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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study on a second-order bandpass Σ∆-modulator for flexible AD-conversion

Svensson, Hanna January 2008 (has links)
An important component in many communication system is the digital to analog converter. The component is needed in order to convert real world analog quantities to digital quantities which are easier to process. As the market for hand held devices with wireless communication with the outer world has increased new approaches for sharing the frequency spectrum are needed. Therefore it would be interesting to look at the possibility to design an analog to digital converter that, in runtime, can change the frequency band converted, and hence the used standard. This thesis study one of the possibilities to design such an ADC, as a Σ∆ modulator, and more precise the structure called Cascade of resonators with distributed feedback and input (CRFB). The order of the modulator in this study is two.


Althomali, Raed 01 May 2014 (has links)
This dissertation studies a unique delta sigma modulator (DSM), known as reversed hysteresis delta sigma modulator (R-HDSM). This modulator is appropriate for ultra-high speed analog-to-digital converters, which can be used for communications and signal processing systems and their applications. Furthermore, the procedure to design the binary delta sigma modulator (BDSM) with a delay is developed and then parameters deltaOFF and deltaON ; are calculated for the system. In addition, analysis of the BDSM with a delay is achieved and the theoretical and simulated values compared. The reversed hysteresis delta sigma modulators are also analyzed, and the theoretical and the simulated values compared. The dissertation evaluates the performance measure for the suggested systems with continuous DSM and BDSM in terms of the spurious free dynamic range (SFDR), the signal to noise ratio (SNR), and the root mean square error (RMS). It studies the second-order R-HDSM. Finally, it compares the first-order R- HDSM and the second-order R-HDSM in terms of the signal to noise ratio (SNR).


CHRISTIANA VILLAS-BOAS TRIBUZY 18 December 2001 (has links)
[pt] Nesta tese estudamos estruturas de poucos quânticos múltiplos (MQW) com dopagens delta de Si dentro dos poços quânticos de GaAs e de C nas barreiras de AlGaAs (nipi). Esta estrutura foi proposta anteriormente por W. Batty e D. W. E. Allsopp como uma alternativa para maximizar o deslocamento Stark e melhorar o desempenho de moduladores de amplitude por eletroabsorção.As amostras foram crescidas pela técnica de MOCVD, utilizando respectivamente como fontes de Si e C, a silana (SiH4)e o tetrabrometo decarbono(CBr4). Em particular,a dopagem de C em AlGaAs foi cuidadosamente estudada uma vez que seu controle é mais difícil de ser obtido. Apesar de pouca flexibilidade nas condições de crescimento, em particular na razão entre os fluxos dos elementos V e III, foi possível controlar o nível de dopagem de C nas camadas de AlGaAs. As estruturas nipi foram estudadas em detalhe para avaliar seu potencial na aplicação em moduladores ópticos. Observamos que o balanço necessário entre os níveis de dopagem n e p não é trivial de ser alcançado devido µ a presença de armadilhas de buracos nas interfaces AlGaAs=GaAs cuja população depende da concentração da dopagem no pouco de GaAs.Medidas de fotoluminescência (PL), reforçadas por cálculos teóricos, mostraram que uma transição espacialmente indireta envolvendo elétrons no pouco quântico de GaAs e buracos na barreira de AlGaAs ocorre, para baixas temperaturas, em energias abaixo do gap do pouco quântico. A temperatura ambiente esta transição não foi observada e a emissão óptica medida ocorre essencialmente na mesma energia observada em uma estrutura equivalente porém, sem dopagem delta. Estes resultados levaram a conclusão de que problemas de perdas por inserção no modulador, decorrentes de absorção por níveis no gap,não ocorrerão uma vez que, a temperatura ambiente, não existem níveis de energia abaixo da transição ao fundamental do pouco quântico. / [en] In this thesis we have studied multiple quantum well structures with Si delta doping inside the GaAs quantum wells and C delta doping in the AlGaAs barriers (nipi). This structure was proposed by W. Batty and D. W. E. Allsopp as an alternativeto maximize the Stark shift and improve the performance of electroabsorption amplitude modulators.The samples were grown by the MOCVD technique, using respectively as Si and C sources, silane (SiH4) and carbon tetrabromide (CBr4). Particularly, the C doping of AlGaAs was carefully studied because of the difficulties in controlling the C incorporation.Despite the little flexibility in the growth conditions, in particular in the V to III fluxes ratio, it was possible to control the C doping level in the AlGaAs layers.The nipi structures were studied in detail to evaluate their potential for use in the fabrication of optical modulators. It has been observed that the required balance between n and p type doping levels is not trivial to be achieved due to the presence of interface hole traps whose population depends on the GaAs quantum well doping concentration.Photoluminescence measurements, supported by calculations, point out that an spatially indirect transition which involves electrons in the GaAs quantum well and holes in the AlGaAs barrier occurs, at low temperatures, at energies below the gap of the quantum well. At room temperature this transition has not been observed and the measured optical emission occurs at essentially the same energy as that of an equivalent undoped structure. These results led to the conclusion that insertion losses problems will not occur due to absorption below the gap since, at room temperature, there are no energy levels below the quantum well fundamental transition energy.

