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The perceptions and experiences of white special education teachers certified through an ACP program at a HBCUBudd, Eric Eugene 30 September 2010 (has links)
This research study explored and analyzed the perception and attitudes of first year
White special education teachers’ experiences as they successfully matriculated through
an alternative teacher certification program with a concentration in Special Education.
The certifying entity for this teacher preparation program was a historically Black
university (HBCU). It was the intent of this study to gather data on how White first year
special education teachers view multiculturalism and diversity. This studied explored the
rationale for why White pre-service teachers would select a HBCU to prepare them to
enter the teaching field.
This was a qualitative study using a naturalistic inquiry approach to learn about the
perception of the participants. There were five participants selected to participant in this
study. A set of guiding questions were used in order to maintain a focus, provide
structure and give consistency to the interview process. The participants all were teaching
in special education classrooms in large urban school districts. The classrooms they
taught in were culturally and linguistically diverse. The data collection methods used
included interviews, small group discussions and surveys. These interactions were audio
taped then transcribed. The transcriptions were then reviewed by the participants to
incorporate a member checking mechanism for the study.
All five of the participants believed they benefitted from receiving their teaching
certification from the HBCU. Their goal was to work in an urban setting and they agreed
the certification program they attended helped them to become aware of the importance
of celebrating diversity in their classes. All of the participants described an awakening to
the challenges faced by students from low socio-economic, culturally and linguistically
diverse students. Along with this epiphany the participants discussed the need to close the
cultural gap between themselves and the students they teach. They all realized the
importance of closing the gap in order to build mutual trust in their classrooms. The
implications for future research include a broader study of the strategies used by White
teachers to connect with culturally and linguistically diverse students in their classrooms. / text
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EU - Karibik: špecifiká úrovní vzájomných vzťahov / EU – Caribbean: special levels of their mutual relationsZaujecová, Ľubomíra January 2010 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to analyse mutual relations between the European Union and the Caribbean region, especially to study and subsequently evaluate the various levels in which these relations take place. The first chapter deals with the mutual relations of the EU and the Caribbean as a part of the ACP group of states, which represented the beginnings of their collaboration. In addition to the characteristics of the group as a whole and their common features, it addresses also specific features of different regions while trying to distinguish the Caribbean from the other two. Its main part is a legal institutional form of their relations as well as its practical form. The second chapter is the level at which the EU cooperates with the various groupings of the Caribbean. It discusses the legal institutional framework ensuring their relations, trade and development cooperation. The last, third chapter is devoted to the national level and explains how the ongoing humanitarian assistance and implementation of development programmes works thanks to participation of both, the local authorities of the Caribbean countries and the European Union.
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Vergleichende experimentelle Untersuchungen zur remineralisierenden Wirkung einer Zahnpflegepaste mit CPP-ACP-KomplexDörr, Nicole January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit sollte das neuartige Zahnpflegeprodukt Tooth Mousse, das als Wirkstoff den CPP-ACP- Komplex (Caseinphosphopeptid-amorphes Calciumphosphat) enthält, experimentell auf seine Remineralisationsfähigkeit hin untersucht und diesbezüglich mit anderen Zahnpasten verglichen werden. Für die Vergleiche wurden eine 1400 ppm-fluoridhaltige Zahnpasta (Elmex rot), eine Placebozahncreme ohne Wirkstoff (Elmex Placebo) sowie eine weitere Neuentwicklung auf der Basis unterkühlter, amorpher Salzhydratschmelze mit hohem Calciumgehalt, herangezogen. Hierzu wurden Probekörper aus künstlichem Zahnschmelz in Form von Hydroxylapatitkörpern mit einer Dichte, wie sie bei porösem, demineralisierten humanen Schmelz üblich ist, hergestellt. Diese wurden mit allen genannten Zahnpasten behandelt und vor, während und nach Ablauf der Versuche gravimetrisch und radiographisch vermessen. Zwischen den in-vitro Behandlungen wurden die Hydroxylapatit-Tabletten in künstlichem Speichel aufbewahrt. Die Versuche ergaben, dass Tooth Mousse wie auch die schmelzehaltige Zahnpasta in-vitro geringere Remineralisation erzielten als Elmex Placebo. In-situ erreichte Elmex rot die höchsten Remineralisationswerte, dicht darauf folgte die schmelzehaltige Zahnpasta. Tooth Mousse lag als Schlusslicht noch hinter der Placebozahnpasta. / This thesis was to compare experimentally the novel dental care product “Tooth Mousse” containing CPP- ACP (Casein Phosphopeptide- amorphous Calcium Phosphate) as active agent, with other dentifrices concerning their remineralization qualities. The subject was compared with a 1400 ppm F – toothpaste (Elmex rot), a toothpaste without any active agents (Elmex Placebo) and a newly developed paste based on an calcium-containing salthydratic melt. Therefore artificial enamel discs were produced providing the same density as caries lesions in human enamel. They were treated with all products mentioned above and measured radiographically and gravimetrically before, while and after the experiments. Between the treatments discs were stored in artificial saliva. Examinations led to the conclusion that Tooth Mousse as well as the calcium-containing salthydratic melt paste achieved less remineralization values than Elmex Placebo. In situ Elmex rot reached highest remineralization, closely followed by the calcium-containing salthydratic melt paste. Tooth Mousse was last behind the Placebo group.
