na póry izolované a uzavřené) a průměrné velikosti zrn při této hustotě na rozdílných rychlostech ohřevu během druhého stádia slinovacího procesu. Dosažené výsledky jsou velice důležité, např. pro produkci transparentních balistických pancířů, vysoce výkonných řezných nástrojů či kostních a kloubních implantátů, jelikož poskytují informace pro výběr nejvhodnější slinovací metody, jejímž výsledkem jsou vzorky v předslinutém stavu s minimální velikostí zrn pro následnou metodu izostatického lisování za tepla (post –HIP). Bylo zjištěno, že kritická hustota všech studovaných oxidových materiálů (Al2O3, tetragonální ZrO2 a kubické ZrO2) není významně závislá na rychlosti ohřevu v rozmezí od 2°C/min do 200°C/min a průměrné hodnoty kritických hustot jsou 96.3 %; 92,4 % a 93,0 % pro Al2O3, t- ZrO2 a c-ZrO2. Výsledky z dosavadní literatury prokázali, že kritická hustota není taktéž závislá na mikrostruktuře keramického polotovaru, a tedy je možné usuzovat, že kritická hustota je materiálovou konstantou závislou na dihedrálním úhlu materiálu. Slinovací trajektorie (tj. závislost průměrné velikosti zrn na relativní hustotě) byly vyhodnoceny jak pro všechny tři způsoby slinování lišící se rychlostí ohřevu (2, 10 a 200 °C/min s dobou výdrže 5 min), tak pro takzvaný způsob slinování- long-dwell (nízké slinovací teploty s dobou výdrže 5 – 10 h). Výsledky nepotvrdily, že by některá z alternativních metod slinování vedla ke snížení průměrné velikosti zrn při kritické hustotě materiálu, a tudíž v současnosti nejvyužívanější metoda pro přípravu materiálů v předslinutém stavu, tzv. metoda konvenčního slinování (rychlost ohřevu 10 °C/min, doba výdrže 5 min), zůstává i nadále vhodnou metodou pro přípravu vzorků s optimální mikrostrukturou pro následný post-HIP proces.

Tvorba výnosu jarních odrůd pšenice / Yield formation of spring wheat

HOŠEK, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to assess the basic yield factors in the studied varieties of spring wheat. In the year 2013, there were in the framework of the test sown eight varieties (Brawura, Corso, Epos, Granny, Scirocco, Septima, Tercie and Vánek) at the land of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice. During the vegetation the number of plants, the number of sprouts and the number of spikes was recorded using a quarter tape. The data are in the results section and are converted to 1 m2. Additionally, the infestation by diseases, pests and overrunning with weeds was monitored. Before harvesting, the samples were taken for an evaluation of the number of grains per spike and HTZ. In the results section the main factors of the yield are statistically evaluated. These include the number of spikes, the number of grains per spike and HTZ. The study also evaluates the theoretical and the actual yield and the bulk density. The average number of ears in the varieties of spring wheat ranged from 411 (Corso) to 564 (Epos) ears per 1 m2. The number of grains per spike of individual varieties reached higher values, from 39,6 (Scirocco) to 57,8 (Corso). The average HTZ for the individual varieties was between 34,9 and 43,5 g. At finding of the real yield there were observed values from 3,4 t.ha-1 (Septima) to 4,5 t.ha-1 (Scirocco). The difference between the yield elements of were statistically significant all varieties.

ZrN Back-Contact Reflectors and Ga Gradients in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells

Schleussner, Sebastian Michael January 2011 (has links)
Solar cells constitute the most direct way of converting solar energy to electricity, and thin-film solar-cell technologies have lately been growing in importance, allowing the fabrication of less expensive modules that nonetheless have good power-conversion efficiencies. This thesis focuses on solar cells based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2, which is the thin-film technology that has shown the highest conversion efficiency to date, reaching 20.3 % on the laboratory scale. Solar modules still have some way to go to become entirely competitive with existing energy technologies, and there are two possible paths to this goal: Firstly, reducing their manufacturing costs, for instance by minimizing the material usage per module and/or by increasing the throughput of a given factory; and secondly, increasing the power output per module in other words, the module efficiency. The subject matters of this thesis are related to those two approaches. The first issue investigated is the possibility for reducing the thickness of the Cu(In,Ga)Se2 layer and compensating for lost absorption by using a ZrN back reflector. ZrN layers are fabricated by reactive sputtering and I present a method for tuning the sputtering parameters so as to obtain a back reflector with good optical, electrical and mechanical properties. The reflector layer cannot be used directly in CIGS devices, but relatively good devices can be achieved with a precursor providing a homogeneous supply of Na, the addition of a very thin sacrificial Mo layer that allows the formation of a film of MoSe2 passivating the back contact, and optionally a Ga gradient that further keeps electrons away from the back contact. The second field of study concerns the three-stage CIGS coevaporation process, which is widely used in research labs around the world and has yielded small-area cells with highest efficiencies, but has not yet made it to large scale production. My focus lies on the development and the effect of gradients in the [Ga]/[In+Ga] ratio. On the one hand, I investigate 'intrinsic' gradients (ones that form autonomously during the evaporation), and present a formation model based on the differing diffusivity of Ga and In atoms in CIGS and on the development along the quasi-binary tie line between (In,Ga)2Se3 and Cu2Se. On the other hand, I determine how the process should be designed in order to preserve 'extrinsic' gradients due to interdiffusion. Lastly, I examine the electrical effects of Ga-enhancement at the back and at the front of the absorber and of In-enhancement at the front. Over a wide range, In-rich top layers prove to have no or a weakly beneficial effect, while Ga-rich top regions pose a high risk to have a devastating effect on device performance.