Evolução sedimentar holocênica do delta do rio Tubarão, Estado de Santa Catarina / Holocene sedimentary evolution of the Tubarão river delta, Santa Catarina State (Brazil)

Daniel Rodrigues do Nascimento Junior 11 February 2011 (has links)
O delta do rio Tubarão, situado na costa centro-sul catarinense entre os municípios de Tubarão, Jaguaruna e Laguna, constitui raro exemplo de delta lagunar ativo no Brasil. Sua planície deltaica cobre área aproximada de 250km2, onde são encontradas evidências de migração de canais fluviais dadas por séries de truncamentos de antigos distributários, alguns ainda ativos. Dez testemunhos foram obtidos junto aos principais canais distributários do rio Tubarão, a partir dos quais foram realizadas análises de fácies, granulométrica, de minerais pesados, de teor de matéria orgânica e de relações químio-isotópicas, além de datações 14C. Também foram levantados acervos históricos de fotografias aéreas e de dados de prospecção mineral de subsuperfície. Cerca de 5000 anos atrás, na região de seu ápice, próximo ao rio tributário Capivari de Baixo, o delta do rio Tubarão ingressou numa antiga baía lagunar e ramificou-se em sete distributários principais que, desde seus momentos iniciais de migração, foram controlados por avulsões autogênicas rumo a antigas depressões do fundo da bacia receptora. Tais avulsões progradaram o delta inicialmente para SW, depois para ENE, e então para NNE, favorecendo a fragmentação da antiga baía lagunar em uma série de lagos e lagunas menores. Diante deste cenário dinâmico, sambaquis foram erigidos no entorno do sistema lagunar, constituindo importantes registros arqueológicos de interação entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica. O resultado das análises granulométricas indicou que a sedimentação deltaica, nas proximidades de encostas de morros, foi misturada com colúvio e/ou depósitos de fluxos gravitacionais, como evidenciado pela presença de intervalos texturalmente muito imaturos em alguns testemunhos. Em relação à análise de minerais pesados, o principal fator de controle nas variações da assembleia em depósitos de delta e de bacia é a proveniência sedimentar. Em termos mediatos, essa proveniência reflete fontes plutônicas e metamórficas (médio a alto grau) do Batólito de Florianópolis (e xenólitos associados) e do Complexo Granito-Gnáissico, e rochas arenáceas alteradas da Bacia do Paraná. Em termos imediatos, depósitos deltaicos destacam-se pela afinidade mineralógica com as areias do rio Tubarão, inferida sobretudo a partir da presença mútua de grãos alterados de cianita e estaurolita, enquanto que depósitos da bacia lagunar destacam-se por sua similaridade mineralógica com areias dos rios tributários Braço do Norte e Capivari de Baixo, neste caso principalmente pela presença de zircão. A matéria orgânica presente nos depósitos do delta e de sua bacia receptora resulta do aporte de fontes terrestres (fornecido pelos rios) e marinhas (trazido via desembocaduras lagunares), fato que é evidenciado pelos resultados de \'delta\'\'POT.13 C\', \'delta\'\'POT.15 N\' e razão \'C IND.ORG\'/\'N IND.TOTAL\'. Particularmente, nos sedimentos da bacia, variações entre diferentes tipos de matéria orgânica têm ocorrido ao longo do Holoceno, as quais são atribuídas tanto ao isolamento físico progressivo do sistema lagunar em relação ao mar aberto como por mudança climática regional (aumento destacado de precipitação). A análise isotópica de oxigênio (\'delta\'\'POT 18 O\') de conchas de moluscos em depósitos da bacia indicou enriquecimento relativo em \'ANTPOT.16 O\' durante o Holoceno. Este resultado, a exemplo daquele dos isótopos de