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Zaměření rozvojové politiky vůči zemím Východoafrického společenství (EAC)Pořízová, Adéla January 2006 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá historií a vývojem rozvojové politiky ES/EU a jejími nástroji, které byly vyvinuty ke specifickým potřebám prioritní skupiny zemí Afriky - Karibik - Tichomoří. Z této skupiny zemí se práce blíže věnuje Východoafrickému společenství (EAC) a ekonomickému a politickému vývoji jeho členských zemí od získání nezávislosti v 60. letech minulého století. Třetí kapitola se výhradně zabývá novým nástrojem rozvojové politiky ES/EU v podobě Dohod o ekonomickém partnerství a jeho dopady na země obou zmíněných regionů.
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Cloning and Expression of a Tobacco Stearoyl-ACP Desaturase Gene SBIP24 and its Interaction with SABP2 in SA pathwayFerdous, Amin J 01 December 2014 (has links)
Salicylic acid binding protein 2 (SABP2) that converts methyl salicylate to salicylic acid (SA) plays an obligatory role in the SA-mediated disease resistance pathway in plants. SABP2 interacts with SBIP24 in a yeast two-hybrid screening. SBIP24 belongs to the stearoyl-acyl carrier protein-desaturase protein family. To biochemically characterize the SBIP24, it was cloned from tobacco leaves using RT-PCR and expressed in E. coli. Recombinant SBIP24 was affinity purified using Ni-NTA chromatography. RT-PCR was performed to determine the role of SABP2 in modulating the expression SBIP24. TMV infected transgenic C3 (control tobacco plant containing empty silencing vector) and 1-2 (SABP2-silenced) transgenic tobacco plants were used. Preliminary results indicate that SABP2 may regulate the expression of SBIP24 in tobacco plants. Further studies are needed to confirm these preliminary results.
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En studie av EU: s handelsavtal mot ACP ländernaLindberg, Pär January 2008 (has links)
Fattigdom, underutvecklat jordbruk, infrastruktur och dåliga politiska strukturer ät idag vardag inom världens fattigaste länder. Många bilder vi ser från världens fattiga länder idag speglar ofta ett sådant samhälle. Det finns flera orsaker till detta och de är ibland många och komplicerade, främst beror det på fattigdom, brist på utbildning, hälsovård för barn, torka och översvämningar löper om vartannat, inhemska politiska konflikter, brist på rent vatten samt sjukdomar som HIV/AIDS. Ländernas behov av import, export och bistånd är en viktig faktor som inte får lämnas åt sidan och detta arbete kommer att handla mycket om just det. Ett av de stora problemen som länderna har är de exportproblem med sina egna producerade livsmedel som de inte får ut på USA: s och den europeiska marknaden. Världen blir mer globaliserad och länder integreras genom handel med varor och tjänster, genom migration, finansiella flöden och genom utbyte av idéer och kunskap. Informationstekniken har underlättat för företag i i-världen att geografiskt dela upp sin produktion i olika delprocesser, där kontrollen bibehålls över hela produktionskedjan, vilket möjliggjort att delar av produktionen förläggs till u-länder. Denna uppsats lyfter fram de konkreta orsaker som gör att många länder inom ACP regionerna har svårt att bli självförsörjande och leva utan bistånd. Denna uppsats är även mitt examinationsarbete inom lärarprogrammet vilket betyder att det finns en didaktiks koppling till min uppsats.