Příprava kávy a její kultura / Coffee making and its culture

ŠTĚRBOVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
My diploma work deals with the topic of The preparation of coffee and its culture which is becoming interesting issue in our modern society and it is connected with modern lifestyle. The aim of my diploma work is exploring people's knowledge of coffee, coffee culture and also of the right preparation of coffee beverages, their health effects and some alternative methods of making coffee. Next point is to survey people's attitudes and social influences on coffee culture. Theoretical part of my work is mainly focused on coffee as a plant, processing of coffee beans, making coffee and coffee culture. The facts have been excerpted from available specialized literature and online resources. I have also used my theoretical knowledge based on my experience with SCAE Speciallity Coffee Association of Europe, that has the seat in London. Empirical research can be used as an inspiration for setting up a coffee bar. My diploma work can serve as a resource for creating specialized publication aimed at either wide public interested in coffee culture or at professional barists.

Laboratorní studium nabíjení prachu a jeho ionizace dopadem / Laboratory investigation of dust charging and impact ionization

Nouzák, Libor January 2018 (has links)
Dust is an almost ubiquitous component of the cosmic plasma (e.g., planetary and cometary magnetospheres, the heliosphere, the interstellar medium, supernova shells). However, it can be also frequently encountered in industrial applications as a principal agent in material treatments, or as an undesirable ingredient in a production of microelectronic components, or in fusion devices. Since dust particles are one of the main elements of interest in the solar system (e.g., Earth, Jovian and Saturnian systems) and in the interstellar medium, there is a number of missions (e.g., ROSETTA, Cassini) that provided investigations of the properties and global dynamics of charged dust grains. In these environments, the relevant charging processes are interactions with electrons and ions of the solar wind and photoemission by solar UV radiation that often dominates. However, in-site investigations of such processes are difficult because several processes act in accord. The present thesis studies charging processes in laboratory settings where these processes can be investigated separately. In the first series of experiments focused on applications in the lunar or planetary surroundings, a single (charged) dust grain is stored in an electrodynamic trap and expose to electron and/or ion beams with variable energies and...

Exoskopický standard sedimentů glacigenních akumulačních forem reliéfu / Exoscopy of sediments of glacigenous accumulation landforms

Křížová, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This thesis looks at the comparison between grain micromorphology of moraines, debris flows and similar accumulations. Moraine samples were taken in the Černé jezero Lake area, Bohemian Forest, in the Velická dolina Valley, High Tatras, and in the Labský důl Valley, Krkonoše Mts. Samples of debris flows and unverified accumulations were taken in the Důl Bílého Labe Valley, Krkonoše Mts., and further samples of accumulations were obtained from the valley of Prudký potok Stream, Králický Sněžník Mts., the valley of Vražedný potok Stream and Velká Kotlina, Hrubý Jeseník Mts. Sediments were examined under electron microscope and their morphological characteristics and influence of the environment were identified and described. Calculated exoscopic moraine standard was used for comparison of examined forms of relief using distance coefficients, statistical analysis were carried out which identified diagnostic characters for distinguishing moraines and debris flows. There was also calculated exoscopic standard for different types of moraines (frontal, lateral, basal). This research highlighted the differences between moraines and debris flows, and between different types of moraines. The study also proved that typical glacial microtextures, that are generally accepted, occur at similar levels on grains...

Opimalizace typů, granulometrie a tvaru jemných částic pro speciální betony / Optimization of types, granulometry and fine particle shape for special concrete

Jobánek, Jaromír January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on optimization of particle size distribution using concrete additions. To design a concrete of excellent properties, it is often necessary to achieve a higher packing density of the mixture by designing a suitable particle size distribution curve. Concrete with special properties and various types of powder additions are also described.

Design zemědělské samojízdné řezačky / Design of agricultural cutting machine

Hráček, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis should bring not only working machine into the branch of agricultural industry, but also new approach to design. Obviously, the contribution of technical innovations, which are required in this segment, is concerned, too. All knowledge and concepts come from the practise of this field. The project partly takes up the pre-diploma thesis called Vision of the agricultural cutting machine with container arrangement and shares some details of the concept as such. The technical part was solved during the winter term within the scope of the subject Machines and equipment. From this project will be adopted all bases of constructional innovations of agricultural machine concept.

Numerický model pro vznik magmatických textur a jeho využití ve smrčinském granitovém batolitu / Numerical model for the origin of magmatic textures and its application to the Fichtelgebirge/Smrčiny granite batholith

Špillar, Václav January 2011 (has links)
Magmatic processes are major agents responsible for the formation and differentiation of the Earth's crust. In contrast to extensive efforts to improve understanding and utility of igneous geochemistry, physical processes of magma differentiation and solidification remain largely unclear. Large variability of igneous textures provides record of these processes and intensive parameters governing the crystallization. In this thesis, we develop quantitative methods, which allow us to better interpret igneous textures in the framework of physics of solidification. We have developed a new three-dimensional model of crystallization from one- component melt driven by homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation and crystal growth. The predicted textures are quantitatively characterized by crystal size distributions, spatial distribution functions and parameters representing grain contact relationships. The model employs high resolution in a large volume simulation domain in order to produce statistically stable results. Our simulations, performed for various functional forms of nucleation and growth rates with respect to time, imply that (i) crystals are ordered (anti-clustered) on short length scales. This reflects that other crystals already have a finite size at the time of nucleation of younger crystal,...

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