carbono e de nitrogênio dos sedimentos, sugere isolamento gradual das águas lagunares em relação às de mar aberto. / The Tubarão river delta, located on the centre-south coast of Santa Catarina State, among the municipalities of Tubarão, Jaguaruna and Laguna, is rare example of active lagoonal delta in Brazil. Its delta plain covers an area of about 250km2, where there are evidences of migration of fluvial channels in a set of truncations of ancient distributaries, some of these still in activity. Ten cores were acquired adjacent to the main distributary channels of the Tubarão river, from which analyses of facies, grain size, heavy minerals, organic matter, chemistry-isotope ratios, and radiocarbon datings were performed. Also, aerial photographies and data of subsurface mining were surveyed from historical collections. Thereabout 5,000 years ago, in the region of its apex, near Capivari de Baixo tributary river, the Tubarão river delta entered an ancient lagoonal bay and branched seven main distributaries. Since the beginning of its migration, these distributaries were controlled by autogenic avulsions towards ancient depressions in the bottom of the basin. Initially, these avulsions prograded the delta towards SW, afterwards to ENE, and then to NNE, favoring the fragmentation of the ancient lagoonal bay in a set of smaller lakes and lagoons. Faced with this dynamical scenario, shellmounds were erected surrounding the lagoon system, composing important archaeological records of the interaction between sedimentary evolution and prehistoric human occupation. The results of the grain size analysis showed that the deltaic sedimentation, in the vicinity of slopes of hills, was mixed with colluvium and/or gravity flow deposits, that is evidenced by the presence of texturally very immature intervals in some cores. The analysis of heavy minerals, by its turn, showed that the main controlling factor in the variations of its assemblage in deposits of delta and basin is the sedimentary provenance. In terms of mediate sources, this provenance reflects plutonic and metamorphic (medium to high grade) rocks of the Florianópolis batholith (including its xenoliths) and of the Granite-Gneiss Complex, and weathered sedimentary sandstones of the Palaeozoic Paraná basin. Regarding immediate sources, deltaic deposits stand out by its mineralogical affinity with sands of the Tubarão river, mainly by the mutual presence of weathered grains of kyanite and staurolite, whereas deposits of the lagoon have mineralogical similarity with the sands of Braço do Norte and Capivari de Baixo tributary rivers, especially in relation to the presence of zircon. The origin of the organic matter found in the deposits of the delta and in its lagoonal basin is both from sedimentary input of terrestrial sources (provided by rivers) and marine (brought via inlets), fact evidenced by results of \'delta\'\'POT.13 C\', \'delta\'\' POT.15 N\', and \'C IND.ORG\'/\'N IND. TOTAL\' ratio. Particularly, in the sediments of the basin, variations between different types of organic matter have occurred during the Holocene, and are attributed both to the progressive physical isolament of the lagoon system from the open sea, and by local climate change (pronounced augment of precipitation). The isotope analyses of oxygen (\'delta\'\'POT.18 O\') of molluskan shells from the deposits of the basin present relative enrichment in \'ANTPOT.16 O\' during the Holocene. This result, as well as the one from isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen of sediments, suggests gradual isolation of the lagoonal waters of influence of waters from the open sea.