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En studie av EU: s handelsavtal mot ACP ländernaLindberg, Pär January 2008 (has links)
<p>Fattigdom, underutvecklat jordbruk, infrastruktur och dåliga politiska strukturer ät idag vardag inom världens fattigaste länder. Många bilder vi ser från världens fattiga länder idag speglar ofta ett sådant samhälle. Det finns flera orsaker till detta och de är ibland många och komplicerade, främst beror det på fattigdom, brist på utbildning, hälsovård för barn, torka och översvämningar löper om vartannat, inhemska politiska konflikter, brist på rent vatten samt sjukdomar som HIV/AIDS. Ländernas behov av import, export och bistånd är en viktig faktor som inte får lämnas åt sidan och detta arbete kommer att handla mycket om just det. Ett av de stora problemen som länderna har är de exportproblem med sina egna producerade livsmedel som de inte får ut på USA: s och den europeiska marknaden.</p><p>Världen blir mer globaliserad och länder integreras genom handel med varor och tjänster, genom migration, finansiella flöden och genom utbyte av idéer och kunskap. Informationstekniken har underlättat för företag i i-världen att geografiskt dela upp sin produktion i olika delprocesser, där kontrollen bibehålls över hela produktionskedjan, vilket möjliggjort att delar av produktionen förläggs till u-länder.</p><p>Denna uppsats lyfter fram de konkreta orsaker som gör att många länder inom ACP regionerna har svårt att bli självförsörjande och leva utan bistånd. Denna uppsats är även mitt examinationsarbete inom lärarprogrammet vilket betyder att det finns en didaktiks koppling till min uppsats.</p>
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L'aide pour le commerce et l'insertion dans l'économie mondiale le cas de la convention de Lomé /Diouf, Mamadou Siroën, Jean-Marc January 2008 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat : Sciences économiques : Université Paris-Dauphine : 2008. / bibliogr. 507 ref. Index.
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Developing a diagnostic tool for acyl carrier proteins through trypsinolysis, reverse-phase chromatography and native chemical ligationReyes, Graciela, 1957- 06 January 2011 (has links)
Polyketide biosynthesis is a field that has had tremendous advances in the past 50 years. The understanding of the mechanisms is updated as investigations delve into domain interactions of these microbial natural products. Although numerous polyketides are known, similarities in the sequence of product generation can be used as templates for further exploration of enzymatic activity. The focus of studies recently has been towards developing protocols to manipulate the natural products resulting in medicinally important manufactured products. This investigation examined the mechanism of the acyl carrier protein (ACP) module involved in biosynthesis. / text
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Characterization of 3-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase of mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis in yeast, humans and trypanosomesAutio, K. (Kaija) 05 December 2007 (has links)
In eukaryotic cells, fatty acids are mainly synthesized in the cytoplasm, but recently, in yeast and in humans, the ability to synthesize fatty acids has been characterized in mitochondria. This mitochondrial pathway is similar to bacterial type II fatty acid synthesis (FAS). The main feature of mitochondrial FAS in yeast is the respiratory deficient phenotype and loss of cytochromes when any of genes encoding enzymes for mitochondrial FAS is deleted. Mitochondrial FAS has been demonstrated to have an important role in lipoic acid production, namely it synthesizes octanoyl-ACP, which is used as a precursor for lipoic acid. However, the role and function of mitochondrial FAS is not yet fully understood. Many components of the mitochondrial FAS pathway in yeast have been identified according to their similarity to bacterial counterparts, but 3-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase does not show any easily recognizable similarity to bacterial dehydratases and thus remained unidentified.
In this study 3-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratases of mitochondrial FAS were characterized from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, humans, and the human pathogen Trypanosoma brucei. The yeast 3-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase (Htd2p) was identified by using a genetic screen, and this protein was shown to be encoded by open reading frame (ORF) YHR067w. The product of this gene shows mitochondrial localization and exhibits hydratase 2 activity. The deletion of HTD2 leads to a respiratory deficient phenotype, loss of cytochromes, reduced lipoic acids levels and changes in mitochondrial morphology.
The ORF encoding human 3-hydroxyacyl-ACP hydratase (HsHTD2) was identified by functional complementation of the respiratory deficient phenotype of the yeast htd2 mutant with a human cDNA library. The complementing cDNA was previously identified as the RPP14 transcript encoding the 14 kDa subunit of the human RNase P complex. It was found that this transcript contains another 3' ORF, which encodes a protein that displays hydratase 2 activity and has mitochondrial localization. The bicistronic nature of the transcript is conserved in vertebrates and indicates a genetic link between mitochondrial FAS and RNA processing. The mitochondrial 3-hydroxyacyl-ACP hydratase in T. brucei is homologous to human HTD2, can complement the yeast respiratory deficient phenotype, exhibits hydratase 2 activity and localizes to the T. brucei mitochondrion.
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