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Broadband Acoustic Liner Optimization Study Using Novel Poro-elastic MaterialsMitchell, Kelsey Ryan 16 June 2015 (has links)
With the continual challenges associated with reducing aircraft engine noise, there is need for acoustic liner configurations that target broadband performance. This thesis experimentally and analytically investigates passive noise control methods to improve broadband frequency attenuation through various acoustic liner designs. The inclusion of acoustic metamaterials within these liners is examined and optimized. The metamaterials studied consist of resonant and non-resonant materials which include porous foams, microperforated plates (MPP), and embedded aluminum masses. Through finite element analysis, the understanding of the physics behind acoustics as well as aeroacoustics inspire their design. Sensitivity studies on the overall liner shape, facesheet properties, poro-elastic material properties, MPP's, as well as size and placement of embedded masses assist in successfully achieving broadband attenuation. Within the finite element study, an optimization tool will provide additional assistance in quantifying critical system parameters within the designs by minimizing the sum of the transmitted sound intensity over the design frequency bandwidth and hence maximizing attenuation. Broadband frequency absorption and attenuation is successfully achieved within the frequency range of 400-2600 Hz through the design of a varying depth optimized acoustic liner as well as a metamaterial-inspired liner. / Master of Science
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Experiments and Impedance Modeling of Liners Including The Effect of Bias FlowBetts, Juan Fernando 17 August 2000 (has links)
The study of normal impedance of perforated plate acoustic liners including the effect of bias flow was studied. Two impedance models were developed, by modeling the internal flows of perforate orifices as infinite tubes with the inclusion of end corrections to handle finite length effects. These models assumed incompressible and compressible flows, respectively, between the far field and the perforate orifice.
The incompressible model was used to predict impedance results for perforated plates with percent open areas ranging from 5% to 15%. The predicted resistance results showed better agreement with experiments for the higher percent open area samples. The agreement also tended to deteriorate as bias flow was increased.
For perforated plates with percent open areas ranging from 1% to 5%, the compressible model was used to predict impedance results. The model predictions were closer to the experimental resistance results for the 2% to 3% open area samples. The predictions tended to deteriorate as bias flow was increased.
The reactance results were well predicted by the models for the higher percent open area, but deteriorated as the percent open area was lowered (5%) and bias flow was increased.
A fit was done on the incompressible model to the experimental database. The fit was performed using an optimization routine that found the optimal set of multiplication coefficients to the non-dimensional groups that minimized the least squares slope error between predictions and experiments. The result of the fit indicated that terms not associated with bias flow required a greater degree of correction than the terms associated with the bias flow. This model improved agreement with experiments by nearly 15% for the low percent open area (5%) samples when compared to the unfitted model. The fitted model and the unfitted model performed equally well for the higher percent open area (10% and 15%). / Ph. D.
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Theoretical Modeling with Validation of a Combined HQ-Liner System for Turbofan Engine Noise ControlAlonso-Miralles, Jose Santiago 06 October 2004 (has links)
The combination of traditional passive acoustic liners with Herschel-Quincke (HQ) waveguides is proposed in this work as a device for Turbofan Engine Noise Control. The approach consists of installing circumferential arrays of HQ tubes on the lined sector of the inlet of a turbofan engine. A theoretical model is developed to predict the performance of this system assuming that the engine inlet is a circular lined duct with uniform mean flow. The tube-duct interfaces are modeled as finite piston sources that couple the sound field inside the duct with the dynamics of the HQ tubes. The finite piston source radiation is modeled in terms of a new closed form Green's function, which is found as the solution of the non-homogeneous convected acoustic wave equation with soft wall boundary conditions. The Green's function is extended from a point source to a finite piston by using the Divergence Theorem in the appropriate form. The dynamics of the HQ tube are both modeled as plane waves inside a straight tube and experimentally determined. The experimental determination of the HQ-dynamics is undertaken using impedance tubes with a 4-microphone technique. The newly developed theoretical model was used to predict the performance of a combined HQ-Liner system, which was tested on a scale simulated turbofan rig. The model is validated for broadband noise with the experimental data obtained from this test rig. The analytical predictions are shown to correlate well with experimental data. The results of the application of a HQ-Liner on a turbofan engine show a great potential in order to improve the performance of traditional passive acoustic liners. / Ph. D.