Regulace traskripce u gram-pozitivních bakterií / Regulation of transcription in Gram-positive bacteria

Rabatinová, Alžběta January 2021 (has links)
Bacteria are the most abundant organisms on the planet. They live almost in all environments, including those that are most extreme. All land and water ecosystems depend heavily upon their activity. Bacteria play essential roles in cycling of nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur. Due to their short cell cycle, they must be able to swiftly adapt to the conditions of their habitat to survive. Microbial growth itself is an autocatalytic process. There are three distinct phases of the growth curve: lag, exponential (log), and stationary. Bacterial cells must change their gene expression between these phases in order to adapt to the new conditions. The first stage of gene expression is transcription. The key enzyme of this stage is RNA polymerase (RNAP) that transcribes DNA into RNA. RNAP is regulated by a number of accessory proteins and also small molecule effectors. Understanding how RNAP functions is essential for understanding how bacteria cope with changing environments. This Thesis presents studies of selected aspects of bacterial gene expression regulation at the level of transcription, using Bacillus subtilis as the model organism. The first part of this Thesis focuses on protein determinants of the ability of RNAP to be regulated by the concentration of the initiating nucleoside...

A continuous-time asynchronous Sigma Delta analog to digital converter for broadband wireless receiver with adaptive digital calibration technique

Ng, Sheung Yan 29 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Design of low-power area-efficient continuous-time [delta-sigma] ADC using VCO-based integrators with intrinsic CLA

Lee, Kyoungtae 22 July 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, the design of a scaling-friendly continuous-time closed-loop voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) based Delta-Sigma analog to digital converter (ADC) is introduced. It uses the VCO as both quantizer and integrator, and thus, obviates the need for power-hungry scaling-unfriendly operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) and precision comparators. It arranges two VCOs in a pseudo-differential manner, which cancels out even-order distortions. More importantly, it brings an intrinsic clocked averaging (CLA) capability that automatically addresses digital to analog converter (DAC) mismatches. The prototype ADC in 130 nm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) occupies a small area of 0.03 mm² and achieves 66.5 dB signal to noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) over 2 MHz bandwidth (BW) while sampling at 300 MHz and consuming 1.8 mW under a 1.2 V power supply. It can also operate with a low analog supply of 0.7 V and achieves 65.8 dB SNDR while consuming 1.1 mW. The corresponding figure-of-merits (FOMs) for the two cases are 0.25 pJ/conversion-step and 0.17 pJ/conversion-step, respectively. / text

The effects of vegetation on island geomorphology in the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana

Smith, Brittany Claire 23 September 2014 (has links)
Understanding how deltas build and maintain themselves is critical to predicting how they will respond to perturbations such as sea level rise. This is especially an issue of interest in coastal Louisiana, where land loss is exacerbated due to subsidence and decreased sediment supply. Feedbacks between ecology and geomorphology have been well documented in tidal environments, but the role of vegetation in delta morphodynamics is not well understood. This study investigates spatial and temporal correlations between vegetation succession and sediment accumulation at the Wax Lake Delta in Louisiana. I established a 2500 m long transect along the western levee of Pintail Island, capturing the full range of island elevations and the transition from bare sediment to herbaceous plants and trees. Shallow (50-100 cm deep) sediment cores taken along this transect were analyzed for particle size, organic matter content, and bulk density, and dated using ²¹⁰Pb. The resulting sedimentation rates and composition trends over time were compared to remote sensing-based analyses of temporal changes in island topography and flooding frequency derived from historical Landsat images. We found that the topography of Pintail Island has developed from a non-systematic arrangement of elevations to a discrete set of levees and intra-island platforms with distinct vegetation types, designated as high marsh, low marsh, and mudflat habitat. This elevation zonation is consistent with alternative stable state theory as so far applied to tidal salt marsh systems. At all but the youngest sampling site, sediment cores showed a significant decrease in organic matter content and a significant increase in grain size with depth. The total organic matter contribution to vertical growth was not sufficient to account for all the elevation change required to achieve the differentiation from low marsh to high marsh deduced from the time-lapse Landsat imagery analysis. Mineral sediment accumulation rates suggested that elevation growth was accelerating or holding steady over time, in contrast to theory suggesting rates should slow as elevation increases. These results provide an empirical foundation for future mechanistic models linking mineral sedimentation, organic sedimentation, vegetation succession, elevation change, and flood frequency in the delta. / text

Planning the development of coastal and estuarine settlements in the Niger Delta, Nigeria : The case of the Bonny local government area, (Olga)

Bell-Gam, W. I. L. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

A study of delta-marine interactions with particular reference to the carboniferous

Strudwick, A. E. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

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