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Intimate partner violence, employment and social support among women seeking elective abortion services In IowaBaydoun, Hind Ahmad. Smith, Elaine M. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis supervisor: Elaine M. Smith. Includes bibliographic references (p. 187-222).
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Brucella-infekties bij slagersBeek, Arnold. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Doctoral-Genetics)--Universiteit te Utrecht. / "Literatuur": p. 92-96.
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The adolescent experience of pregnancy and abortion a developmental analysis /Hatcher, Sherry Lynn Marcus, January 1972 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Michigan.
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De his qui aborsum procurant quaeritur an iudicentur homicidae vel non? the crime of abortion in the Corpus iuris canonici /Sullivan, John Lawrence. January 1985 (has links)
Thesis (J.C.L.)--Catholic University of America, 1985. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 54-56).
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Protestant adolescents in Jackson, Mississippi pro-life or pro-choice /Berry, Mary E. January 1985 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Reformed Theological Seminary, 1985. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-72).
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Survival of the Motherland : Nationalist party views on abortionWiman, Linn January 2016 (has links)
This essay examines nationalist party views on abortion. The abortion policies of the Sweden Democrats, the United Kingdom Independence Party, and Sinn Féin are studied through descriptive actor-centred idea analysis. Utilising theories on nationalism and abortion policy, the party policies on abortion are scrutinised in terms of which conception of abortion they subscribe to, and how actors and objects in relation to abortion are perceived. Subsequently these views are compared, showing a great overlap in terms of how abortion as a public issue is conceived, and how the objects and actors involved are perceived. All parties in the study subscribe to a moral conception of abortion to some extent, and the aborting woman and the foetus become the main focal points. In other regards party policies on abortion vary greatly.
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The Promise of Mifepristone: Perspectives and Experiences Across CanadaVogel, Kristina I. January 2016 (has links)
Despite the decriminalization of abortion in Canada in 1988, women still face many barriers to abortion care. With the registration of Mifegymiso® (mifepristone, or RU486) in Canada in July 2015, there is hope that the gold-standard medication abortion could alleviate some of those barriers women face. In this thesis, I used data from a Canada-wide study exploring women’s abortion experiences by way of in-depth interviews to investigate mifepristone’s potential to alter the abortion care landscape. My thesis is comprised of two articles: one using selections from 174 interviews across five provinces, the other using 13 full interviews from Newfoundland as a case study. These papers suggest that women would be interested in using mifepristone once available in Canada, and identified both benefits of and concerns about this method of early pregnancy termination. Despite many unanswered questions as to how and when Mifegymiso® will become available, the registration of this important abortifacient has the promise to increase access and expand choice for Canadian women.
Malgré la décriminalisation de l’avortement en 1988, les femmes font toujours face à des obstacles de soins. Avec l'enregistrement de Mifegymiso® (mifépristone, ou RU-486) au Canada en Juillet 2015, il y a espoir que ce médicament d’avortement pourrait atténuer certains de ces obstacles auxquels les femmes sont confrontées. Dans cette thèse, j'ai utilisé les données d'une étude qui explore les expériences d’avortements des femmes à travers le Canada. Les données ont été récupérer par moyen d’entrevues en profondeur et enquête le potentiel du médicament mifépristone à améliorer le paysage de soins de l’avortement. Ma thèse est composée de deux articles: la première inclue une sélection parmi 174 entrevues dans cinq provinces et la deuxième inclus 13 entrevues comme étude de cas de la province de Terre-Neuve. Ces articles suggèrent que l'intérêt pour la mifépristone pourrait être élevé au Canada après l'intégration de ce médicament, et les femmes perçoivent plusieurs avantages à cette méthode de terminaison prématurée de la grossesse et que les femmes ont certaines préoccupations. Malgré qu'il y ait beaucoup de questions sans réponse quant à la façon et quand Mifegymiso® sera disponible, l'enregistrement de cet important abortif a la promesse d'accroître l'accès et élargir le choix pour les femmes canadiennes.
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An Assessment of Women's Abortion Experiences in Istanbul, TurkeyMacFarlane, Katrina January 2016 (has links)
Abortion upon request has been legal in Turkey since 1983. In 2012 the Prime Minister of Turkey announced his intent to restrict or ban abortion. The public protested in response and the Turkish government did not amend the abortion law. However, recent anecdotal evidence suggests that the provision of abortion in public hospitals has diminished significantly. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore women’s experiences obtaining abortion care in Istanbul, Turkey. We also documented key informants’ perspectives about abortion and reproductive health service availability in Istanbul. According to women and key informants, abortion availability has decreased remarkably and is now only available in one public hospital in Istanbul. Abortion care remains available in the private sector but there are nonetheless barriers to obtaining timely abortion care in Turkey. To improve abortion services, future efforts should focus on re-integrating abortion services in the public sector and making medication abortion available to Turkish women.