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Advanced Trailing Edge Blowing Concepts for Fan Noise Control: Experimental ValidationHalasz, Christopher 04 August 2005 (has links)
This thesis documents trailing edge blowing research performed to reduce rotor / stator interaction noise in turbofan engines. The existing technique of filling every velocity deficit requires a large amount of air and is therefore impractical. The purpose of this research is to investigate new blowing configurations in order to achieve noise reduction with lesser amounts of air. Using the new configurations air is not injected into every fan blade, but is instead varied circumferentially. For example, blowing air may be applied to alternating fan blades. This type of blowing configuration both reduces the amount of air used and changes the spectral shape of the tonal interaction noise. The original tones at the blade passing frequency and its harmonics are reduced and new tones are introduced between them. This change in the tonal spectral shape increases the performance of acoustic liners used in conjunction with trailing edge blowing. This thesis presents numerical predictions performed to estimate the sound power reductions due to these concepts, as well as experimental results taken on the ANCF rig at NASA Glenn for validation purposes. The results show that the new concepts are successful in increasing the efficiency of trailing edge blowing. / Master of Science
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IFAR Challenge #4Moback, Sara, Nord, Emma January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the impedance of acoustic liners, to attenuate noise originating from jet engines and enable compliance with international standards and regulations regarding noise from airplane jet engines. Experimental tests of two supplied liners were conducted in an impedance tube; one liner with known and predictable properties, and one liner with unknown properties. The tests included tonal excitations in the formats of stepped sine and random noise with frequencies within set boundaries. After post-processing of the captured data, the desired impedance could be analysed in terms of excitated frequencies and sound pressure levels. The conclusions from this project are that both of the liners deviated from their expected behavior, which was that liner 1 should have been unaffected by the alternated sound pressure levels, and liner 3 should have shown bigger affection due to the changed sound pressure level. Since the results were different than expected, there might have been minor sources of error during the measurements. It could be investigated if there is leakage from the mounting of the liners, or if the 3D printing resolution is sufficient. Because of limitations in time, there is more left in this project to investigate. Therefore, conducting similar studies where more frequencies, sound pressure levels, and multi-tonal measurements can be included, is suggested as future work.
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Theoretical and Numerical Investigation of Time-Domain Impedance Models for Computational AeroAcoustics / Investigation théorique et numérique des modèles d'impédance pour l'aéroacoustique numérique dans le domaine temporelEscouflaire, Marie 22 January 2014 (has links)
La réduction des nuisances sonores induites par les aéronefs civils autour des grands aéroports est devenue un enjeu sociétal important. Pour réduire le bruit propulsif de soufflante, devenu prépondérant au cours des dernières années avec l'avènement de turboréacteurs à double flux, les constructeurs sont amenés à généraliser l'utilisation de matériaux absorbants acoustiques (également appelés « liners »). Ce sujet de thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'amélioration des outils CAA relativement à la prévision numérique de ces matériaux absorbants. Cette modélisation soulève plusieurs interrogations, liées à divers aspects tels que le type d'écoulement mis en jeu (inhomogénéités, couche limite, etc.), les niveaux acoustiques en présence (effets de non linéarité), les effets de diffraction induits par les ruptures d'impédance, etc. Cette étude consiste donc à valider et à améliorer la condition limite d'impédance, implémentée dans le solveur CAA sAbrinA.v0, développé par l'Onera. Des développements théoriques sont d'abord consacrés à la modélisation de l'impédance dans le domaine temporel, et conduisent à une discussion sur la généralisation de cette modélisation. Le travail consiste ensuite à simuler plusieurs cas tests canoniques de l'absorption du bruit par un revêtement acoustique, lesquels sont validés par confrontation avec d'autres résultats analytiques et/ou expérimentaux. Ce travail fournit de nouvelles connaissances sur la façon dont les matériaux absorbants acoustiques peuvent être modélisés et simulés de manière précise dans le cadre d'une approche CAA dans le domaine temporel. / The reduction of acoustic emission induced by civil aircraft around major airports has become an important societal issue. To reduce the fan noise, induced by the engines, which has become preponderant over the past years with the advent of turbofan engines, manufacturers are led to generalize the employment of acoustic absorbing materials (or acoustic “liners”). The present thesis is related to the numerical prediction of such absorbing materials, in the context of time-domain CAA (Computational AeroAcoustics) methods. Such modeling raises several key questions, which are related to various aspects such as the type of flow involved (boundary layers effects, etc.), the sound levels considered (non-linear phenomena), the diffraction effects induced by ruptures of impedance, etc. The present study then consists in validating and improving the time-domain impedance boundary condition implemented in Onera’s structured CAA solver (named sAbrinA.v0). Theoretical developments are first devoted to the modeling of impedance in the time-domain, and lead to a discussion on the generalization of this modeling. The work then consists in CAA-simulating several canonical tests of noise absorption by acoustic liners. Outputs are compared against experimental and/or analytical results, delivering new insight in the way noise absorption materials can be accurately modeled and simulated using time-domain CAA-approaches.
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