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Immunity to Toxoplasma gondii : studies with sheep and miceMcColgan, Christina January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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Aborto provocado: sua incidência e características; um estudo com mulheres em idade fértil (15 a 49 anos), residentes no subdistrito de Vila Madalena / Induced abortion: its incidence and characteristics; a study of women of childbearing age (15-49 years) living in the sub-district of Vila MadalenaRebeca de Souza e Silva 31 March 1992 (has links)
O conhecimento da incidência e das características do aborto provocado, sobretudo o ilegal, é de grande interesse tanto para a Saúde Pública, como para a Demografia. Não obstante, poucos são os estudos na América Latina e no Brasil, que se propõem a investigar sua ocorrência. Ocorre que a conotação de \"crime\", que lhe é atribuída, dificulta sobremaneira sua abordagem. A presente pesquisa foi realizada entre 2.000 mulheres em idade fértil - 15 a 49 anos -, residentes no sub-distrito de Vila Madalena, São Paulo, Brasil, com o objetivo central de aprofundar o conhecimento do aborto provocado, relacionando-o a variáveis sociais, econômicas e demográficas, reconhecidamente ligados à sua ocorrência, e, especialmente à fecundidade. Em caráter experimental, utilizou-se a Técnica de Resposta ao Azar (TRA) que, segundo a literatura internacional, propicia a obtenção de informação mais fidedigna. A avaliação da viabilidade deta técnica é outro objetivo da pesquisa. Pela TRA pôde-se estimar que 41 em cada 1.000 mulheres, provocaram um aborto em 1987, enquanto apenas 8 em 1000 mulheres admitiram, por abordagem direta, terem provocado um aborto nesse período. Os resultados confirmam, por um lado, omissões voluntárias de informação e, por outro, a conveniência de se trabalhar com a TRA. A análise de diferenciais dos abortos ocorridos no transcorrer da vida reprodutiva, identificou as não casadas, as sem nascidos vivos, as com menor nascimentos que o desejado, as que possuem entre 15 e 19 anos de idade, as que verbalizaram aceitar a prática do aborto provocado em qualquer circunstância, como sendo as categorias de mulheres que ao engravidarem, recorrem com maior intensidade ao abortamento provocado. Mediante o estabelecimento de paralelismos entre TRA e abordagem direta, pôde-se evidenciar que as mulheres que mais omitem informação são, em geral, as que mais abortam. A elaboração dos modelos multivariados, por sua vez, permitiu evidenciar que, não possuir restrições à prática do aborto e não ser casada, são potenciais fatores de risco. Ao que tudo indica, enquanto as mulheres não casadas, particularmente as solteiras, recorrem ao aborto para se livrarem de uma gravidez indesejada, as casadas o buscam para manter o número de filhos dentro dos limites desejados ou para espaçar um nascimento de outro. Há razões para se suspeitar que a prática do aborto se intensificará em nosso meio, num futuro próximo. Ao que parece, nem a renda familiar nem a escolaridade, intervêem na opção da mulher pelo aborto. Enfim, apesar das dificuldades existentes em se trabalhar o tema aborto, os resultados conseguidos nesta pesquisa, deste ponto de vista, superaram a expectativa, fundamentalmente, em função do sucesso da TRA. / The incidence and associated factors related with illegal induced abort are areas of interest for Public Health and Demography. Nevertheless, there are few studies in Brazil and others countries of Latin America about it. It\' s possible that this omission can be justified by the fact that abort is considered crime in these countries. This study looks toward filling this lack of infonnation. An specific questionnaire was used to get more trustworthy information, the Randomized Response Technic (RRT). The results of this questionnaire were compared with the usual direct way of getting information. Social, economic and demographic variables related with fertility were studied. The studied population was two thousand women between 15 and 49 years old, the fertile period. They live on Vila Madalena, a neighborhood of São Paulo city, Brazil. The estimate incidence of induced abort in 1987 by RRT was 41/1000 women and by the usual direct way was 8/1000 women. This difference justify the use of the RRT in this kind of research. It was observed that women who more omit information, have more history of abort. The univariate analyses identified the following associated factors with induced abort: not married, without lifeborn children, age between 15 and 19 years old, those who accept the practice of induced abmt in any circumstance, and women with less children then desired. At the multivariate analyses, it remained in the model the following factors: not married and accept the practice of induced abort in any circumstance. Family income and schoollevel were not associated with induced abort in this studied population. The results are coherent with what it\'s expected and they demonstrate the value of the RRT questionnaire.
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